Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, April 14, 2018

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 14, 2018 



Happy Tails

by Chris Leclerc


Practices I return 
to again and 
again focus on 
rejuvenating the 
mind. Of course, I 
make sure to take 
care of my body 
with exercise, 
sleep, and nourishing foods, but it’s the mind I 
have to watch. Stress accumulates and the mind 
becomes disturbed. When the waves or vrittis 
of the mind ripple, things can become unclear 
quickly. We all understand this feeling. The first 
order of business is to quiet the disturbance no 
matter the cause. 

 For that which will settle the mind, look to 
the wisdom of ancient philosophies of yoga and 
ayurveda (the sister science to yoga). Both deep 
relaxation and systematic rejuvenation approaches 
are needed. First, body therapies such as self-
massage with warm oil and heat therapy have a 
profound effect on the mind. It takes the mind to a 
bliss state of being - closer to our natural sense of joy 
and divine bliss. Second is silence-- long periods of 
silence sitting in meditation or simply not talking 
or communicating. Third, yoga settles the mind, 
particularly sitting postures held for a longer time. 
The sitting poses in yoga are incredibly beneficial 
in creating a deep internal awareness which calms 
the mind almost immediately. Fourth, a pure diet 
without stimulants does wonders for body and 
mind! The avoidance of caffeine and limiting sugar 
decreases anxiety significantly and, believe or not, 
conserves real energy.

 There are many more tools and suggestions, 
but the final one I’ll give is REST. The utter lack of 
motion will increase vital energy reserves and help 
rejuvenate the mind. Remember, when the mind is 
nourished, there is patience for all. We must stop 
doing for a while to put back in. The mind needs 
a chance to gather new ideas, new vision and feel 
contentment and relaxation. 

 This week, utilize just one of these tools to 
combat stress and disturbance in the mind. Be 
aware of how you feel - do you feel more like 
yourself? Learn more about these techniques and 
about yoga and meditation. Contact me today!

Namaste friends, 

Keely Totten, E-RYT 500, Yoga & Meditation 
Teacher, Mind Rejuvenator

I once received an e-mail from a dear friend of 
mine, offering an interesting moral derivative about 
what might be considered a somewhat controversial 
survival technique employed by the porcupine. 
When I read the message, I was immediately 
inspired to write about that curiously contentious, 
yet undeniably cute little creature.

 The e-mailed story was entitled, “The Moral 
of the Porcupine” and it included a few photos of 
infant porcupines nestled in human hands. To 
me, the baby “porcs” in the pictures looked a lot 
like small bundled-up balls of fur with minute, 
mouse-like faces that you can’t help falling in love 
with. As far as my memory serves me, I believe that 
was the first time I’d ever 
seen a baby porcupine, 
and I was amazed at how 
adorable the young ones 
really are.

 The baby porcupine 
somehow reminds me of 
the woodlouse, which is 
a strangely pre-historic 
looking insect that most 
of us have seen crawling 
about in our yards and 
gardens. Very much like 
the woodlouse (more 
commonly known to lay-
persons such as myself as the “rollie pollie“), baby 
porcupines know how to curl themselves up into a 
tight round ball as a means of protecting their soft 
and very vulnerable underbellies any time they 
sense the danger of a potential intruder.

 Although the two have very little else in common, 
the porcupine and the oddly armored woodlouse 
termite do happen to share one particularly unique 
characteristic. They both have upper sides to their 
bodies that serve as an effective protective defense 
mechanism. The main difference is that the upper 
side of the woodlouse’s body is comprised of a hard 
shell, whereas the porcupine’s upper side is designed 
more like a bed of needle-like nails!

 The basic gist of the “moral” given in the e-mail 
I received, is that while the long & pointy pokers 
on the upper side of the porcupine may serve as an 
important means of survival against a threatening 
predator, they also have the potential to prohibit 
vital bonding, by getting in the way when 
the infants simply want to snuggle with their 

 Indeed, this is where the valuable lesson comes 
in to play. And, if it is interpreted, understood 
and applied properly, this is a lesson that can 
actually help lead to a longer, happier life for we 
sometimes somewhat simple-minded humans.

 The fond fable of the porcupine goes like this: 

 It was the coldest winter ever, and many of 
the wild animals in the region had already died 
from exposure to the freezing temperatures. 
Realizing the situation, the thoughtful porcupines 
decided to group together to keep warm. It seemed 
like the logical thing to do, to share the warmth of 
each other’s bodies and thereby survive through 
the cold winter. However, the closer the tiny porcs 
came together, the more their quills began to inflict 
wounds on the soft under flesh of the loved ones 
they were closest to.

 After some time passed, the little porcupines 
decided to distance themselves from one another to 
prevent the poking effect, and before long they each 
began to die alone and frozen like the other animals 
that had succumbed to the elements that season.

 Soon it became clear that the poor desperate 
porcupines had to make 
a choice; either accept 
the painful pricks of 
their closest companions’ 
quills, or die alone. 
Wisely, the young 
porcupines opted to stick 
close together and learn 
to live with the relatively 
small wounds caused 
by the quills of their 
siblings, in order to share 
the warmth and survive 
the chill of winter.

 And so, the moral 
of the story is that the best relationships in life are 
not necessarily those which bring together perfect 
people who do not chafe or “rub one another 
wrong“. Rather, one must learn to live with the 
prickly, uncomfortable wounds that may come 
with meaningful relationships while learning to 
appreciate the good qualities of a companion and 
the warmth they share, if one wishes to survive and 
thrive in this world.

 For what it’s worth, this simple short but sweet 
story about the precarious porcupine comes with 
an enormous bit of wisdom that had a huge impact 
on me and it is my hope that the moral of this story 
will be valued by others who hear it.

 Animals can teach us so many wonderful and 
unique lessons in life. I say, let them be our teachers. 
May we humans learn to respect all living things, 
and may we learn to humble ourselves enough to 
love and let live!


Charley is a charming and gentle 
Labrador Retriever mix with beautiful 
dark brown eyes, a soft reddish tan 
coat, a cute black button nose, and a 
big friendly smile! Weighing about 
47 pounds, this friendly pooch is the 
quintessential sweet ol’ man! He makes 
for great company, whether it’s going 
out for walks or cuddling up in bed. 
This sweet seven-year-old gentleman is 
housebroken and leash trained! He is 
easy to walk, has medium-level energy 
and knows his basic commands like sit 
and down. Charley was surrendered by 
his former owners because there wasn’t 
a love connection between him and the 
resident cat and dog. For this reason, Charley will do 
best in a single-dog home where this delightful senior 
dog can spend his golden years soaking up all the love 
from his forever family. If you’re looking 
to make a difference in the life of a senior 
dog who’s seen a lot in life and are able to 
provide the best home that sweet Charley 
deserves, please come by and prepare to 
fall in love with this handsome fellow! His 
adoption fee is $145 and includes neuter 
surgery, vaccinations, microchip and 
a free wellness exam at a participating 
veterinarian. Feel free to call us at (626) 
286-1159 for more information. He 
currently resides at the San Gabriel Valley 
Humane Society located at 851 E. Grand 
Avenue in San Gabriel which is located 
off San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission 
and south of Las Tunas Drive. To arrange 
a ‘Meet and Greet’, please stop by any time from 10:30am 
to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday.Website:www.

Lori A. Harris


Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual


Everyday day we hear the greeting, "How are you? or 
How's your day going?"

 Those can seem like throwaway questions and a 
waste of time and space. They aren't; those questions are 
opportunities. We can hear those queries hundreds 
of time per day, and most of us aren't listening to the 
questions, and few of us pay attention to the responses.

 You are what you believe you are.

 Humans are powerful magicians.

You have the power to make yourself what you are right 
now, but it's not your reasoning mind that controls your 
power, it's what you believe. 

-----Don Miguel Ruiz

 Each time someone asks, the question, "how are you?" 
Recognize that it is an opportunity to declare something 
good you know to be true and celebrate it. 

 The truth is you get to decide how you are and what 
kind of day you are going to have.

 Noticing what we are noticing is one of most powerful 
self-care tools we have in our arsenal. 

 Watch your self-talk. Most of us have a running tape 
constantly operating in our minds. You can decide to 
change the message. 

 I invite you to try an experiment. Take a twenty-
minute brisk walk for one week. As you are walking 
repeat this mantra to yourself: "Day by day in every way, 
I'm getting better and better."

 You may find it difficult at first, but as you continue 
your mind will start to search ways that statement is true. 
You will remember that you have been feeling a bit better. 
You did a great job handling that difficult client yesterday. 
You made some healthy food choices this morning. 
You're feeling pretty good.

 When you ask someone, 
"how are you?" Look them in 
the eye and wait and listen to the 
response. Let them know that 
you see them, you hear them and 
that you appreciate them. There 
is no greater gift than the gift of YOU and YOUR TIME.

 I asked a court reporter yesterday, and her pitiful 
response surprised She woefully said, "Well, it's 

I said, "Yes it is! This is a beautiful day. One that has 
never been lived before and we will never see THIS day 

She smiled, and responded, "Humph, I guess you're 

 How are you? Ask Les Brown that question, and he 
happily responds, "better than good and better than 

 How's your day going? Decide, don't wait for 
conditions to tell you, make a decision. Notice the 
beautiful sunset. No one else is standing at the spot 
where you are. That's your sunset, notice and appreciate 
it. " Beautiful, my day has been beautiful."

 This is the start of your gratitude practice.

 Declare this day to be good.

 Claim perfect health and a sound mind and be 
grateful. Declare what you want to be true about you, 
your day and your life.


 I am hosting a webinar soon. Want to learn more about 
it? Sign up for the newsletter at


Lookin’ for a cute 
cuddler? Meet 
1 or 2, he’s just 
adorable! Just 
look at that cute 
tongue! Maybe 
he wants to give 
you a raspberry! 
This adorable 
boy is a friendly, 
curious purrbox! 
He loves to snuggle and bury his head in your arms! 
He was found in an overpopulated cat colony, and 
he practically ASKED to be rescued from there! 
Once in his foster home, Thomas adjusted quickly, 
and, on day one, he even let his rescuer trim his 
nails with NO fuss, just purrs! Call 626-676-9505 
or email us at for more 


 See more pictures and adoption information on 
our website, 

Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam!
927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients 
Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! 
(626) 351-8863
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: