The World Around Us | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, April 7, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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THE WORLD AROUND US 11 Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 7, 2018 HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE: ACROSS THE UNIVERSE WITH THE BEATLES The Beatles are one of the greatest cultural phenomena to come from the 20th century, yet many people are unaware of their impact on science. In ‘Here, There and Everywhere,’ inspired by the book ‘La Scienza dei Beatles’ (‘The Science of the Beatles’), Viviana Ambrosi shows how the Fab Four can bring the study of celestial objects and the exploration of the universe closer to a large public audience. This was set out in a presentation on April 3rd at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science in Liverpool. The Beatles formed at the start of the space race, and have always inspired scientists, whether they knew it or not. The Beatles’ record company (EMI) used money from the sale of the White Album to fund scientific research. Some of which went towards Godfrey Hounsfield’s research into X-rays, which led to the invention of the CT scanner, for which he shared a Nobel Prize. ‘Across the Universe’ was transmitted into deep space in 2008, and numerous Beatles songs have been played as the wakeup call for astronauts on the International Space Station—including a live musical wakeup by Paul McCartney in 2005. There are five asteroids named after this musical group: Beatles, Lennon, McCartney, Harrison, and Starr. There is also a crater on Mercury named ‘Lennon,’ and when a diamond star (a white dwarf covered in crystallised carbon) was discovered in 2004, it was nicknamed ‘Lucy’ after ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.’ This was also the inspiration for ‘Lucy,’ the fossil that rewrote the story of humanity, and this in turn has inspired NASA to name their first mission to Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids ‘Lucy.’ The Lucy mission will launch in 2021 and will arrive at the L4 Trojan cloud (a group of asteroids that orbit the Sun in Jupiter’s orbit, about 60° ahead of Jupiter) in 2027, where the spacecraft will fly by four Trojan asteroids—3548 Eurybates, 15094 Polymele, 11351 Leucus, and 21900 Orus. After these flybys, Lucy will return to the vicinity of the Earth, whereupon it will receive a gravity assist to take it to the L5 Trojan cloud (which trails about 60° behind Jupiter), where it will visit the binary Trojan 617 Patroclus with its satellite Menoetius. Lucy will also fly by the inner main-belt asteroid 52246 Donaldjohanson, which was named for the discoverer of the Lucy hominin fossil. Three instruments comprise Lucy’s payload: a high-resolution visible imager, an optical and near-infrared imaging spectrometer, and a thermal infrared spectrometer. This mission is due to launch in 2021 and will take 12 years to complete its journey. It is safe to say that the Beatles will continue to be an inspiration for many years to come. You can contact Bob Eklund at: OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder CHRISTOPHER Nyerges EXTREME SIMPLICITY: Homesteading in the City A HEALTHY DOSE OF MEDICINE FOR THE SOUL [Nyerges is an educator and author. He can be reached at www.ChristopherNyerges. com is perhaps my favorite of the books I have written because it is like a personal diary of how my wife and I worked towards our goal of “living lightly on the earth,” even though we had a small budget and lived in a small suburban Los Angeles home. We were doing what our Appalachian friend used to describe as “living country in the city.” We pursued all aspects of self- reliance, and wrote about it. Starting as soon as we moved in to our new home in 1986, we began task by task with limited income. We used our front lawn to grow food, we recycled our wash water, collected rain water, had chickens, a duck, bees, and a pig, had solar water heating and solar electricity, a wood stove, and we planted fruit trees and food everywhere. We describe our efforts to do “integral gardening” on every bit of usable land, to produce food (for people and wildlife), medicines, fragrance, shade, and useful tools. We describe the details of what it meant to raise earthworms, chickens, rabbits, bees, a goose, a pig, and our dogs in their typical suburban back yard. We took the reader along their journey to installing a wood fireplace, solar water heating, and a solar electric system. Though there is much “how to” in this book, it is full of personal stories and rich reading of the learning they experienced along the way. There is a section on recycling, and a unique section about the economics of self-reliance. It’s worth noting that this is not a book we planned on writing. In 2000, we were called by the Mother Earth News magazine to write an article about our meaning of “alternate health” methods, and we wrote about the methods that could be called “new age” and could be called Hypocratean. We were on the cover, and a book publisher contacted us to see if we could turn that health article into a book. We said yes. But when we submitted the manuscript to the publisher, they said, hmm, not exactly what we were looking for. [That book, Integral Health, will be published eventually]. So they asked us if we could just write about how we live, which we did, and it became Extreme Simplicity. HERE ARE SOME SELECTED EXCERPTS WOOD FIREPLACE Our freestanding fireplace has completely transformed our home. We would strongly encourage anyone without one already to seriously consider installing one. On very cold nights, we had been using those small electric heaters that really drive up your electric bill. The fireplace made the house really feel like a home, and we now are uncertain how we got along without it. In our case, the transition to wood heating was fairly easy, because we had plenty of firewood readily available. We were actually doing a neighbor a favor by cleaning up and carting off large amounts of dead and fallen wood from his property. Our first season of firewood came entirely from our weekly cleaning of his yard, just for the cost of our labor. How’s that for a win-win situation? TIME AND THE QUALITY OF LIFE Many people today believe that they’re spending all their time working, yet with very little in return. Unfortunately, such realizations may come too late to be remedied. We think that the Amish people have the right idea when they keep their schools and work close to home. They don’t have to go a long way to a job, thereby avoiding wasted time and energy, unnecessary expenses, and disconnection from their community. They can protect their families from undesirable influence, and there is the added bonus of having youngsters nearby where they can learn a trade from an early age. The Amish are firmly committed to valuing “quality of life” over all the stuff that our modern society deems important or indispensable - car, home entertainment system, fancy clothes, foods bought for “convenience” and prestige rather than fresh garden flavor and nutritional value. 4 MAGIC WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR FINANCIAL SITUATION Once, during a period of homelessness before we were married, Christopher was engulfed in thoughts of “poor me” and “I’m destitute,” and he could scarcely see a way out of the darkness. Dolores provided him with a simple set of practical tools that anyone can use if only they choose to do so. Here are four “magic” ways to improve your financial situation: 1. Never waste anything. 2. Continually improve your personal honesty. 3. Leave every situation or circumstance better than you found it. 4. Tithe to the church (or organization) of your choice. We know that these are genuine practical solutions. We have heard people say that they cannot make these efforts - such as tithing, or improving an environment - because “we are poor.” Our perspective is that they have their reasoning backwards. They are poor because they do not engage themselves in the world in these ways. Logical thinking leads to erroneous conclusions when the premise is false. 3 STEPS TO HOUSEHOLD ENERGY EFFICIENCY 1. You can do without some electrical devices.This will probably involve changing your behavior, for instance, thinking twice before switching on an electrical tool or appliance when a non-electric alternative will work just as well or better. 2. You can learn to use your existing devices more efficiently. This step, too, requires changes in habit, but once you’ve understood the extra expenses caused by inefficiency and waste, you’ll feel good about it - plus you’ll save money by practicing efficiency. 3. You can purchase new appliances that render your household inherently more energy efficient. This step requires initial outlays of money, and in some cases higher short-term expenses, but with certain especially wasteful appliances, the best way to save energy and money is to immediately replace the old, wasteful model. A large segment of the human population takes things way too seriously for their own good. The strange anomaly is that most people laugh at the wrong thing and fail to laugh at the right thing. This serious incongruity has robbed people of a healthy attitude towards life in general. Those who take life too seriously are in danger of missing the great joys of living in a crazy world like ours. I am not sure about the scientific research but I would guess that for every sad moment it takes one hundred laughs to balance the books. Some people are about ninety-nine laughs short of a real sane moment. I like the old English proverb that says, “Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.” From my perspective, if you cannot laugh with someone you will not be able to cry with him or her and have it mean anything. According to some medical advice, it takes more facial muscles and energy to frown than it does to smile. Of course, the only exercise some people have is frowning and who am I to take that away from them. I am determined, no matter what, to exercise my right to smile and laugh and enjoy the world around me. I must confess that I get this attitude quite honestly. My paternal grandfather was a Past Master in the area of practical jokes. No amount of time was too much to spend preparing for one of his famous practical jokes. His favorite holiday was April 1 and began preparing for this holiday right after Christmas. The fact that his practical jokes at times got him into trouble did not seem to affect him at all. Once while in the hospital for an extended period he had somebody smuggle in to him a can of snuff. For some reason he liked chewing snuff. It is the most disgusting habit I know of on earth. He no sooner received his smuggled goods then he began chewing it. If you know anything about chewing snuff, you know it is accompanied by a lot of spitting. As usual, his timing was impeccable. Just as the head nurse passed his door and looked in, he leaned over and spit in to the garbage can he had next to his bed. The nurse, not knowing about the chewing snuff, thought he was spitting blood and immediately went into emergency mode. Immediately my grandfather was rushed into the operating room and the surgeon and medical team were assembled. My grandfather was very sick at the time. Some did not think he would get out of the hospital. Just as they got him situated in the operating room he pulled from under his sheet his can of chewing snuff and smiled at them. The only person in the room that thought this was in any way amusing was my grandfather. The doctors were so angry with him that they refused to see him for three days and confiscated his can of chewing snuff. My aunt and uncle lived right next to my grandfather. My aunt was hyper clean when it came to her house. Dirt in any form was not welcome under her roof. She had a broom that was always within reach because she never knew when a piece of dirt would try to invade her domicile. That year my grandfather found something new. I am not sure where he found it but he probably spent a lot of time looking for something like this. It was a rubber facsimile of a very nasty looking piece of vomit. To him it was a prized possession. Most of his practical jokes were executed on April 1. Whenever we saw grandfather coming on this particular day we usually ran for cover. He went over to visit my aunt and was sitting on the couch in the living room. They chatted for a little while and then my grandfather began to cough a little bit. He said to my aunt, “I haven’t been feeling good lately. I really don’t know what it is.” Then he started to cough a little more seriously, to which, my aunt got up and went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water thinking that might help him. When she got back, she was shocked to see on her new coffee table a very horrible sight. My grandfather was bent over the coffee table hacking and coughing as though he was in the process of dying. On the coffee table was a very nasty looking piece of vomit. My aunt went into hysterics. She whirled around and within a moment had grabbed her broom and started towards my grandfather. My grandfather was laughing but not for long. Suddenly he realized that the flailing broom in my aunt’s hand was aimed at him. She chased him out of the house, down the driveway and for at least three blocks yelling obscenities at him that I dare not repeat in public society. Laughter is the fresh air of the soul. Even the Bible thinks so. “A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken” (Proverbs 15:13). And, my favorite, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones” (Proverbs 17:22). I recommend a healthy dose of medicine for your soul. The Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail The church web site is www. Read us online at: Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||