Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, December 22, 2018

MVNews this week:  Page A:5


Mountain View News Saturday, December 22, 2018 

in DDoS 

John Perez Appointed 
New Chief of Police

John Eduardo Perez, 
(pictured above) a thirty-
three year veteran of the 
City of Pasadena Police 
Department, has been 
appointed the City’s new 
Chief of Police by City 
Manager Steve Mermell. 
Perez had been serving as 
the Interim Chief of Police 
since April 2018, after 
former Chief Phil Sanchez 
announced his retirement.

 “After conducting a five-
month long national search 
which attracted almost 
seventy applicants from a 
range of agencies,” Mermell 
said,” it became clear to me 
that Chief Perez is what 
Pasadena needs at this 
time. His knowledge of the 
City—and of its people—is 
certainly germane, but it is 
his leadership, his innovation 
and his willingness to work 
with the community that 
he serves which ultimately 
led to his selection. Chief 
Perez is supremely qualified 
to lead us forward and we 
congratulate him on this 
well-deserved promotion.” 

 Perez will oversee a 
Department with 325 
employees and an annual 
budget of $82 million.

 Prior to assuming the 
Interim Chief of Police 
position, Perez served as the 
Deputy Chief of Police from 
2012-2016. Since joining 
the force in 1985 as a cadet, 
Perez has worked in all facets 
of the organization including 
Patrol, Community 
Relations, Internal Affairs, 
Special Enforcement 
Section, S.W.A.T., Special 
Investigations Unit and the 
Counter Terrorism Team. 
He has served in command 
of all three PPD divisions: 
Strategic Services, Field 
Operations and Criminal 

 Perez holds a Ph.D. in 
Public Administration from 
North Central University, a 
Masters’ degree in Behavior 
Science from California 
State Dominguez Hills 
and a Bachelor’s degree 
in Criminal Justice from 
Mountain State University. 
He serves on the executive 
board of the Patron’s Saints 

 The Justice Department 
Thursday announced 
the seizure of 15 internet 
domains associated with 
DDoS-for-hire services, 
as well as criminal charges 
against three defendants 
who facilitated the computer 
attack platforms, including 
one from Pasadena.

 According to authorities, 
the sites, which offered what 
are often called “booter” or 
“stresser” services, allowed 
paying users to launch 
powerful distributed 
denial-of-service, or 
DDoS, attacks that flood 
targeted computers with 
information and prevent 
them from being able 
to access the internet. 
Booter services such as 
those named in this action 
allegedly cause attacks on 
a wide array of victims 
in the United States and 
abroad, including financial 
institutions, universities, 
internet service providers, 
government systems, and 
various gaming platforms.

 Pursuant to seizure 
warrants issued by a federal 
judge in Los Angeles, the 
FBI on Wednesday seized 
the domains of 15 booter 
services, which represent 
some of the world’s 
leading DDoS-for-hire 
services. Among these sites 
were,, downthem.
org, and

 In conjunction with the 
seizure warrants, federal 
prosecutors in Los Angeles 
on Wednesday filed a 
criminal complaint that 
charges Matthew Gatrel, 
30, of St. Charles, Illinois, 
and Juan Martinez, 25, of 
Pasadena, California, with 
conspiring to violate the 
Computer Fraud and Abuse 
Act through the operation 
of services known as 
Downthem and Ampnode.

 They encourage all DDoS 
victims to contact your local 
FBI field office.

Part of the 134 Freeway has Signs Up 

Official Barack H. Obama Highway



 California State Senator 
Anthony J. Portantino 
announced Thursday that 
Caltrans has installed the 
President Barack H. Obama 
Highway Signs renaming 
a portion of the CA-134 
Freeway after our 44th 
President. The renaming was 
a result of the passage of SCR 
8 authored by Portantino and 
Congressman Jimmy Gomez. 
SCR 8 called for the stretch of 
the CA - 134 freeway between 
the Glendale CA-2 and the 
Interstate 210 Freeway at 
Fair oaks in Pasadena to be 
named the “President Barack 
H. Obama Highway”. 

 Earlier in the year, 
community members from 
across Southern California 
attended a reception hosted 
by Portantino, Bob and Faye 
Davidson and Occidental 
College to generously donate 
the money to Caltrans for the 
creation and installation of 
the signs.

 “This is an exciting day for 
Southern California and it 
showcases our deep respect 
and appreciation for President 
Obama. The President 
has often mentioned his 
fond memories of living 
in Pasadena and attending 
Occidental College, so it was 
very appropriate to name 
the portion of the freeway 
he travelled after him. Our 
community came together 
to make this happen. It is 
an honor to be in a position 
to have helped facilitate this 
wonderful symbol of our 
collective respect for the 
grace and dignity embodied 
by our 44th President,” 
commented Portantino. 

 President Obama attended 
Occidental College from 1979 
to 1981 and lived in Pasadena 
during his sophomore year. 
His attendance at Occidental 
College influenced his 
political trajectory and lead 
him to become one of the 
most revered and respected 
Presidents in history. Local 
democratic activists John 
Gallogly suggested the idea 
to name the freeway to 
Portantino who then took 
the idea to Sacramento. SCR 
8 passed the legislature with 
bi-partisan support. When 
news of the freeway naming 
hit the media, Portantino 
was inundated with offers 
from across the country to 
pay for the sign however 
he chose to keep it local. 
Community members were 
invited to participate and 
take “ownership” of the 
project. Local responses 
were overwhelming, and the 
sign was quickly paid for.

 “So many generous 
people can share in the 
accomplishment of this 
appropriate recognition of an 
inspiring, positive leader. I 
am very grateful to Caltrans 
for its rapid response to our 
community’s generosity by 
installing the signs before 
Christmas. What a great way 
to bring in 2019. I hope to 
have a formal unveiling and 
program in the New Year 
to properly commemorate 
the President and our new 
freeway,” Portantino said.

 The signs were 
unveiled 10 a.m. 

Royal Court 
Visit with 
Future Royals


 The 2019 Rose Queen and 
her Princesses will share their 
favorite princess stories and 
recent Tournament experiences 
as members of the Royal Court 
on Saturday, Jan. 12, 2019 from 
1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Pasadena 
Public Library’s Hastings 
Branch, 3325 E. Orange Grove 

 Future Kings, Queens and 
Princesses are invited to come 
dressed in their finery for 
this special visit. Parents are 
encouraged to bring a camera 
and take photos of their own 
prince or princess with the 
Royal Court.

 For more information, 
contact Diane Walker at (626) 
744-7262 or dianewalker@

Climate Change 
in the Library

 Dr. Austin J. Minnich, 
Professor of Mechanical 
Engineering and Applied 
Physics at California Institute 
of Technology (Caltech) will 
kick off 2019: Year of Science 
for the Pasadena Public 
Library at Linda Vista Branch, 
1281 Bryant St. on Saturday, 
Jan. 12, at 11 a.m. Professor 
Minnich will present “Citizen 
Scientist: Climate Change in 
the Library” and demonstrate 
the processes at work on our 
planet with live experiments 
right in front of you.

 In 2011, Professor Minnich 
received his doctorate at 
the Massachusetts Institute 
of Technology (MIT). He 
was appointed Assistant 
Professor at Caltech in 2011 
and has received several 
awards including the National 
Science Foundation CAREER 
award (2013), Office of Naval 
Research Young Investigator 
award (2015), and the Office 
of Naval Research Director 
of Research award (2017). 
Professor Minnich is also 
founder and Principal 
Investigator of the Minnich 

 For more information on 
this and other upcoming 
science programming events 
planned, contact Robin Reidy 
at (626) 744-7278 or rreidy@ 

Free Monthly Events at 
Pasadena Senior Center


 There is something for 
everyone in December 
at the Pasadena Senior 
Center, 85 E. Holly St.

 You do not have to be a 
member to attend. Some 
events require advance 
reservations as 


 Stay Connected with 
Social Media – Tuesdays 
and Thursdays to Dec. 27, 
from 9 to 11 a.m. Learn 
how to keep in touch with 
family and friends via 
email, Skype, Facebook 
and other forms of social 
media during a 30-minute, 
one-on-one session with 
instructor Edison Samuel. 
You’ll choose which 
applications you want 
to learn. Bring a laptop 
or use one of the onsite 
computers. If you have an 
email address, bring it and 
your password. Sign up at 
the Welcome Desk or by 
calling 626-795-4331.

 Friday Movie Matinees 
– Fridays, Dec. 28, at 1 p.m. 
Everyone enjoys watching 
movies and the pleasures 
they bring. Dec. 28: Crazy 
Rich Asians (2018, PG-13) 
starring Constance Wu and 
Henry Golding. An Asian 
American New Yorker 
is apprehensive about 
meeting her longtime 
boyfriend’s family when 
she accompanies him to 
his best friend’s wedding in 

 Disaster Preparedness – 
Thursday, Jan. 3, at 10 a.m. 
Are you prepared for the 
next major earthquake 
and other potential 
disasters? Learn how to 
create a disaster kit, make 
disaster plans and how to 
get the free training you 
will need before the next 
disaster occurs. Presented 
by the Pasadena Fire 

 Legal Consultations 
– Thursday, Jan. 3, at 
10 a.m. Legal advice 
will be provided about 
conservatorship, wills and 
trusts, estate planning and 
durable power of attorney. 
Appointments are required 
by calling 626-795-4331. 

 California Legislation that 
Affects Seniors – Thursday, 
Jan. 10, at 10 a.m. 
Significant progress has 
been made in expanding 
services for older adults 
in the past five years, 
but recent state budget 
cuts have led to cost-
cutting measures. Learn 
more at this informative 
talk presented by Wise & 
Healthy Aging. 

 Cultural Thursdays – 
Thursdays, Jan. 10 and 
17, at 2 p.m. Jan. 10: 
Pianist Bob Lipson and 
Saul H. Jacobs will lead a 
musical journey through 
the life and works of 
George and Ira Gershwin. 
Jan. 17: Musicians from 
the Pasadena Symphony 
and Pops will perform in 

 Improvisation for Lifeskills 
PLAYshop – Jan. 11, from 
10 a.m. to noon. Tap into 
your natural, creative 
talents while enhancing 
your health and well-
being. This series will focus 
on improv techniques, 
theater games and 
creative drama to 
increase your spontaneity, 
memory, focus and 
interactive social and 
communication skills 
in a fun, playful and 
creative environment. 
Sign up at the Welcome 
Desk or by calling 626-
795-4331. Presented by 
Trisha Jauchler, founder 
and director of On Bright 
Wings and Theatre on the 

For more information visit: 
or call 626-795-4331.

 Founded in 1960, the 
Pasadena Senior Center 
is an independent, donor-
supported nonprofit 
organization that offers 
recreational, educational, 
wellness and social 
services to people ages 50 
and older in a welcoming 
environment. Services are 
also provided for frail, low-
income and homebound 

Pet of the 


Sunday, December 2nd

11:00 PM – A vehicle 
vandalism occurred in 
the 2300 block of Lincoln 
Avenue. Damage: broken 
windshield and scratches.

Monday, December 3rd

1:00 AM – A petty theft 
from an unlocked vehicle 
occurred in the 2700 block 
of Raymond Avenue. Stolen: 
jumper cables.

3:00 AM – A vehicle 
burglary occurred in the 
300 block of E. Mendocino 
Street. Suspect(s) entered 
the vehicle via unknown 
means. Stolen: subwoofers 
and personal documents. 

9:37 PM – A strong armed 
robbery occurred in the 2200 
block of Raymond Lane. 
Stolen: credit cards, currency 
and personal documents.

Wednesday, December 5th

12:00 AM – A vehicle 
vandalism occurred in the 
1700 block of La Paz Road. 
Vehicle damage: spray 

5:30 AM – A vehicle 
vandalism occurred in the 
700 block of E. Mariposa 
Street. Vehicle damage: 
spray painted.

10:30 PM – A vehicle 
burglary occurred in the 
400 block of Figueroa 
Drive. Suspect(s) entered 
the vehicle by shattering 
the window. Stolen: yellow 
backpack, gray iPad Mini 
and a burgundy Fuji camera.

Friday, December 7th

1:00 PM – A residential 
vandalism occurred in the 
1100 block of E. Palm Street. 
Damage: shattered window. 

11:23 Pm – Oscar Brown, 
43 years old of Pomona was 
arrested in the area of Lincoln 
Avenue and Figueroa Drive 
for drunk in public.

Saturday, December 8th

5:47 AM – A battery 
occurred in the 200 block of 
E. Altadena Drive. Suspect 
was taken into custody.

9:20 PM – A battery 
occurred in the 900 block of 
N. Weimar Street. Suspect 
was taken into custody.

Monday, December 10th

9:45 PM – A domestic 
battery occurred in the area 
of Glenrose Avenue and 
Woodbury Road. Suspect 
was taken into custody. 

Tuesday, December 11th

3:15 PM – A residential 
vandalism occurred in the 
400 block of W. Altadena 
Drive. Damage: shattered 

7:50 PM – A battery occurred 
in the 2300 block of Marengo 
Avenue. Suspect has been 

Friday, December 14th

9:04 AM – Nyah Brown, 38 
years old of Los Angeles was 
arrested in the 700 block 
of E. Altadena Drive for 
shoplifting. Items stolen 
were recovered.

Saturday, December 15th

12:08 AM – Darshion 
Hamilton, 38 years old of 
Altadena was arrested in the 
1900 block of Lake Avenue 
for being under the influence 
of a controlled substance.

 Eclipse (A468903) is an 
8-month-old kitty looking 
for a home for the holidays. 
She was surrendered to 
the Pasadena Humane 
Society a month ago and 
is in need of a new friend 
and home. When you visit 
her in the Cat Communal 
Room she is the first to 
approach you. She enjoys 
playing, cuddling, and 
napping and is looking 
for that special someone 
to make her part of the 
family this holiday season. 

 The adoption fee for 
cats is $75. All cats are 
spayed or neutered, 
microchipped, and 
vaccinated before being 

 New adopters will receive 
a complimentary health-
and-wellness exam from 
VCA Animal Hospitals, as 
well as a goody bag filled 
with information about 
how to care for your pet.

 View photos of 
adoptable pets at 
Adoption hours are 11 
a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 9 
a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday 
through Friday; and 9 
a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

 Pets may not be available 
for adoption and cannot 
be held for potential 
adopters by phone calls 
or email.

Police on the 
Lookout for 
DUI Drivers

 Pasadena police officials 
announced that they will be 
on the lookout for impaired 
drivers during the upcoming 
holiday season. Whether you 
are out celebrating with friends 
at your favorite restaurant or 
enjoying a holiday party at a 
residence, please find a safe 
way home. Remember that 
averting a holiday tragedy 
starts with all of us. DO NOT 
drink and drive. Authorities 
said “make the smart choice 
- go safely and arrive at your 
destination safe and sound.”


 Join The Pasadena Library 
for Kwanzaa: A Celebration 
of Family, Community & 
Culture. Enjoy music, stories 
and tasty dishes prepared by 
members of the Pasadena 
Alumnae Chapter of 
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. 
Thursday, Dec. 27 • 11 a.m.-1 
p.m. • La Pintoresca Branch 
located 1355 N Raymond 
Ave, Pasadena.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: