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SIERRA MADRE EDITION SATURDAY, MAY 26, 2018 VOLUME 12 NO. 20 WATER, WATER, WATER……AGAIN? SURVEY RESULTS FAVOR KEEPING SIERRA MADRE LIBRARY AT CURRENT LOCATION What began as a proposal that was “revenue neutral” has evolved into what will probably amount to a water rate increase. The Sierra Madre City Council tabled the adoption of a draft of the Sierra Madre Comprehensive Water Cost of Service Study (Proposition 218), as concerns arose about water rate increases and the state of the city’s infrastructure. As a result of changes in the delivery of water and sewer services to the community, City Council received an analysis presentation by Habib Isaac, manager with Raftelis Financial Consultants, during their regular meeting on Tuesday May 22, 2018. In a nutshell, the City is now importing more than 50% of its water to meet consumption demands. Residents have made their voices heard with complaints about the complexity of the current billing structure. In addition, focus is needed for both short- and long- term infrastructure repairs as pipes are aging and leaks are becoming more prominent. Improvements and changes in operation reflected in the study would take place over a five- year period. Rate increases as stated in the current version of the study include a $10 increase in water rates and an increase in sewer rates totaling less than one dollar. The adjusted rate in water is expected to: Maintain the base revenue at $5.2 million in fiscal year ending 2019 Cover increases in imported water through pass-through charges Ensure future years in the planning period are indexed to cost of living as opposed to annual percentage increases, and Fund capital projects and a portion of deferred maintenance. The current, confusing structure consists of four tiers, which would be collapsed into a two-tier system. Tier 1 will consist of water Sierra Madre can produce from its ground source. Tier 2 will consist of water imported the consumption demand. Single-family, multi-family residents and non-residential customers will pay a fixed bi-monthly charge that will include customer service, meter capacity, and infrastructure charges. The snag in adopting the current draft was the result over infrastructure concerns, which City Manager Gabriel Engeland referred to as in “crisis mode” despite $2.2 million put aside in the budget to combat the problem. Water loss in Sierra Madre is currently at 24%. It’s a multi-generational fix that won’t be resolved quickly by throwing a lot of money at it, according to Engeland. Mayor Pro Tem John Harabedian, who chimed in remotely, supported the City Manager’s sentiments and suggested that we need a “bolder plan” to repair infrastructure concerns. Council Member John Capoccia also voiced concerns on how much of an increase in water rates would be acceptable to the community in order to repair water mains and how much repairing would be tolerable at one time. The end result for now is to come back to the table with a revised version for adoption at a later date. The election process for Proposition 218 requires a 45-day notice and a public hearing. As of this meeting, the recommendation was to set July 24, 2018 at 9 a.m. for public tabulation of protests, and 6:30 p.m. for a public hearing on the matter at City Hall. With this delay, this date may change as well. A copy of the full study of Proposition 218 is available at the City’s website at www. cityofsierramadre.com. KMcGuire/MVNews The city of Sierra Madre recently contracted with the National Research Center, Inc. to conduct a survey to determine resident’s preferences for financing, location and services for Sierra Madre Library. The results are in. Of the 4,910 surveys mailed out to the community, 1,770 were completed for a response rate of 37%. The initial expected return rate was only 20%, which truly shows that library users are generally concerned about the fate of the library, which is in need of updates, including meeting seismic building codes, Federal American Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, newer inventory, and other up-to-date services. Here are some of the highlights of the results. Thirty-two percent strongly supported keeping the library at its current location, while moving some of its services to other locations in the city in order to maintain current service levels, and fund repair by selling the back lot for development. Twenty-seven percent somewhat supported this option and 22% strongly opposed this option. Forty-two percent strongly opposed moving the library from its current location to the Sierra Madre Rec. Center location at 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Only 12% supported keeping the library at its current location while significantly reducing library services and limiting public access to areas of the library building until alternative funding for ADA compliance can be secured. About 30% selected repairing the library, moving some programming and not increasing taxes as their “most preferred” option. Eight in 10 surveyed felt having a comprehensive, up-to- date collection of materials was essential or most important. Seven in 10 agreed that having social and educational programming for all ages and local history archives were essential or very important. A majority of residents did not support the idea of a parcel tax to pay for a new library or enhance services. One of the most “astonishing” figures noted is that 75% of those surveyed say they come to the library at least once to twice a month. The general consensus among council members, library staff and the community is that putting temporary Band- Aids on repairs is no longer an option and safety should be the priority moving forward. The City Manager, Gabriel Engeland directed the Council to review the results and meet at a later date to discuss options in further detail. The complete survey can be accessed at City Hall public counter, at the Library, and on the City’s website at www. cityofsierramadre.com. KMcGuire/MVNews When celebrating Memorial Day... Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |