Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, January 12, 2019

MVNews this week:  Page A:5


Mountain View News Saturday, January 12, 2019 

Wooten Gets 
14 Years for 

Holden Asks for Nominations 
for Women of Distinction

Former Pasadena Department 
of Public Works Employee 
Danny Wooten was sentenced 
yesterday to 14 years in prison. 
He was also ordered to pay 
back almost $3.7 million in 
restitution —more then the 
$3.5 million he was convicted, 
in November, of steeling.

 Tyrone Collins, a co-
defendant, was given seven 
years for his roll in the 

 Both men had been taken 
into custody immediately after 
being found guilty by a jury 
November 6. 

 Deputy District Attorney 
Bjorn Dodd said in November, 
“Jurors deliberated for about 
three days before finding 
Wooten guilty of 53 counts, 
including embezzlement, 
conflict of interest and 
misappropriation of public 
funds. Codefendant Tyrone 
Collins was convicted 
of 20 counts, including 
embezzlement and 
misappropriation of public 

 Wooten was a management 
analyst for the city.

 Between 2004 and March 
2014, Wooten created false 
invoices for the underground 
utility program and stole 
roughly $3.5 million.

 He funneled some of the 
stolen money to Collins, who 
owns Collins Electric, the 
prosecutor said.

 Wooten also created bank 
accounts purporting to 
represent two religious 
organizations. However, he

was the only person on the 
account, the prosecutor said.

 The scheme was discovered 
in 2014 when the city ordered 
an audit.

Women of Distinction 2017

 For 30 years, in recognition 
of Women’s History Month, 
the State Legislature has 
honored the achievements 
of women throughout 
California during the 
annual Woman of the Year 
celebration. Chris Holden 
said he invites you to 
nominate a woman who you 
believe should be honored 
for her positive contributions 
in our community. 

 “Last year, I had the honor to 
name Dr. Marina Khubesrian 
as the 41st Assembly District 
Woman of the Year. At our 
Annual Spring District 
Office Open House, we 
collectively recognized a 
woman of distinction from 
each city in our district.” 

 He also said to send your 
nominations by January 30 
for the district’s 2019 Woman 
of the Year and Women of 

 The district’s Woman of 
the Year will be invited 
to the State Capitol to be 
introduced on the Assembly 
Floor and be given a 
special resolution honoring 
her contributions to the 
community and the state. 
The Women of Distinction, 
and Woman of the Year, will 
be recognized at our Annual 
Spring Open House (date to 
be announced). 

Categories include but not 
limited to: 



Community Service 


Health Services 


Science and Technology


Under 30 

Nomination forms are 

Centers to Replace Polling Places in 2020

 During a jam-packed meeting 
Thursday, local residents were 
asked for input on new radical 
changes to the current voting 
system that does away with 
local polling places in 2020 in 
favor of county based regional 
vote centers and replaces 
ballot marking devices with 
“electronic polbooks” that use 
a combination of a touchscreen 
and a voter’s personal 

 There will be far less vote centers 
compared to polling places, 
with some low population cities 
having none. Common Cause 
Public Outreach Coordinator 
Kiyana Asemanfar said there 
would be about 1,000 vote 
centers throughout Los Angeles 
County. According to the Los 
Angeles County Registrar-
Recorder/County Clerk’s office 
there were around 4,000 poling 
places in 2018. 

 Asemanfar said ideal locations 
for the centers included, 
“libraries, Starbucks and other 
chain restaurants, shopping 
malls, big box stores, local parks, 
schools and churches. She said 
the purpose of the meeting was 
to see where voters wanted vote 
centers. One attendee said “You 
better not put them in Walmart.”

 Pasadena City Clerk Mark 
Jomsky said the city would also 
review the sites within Pasadena. 

 “The county is going to be 
administering the election so 
they will be choosing the sites.” 
He said. “We will as a city give 
input into it but there won’t be 
any council action on any of the 
vote center sites.”

 Jomsky also said that because 
of changes from local Measures 
AA and BB, “this changes all city 
council and local PUSD board 
elections to even years, so all 
the races will be on the county 
ballot starting in 2020.”

 Jomsky explained what is 
changing is where people vote.

 “They’re going to go from 
smaller neighborhood sites to 
these bigger voting centers, there 
will be fewer but each one will 
still allow anyone from any part 
of LA County to go to a center 
to vote. So let’s say you live in 
Pasadena but work in downtown 
Los Angeles and a vote center is 
located near your work, you can 
cast your Pasadena ballot at the 
downtown location.”

 He said the idea is to make 
voting more flexible, each 
center will be open 11 days, 10 
before, and election day. Jomsky 
also said he will no longer be 
involved in counting ballots 
during elections, a long standing 
tradition among city clerks. 

 Asemanfar said every proposed 
center location will be reviewed 
for room size, parking, public 
transit, ADA accessibility, 
hours of operation and internet 
capacity among other things. 

 For more information, or to 
suggest a center location visit 

Free Monthly Events at 
Pasadena Senior Center

Pasadena Mayor Tornek 
to GIve State of the City

New York 

 There is something for 
everyone in December 
at the Pasadena Senior 
Center, 85 E. Holly St.

 You do not have to be a 
member to attend. Some 
events require advance 
reservations as 


 Screening Mimis Film 
Discussion Club – Tuesday, 
Jan. 15, at 1:30 p.m. 
Diehard film fans are invited 
to watch Sinbad the Sailor 
(1947, NR) starring Douglas 
Fairbanks Jr. and Maureen 
O’Hara. An ocean of 
adventure awaits Sinbad 
as he sets out in search of 
the fabled lost treasure 
of Alexander the Great. 
The film will be preceded 
by a presentation about 
the film’s hidden history 
and followed by a lively 

 Chair Yoga – Wednesday, 
Jan. 16, at 1 p.m. Improve 
your balance and 
confidence through 
gentle yoga exercises 
while sitting in a chair or 
standing and using a chair 
for support. 

 My Gift to You: The 
Importance of Planning 
Ahead – Thursday, Jan. 
17, at 10 a.m. What to do 
when a loved one passes 
away is a difficult topic to 
discuss, and most families 
spend fewer than five 
minutes talking about it. 
This can cause them to be 
completely unprepared 
and overwhelmed by all 
the details that must be 
handled. A representative 
from Forest Lawn will 
explain how you and 
your loved ones can plan 
ahead to maneuver 
through this emotional 
and financial experience.

 Braille Technology 
and Library Resources – 
Thursday, Jan. 17, at 12:30 
p.m. Learn about free 
audiobooks and digital 
technology services 
for people who are 
visually impaired or blind. 
Presented by the Braille 

Cultural Thursdays – 
Thursday, Jan. 17, at 2 
p.m. Musicians from the 
Pasadena Symphony 
and Pops will perform in 

 Health Fair – Friday, 
Jan. 18, from 9 to 11 a.m. 
Services will include 
glucose, blood pressure 
and hearing screenings, 
counseling, health and 
community resources. 
Call 626-685-6732 for more 

 Friday Movie Matinees 
– Fridays, Jan. 18, at 1 
p.m. Everyone enjoys the 
experience of watching 
movies and the pleasures 
they bring. Jan. 18: Romeo 
and Juliet (1936, NR) starring 
Leslie Howard and Norma 
Shearer. A teenage boy 
and girl discover young 
love despite an age-old 
vendetta between their 
respective families. 

 LA Opera Talk: The Diva – 
Monday, Jan. 21, at 1 p.m. 
An LA Opera community 
educator will lead a 
celebration of famous 
operatic sopranos past 
and present.

 Mediation and Dispute 
Resolution – Thursday, 
Jan. 24, from 10 to 11:45 
a.m. Learn how to resolve 
conflicts without going 
to court. Appointments 
are required by calling 

 Five Wishes/Advance 
Directives – Thursday, Jan. 
24, at 10 a.m. Do you know 
what kind of care you want 
if you become seriously 
ill? By filling out a simple 
form, you can tell your 
family and friends about 
your healthcare wishes 
ahead of time and spare 
them the uncertainty 
and confusion that 
can be associated with 
trying to make decisions 
without such a directive. 
Learn how a healthcare 
power of attorney is used 
in California and how 
to communicate your 
wishes with a concise 
yet comprehensive 
document. This class will 
highlight Five Wishes, the 
advance directive used 
by most physicians and 
health plans. Attendees 
will receive forms at no 
cost. Presented by Vitas 
Innovative Hospice Care.

 Guide Dogs – Thursday, 
Jan. 24, at 12:30 p.m. 
Learn how Guide Dogs 
of America trains dogs 
to be paired with people 
who are blind, meet 
some of the dogs and 
see a demonstration of 
their intelligence and 

 For more information visit: 
org or call 626-795-4331.

 Founded in 1960, the 
Pasadena Senior Center 
is an independent, donor-
supported nonprofit 
organization that offers 
recreational, educational, 
wellness and social 
services to people ages 50 
and older in a welcoming 
environment. Services are 
also provided for frail, low-
income and homebound 

Los Angeles County 
Public Works will start 
the commencement of the 
New York Drive Roadway 
Improvement Project. 
Sully-Miller Contracting 
Company will begin Phase 
1 construction along 
New York Drive between 
Altadena Drive and Allen 
Avenue on Monday. Phase 
1 construction will last 
approximately five months 
starting with construction 
on the north side of New 
York Drive, progressing 
from Altadena Drive 
to Allen Avenue. When 
work on the north side is 
complete, construction 
will shift to the south side 
of the street and continue 
in a similar manner.

 Work to be Completed: 
Construction and 
reconstruction of curbs, 
gutters, and sidewalks; 
replacement of guardrail, 
and reconstruction of the 

Where: New York Drive 
between Altadena Drive 
and Allen Avenue.

Working Hours: Weekdays 
between 7 a.m. and 3:30 

 New York Drive will be 
closed to non-local traffic

Local traffic and driveway 
access will be maintained

Detour signage has been 
installed to direct traffic

Parking may be 
restricted. Temporary 
“NO PARKING” signs 
may be posted along the 
construction route at least 
1 day prior to the arrival of 
the work crew.

 For more information 
call: (833) ALT-NYDR 
(258-6937) Twitter:@

com Email: NewYorkDr@

 For immediate assistance 
during non-working hours 
call dispatch at: 626-458-
HELP (458-4357). *Persons 
who are hearing-impaired 
and require assistance may 
dial the California Relay 
Service at 7-1-1.

Pet of the 

 Pasadena Mayor Terry 
Tornek is set to present the 
annual State of the City 
Address Thursday night 
at Pasadena High School. 
Doors will open at 6:30p.m. 
The program will take place 
from 7p.m.- 8p.m. officials 

 Tornek will provide 
financial information about 
the city, as well as several 
other important updates.

 In keeping with the theme of 
his last two State of the City, 
reports suggest he will again 
talk about Measure I and 
Measure J passed by voters in 
November. Tornek, last year, 
used the speech to make a 
case of the need of Measure 
I, enacting a 0.75 percent 
sales tax to fund general 
city services and Measure J 
that allocated .6 percent of 
new sales tax revenue to the 
general fund and .3 percent 
to public schools.

 Tornek is expected to give 
an update on the funds and 
suggest where he thinks the 
city is headed with funding. 
He is also expected to talk 
about Senate Bill 35, that 
“requires a city or county to 
adopt a general plan for land 
use development within its 
boundaries that includes, 
among other things, a 
housing element.” 

 Tornek and the city have 
been opposed to the bill over 
local control issues.

 Pasadena High School is 
located 2925 E Sierra Madre 
Blvd. For more information 

Have you always wanted 
to own a black velvet 
panther? Look no more! 
Donut (A469873) is a 
1-year-old black Labrador 
Retriever-Pit Bull mix with 
excitable puppy energy 
who loves play time, 
but is also responsive to 
commands. He also knows 
“shake” and looks directly 
into your eyes when he does 
it. When he was out on our 
Wiggle Waggle Waggin’ 
he did well with nearby 
dogs, adults and kids. He’s 
a sweet, very large puppy 
who needs a patient dog 
owner to teach him more 
dog manners and stay 
active with him. Come 
visit a staff favorite at the 
Pasadena Humane Society 
& SPCA. 

 The adoption fee for dogs 
is $140. All dogs are spayed 
or neutered, microchipped, 
and vaccinated before 
going to their new home. 

 New adopters will receive 
a complimentary health-
and-wellness exam from 
VCA Animal Hospitals, as 
well as a goody bag filled 
with information about 
how to care for your pet.

 View photos of adoptable 
pets at pasadenahumane.
org. Adoption hours are 
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday 
through Friday; and 9 a.m. 
to 4 p.m. Saturday.

 Pets may not be available 
for adoption and cannot 
be held for potential 
adopters by phone calls or 


Sunday, December 30th 9:20 
AM – A domestic battery 
incident occurred in the 100 
block of W. Altadena Drive. 
Suspect was identified. 

11:26 AM – A petty theft 
occurred in the 700 block of 
E. Altadena Drive. Stolen: 
black wallet containing 
credit cards and personal 

Tuesday, January 1st 

2:00 PM – A vehicle burglary 
occurred in the 2100 block of 
Lincoln Avenue. Suspect(s) 
entered the vehicle by 
shattering the window. 
Stolen: brown leather purse 
containing credit cards and 
personal documents. 

Wednesday, January 2nd 

8:30 AM – A grand theft 
from an unlocked vehicle 
occurred in the 2100 block 
of El Sereno Avenue. Stolen: 
orange rope, tree climbing 
saddle, red hitch climber, 
ropes and sling. 

1:00 PM – A residential 
burglary occurred in the 
1300 block of Sunny Oaks 
Circle. Suspect(s) entered 
the residence via the doggy 
door. No items reported 

Thursday, January 3rd 

4:54 PM – Michael Martinez, 
30 years of Altadena was 
arrested in the area of Lincoln 
Avenue and Mariposa Street 
for public intoxication. 

7:19 PM – A residential 
burglary occurred in the 
2900 block of N. Mount 
Curve Avenue. Suspect(s) 
entered the residence by 
shattering the window. No 
items reported stolen. 

Friday, January 4th 

10:35 AM – A domestic 
violence incident occurred 
in the 2700 block of Winrock 
Avenue. Suspect was taken 
into custody. 

Saturday, January 5th 

2:00 PM – A residential 
burglary occurred in the 
1100 block of E. New York 
Drive. Suspect(s) entered 
the residence via a window. 
No items reported stolen. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: