Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, February 17, 2018

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, february 17, 2018 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4Mountain Views-News Saturday, february 17, 2018 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4
Boston Court Presents ‘A ‘Literary Love-In’ Release LA Dodgers Photographer 
Streetcar Named Desire’Party Celebrated on Jon SooHoo Donates Two 

February 3 for “Huizache” Extraordinary Art Books

 Boston Court Performing Arts 

 In honor of the release of the 

Center presents a reimagined 

prestigious 7th installment 

modern take of Tennessee 

of the anthology: “Huizache: 

Williams’ A Streetcar Named 

The Magazine of Latino 

Desire (February 15 - March 

Literature”, a ‘Literary Love

25). The community panels 

In” was celebrated in the 

and discussions have been 

Library Community Room 

announced for this radical re-

on Saturday, February 3.

envisioning of Streetcar which 

“Huizache” is America’s 

will feature a multicultural cast 

premier U.S. ‘Latinx’ literary 

On August 17, 2017 a Dodgers was greeted with 
the play’s present-day relevance. reinvigorating the classic which magazine. The event kicked off 
and modern setting, pushing on 

‘Baseball Night’ showcasing the audience cheering 

This selection of panel shocked audiences in its debut 
with a rousing introduction by 

the photographic art at every turn. Those in 

discussions and post-show 70 years ago. By placing a 
Abel Salas, the publicist for the 

of Jon SooHoo, official attendance were treated to 

Illuminations will allow for a traditional, 1940s era Blanche 
magazine, as well the publisher songs while accompanying 

photographer for the Los an hour and a half program 
deep discussion on A Streetcar within a contemporary, of “Brooklyn & Boyle,” an arts herself on the piano. Julia has Angeles Dodgers, was during which hundreds of 

Named Desire and its many multicultural and urban 
newspaper covering Northeast demonstrated 


Los Angeles and surrounding 
presented in the Library on-the- field and behind-

prevalent themes, especially environment familiar to 
captivating vocal stylings at 

Community Room. Mr. the-scenes photos were 

in regards to this production, modern audiences but foreign 
areas. Abel was followed by some of the most important 

which is presented within to her, this new production 
lively readings by a trio of the SooHoo, the Dodgers’ projected onto the giant film 

festivals and theatres in the 

a contemporary and urban highlights the pertinence of this anthology’s most celebrated world and her albums “Lumeo” photographer since 1985, festival-type screen.
environment, highlighting the play for our divided America.writers: Selene Santiago, Adolfo shared many of his favorite Over the holidays, Jon 

and “Adoro” remained 6 months 

pertinence of the play for our A Streetcar Named Desire Guzman-Lopez, and UCLA’s on the “Top Five” jazz-world snapshots, including many SooHoo donated two of his 
divided America.originally opened on Broadway own Dr. Alicia Gaspar de charts. Two CDs by Ms. permanently etched into the very special oversized books 
Director Michael Michetti in 1947. Directed by Elia Dynamic Latin American Vari, “Adoro” and “Lumeo” iconography of LA baseball to the Library for its Local 
says, "It's extremely important Kazaan, the show starred singer, songwriter, and pianist were purchased for the Library history.History collection. “Vin 

for us to engage with different Jessica Tandy, Marlon Brando, 
Julia Vari then dazzled the 

checkout collection. 
Mr. SooHoo, a former Scully: The 67th Season and 

communities and facilitate an Kim Hunter and Karl Malden. 
audience of more than 100 with Special thanks to Charlie’s 

The play would go on to win her magnetic stage presence 
South Pasadena resident, More” and “My First Thirty 

open discussion of the ideas 
Trio. Aro, 210eastsound, and 

the Pulitzer Prize for Drama as she alternated between her 
was joined onstage for the Seasons in Images: Los 

raised in this production. 
Jimmy Oballes for the success 

We've collaborated with and Tandy would win the Tony English and Spanish language of the event. presentation by Mark Langill, Angeles Dodgers” are both 
our Community Events Award for best actress in a play. the Dodgers Historian, who opulent oversized art books 
Coordinator Jonathan Muñoz-In 1951, the play became a grew up and lives in South that beautifully reproduce 
Proulx, our Dramaturg film. Kazan again directed and San Marino Free Pasadena. The 200 audience a bounty of images taken at 
Fanshen Cox DiGiovanni, Brando, Hunter and Malden members, most of whom Dodger Stadium, the White 

reprised their roles. Vivien 

plus many artists involved 
were clad in blue, started House, Capitol Records 

Compost Giveaway

Leigh played Blanche in the 

in this production and the 
lining up an hour before the in Hollywood and other 

Compton Artists Alliance to film and won an Oscar for lead A free compost giveaway 

event that was co-sponsored storied locations during 

create a series of dialogues on actress, along with Malden 

self-serve event will be 

by the Library, the Friends historic games and events. 

topics from white privilege for supporting actor and 

held on Saturday, May 5th 

of the Library, and the South The rare books have never 
from 9 a.m. until noon at 

and queer voices, to the Hunter for supporting actress. 

Pasadena Chinese American been available commercially 

changing demographics of our The property has also been 

Club.but will soon be available to 
in the play. I look forward to numerous times for television.parking lot. Bring your own 

cities and the sexual politics adapted as an opera, ballet, and 
Lacy Park in the west end 

 The lively onstage patter be enjoyed only inside the 
participating in these events Tickets and Information: sturdy containers. There 

between Misters SooHoo Library by fans who leave 
and having conversations with Boston Court Performing Arts is a 30-gallon limit during 

and Langill describing so their driver’s license at the 

the communities represented Center is located 70 N Mentor 
the first hour and no limit 

many precious Dodgers reference desk while they are 
onstage and the audiences that Ave. Pasadena. Tickets range from 10 a.m. until noon, or moments and events of using the books. 
experience the production."from $20 - $39.while supplies last. Plastic 

 Director Michael Michetti For more information, 

plans to strip away decades including a complete list of 
bags are not allowed. Bring Exhibition to Focus on 19thyour 
ID card or Athens 

of “Southern gothic gauze” panels and discussions visit: 

to reveal striking themes or call bill. For more information, Century Astronomical Printsof class, race, and gender— 626.683.6801. contact Ed Chen at (626) A rare set of exquisite portfolios were published, but 
lithographs, depicting the only a handful of complete sets 
pastel drawings of planets, still exist. Initially the portfolios San Marino comets, eclipses and other were sold to astronomy libraries 
celestial wonders by artist/ and observatories as reference Peafowl/astronomer Étienne Léopold tools that astronomers could 
Trouvelot (1827-1895), use to compare with their Peacockstakes center stage in late own observations. However, 
April when The Huntington as early 20th century advances 

 Peacocks/peafowl have 

Library, Art Collections, and in photographic technology 

been observed in several 

Botanical mounts the new allowed for more accurate and 

neighborhoods in San 

exhibition "Radiant Beauty: detailed depictions of the stars, Marino which has quickly E.L. Trouvelot's Astronomical planets, and phenomena, these 
become a preferred location Drawings" in the Library's West prints were discarded or sold to 
for them to live. Peafowl Hall. The exhibition is on view collectors. The Huntington’s set 
were introduced in the City April 28 - July 30.was acquired by Jay T. Last as 
of Arcadia back in the late The set of 15 chromolithographs part of his collection of graphic 
1800’s and have become part was the crowning achievement arts and social history, then 
of their community. Since of Trouvelot’s career, said donated to The Huntington.

curator Krystle Satrum, Trouvelot’s legacy is not without 

then, peafowl have been 

assistant curator of the Jay controversy, said Satrum. 

seen in many neighboring 

T. Last Collection at The Born in Aisne, France, he fled 
communities as well as 

Huntington. “He was both an to the United States in 1855 more distant communities extraordinarily talented artist with his wife and two children 
including Palos Verdes. The and a scientist, producing following Napoleon’s coup 
City of San Marino contracts more than 7,000 astronomical three years earlier, settling in 
with the Pasadena Humane illustrations and some 50 Medford, Massachusetts. While 
Society for animal control scientific articles during his supporting his family as an 
services but they will not working life.” artist, he spent much of his free 

In vivid color and meticulous time studying insects, working 

assist with the removal or 

detail, the works depict a range to see if better silk-producing 

relocation of peafowl since 

of astronomical phenomena. caterpillars could thrive in the 

they are considered wildlife. 

“The high quality of both the United States. During a trip 

However, if you see an injured 

artwork and the scientific back to France in the late 1860s, peafowl, please call the observation demonstrates his he collected live specimens 
Pasadena Humane Society uncanny capacity to combine of the gypsy moth, bringing 
at (626) 792-7151. Here art and science in such a them home to Medford. 
are some precautions and way as to make substantial “Unfortunately, after hatching, 
best management practices contributions to both fields,” some of them escaped his 
for dealing with Peacocks/Satrum said.backyard, infesting the nearby 

 Trouvelot’s artistic talent and woods, then quickly spread 


eye landed him a position at the throughout New England and 

Peafowl are afraid of dogs.

Harvard College Observatory, Canada, destroying millions 

Peafowl dislike water. 

where he produced highly of hardwood trees,” she said. 

Peafowl will avoid repellents, 

detailed drawings of his Though large-scale efforts to such as certain Bird-X observations, many of which eradicate it were underway by 
products. were published in the Annals of 1890, they proved unsuccessful; 

Trim overhanging large the Astronomical Observatory the gypsy moth continues 
trees. of Harvard College. In 1875, to be a scourge of U.S. and 
Be cautious when composting he was invited to the U.S. Naval Canadian forests today, causing 
as peafowl are attracted to Observatory to use their 26-millions of dollars’ worth 

inch refracting telescope, at the of damage annually. “This 

compost. Keep compost bins 

time, the world’s largest. He episode also seems to have 


then went public, exhibiting soured Trouvelot’s passion 

 Peafowl like to eat wild 

several astronomical pastels for entomology, for by 1870, 

birdseed, bread and pet food. 

at the 1876 Centennial he had turned to astronomy,” Keep pet food indoors or Exposition in Philadelphia. Satrum said.
remove immediately after With the success of that The West Hall is adjacent to the 
your pet has eaten. exhibit, Trouvelot sought to astronomy section of “Beautiful 

Peafowl like to eat seeds and publish a portfolio of his best Science: Ideas that Changed 
plants. See below for plants drawings. He teamed up with the World” The Huntington’s 
you can use in your garden to New York publishers Charles permanent exhibition on the 

Scribner’s Sons, selecting 15 history of science, featuring 

deter peafowl.

drawings to be made into rare books and manuscripts by 


chromolithographs, which the likes of Ptolemy, Galileo, 

 For more information visit 

were finally published in 1882.Newton, and Einstein, among 

 It is estimated that some 300 others. 

703-9726 or chen@ or Ron 
Serven, Environmental 
Services Manager at (626) 
300-0789 or rserven@ 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: