Mountain View News Saturday, January 4, 2020
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Dr. Tina Paul
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
IT’S 2020…..NOW WHAT
This year represents an editorial milestone for me, for if I
make it to Volume 14 No. 52, I will surpass the number of
years my good friend Jan Reed published a weekly paper in
Sierra Madre. Although Jan is no longer with us, before she
left, she encouraged me to reach for that milestone and more.
I appreciated her encouragement then, and it really keeps me
going now!
It is a real pleasure publishing the Mountain Views News
but it becomes increasingly more difficult because of the
toxic political environment that appears to be hell bent on
destroying our country. It is downright depressing for
me, because as an adult, an American citizen, as a mother,
grandmother and great grandmother, there has never been a
time that I felt that our Democracy was about to implode and
the future of America as we have known it will no longer exist. For those of you who
don’t know, I have lived through the challenges of the 50s, turmoil and war of the 60s
and societal changes of the 70s. What makes the current climate so debilitating is that
this destruction isn’t because of our differences, or a lack of a moral conscious or greed
or hatred, it is because of our inaction and failure to accept that in November 2016, we
made a huge mistake. Our democracy is disintegrating before our very eyes because it
has become easier for us to allow labels to divide us rather than to stand up and admit that
this Presidency is a social experiment gone terribly wrong. Too many (50% of us) will
not accept responsibility for what we have allowed to happen and attempt to rectify the
situation. We would do better to look through Alice in Wonderland’s looking glass for a
solution rather than clinging to our excuses.
I looked at an article that I wrote last year this time and nothing has changed, it has only
gotten worse. (http://mtnviewsnews.com/v13/htm/n01/p13.htm). By the way, drop the
labels, I’m not speaking as a Democrat or Republican, I am speaking as an American that
used to be proud regardless who was in the Oval office.
In the last 12 months we have also learned that Donald J. Trump has absolutely no regard
for the rule of law nor for the governing document that has kept this country together for so
many years, The Constitution. He has crowned himself King and systematically stripped
the 3 branches of government from their mandated responsibilities.
He worries about what people say, his legacy above everything else. He claims credit for
things that are the residual effects from previous administrations and He lies all the time!
As of December 10, 2019, in 1,055 days, has made 15,413 false or misleading claims.
(Source: The Fact Checkers Database https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/
trump-claims-database/). The frequency of his lying has increased unbelievably over the
last few months. In fact, the Huffington Post said, “President Donald Trump continues to
tell lies at a breathless pace.” They went on to point out that, “That’s an average of 14.6
lies for each of his 1,055 days in office. Trump made 1,999 false claims in 2017 and 5,689
in 2018 — a total of 7,688, the newspaper [Washington Post] reported. He’s ramped up
the untruths in 2019, however, hitting 7,725 falsehoods with three weeks still to go in the
Just think, we impeached Bill Clinton for telling ONE LIE regarding his personal behavior.
Actually, Trump makes Clinton’s and Nixon’s behavior seem sophomoric.
What people don’t seem to realize is that Donald J. Trump, unlike any other President
that was impeached or threatened with impeachment, broke his oath of office involving
indiscretions involving FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS meddling in our affairs.
Seriously, did anyone vote for a President that has as his primary confidants every despotic
leader in the world, especially Vladimir Putin? As an American, do you really want foreign
governments interfering with our elections, usurping the power of your vote?
So we begin 2020 with a serious cloud over our heads. Fear of war or attack from either
North Korea or Iran, and even more disturbing, fear that the other people elected to office,
who made a promise to God and ALL Americans, will not fulfill their responsibility to
the Constitution and the Nation and allow this man to continue on his path of destruction
by failing to remove him from office. Impeachment is the only recourse we have and
removing Trump from office is the only way to set our country back on track.
To use a phrase used during his campaign, “What do they have to loose?” In this instance,
the question becomes, “What Do WE Have To Loose?” The Answer: EVERYTHING!
Donald J. Trump has to go. For good. No re-election. Gone from elected office forever.
And hopefully if that were to happen, Mike Pence would learn a lesson or two and
the Political Parties would provide us with candidates who have the dignity, integrity,
moral turpitude, humanity and commitment to the citizens of the United States and the
Constitution so we can make an unadulterated informed decision.
Happy New Year! I hope.
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Have you spent any time at all in the recently passed year
trying to speak to anyone face to face? It’s generally so
annoying. First, you have to actually look at one another
and pretend you’re listening. That’s the first problem;
while you’re looking at them and they’re looking at you;
well, you know you’re making judgments about them and
they’re making judgments about you. “Why does she not
get her teeth fixed?” “Is that a toupee he’s wearing?” Can’t
she do something about those wrinkles”?
Or the thoughts in your head. How much longer will this
go on? I’ve got things to do. I could keep listening while I look at my credit
card report but will it look like I’m not listening. Oh, what is she talking
about anyway?
Of course, the worst thing on which we all agree
is that when you’re talking to other people they expect you to not look at
your own personal cell phone. What business is it of theirs? Sometimes, I
just hope the phone will chirp and I can pretend I’m upset that I didn’t put in
on mute and actually stop looking at the other person and just hunt around
in my pockets and be distracted and then once I get to the phone looking at
who’s calling and then simply not take the call as a way of showing the other
person how important our present conversation is even though I forgot what
the conversation was about.
Oh, I forgot the really worst thing about face to face
conversation. While the other the person is talking I have to not talk. Even
though I know what the whole paragraph is going to be about after I hear
the first two words of a sentence are out of someone’s mouth I have to wait
around until the other person at least takes a breath and then try and sneak in
my own points which cannot be silenced. Yes, I admit, sometimes I break in
and interrupt. It’s just that I just can’t wait for the other person to come up for
air and I just break in and share the really important thing I’m thinking, Then
I’m afraid as I say it I have to concerned about the other person’s reaction
which is happening right in front of me. That reaction is often irritation and
the person resents being interrupted; or they give me that “I’ve heard that one
before look.” Or rarely, this other person might actually listen to the point
I was making and disagree which could lead to an argument which would
make the conversation I really didn’t want to have in the first place go on and
All this is an introduction to why I LOVE writing
these weekly articles. I can make any point I want and develop my thoughts
or reread what I have typed and rework it into something precious. Well
actually I don’t do that very much because generally, at first I don’t like what
I have written. All right, what’s it to you? Sure, I could take more time but
you probably won’t even take time to time to read it much less think about it.
You don’t even know who I am and you probably don’t even exist.
Well, as you can tell I often have problems with
people, even imaginary ones. Recently, I had a cell phone conversation with a
former in-law. As far as two person conversations go it was pretty interesting
and I told the guy I would send him one of my articles to clarify something.
He actually said, “Please don’t send me any of your articles”. I don’t remember
what else he said, I guess I stopped listening; but more, importantly I got the
clear impression that he had better things to do with his life than read my
articles Well, I never heard such a thing and never want to hear it again. I
was shocked! There should be laws restricting what people can say in the
presence or telephone presence of another. Now I can’t forget what he said
or delete it, I have learned my lesson. I will write my articles and allow them
to be read only by imaginary people. If anyone actually reads the article I
will have forgotten what I wrote about and will be immune to any criticism
because I’ll be in the process of writing another article and may be able to use
the information constructively. Other people can be so helpful, especially
when they are not annoyingly in your face.
Actually, I used to love talking to other people.
What happened? Modern life, modern complexities, old age, and modern
technology that lets us avoid so much that is potentially disagreeable until we
notice that there is no one left to talk to but ourselves.
Oh, I almost forgot—HAPPY NEW YEAR---but don’t make such a big deal
about it!
I’d like to see everyone have a happy and prosperous New Year.
But I’m afraid a lot of freelancers and independent contractors in California
are going to have it tough in 2020.
Thanks to Democrat lawmakers in Sacramento, in fact, hundreds of
thousands of part-time Uber drivers and freelance writers like me
could lose their jobs or face drastic cuts in their incomes.
The culprit is Assembly Bill 5, the “progressive” new state law that
rewrites the rules for part-time “gig” workers and forces companies to reclassify their independent
contractors and turn them into full-time employees.
As of Jan. 2, Uber and Lyft drivers, independent truckers, freelance writers, photographers, artists
and musicians and the companies who hire their services have to abide by AB 5.
The law, which was originally concocted to destroy the business models of Uber and Lyft and
has exemptions for 50 professions, is a cynical and transparent gift to unions from the same
Democrats who have been wrecking my one-party state for decades.
AB 5’s proud mother, leftwing Democrat Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez of San Diego,
claims it’s intended to protect part-timers and freelancers from being “exploited” by their evil,
greedy employers.
Her law is supposed to provide independent contractors with the same benefits and workplace
protections that full-time employees get and – most important to the Democrats – therefore
make it possible for them to unionize.
Given its leftist genes, it’s not surprising that when AB 5 was signed into law last September
unions, progressives and the Uber-hating liberal media were equally thrilled.
The liberal web site Vox, calling AB 5’s passage “a historic moment” for U.S. labor, ran the headline
“Gig workers’ win in California is a victory for workers everywhere.”
Ironically, however, Vox itself has become a victim of AB 5.
The law’s many arbitrary and inflexible rules about who can work for whom and for how often
include restricting freelance contractors at places like Vox from writing more than 35 columns
or submissions per year.
Until the other day, Vox’s parent company, Vox Media, had about 200 part-time freelancers
from California under contract to write for its sports blogging network, SB Nation.
The media company could have reclassified the California freelancers as full-time employees to
comply with AB 5, as it’s in favor of forcing other companies to do.
Instead, the hypocrites running Vox Media reportedly decided to replace 200 freelancers with
just 20 new part-time and full-time staffers.
Meanwhile, AB 5’s completely arbitrary number of 35 contributions per year, per “independent
contractor” affects me, too.
I’m still figuring out how to legally comply with law, but I can assure that I’m not planning to
move out of the state.
The good news in this latest act of liberal political lunacy is that the legal experts say there will
be years of court battles over the enforcement of AB5, which has been accused, correctly, of being
“irrational, vague and incoherent,” not to mention unconstitutional.
The resistance has already begun.
The California Trucking Association has filed a lawsuit seeking an exemption for its 70,000
independent truckers.
Earlier this week Uber and Postmates, the courier services provider, asked a federal court to
block the law.
And California’s freelance photographers and writers are also seeking a restraining order, arguing
that AB 5’s rules will destroy their livelihoods.
I wish all the lawyers well in their fight against AB 5, but in the long run, it’s probably going take
a U.S. Supreme Court decision to undo all its predictably bad and unintended consequences.
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Integrity will be our guide.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com