Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, April 7, 2018

MVNews this week:  Page A:6


Mountain View News Saturday, April 7, 2018 

Police Officers Cleared in 
Death of Reginald Thomas

Police Still 
Looking for 

The Justice System Integrity 
Division of the Los Angeles 
County District Attorney’s 
Office (LACDAO) has 
completed its review of the 
September 30, 2016 in-
custody death of Reginald 
Thomas and has concluded 
that Pasadena Police 
Department Officers used 
reasonable force in subduing 
Thomas. No further action 
will be taken by the District 
Attorney’s Office.

 “We want to thank the Los 
Angeles County District 
Attorney’s Office for their 
comprehensive work and for 
their commitment to finding 
the truth in this matter,” said 
City Manager Steve Mermell. 
““The loss of Reginald 
Thomas’ life is tragic but 
the District Attorney’s 
review concludes that the 
responding Pasadena Police 
Officers acted within reason 
and their use of force was 

 The LACDAO conclusions 
were based on investigative 
reports, witness statements, 
audio recordings, 
photographs, video, 9-1-1 
recordings and the autopsy 
report generated by the Los 
Angeles County Coroner. 
It also included a review 
of the compelled witness 
statements of all of the 
Pasadena Police Officers who 
were a part of the incident. 

 The memorandum issued 
to the City by the District 
Attorney’s Office, reveals 
“that the officers began by 
simply asking Thomas to 
drop his weapons and allow 
them to enter the residence. 
Thomas refused and began 
actively and physically 
resisting the officers’ 
lawful efforts. The officers 
resorted to more forcible 
measures only after other 
means, including the Taser, 
proved ineffective. Their 
escalation of force was in 
direct response to Thomas’ 
escalating combative 
resistance. Further, the Taser 
deployments and baton 
strikes, manual strikes, 
kicks and restraint methods 
were a reasonable response 
to Thomas’ escalating and 
continued resistance.” 

 The Coroner’s examination 
of Thomas concluded that 
the manner of death was 
undetermined, but the 
District Attorney’s Office 
concluded that “all the force 
used by the officers appears 
to have been reasonable 
under the circumstances. 
Thus, even if the officers’ 
use of force contributed to 
Thomas’ death, their use of 
force was not unlawful.”

 The District Attorney’s 
office will be making a 
public version of their memo 
available on their website at a 
later date.

The Federal Bureau of 
Investigation is still looking 
for the individual, over a 
year later, believed to be 
responsible for an explosion 
at The Cheesecake Factory on 
Colorado Blvd.. in Pasadena

 Agents turned to twitter 
Thursday releasing photos of 
the 6 foot tall man with dark 
hair with a beard waking down 
an aisle at a nearby Ralph’s. 
Police said he discarded a 
jacket in a trash can outside 
the market.

 Reports of newly released 
surveillance video shows the 
suspect walking blocks away 
into the Parson’s parking lot 
and then walking back towards 
The Cheesecake Factory.

 Authorities say they want the 
man caught so he does not try 
and do the same thing, possibly 
at a larger, more crowed, event. 

 According to Police Lt. Art 
Chute, at the time last year, 
officers responded shortly after 
6 p.m. February 2, 2017 to the 
Cheesecake Factory located 
at 2 West Colorado Blvd. 
Witnesses said a man opened 
the front doors, lit and threw 
a round object inside landing 
near the bar area. Some 
witness said the object landed 
under a table, exploded, and 
then poured heavy smoke. 

 Police Lt. Vasken Gourdikian, 
Friday called the object a 
“glorified firecracker” saying 
the situation was most likely a 
prank. Pasadena Mayor Terry 
Tornek also told reporters 
the object was more like a 
firecracker than a bomb. 

Anyone with information 
should call Pasadena Police 
at 626- 744-4241 or you 
may report information 
anonymously at (insert 
key word Pasadena).

Council to Discuss 10 Year Soccer Deal 

 The Pasadena city council is 
set Monday night to vote on a 
10 year exclusive partnership 
with AEG for international 
soccer matches held at the 
Rose Bowl. The council will 
also vote on holding two 
international soccer matches 
this year on July 25, and July 

 According to the city staff 
report the city council must 
approve of any proposed 
contracts involving the use 
of the Rose Bowl which 
anticipate an attendance of 
over 20,000 and which is of a 
duration of more than 5 years. 
As this deal would involve 
such attendance and is for 
10 years, it requires Council 
approval. It is recommended 
that the Council approve the 
framework of this deal that 
would require AEG to present 
matches they are involved 
with in the greater Los 
Angeles market at the Rose 
Bowl Stadium (as it relates to 
stadiums that have a capacity 
over 35,000), and authorize 
the General Manager to 
finalize negotiations in 
substantially the same 
manner, recognizing that 
the revenue streams for the 
RBOC will be:

License Fee

- Admission Tax



Premium Seating

Per ticket fee to the RBOC

 In return for this exclusivity, 
and additional marketing 
and operational support, the

RBOC will incentivize AEG 
with a portion of net revenues 
from said events. It is

anticipated that this portion 
of net revenues will for the 
most part be offset by higher

license fees charged to event 
organizers based on the 
additional services that AEG 

offer (marketing, match 
management, etc.) to the 
group promoting the event.

Based on the deal points it is 
anticipated that in excess of 
$300,000 will be retained by

the RBOC (net) per match.

 It is anticipated there will 
be 1-2 matches annually as a 
result of this relationship.

 These events are intended 
to fall within the cap of 
15 events allowed by the 
Pasadena Municipal Code. 
If AEG is able to offer a third 
match opportunity, and the 
number of

displacement events exceeds 
15 in a given year, then the 
RBOC and City Council will

need to vote on the event 
in question and AEG is not 
guaranteed the event. 

 The matches July 25, and 
July 28 would be the 17 and 
18 displacement events for 
this year and if okayed this 
year’s Americafest, also 
on the agenda, would be 
displacement event number 

 The city council meets at 
6:30 p.m. in Pasadena City 
Hall 100 North Garfield 
Avenue, Room S249. 


 Mosquitos Love Springtime

PWP Offers 

Union Station Selects New 
Chief Executive Officer

 Pasadena reminds residents to “Fight the Bite” and protect 
themselves and their

families against mosquitoes, at home, at work and on vacation.

• Empty, scrub clean, turn over, cover or just throw out unused 
items outdoors that hold water,

 such as tires, buckets, planters, toys, pools, birdbaths, fl owerpots, 
or trash containers.

• Keep swimming pool water clean, sanitized, and fi ltered.

• Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors if 
weather permits, especially at dawn,

 dusk or anytime you are where mosquitoes might be present.

• Check window and door screens for holes, repair or replace.

• When traveling choose lodging that has air conditioning and 

The City of Pasadena joins the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and 
Vector Control District

in mosquito awareness. For more information, visit sgvmosquito.

Union Station Homeless 
Services announced 
Thursday that its board of 
directors has selected Anne 
Miskey — a nationally 
recognized and leading voice 
on the issue of homelessness 
— as the organization’s 
next chief executive officer. 
Miskey, who formerly served 
as CEO at the Downtown 
Women’s Center, will 
succeed Howard A. Kahn, 
Union Station’s Interim Chief 
Executive Officer, in June.

 ”We are excited to welcome 
Anne Miskey as our next 
CEO,” said Alan Maltun, 
chair of Union Station 
Homeless Services’ Board 
of Directors. “Anne brings 
extensive knowledge of the 
issues involved in addressing 
homelessness, along with 
the exceptional leadership 
ability and management 
skills that will be essential 
to guiding Union Station 
as we continue to expand 
our services in the coming 
years. She has a unique 
perspective on the role non-
profits, governments, and 
communities can together 
play in tackling major 
social problems. But just as 
important, Anne has a deep 
passion for our mission: 
helping people rebuild 
their lives and end their 

 Miskey, who has held senior 
management positions in 
non-profit organizations for 
the past 15 years, said “I’m 
honored, and I’m grateful 
to the Union Station board 
for the opportunity to lead 
this exceptional organization 
of passionate, creative, and 
talented professionals and 
volunteers. Union Station is 
a leading homeless services 
provider in Los Angeles 
County and a leading 
advocate for people who are 
threatened by or living with 
homelessness. Our public 
service affects areas far 
beyond where we live, and 
this is a terrific opportunity 
that any leader would 

 Miskey has been invited 
on numerous occasions to 
speak at the White House 
in support of former First 
Lady Michelle Obama’s 
Joining Forces Campaign 
to help veterans. She 
has worked closely with 
the federal departments 
of Housing and Urban 
Development, Health and 
Human Services, Veterans 
Affairs, and the Department 
of Labor to champion 
support for vulnerable 
families and individuals 
in the areas of housing, 
health, and employment. 
Prior to her work in social 
services and philanthropy, 
Miskey spent more than 
a decade as a corporate 
communications and public 
affairs professional.

 Since 2016, Miskey has 
been a significant force 
in the passage of Measure 
H and Proposition HHH 
which approved millions 
of dollars to address the 
homelessness crisis in the 
City and County of Los 
Angeles. She also served on 
the Los Angeles Homeless 
Services Authority (LAHSA) 
Ad Hoc Committee on 
Women’s Homelessness to 
influence resources and 
service delivery to more 
effectively address the needs 
of homeless women.

 Said Kahn: “Anne has been 
at the forefront of ending 
homelessness over the years, 
and she will be a remarkable 
leader for a remarkable 
organization. Union Station 
is an integral part of the 
Pasadena and greater San 
Gabriel Valley communities, 
and I’m confident Anne will 
ensure that Union Station 
continues to be a leading 
provider of shelter, housing, 
and workforce services in the 
San Gabriel Valley.”

 PWP is accepting 
applications for its annual 
Educational Scholarship. 
One high school senior 
from Pasadena will be 
chosen to receive a $5,000 
scholarship toward college 
expenses. The program is 
open to students from both 
public and private schools.

 To apply, students must 
submit an application, 
academic transcripts, and 
write an essay on the topic 
of sustainability.

 Applicants must live within 
PWP’s service territory, be 
currently enrolled as a high 
school senior in the City 
of Pasadena, and provide 
proof of acceptance for 
the 2018-19 school year at 
an accredited two-year or 
four-year post-secondary 
institution. The deadline to 
submit an

application is May 11, 
2018. To learn more, visit

Pet of the 

Free Monthly Events at 
Pasadena Senior Center

 There is something for 
everyone at the Pasadena 
Senior Center, 85 E. Holly St

You do not have to be a 
member to attend. Some 
events require advance 
reservations as noted.

A Toast to the Joys of 
Music – Tuesdays to April 
24, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. 
Tom Campbell returns to 
play his guitar and sing 
covers of traditional country, 
country rock, blues, folk, 
gospel and classic rock music 
made famous by The Grateful 
Dead, Vince Gill, Merle 
Haggard, B.B. King, Willie 
Nelson, Elvis Presley, The 
Rolling Stones and others.

Scenic Walkers Club – 
Wednesdays, to April 25, 
at 10 a.m. Join members of 
the Pasadena Senior Center’s 
Scenic Walkers Club for 
walks to scenic local places 
to enjoy the great outdoors 
and get some exercise. For 
more information, including 
where to meet up each week, 
contact Scenic Walkers Club 
coordinator Alan Colville at

Domino Club – Thursdays 
to April 26, at 1 p.m. If you’ve 
never played Chicken Foot 
dominoes before, or even if 
you have, come join the fun as 
Vicki Leigh leads participants 
in a rollicking version of the 
game that is easy enough for 
beginners yet challenging 
enough for seasoned players. 
The accompanying laughter 
is contagious! For more 
information call Vicki Leigh 
at 928-478-4654.

Friday Movie Matinees – 
Fridays at 1 p.m. Everyone 
enjoys the experience of 
watching movies and the 
pleasures they bring. April 20: 
“Ladybird” (2017, R) starring 
Saoirse Ronan and Laurie 
Metcalf. A young woman 
comes of age in Sacramento 
while her strong-willed 
mother works to keep her 
family afloat after Lady Bird’s 
father loses his job.

Parkinson’s Disease – 
Thursday, April 12, at 10 a.m. 
Nearly 1 million Americans 
live with Parkinson’s disease, 
a chronic and progressive 
movement disorder with 
symptoms that worsen over 
time. The cause is unknown 
and there currently is no 
cure, although treatment 
options such as medication 
and surgery can help manage 
symptoms. Presented by 
Huntington Hospital. 

LA Opera Talk: 
“Rigoletto”— Monday, 
April 16, at 1 p.m. An LA 
Opera community educator 
will lead participants through 
Giuseppe Verdi’s tragic 
masterpiece “Rigoletto,” the 
story of a lustful and immoral 
duke who ravishes the court 
jester’s daughter, only to 
have the jester’s revenge goes 
heartbreakingly awry.

The Pasadena Senior 
Center is an independent, 
nonprofit organization 
that offers recreational, 
educational, wellness and 
social services to people 50 
and older.

 Puppy alert! Say hello 
to Chief (A452766), a fun 
8-month-old shepherd 
puppy. Playful Chief is an 
enthusiastic young pup 
who already knows his sit 
command. He loves to run 
around and chase squeaky 
toys. If you are looking for 
an active dog to add to your 
family, stop by and ask for 

 The adoption fee for dogs 
is $130. All dogs are spayed 
or neutered, microchipped, 
and vaccinated before going 
to their new home. 

 New adopters will receive 
a complimentary health-
and-wellness exam from 
VCA Animal Hospitals, as 
well as a goody bag filled 
with information about how 
to care for your pet.

 View photos of adoptable 
pets at pasadenahumane.
org. Adoption hours are 11 
a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. 
to 5 p.m. Tuesday through 
Friday; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

 Pets may not be available 
for adoption and cannot be 
held for potential adopters 
by phone calls or email.

 ** The Pasadena Humane 
Society is launching 
“Kitten Week,” a week-
long awareness and action 
campaign held April 23-29, 
to encourage community 
members to spay/neuter, 
adopt, and get involved. You 
can find more information 


Join community members, 
Pasadena residents, civic, 
business, student and 
educational leaders, and the 
interfaith community for 
the 45th annual Pasadena 
Mayor’s Interfaith Prayer 
Breakfast, “Mending the 
Hearts and Minds of Our 

Hosted by Friends In Deed, 
the breakfast will be held 
Thursday, May 3

from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the 
Pasadena Convention 
Center, 300 E. Green 
Street. Niki Elliott, Ph.D., 
Co-Director, Center for 
Neurodiversity, Learning 
and Wellness, University of 
La Verne will be the keynote 
speaker. Tickets are available 

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