Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, March 2, 2019

MVNews this week:  Page A:4



Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 2, 2019 


The weather in Sierra Madre this past week was absolutely 
gorgeous. With on-again-off-again sprinkles and radiant 
rays of sunshine in-between, it was, indeed a dog-walker’s 
dream! The trees and flowers are budding and blooming 
in brilliant colors, and there are countless squirrels 
scampering about, jumping from one tree top to another 
nearly everywhere you look.

Nature is taking it’s course in such a gracious way these 
days, and I am pleased to say that I have experienced a 
renewed awareness and appreciation for my surroundings. 
Let me put it to you this way; right now it would be a 
tough task for me to find a reason to complain, and - after 
all - who wants to hear it anyway?

One of the things that inspired me in a relatively epic way 
last week, was observing a couple of squirrels chasing 
each other over the branches of the avocado tree in my 
front yard. I actually see squirrels every day, running 
to and fro over the massive tree canopies and gallantly 
scaling the power lines in our community and I always 
enjoy watching them. But I must confess there are times 
when I get so used to seeing them, I take them rather for 

For whatever reason, the two squirrels I saw scurrying 
about in my front yard the other day reminded me of 
how fortunate I am and how good my life really is. Those 
squirrels were having a great time. It was as though 
there was a party going on in that tree, that only they 
had been invited to. They were somewhat startled when 
I emerged from the back yard gate, and approached 
their “playground“, but I stood very still and quiet for a 
moment and soon they resumed their raucous routine of 
frolicking, chattering and flicking their big bushy tails.

As I stood there spying like some kind of voyeur, I 
thought to myself, “These little guys get it”. Slowly but 
surely, I moved closer and eventually sat beneath the tree, 
watching those cute critters balance and bounce on the 
boughs above me with nimble frivolity. Before I knew it, 
I noticed I had a tear running down my cheek. I couldn’t 
quite figure out why I was crying, until I realized how 
long it had been since I had spent time just sitting quiet 
and still, observing the activity of nature ‘doing its thing’ 
around me.

Most days I seem to be constantly telling 
myself to “keep moving”, and “get things done”, 
but there is always more to do. As I attempt to 
stay mobile and caught up on the treadmill 
of life, I often end up frustrated, ultimately 
forfeiting the freedom of celebrating simply 
being alive. What good is that? It is a human 
way of living, and it is my way of asphyxiating 
on repetitive tasks that may or may not really 
matter in the big scheme of things.

That is certainly not the way a squirrel lives 
life. How can I let myself stress out over the 
small things when I am in full control of my 
own schedule, I shop at a grocery store where 
my food is delivered for me, I don’t even have to take part 
in the pre-requisite farming, planting, 

slaughtering and packaging process that goes into what 
keeps me alive. As a human, I have more advantages than 
any other creature on earth, yet I often choose to fret and 
worry in lieu of living relaxed and contentedly, the way 
squirrels do.

The squirrel must forage for his own food, and when he is 
not foraging or hiding his bounty away for a later season, 
he is protecting the nest that he had to build himself, out 
of sticks and leaves. The squirrel must be vigilant in his 
mission to keep his nest safe from - not only predators - 
but nature’s elements such as heavy rains and strong winds. 
Yet, somehow the squirrel still finds time to celebrate life. 
Unlike us humans, the squirrel keeps it simple. 

As a missionary, my dad held numerous speaking 
engagements throughout the southeast region of the US 
and as the youngest of 7 children, I got to travel with 
him while my older siblings were in school or working. 
I remember him using an acronym to make a point in 
many of his presentations; it was K.I.S.S, which stood 
for “Keep it simple, stupid!” It may seem less-than-
conventional, in terms of semantics for a missionary’s 
speech, but the principle rings clear and true. That silly 
sounding acronym somehow came to mind during 
my epiphany beneath tree last week, and it was a very 
humbling moment for me.

I believe that God speaks to us through all of His creatures, 
and boy did He ever deliver a message to me through 
those fun-loving squirrels. We all have responsibilities 
and commitments to keep, and it can be overwhelming 
at times, but it is so important that we take the time to sit 
and be silent, and enjoy the therapeutic virtues of God’s 
creation. Love and let live.

Happy Tails

by Chris Leclerc



Meeko is a petite tan and white Chihuahua boy who was 
transferred to San Gabriel from an LA City shelter. Meeko enjoys 
sitting on a lap and having his back scratched. If you stop, he will 
gently paw you saying “pet me some more - I like it!” Meeko is 
a charming little dog who needs a loving home with a patient 
person who will let him take the time to adjust to a new life. He 
is 1-year-old. 

Come and meet Meeko soon to see if he is a good match for 
you. His adoption fee is $130, which includes neuter surgery, a 
microchip, first vaccinations and a free wellness check-up at a 
participating veterinarian. Feel free to call us at (626) 286-1159 
for more information. 

He currently resides at the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society located at 851 E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel which 
is located off San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’, please 
stop by any time from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. Website:



Here’s a beautiful senior, age 12. 
Her name is DIVA! Just look 
at this gorgeous girl! Yes, she’s 
a diva, but in a good way. She’s 
very friendly with humans, and 
loves to be petted, but she would 
prefer to be your one and only 
kitty! She had a home and was 
well loved, but, sadly, her owner 
passed away. 

Diva is now residing at Whiskers to Tails Cat Hospital in 
Pasadena, where you can call to make an appointment to meet 
this sweetie. A torbie is a mix of tortoiseshell and tabby. Diva 
has a good many years ahead, and she’d love to live them in the 
comfort of a loving, forever home. Call 626-795-4134. More pix of her on our website’s Seniors page. See DIVA’S 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: