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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, April 14, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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B2 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 14, 2018 FAMILY MATTERS By Marc Garlett Jeff’s Book Pics By Jeff Brown The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote by Elaine Weiss The nail-biting climax of one of the greatest political battles in American history: the ratification of the constitutional amendment that granted women the right to vote.Nashville, August 1920. Thirty-five states have ratified the Nineteenth Amendment, twelve have rejected or refused to vote, and one last state is needed. It all comes down to Tennessee, the moment of truth for the suffragists, after a seven-decade crusade. The opposing forces include politicians with careers at stake, liquor companies, railroad magnates, and a lot of racists who don’t want black women voting. And then there are the “Antis”--women who oppose their own enfranchisement, fearing suffrage will bring about the moral collapse of the nation. They all converge in a boiling hot summer for a vicious face-off replete with dirty tricks, betrayals and bribes, bigotry, Jack Daniel’s, and the Bible. Following a handful of remarkable women who led their respective forces into battle, along with appearances by Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding, Frederick Douglass, and Eleanor Roosevelt, The Woman’s Hour is an inspiring story of activists winning their own freedom in one of the last campaigns forged in the shadow of the Civil War, and the beginning of the great twentieth- century battles for civil rights. The Vanity Fair Diaries: 1983 - 1992 by Tina Brown Named one of the best books of 2017 by Time, People,, The Guardian, Paste Magazine, The Economist, Entertainment Weekly, & Vogue.Tina Brown kept delicious daily diaries throughout her eight spectacular years as editor-in-chief of Vanity Fair. Today they provide an incendiary portrait of the flash and dash and power brokering of the Excessive Eighties in New York and Hollywood.The book is the story of an Englishwoman barely out of her twenties who arrives in New York City with a dream. Summoned from London in hopes that she can save Condé Nast’s troubled new flagship Vanity Fair, Brown is immediately plunged into the maelstrom of the competitive New York media world and the backstabbing rivalries at the court of the planet’s slickest, most glamour-focused magazine company. She survives the politics, the intrigue, and the attempts to derail her by a simple stratagem: succeeding. In the face of rampant skepticism, she triumphantly reinvents a failing magazine.Here are the inside stories of Vanity Fair scoops and covers that sold millions. the Reagan kiss, the meltdown of Princess Diana’s marriage to Prince Charles, the sensational Annie Leibovitz cover of a gloriously pregnant, naked Demi Moore. In the diary’s cinematic pages, the drama, the comedy, and the struggle of running an “it” magazine come to life. Brown’s book is also a woman’s journey, of making a home in a new country and of the deep bonds with her husband, their prematurely born son, and their daughter.Astute, open-hearted, often riotously funny, the book is a compulsively fascinating and intimate chronicle of a woman’s life in a glittering era. A Gentleman in Moscow: A Novel by Amor Towles “The book is like a salve. I think the world feels disordered right now. The count’s refinement and genteel nature are exactly what we’re longing for.” —Ann Patchett“How delightful that in an era as crude as ours this finely composed novel stretches out with old-World elegance.” —The Washington Post.He can’t leave his hotel. You won’t want to.From the New York Times bestselling author of Rules of Civility—a transporting novel about a man who is ordered to spend the rest of his life inside a luxury hotel.In 1922, Count Alexander Rostov is deemed an unrepentant aristocrat by a Bolshevik tribunal, and is sentenced to house arrest in the Metropol, a grand hotel across the street from the Kremlin. Rostov, an indomitable man of erudition and wit, has never worked a day in his life, and must now live in an attic room while some of the most tumultuous decades in Russian history are unfolding outside the hotel’s doors. Unexpectedly, his reduced circumstances provide him entry into a much larger world of emotional discovery.Brimming with humor, a glittering cast of characters, and one beautifully rendered scene after another, this singular novel casts a spell as it relates the count’s endeavor to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a man of purpose. The book reviews are from NOT MARRIED? YOU’RE NOT ALONE - BUT YOU STILL NEED A PLAN. Estate Planning for People Living Together, Bachelors, and Bachelorettes Approximately half of America’s population over the age of 16 is unmarried. While much of the discussion involving estate planning focuses on married couples, this topic is just as important for a single person. In fact, many times it is even more important that a single person have a well- coordinated estate plan. This is because the default laws governing estates often work poorly for people without a spouse and may not adequately provide for a significant other or unmarried partner. Having a cohesive and well-drafted estate plan will ensure that you protect and provide for those you truly care about upon your death. Evolving Estate Planning It is important to understand that your estate plan can change over time. You may eventually experience life changes like getting married, having children, or buying your first home that will necessitate changes to your estate plan. Although life is constantly changing, it is best to get in the driver’s seat early when it comes to estate planning. If you die without a will -- referred to as intestate -- all of your possessions will be distributed according to the default laws of your state. While most state laws have a married person’s assets go to their surviving spouse and children, the same is not true for unmarried individuals. Generally, state law provides that a single person’s assets are passed on to their next of kin. This includes children, parents, and siblings. Noticeably absent for many unmarried people are provisions providing for a long-term boyfriend or girlfriend. And, if there are no surviving close relatives, the assets will likely go to the state. To avoid the state dictating what happens to your assets, it is vital that you have a properly drafted estate plan put together. As an Unmarried Person, How You Own Things Is Very Important There is an increasing number of couples that are not getting married, and other individuals who are deciding to remain single. For this group, estate planning is important because taxes and other financial benefits tend to favor those who have tied the knot. It also brings up the need to be very careful about how assets are titled. How your assets are titled and how the beneficiary designations are prepared will impact how your assets will be distributed upon your passing. The most common ways to hold title to property is tenants in common (TIC) and joint tenants with rights of survivorship (JTWROS). Property that is held as TIC means that each owner owns an interest in the property. At the death of one owner, that interest is transferred according to his or her estate plan, or intestate succession if there is no estate planning. This is not an ideal way for unmarried couples to own property because at the death of one of them, the other person will end up as joint owner with the deceased’s next of kin. JTWROS is one option for unmarried couples because when one owner dies, the property automatically transfers to the surviving owner. There are several other planning strategies that can be beneficial for unmarried individuals -- involving tax benefits, retirement plans, wills and trusts, and healthcare powers of attorney -- if the right estate plan is carefully crafted. Speak to an Estate Planning Attorney If you do not have an estate plan yet, you should contact a knowledgeable estate planning attorney today. Whether you are married, single, or cohabiting with a partner, the right professional can help you craft a comprehensive estate plan that is tailored to your personal situation and assists you in protecting those you care for the most. Give us a call today if you have any questions. Dedicated to empowering your family, building your wealth and defining your legacy, A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a mission to help parents protect what they love most. His office is located at 55 Auburn Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love and financial security for your family by calling 626.587.3058 or visit for more information. BUSINESS TODAY The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA All Things By Jeff Brown PENNYWISE, POUND FOOLISH THE UNBEARABLE LIGHTNESS OF BEING BY LISA CAIRNS Saving money while making money should be the goal of every business. However, business owners and managers should be able to distinguish between decisions and processes that are “pennywise, yet dollar foolish.” Translation? Be sure that you’re not spending ten dollars to save only one. Very often, companies engage in processes that require more time and more staff than necessary to complete certain tasks. One example is a project I worked on that had operations in several Southern CA counties. The company that hired me and other consultants was very frugal with their choice of equipment and tools they provided for us. When it came to our actual work, the same company didn’t have a clue, or didn’t seem to care that each consultant was “reinventing the wheel” that was readily available. A simple process of convening or poling the group of consultants would have provided the company with an arsenal of recommendations and expertise to streamline many of their inefficient processes. One example was the barrage of questions to the project manager from each consultant about the same type of scenario encountered with a client. This required the project manager to respond to the same types of questions multiple times, as opposed to establishing a simple communications tool or formal feedback look that would have made it easier, quicker and more cost effective for the pool of consultants to have their questions answered. A Q &A section on a webpage or prepared in a single document could have easily be prepared and updated on a daily or weekly basis to create a centralized point of communication that would have allowed all of the consultants to access the information. If the business lacked the staffing to update the webpage on an ongoing basis, a simple text document could have been created, updated and distributed on a daily or weekly basis. Years ago I worked in the development department for a school for the developmentally disabled through two annual fundraising seasons. The director of development had a reputation for his cost-cutting strategies. The first year I was there, he insisted that his two-person development staff take on the responsibility of preparing bulk mail for three separate mailings of 4,000 to 6,000 fundraising solicitations during the year. He considered $500-700 plus the cost of postage to be an excessive amount to pay a company that specialized in processing bulk mailings. He was filled with glee as he shared that one of the attorneys on the organization’s board of directors had offered to have his secretary print the mailing labels from our database. This was another feather in his “cost-savings” hat. Turns out that no one informed the secretary that the labels should have been sorted by zipcode prior to printing – she printed all 6,500 of them in alphabetical order by last name. After we placed labels onto each of the envelopes, we spend the next two weeks sorting the envelopes by zipcode. Then we commenced to painstakingly match each envelope with the letter that was personally addressed to the potential donor. Quite a task to flip through stacks of envelopes now sorted by zipcode ranges to locate the exact addressee to match. In the end, our organization spent at least $2,300 for the staff time that we spent as a result of this “cost-saving” approach, plus postage. It seems in this instance, the willingness to spend money would have saved even more. Forget about becoming nice, likeable, special, better than, free from, enlightened---give these ideas back. Freedom isn’t about becoming something, it’s about losing everything. It’s about giving everything back to the source which is actually who you are, it’s about surrendering to yourself. And “yourself” is absolute mystery; complete not knowing. Yourself---your true self- --is here, is free, is radically alive and present and creating spontaneously. Do you dare to make “this” your altar, make “what is” your god---what’s actually happening? Or do you have to repetitively escape to thinking and imagining a future, praying for salvation in some distant place that is always just slightly out of your grip? Freedom--- what you long for, what you need, love---is here. Right here, in the middle of life, in the centre of all things. This is the heart of being. This is your god, your safety, your freedom, and your love. Everything you ever want and ever need is here. BUT the catch is: are you really prepared to give everything back to the playful, radically exotic, Mystery? YES!!!!Lisa Cairns can be found on and Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||