Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, December 22, 2018

MVNews this week:  Page B:2




Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 22, 2018 

Jeff’s Book Pics By Jeff Brown



It’s common for families of those with Alzheimer’s 
and other forms of dementia to realize that at 
some point, their loved one shouldn’t be allowed 
to drive. But fewer people are aware they should 
exercise the same level of caution when it comes 
to restricting their loved one’s access to firearms.

 This was one of the findings of a May 2018 study 
published in the Annals of Internal Medicine 
covering firearm ownership among Alzheimer’s 
patients. The study noted that even though 89% of 
Americans support restricting access to firearms 
for those with mental illness, there’s been little 
attention focused on limiting firearm access 
among elderly dementia patients.

 Indeed, there are currently no federal gun 
laws prohibiting the purchase or possession 
of firearms by persons with dementia. And 
only two states—Hawaii and Texas—have laws 
restricting gun access for dementia patients. 
A ticking time bomb

This lack of attention comes despite an 
increasing number of incidents involving 
elderly dementia patients shooting and killing 
family members and caregivers after confusing 
them for intruders. And with so many Baby 
Boomers now entering retirement age, this 
dangerous situation could get much worse. 
In fact, the number of people with dementia is 
expected to double to around 14 million in the 
next 20 years, with the vast majority of those over 
age 65. Since nearly half of people over 65 either 
own a gun or live with someone who does, it’s 
clear that firearm safety should be a top priority for 
those with elderly family members—even if they 
don’t currently have any signs of dementia.

 That said, just talking about restricting 
someone’s access to guns can be highly 
controversial and polarizing. Many people, 
especially veterans and those in law enforcement, 
consider guns—and their right to own 
them—an important part of their identity. 
Given this, the study’s authors recommended 
that families should talk with their elderly loved 
ones early on about the fact that one day they 
might have to give up their guns. Physicians 
suggest bringing up the topic of firearms relatively 
soon after individual’s initial dementia diagnosis. 

 This discussion should be like those related to 
driving, acknowledging the emotions involved and 
allowing the person to maintain independence 
and decision control for as long as it’s safe. Even 
though this can be a very touchy subject, putting 
off this discussion can literally be life threatening.

All part of the plan

 Since it relates to so many other end-of-life 
matters, this discussion should take place as part 
of the overall estate planning process. One way to 
handle the risk is to create a separate “gun trust,” 
an estate planning tool specially designed to deal 
with the ownership of firearms. 

 Such a trust allows the gun owner to name a 
trusted family member or friend to take ownership 
of their firearms once they’re reached a certain 
age or stage of dementia. In this way, the process 
may seem more like passing on a beloved family 
heirloom and less like giving up their guns. 

 Moreover, the transfer of certain types of 
firearms must adhere to strict state and federal 
regulations. Unless the new owner is in full 
compliance with these requirements, they could 
inadvertently violate the law simply by taking 
possession of the guns. 

 With a gun trust, the firearm is legally owned by 
the trust, so most of the transfer requirements are 
avoided, making it a lot easier for family members 
to manage access after the original owner’s death 
or incapacity. 

 Indeed, gun trusts can be a valuable 
planning strategy even for gun owners without 
dementia. Speak with us to see if a gun trust 
would be a suitable option for your family. 
Dedicated to empowering your family, building 
your wealth and defining your legacy,

A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a 
mission to help parents protect what they love most. 
His office is located at 55 Auburn Avenue, Sierra 
Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to 
sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love 
and financial security for your family by calling 
626.355.4000 or visit for 
more information.

Thanks A Thousand: A 
Gratitude Journey by A. J. 

The idea was deceptively simple. 
N.Y.Times bestselling author A.J. 
Jacobs decided to thank every 
single person involved in producing 
his morning cup of coffee. The 
resulting journey takes him across 
the globe, transforms his life, and 
reveals secrets about how gratitude 
can make us all happier, more 
generous, and more connected. 
Author A.J. Jacobs discovers that 
his coffee—and every other item 
in our lives—would not be possible 
without hundreds of people we 
usually take for granted: farmers, 
chemists, artists, presidents, 
truckers, mechanics, biologists, 
miners, smugglers, and goatherds. 
By thanking these people face to 
face, Jacobs finds some much-
needed brightness in his life. 
Gratitude does not come naturally 
to Jacobs—his disposition is more 
Larry David than Tom Hanks—
but he sets off on the journey on 
a dare from his son. And by the 
end, it’s clear to him that scientific 
research on gratitude is true. 
Gratitude’s benefits are legion: It 
improves compassion, heals your 
body, and helps battle depression. 
Jacobs gleans wisdom from vivid 
characters all over the globe, 
including the Minnesota miners 
who extract the iron that makes 
the steel used in coffee roasters, to 
the Madison Avenue marketers 
who captured his wandering 
attention for a moment, to the 
farmers in Colombia. Along the 
way, Jacobs provides wonderful 
insights and useful tips, from how 
to focus on the hundreds of things 
that go right every day instead of 
the few that go wrong. And how 
our culture overemphasizes the 
individual over the team. And 
how to practice the art of “savoring 
meditation” and fall asleep at night. 
Thanks a Thousand is a reminder 
of the amazing interconnectedness 
of our world. It shows us how much 
we take for granted. It teaches 
us how gratitude can make our 
lives happier, kinder, and more 
impactful. And it will inspire us to follow our own 
“Gratitude Trails.” 

Awake in the Heartland: The Ecstasy of 
What Is by Joan Tollifson 

Awake in the Heartland offers 
clear non-dual understanding, 
not in the abstract, but grounded 
in the actuality of daily life with 
all its messiness, complexity, 
uncertainty, paradox, and apparent 
imperfection. If there seems 
to be a gap between what the 
enlightenment books describe and 
what you find in your own life, 
if you still think enlightenment 
is something that will happen to 
“you” someday in the future (or not 
at all), if you’re still chasing spiritual 
experiences or self-improvement, 
then this book may be just what you 
need to wake up to the truth that 
what you are seeking is Here / Now. 
It cannot be attained, nor can it be 
lost, and it belongs to no one. Awake 
in the Heartland takes a fresh look 
at questions of addiction, free 
will, good and evil, authority, and 
identity. It encourages the reader 
to look for themselves without 
clinging to old opinions or relying 
on outside authorities. Honest, 
funny, and profound, this is a book 
that invites you to discover who or 
what you really are. 

Leah on the Offbeat by 
Becky Albertalli (Young Adult 

In this sequel to the acclaimed 
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens 
Agenda—now a major motion 
picture, Love, Simon—we follow 
Simon’s BFF Leah as she grapples 
with changing friendships, first 
love, and senior year angst. When 
it comes to drumming, Leah 
Burke is usually on beat—but real 
life isn’t always so rhythmic. She’s 
an anomaly in her friend group: 
the only child of a young, single 
mom, and her life is decidedly less 
privileged. She loves to draw but is 
too self-conscious to show it. And 
even though her mom knows she’s 
bisexual, she hasn’t mustered the 
courage to tell her friends—not 
even her openly gay BFF, Simon. 
So Leah really doesn’t know 
what to do when her rock-solid 
friend group starts to fracture in 
unexpected ways. With prom and 
college on the horizon, tensions 
are running high. It’s hard for Leah to strike the 
right note while the people she loves are fighting—
especially when she realizes she might love one of 
them more than she ever intended. The 3 reviews 
are from

All Things By Jeff Brown


Once again, scientists are finding fresh evidence that 
exercise is basically a wonder drug.Research published 
in the British Journal of Sports Medicine on Tuesday 
suggests that exercise may be just as effective as drugs 
at lowering high blood pressure.The review analyzed 
nearly 400 different studies on drugs and exercise, 
and focused on patients with top-line (systolic) blood 
pressure cuff readings of 140 or higher. The results 
suggested that it doesn’t matter much what kind of 
exercise you perform; as long as you’re moving, your 
doing good things for your heart.Also new research 
finds that a 6-month regimen of aerobic exercise can 
reverse symptoms of mild cognitive impairment in 
older adults.Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is 
characterized by a mild loss of cognitive abilities, such 
as memory and reasoning skills.



This time of year is filled 
with so much. Amidst 
the busy-ness, there 
is great beauty in the 
compassion we have 
for one another. And, 
behind the material 
gifts there is the spirit of 
giving. The emotions of 
this lead to a feeling of 
gratitude for the people in our lives that support 
us. Sitting with gratitude, there is a beautiful 
recognition all that IS.

 Personally, this is where my mind goes to 
power of Grace. It recalls those moments of 
utter, unexplainable divine presence. One of my 
favorite writers Anne Lamott says something 
profound on grace: “I do not understand the 
mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we 
are but does not leave us where it found us.” The 
healing presence of grace SEES us. It sees straight 
through to our highest purpose, our dharma. It’s 
like a bridge that appears when hope is lost. Or a 
safety net that appears out of nowhere. It’s healing 
capacity is invisible yet known.

Consider those moments of grace in your own 
life. Is there a moment or a time period happening 
right now? I feel that grace waits for us to recognize 
the work to be done. The wait is not indefinite 
though - the moment or time period will end, 
and then it is time for self-responsibility and self-
empowerment. Not to worry, another moment of 
grace will come in just at the right time - probably 
unrequested. Acknowledge this, be thankful and 
practice self-compassion in between.

 I wish you the best, most peaceful holiday. 
Remember to take care of yourself. Take care of 
your body, your mind and emotions.


Keely Totten 

Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Grateful Grace Filled 


Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual


What would happen if each one of us told the truth 
to ourselves and did what we want to do? We would 
change the world!

 Anyone that explores their desires, mines their 
creativity, and genuinely harnesses their power has 
nowhere to go but up. 

 At this time of year, it is easy to get caught up in 
the hustle of shopping, gathering, and hoarding. 
We make lists. We record things to buy, parties to 
attend, and gifts to give. We run from pillar to post, 
but are we happy?

 We make a list and check them twice, but do we 
make onto our list?

 Do you love yourself as you know you should? 
Or are you always putting other people in front of 
you and ahead of you?

 When was the last time you filled your cup? 
When will it be time to explore what is important to 
you, to explore what makes you excited about life?

There comes a time in life when we must ask, "what 
do I want?"

 "How do I get to my goal?"

 January and February are busy times for me, but 
the time is now. You don't have to wait and create a 
list of resolutions. You can put yourself at the top of 
your list.

 If you could do, be, or have anything what would 
that be?

 Write me back and share just one thing you 
would love to see improvement in your life now. 

 Lori A. Harris is a Certified Life Master Consultant, 
transformational life coach and the developer and 
creator of the Gratitude Train App, available in 
Google Play and the App Store. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: