Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, June 16, 2018

MVNews this week:  Page A:7



Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 16, 2018 





Shirley is a sweet, gentle Chihuahua mix girl 
who wants nothing more than to be loved. She 
was picked up as a stray dog in San Gabriel. She 
is estimated to be about 7-years-old and weighs 
around 10 pounds. Shirley is happiest cuddling 
on a friendly lap, soaking up some petting and 
massages. She has the most beautiful face with big 
soulful brown eyes, always with a smile on her face. 
Shirley loves going on walks to the park, and has 
shown an interest in playing. She is curious about 
other dogs and seems friendly when meeting them. 
Shirley is believed to have arthritis and a condition 
called “Luxating Patella” which is apparent when 
she goes for walks, although she doesn’t let it slow 
her down. This lovely girl would make a wonderful 
companion for the lucky person who takes her 
home. Come and meet this beautiful brown-eyed 
girl to see if she is a good match for you. Her 
adoption fee is $130 and includes spay surgery, 
vaccinations, microchip and a free wellness exam 
at a participating veterinarian. Feel free to call 
us at (626) 286-1159 for more information. She 
currently resides at the San Gabriel Valley Humane 
Society located at 851 E. Grand Avenue in San 
Gabriel. We are located off San Gabriel Blvd, 
north of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. To 
arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’, please stop by any time 
from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. 

Happy Tails

by Chris Leclerc

It’s that time of year again, and the heat is on in 
Southern California. But who doesn’t already 
know this happens every year around here? When 
I first moved to Sierra Madre in 1991, there were 
few spots where the sun’s rays hit the pavement 
on my street because there were so many trees on 
either side with branches that met in the middle, it 
created a canopy of complete shade.

 Those were the days, but now we are in a new age 
and folks seem to be cutting down trees more than 
ever. I realize some trees have to be cut down due to 
old age or disease but all too often, I see trees being 
cut down just to make space for the construction of 
a larger house, or to do away with the mess the tree 
made on someone‘s yard or driveway. Really? Who 

 Regardless, I am thankful for the trees we still 
have that continue to provide kind, cooling shade 
for those of us who appreciate it. But in the growing 
number of areas where the trees have gone missing, 
it can get brutally hot when summer comes 
a-calling. Indeed, in some areas it is simply not safe 
for anyone - human or otherwise - to be out there 
where the sun is beating down.

 While you’re cool indoors, think about your 
pets. Are they cool too, or are their lives in danger?

A dog’s normal temperature is at least 5 degrees 
higher than a human’s. If they are confined in a 
yard or dog run, with no way to escape from the 
heat, they may easily become victims of a fatal heat 

 SPCA LA’s website sums it up nicely with a list 
of “to-do’s” to help educate owners about basic pet 
safety during the hot summer months.

Tips For Keeping Your Pet Cool in Hot Weather:

1) Water to prevent dehydration: Plenty of clean, 
cool drinking water is a must at all times.

2) Protection from the sun: If your pet must stay in 
the yard instead of the cool indoors, be sure he has 
adequate shade and ventilation.

3) Park your pet at home: Never leave your pet in a 
parked car, not even for five minutes. It could cost 
him his life. The temperature in a parked car can 
soar to 160 degrees within minutes, even with the 
windows left slightly open.

4) Emergency Care: If a pet is overcome by heat 
(detected by excess panting, heavy salivation, and/
or immobility) immerse him 
slowly in cool water to lower his 
body temperature, and contact 
a veterinarian. Never immerse 
a pet in ice cold water, as it may 
cause shock.

5) Keep Pets Groomed: Clip long 
or matted coats short to help 
your pet stay cool, but remember 
that pets, like people, can get 
sunburned too and coats should 
not be TOO short.

6) Health Check: Carefully go 
over your pet’s body at least once 
a week to check for fleas, ear mites and tiny bumps 
or cuts. Take your pet to the vet for a summer check-
up and use a good flea/tick repellent recommended 
by your vet.

7) Fleas: Fleas need to be attacked on three fronts; 
on the pet itself, in the home, and in the yard.

8) Exercise: Exercise pets in the morning or in the 
evening, when it is cooler.

9) Prevent Burns: Dog pads (on the bottom of their 
feet) burn quite easily, so avoid hot surfaces such as 
asphalt on hot days.

10) Identification: With the hotter weather, families 
and their pets are outside more often, not to 
mention the noises of some 4th of July celebrations, 
increasing the chances of a pet getting lost. Make 
sure your pets always wear proper identification.

Fun Heat Relief Ideas:

1) Ice Cube Treats: Freeze edible mystery treats into 
ice cubes for your dog to lick and discover while 
you are away! Bits of vegetables and/or meat bits 
are excellent ideas for ice cube surprise inners!

2) Kiddy Pools: Fill a baby pool with water and let 
your dogs splash about at his leisure while you‘re at 
work. When you are at home, you can toss a bowl 
of ice cube treat in the pool water for him to hunt.

3) Frozen Pops: Make your dog a delicious frozen 
treat! Use canned pumpkin or fresh fruit minced 
with a processor to come up with some awesome 
cold creations that your four-pawed friend will love 
you for!

4) Hose-Play: Get out in the back yard with your 
best friend, and spray him down. Be sure to include 
yourself in the spray-play too! He will love you all 
the more for it.

 It goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway) that 
animals deserve the same respect that we humans 
expect when it comes to comfort and safety, 
particularly during the heat of summer. There is no 
excuse for animal abuse, neglect, or disrespect. To 
me this is common sense but for those who don’t 
get it, there are LA County penal codes, strongly 
reinforced by California state law to help them 

 I hope this information has been helpful to those 
who wish to keep their pets healthy, happy and cool 
this summer. Be good to your pets. Give them the 
respect they deserve and as always, love and let live!



pair, JOEY & 
TEDDIE, age 2.5 
yrs. Joey is such a 
handsome tabby 
boy, with white 
under his chin. He 
is mellow and so 
comfortable that you can rub him anywhere. Teddie 
is a petite little tuxedo fluffball! So cute! She loves to 
play with the feather wand. Teddie is friendly, but shy 
until she knows you. Call to come meet them. Use 
our Twofur Offer, & they will come spayed/neutered, 
current on vaccines, and microchipped. Call 626-
676-9505 or email us at 
for more information. See more pictures of them 
html and find our adoption information at www. Can’t adopt? You can sponsor, 
donate, or foster!



A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder




Vacation Time Again? 

Dr. James L. Snyder

I had just finished my project, 
sent it to my publisher, took a deep breath and 
said out loud, “I’m glad that’s done. Now I can rest 
for a while.”

I must have said it aloud for someone in the house 
heard it. I need to explain that with the Gracious 
Mistress of the Parsonage, it does not matter if you 
say it aloud, mumble it under your breath or just 
think it, she hears it.

I do not know how she does it and she will not 
give me her secret.

“So,” my wife said rather suspiciously, “ready to go 
on our vacation?”

I stuttered a little bit and said, “A what?”

That “V” word rarely resides between my two ears. 
I just never think of it. I am not a vacation fan. 
Sure, when the kids were home it was nice to get 
away and have some fun with them. However, that 
has been a long time ago. I think someone my age 
is just too old to go on vacation. What would be 
the purpose?

I am a little afraid that if I go on vacation, I might 
forget that I am on vacation and never return 
home and no one would ever see me again. You 
know how the memory is for us old guys. So, to be 
on the safe side, I do not think of vacation time.

“You know exactly what I mean,” my wife said 
rather sternly with one of her sly smiles. “We 
should begin making plans for our vacation before 
you begin your next project.”

She caught me off guard there. Under other 
circumstances, I might have responded by telling 
her that it was too late, I’ve already started my next 
project. I remember trying that once and I may 
be the writer, but she’s the reader and she always 
reads between the lines.

Then she began laying out her well thought out 
plans for what our vacation would be like.

I interrupted her and said as soberly as possible, 
“That would be nice, but I do not have any money 
to sponsor a vacation right now.”

All she did was laugh, which rather irritated me. 
Then she explained, “Don’t give that a thought. I 
have been saving for this vacation since last year. I 
have it all worked out.”

Without my knowing it, she has been planning this 
vacation for quite a while. She even worked out the 
schedule with the daughters and grandchildren. 
She usually watches them while the daughters are 
at work. It took several months, but she worked 
out a schedule so that the week she had planned 
was cleared on everybody’s calendar.

She knew approximately when my project was due 
and started from there.

When it comes to developing my projects for my 
publisher, I can plan right down to the very day 
it is due. Outside of that, I am completely out of 

This is not true with the Gracious Mistress of the 
Parsonage. She can plan everything to the last 
detail. Doesn’t matter if it is our vacation, some 
project at the church, or spending time with the 
grandchildren. She is the Planning Queen of all 

It’s not that I do not like vacations, because once 
I’m there I do. What I do not like is the planning 
and the preparation. It becomes so meticulous 
that I get bored.

I have been like this all my life. The first day of first 
grade in school, I did not want to go. When the 
bus came to pick me up, I refused to get on and 
even had a little fit with the bus driver.

My mother, of course, was not too happy with 
the situation and took it out on me. She grabbed 
me, threw me in the car and drove me to school. I 
was kicking and screaming all the way to school. 
When we got to school, she threw me out and 
drove away. At least that’s how I remember it.

When it came time to go home I refused to leaved 
school. I really didn’t know how wonderful first 
grade would be.

I suppose that’s the way I am. I do not want to do 
anything new, but when I do, I do not want to not 
do it. My wife understands this because she’s had 
to deal with me all these years. So, when she says, 
“Are you ready for our vacation?” I know she has it 
all planned to the last detail. Very wisely, she does 
not reveal these plans to me until we are ready to 
go off on vacation.

Once I get to that vacation destination, I have a 
good time, and I have her to thank for that. If left 
up to me, it would never get done.

To answer the question, “Are you ready for our 
vacation?” let me just say, I must be because my 
wife is always thorough in all her planning.

Driving to our vacation destination, I could not 
help but think of something David said, “My 
times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of 
mine enemies, and from them that persecute me” 
(Psalm 31:15).

I must confess that I often want to try to plan my 
life. I need to learn what David learned, God has 
already planned my life and all I need to do is to 
yield to his direction.

The Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family 
of God Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 
34472. He lives with the Gracious Mistress of the 
Parsonage, in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 
352-687-4240 or e-mail 
The church web site is

I am often asked why I 
teach and write about the 
topics of self-reliance and 
survival. Here is part of my 

 “The city” developed organically from the earliest times 
of human history, presumably for the mutual survival and 
upliftment of all those who became a part of it. The city 
because the locus for heightened social interaction, where 
farmers could barter and sell their goods to the far reaches 
of the domain, where the brightest and the best could 
answer your questions and resolved your needs, whether 
about technical, medical, or 
other issue. It’s obvious why 
cities developed, though it 
has not always so altruistic.

 We know, for example, 
that the great Mayan cities 
most likely had theocratic 
rulers whose orders were law, 
and sometimes that worked 
out well for the people. But 
it could also spell the demise 
for the city if deluded 
self-important religious 
leaders saw themselves as 
more important than “the 
people.” Right here in North 
America, there was the great 
city of Cahokia in what is 
now Illinois, which emerged, 
dominated, changed and 
improved the lives of 
everyone it touched, and 
then, for various reasons, it 

 Cities and civilizations 
arise out of the common 
interests of those it serves, 
and they seem to follow a pattern of growth, peaking, 
declining, disappearing (that’s the 25 cent version of what 
usually takes a full semester anthropology course).

 Every school child has heard about the great Roman 
empire, and how it “fell.” We read the great details and 
shake our heads at the Roman stupidity that allowed 
such greatness to fall, and secretly, we believe it can 
never happen to us. Really? Well, we don’t want it to 
happen to us, of course, but consider that a “civilization” 
is a living, dynamic entity. It’s essence and character 
and health are all determined by the collective mindset 
and collective actions of all the participants, whether 
you recognize that or not. And it does seem to more 
and more of us that the collective mindset is too often 
about short-term gains, and not about the health and 
survival and vitality of the city, and the culture, and our 

 We aren’t sure exactly where we are as a people in 
the curve of the decline of a civilization, or whether or 
not we can affect that decline. However, there is always 
something that the individual can do – always. 

 To gain a higher perspective of what you can do, in 
your own life, in your own family and in your own town, 
I strongly encourage you to read Morris Berman’s “The 
Twilight of American Culture.” There are lots of good 
ideas there. Also, continue to read the publications that 
describe and promote the positive actions you can take 
every day in your own life to improve your survival 
quotient, in the city, and in the wilderness.

 Everyone wants to make the wisest choices when our 
modern structures break down, either from the ravages of 
nature, or from man (war, terrorism, disease, etc.). 

 Sometimes we can feel like we are just a drop of water in 
the ocean, but as we network and work with like-minded 
others, we can move in the direction of living solutions.

 When I began teaching about wild foods and survival 
skills when I was still a teenager, I did so to encourage 
others to think likewise, but mostly I did so to clarify my 
own thinking on the subject. You could call it enlightened 
self-interest. Plus, by teaching and writing, I was able to 
meet others along the same path, people that I would have 
never met if I were hiding out somewhere in a cave.

 I taught field trips, and I taught in the classroom. 
When I taught in the classroom, I found it useful to 
organize each subject by topic, and to teach by constantly 
asking questions of the students. Those refined and 
edited questions became the basis for my “Testing Your 
Outdoor Survival Skills” textbook, which is still used by 
many today. (It’s available on Amazon, or from the store 

 Though I still use that “Testing” textbook, I have also 
written “How to Survive Anywhere,” which embodies 
most of the ideas in “Testing Your Outdoor Survival 

 In “How to Survive Anywhere,” I mention Jane Jacobs, 
who is the author of “Dark Ages Ahead,” who attempts 
to offer solutions to anyone worried about the decline 
of western civilization. Her book is worth reading; 
at least read page 258 of “How to Survive Anywhere,” 
where I summarize her thinking. She explains some of 
the obvious causes of our decline, especially the idea of 
community. But she does not see “dark ages” as inevitable. 
Rather, she says that since culture is a living dynamic 
entity, we need to all become living examples of the best in 
society, and we need to think, we need to model solutions, 
and we need to teach, lecture, and write! 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: