Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 18, 2020
by Deanne Davis
KATIE Tse....This and That
As promised,
I finally whipped
up a new article
for you. This one’s
about a beloved
YouTube gem,
Gerry Brooks.
you’ve heard of
him. Maybe you
haven’t. I hadn’t
until I attended a professional development
workshop a few months ago. To keep us
awake and lucid, the presenter interspersed
her content with occasional videos featuring
Gerry, a retired principal from Tennessee.
Gerry’s perfected a kind of drawling hick
persona. I can’t do his accent justice except
to say that “educator” becomes “erjucator,”
etc. Gerry typically films these flicks in his
car with a dash cam. Nothing says class in
education like a setup like that.
So, what kind of stuff does Gerry post? The kind of thing educators find relatable and
amusing. One I saw at the training was about Google Teacher Translate for parent teacher
conferences and report cards. Helps with finding creative ways of saying, “Your kid keeps
licking other kids at recess, and that’s weird” without coming off as offensive. A more positive
spin on that might be, “Your child has a unique way of initiating social interactions with
peers.” You get the idea.
Another dealt with how to get through the dreaded evaluation observations. Gerry
suggested filling a large capacity weekly pill box with chocolate pudding and dipping in
regularly. Or keeping little plastic shooters of an “adult grape beverage” handy. If both those
methods fail, Gerry has a surefire solution --a box with a puppy inside. Can’t top that for
stress relief.
I casually shared these with my mom, and before I knew it she was off to the Gerry Brooks
races. Every day she sends me a video or two. Or three.
Other great ones have Gerry peddling t-shirts. Except these are tuck-in surprise t-shirts
you can un-tuck to reveal hidden messages. For example, the top might say, “My principal is
the best!” but the bottom adds “... at making dumb decisions.”
Thank God I have a great principal, but still the joke’s funny. Similar messages are “I love
my principal,” with a snarky chaser of “Not really, but I ain’t got tenure yet.” Gerry’s got other
school personnel covered, too. A shirt for nurses says, “School nurses can’t fix stupid.” So
There’s one of Gerry wearing a fluffy Grinch outfit pretending to be a morning car line
attendant. He tells one woman to stop brushing her kid’s hair while holding up the rest of the
line. Instead, she can park in the vacant “beauty parlor” spot.
Ha! When I was in elementary school there really was a crazy vain mother who pulled up
in a minivan every day, opened all the doors, and proceeded to brush each of her children’s
long, golden locks. Just goes to show you can’t make this stuff up.
Wanna’ know what else is based on real life stories from the educational trenches? My
novel, “A Year at Apex!” Yup, over ten years of my personal experience coupled with that
of friends’ and family in education have culminated in a not-so-classic humor/romance tale
spanning the length of a school year. Great for educators. Great for people who are glad they
didn’t go into education. Great for you! Check it out in paperback and ebook on Amazon
and Barnes & Noble.
“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.”
“All my life I’ve been drawn to misfits and malcontents; that’s why I had four kids. As I
may have mentioned, our hospital has a no-return policy on babies; they won’t even allow
exchanges. Doesn’t matter – a day, a decade, you can’t return them.”
“Good persons need to be talked about.”
“We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” Heni J. M. Nouwen
A few weeks ago I mentioned
having a stack of really great
quotes I wanted to share with
you friends and neighbors and,
a couple of weeks into the New
Year, here are a few more of
them. You can see why I’ve been
stockpiling them, they’re pithy!
Especially the one about the
hospital’s no return or exchange
policy. Admit it, if you’ve got kids,
there have been moments when
you really wanted to give them
back. I know there were days in
my parenting experience… but,
‘nough said.
Have you noticed that all TV
programs currently are loaded
with commercials touting every
kind of weight loss program there
is? Weight Watchers with Oprah
clapping together a couple of
baguettes and saying how she just
loves bread, and happy people
dancing about while their weight
loss numbers are at the bottom
of the screen. Nutrisystem with
Marie Osmond still looking
great and talking about her fifty
pound loss. Remember when she
fainted on Dancing With The
Stars? South Beach Keto friendly diet and on and on. The net result for me is that I’ve been
hungry for just about anything that didn’t seem like a diet. For instance, the Texas Cheese
Fries at Chili’s featuring shredded cheese, bacon, jalapeños and green onions, served with
house-made ranch. And if you ask for extra crispy fries, it’s beyond fabulous. With their $5
margarita of the month, this is about as good as it gets.
Right about now, you’re saying, “Get thee behind me, Satan!” And I don’t blame you. This
is where that first quote really belongs; the one about tempting parking spaces on the road
to success. It’s time to get out of the kitchen, put the rest of that bag of Doritos in the trash
and start thinking about what we’re actually going to DO in this brand new 2020. Here’s
an idea that might be a little more adventuresome than we had in mind, but I came across
an interview a while ago with Elena Shateni, originally from the old Soviet Union. Elena is
one of 100 semifinalists vying to become one of the first humans to live on Mars, as part of
the Mars One project. This mission is a one-way trip and, if chosen, Elena will never have
breakfast at Fork in the Road on Main Street in Santa Monica – her hometown – again. As
I read this interview I wondered if I would sign up to go to Mars, spend a year on the Space
Station, take another one of those “small steps for man, one giant leap for mankind” as Neil
Armstrong did back in July, 1969. As men walked on the moon for the very first time, I was
ten days away from delivering my daughter, Crissy, about the same size and shape as the
moon, and pretty cranky. Stated simply, I could have cared less.
Time has gone by, and now, reading what this 58 year old woman has to say about, “boldly
going where no man has gone before,” as Captain Kirk would say, I find, once again, that I
am most definitely NOT Pioneer stock. No, I wouldn’t have wanted to trade my rocky field
in Massachusetts for a trip across the prairie, dodging arrows, possibly ending up as part of
the Donner Party. I wouldn’t have signed up for the maiden voyage of The Mayflower and
I honestly think that had I been living in the Garden of Eden and God said, “ Have all the
mangoes, papayas, peaches, and bananas you want, but leave that apple alone!” I could have!
My grandfather, Solon Kimball Weed, was prone to take off, when the urge overcame him,
to Mexico to search for gold. As he put it, “The fever never lets go.” He found some, too.
Not enough to make us all staggeringly wealthy, but he did leave behind a few nuggets and
my Dad, Howard Kimball Weed, actually came across the treasure map some years ago.
My grandfather also claimed and cleared 480 acres of land in the Imperial Valley area of
California. “It was difficult and dangerous work as the heat was excessive and the scorpions
and rattlesnakes were countless. One day my brother, Dana, and I brought in fifteen snakes
while clearing the land with a rail drawn by eight horses. When the place was all in mostly
alfalfa, we figured we had killed at least one rattler for every acre.” (From A Treasure Map, A
Drunken Owl and 47 Rattlers in a Bag*).
To quote Ms. Shateni, “We stagnate here on Earth. We are so predictable. We want what is
comfortable and predictable.” Yep! When you’re looking for those people who are really fond
of the ‘comfortable and predictable,’ I’m raising my hand right now.
My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
Blog: www.authordeanne.com
“Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope”
Is available on Amazon.com as is
“A Treasure Map, A Drunken Owl and 47 Rattlers in a Bag.”
“Emma’s Etouffee Café” is a new Kindle story by me,
Also available on Amazon.com and here’s the link:
The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library are pleased to announce that the annual Vintage sale of
collectible books will be taking place on Friday, February 7 (3:00 p.m.– 7:00 p.m.) and Saturday,
February 8 (10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.). The sale will be held behind the Sierra Madre library in the
parking lot and the basement. Featured in the Basement will be a complete set of Woodrow Wilson’s
History of the American People and a complete set of Novels and other Writings by Leo Tolstoy.
We will have several children’s books illustrated by famous artists such as N.C. Wyeth, Jessie Wilcox
Smith and Arthur Rackham, and the complete set of Nature Neighbors (1914). We also have the
first trade edition of Steinbeck’s East of Eden and an early printing of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged as
well as other treasures. Come early for the best selection!
The Parking Lot will have a collection of Wizard, D.C./Marvel and TOPPS comic books for only
$.50 each and a large selection of crafting books (quilting, cross-stitch, knitting, graphic arts, and
jewelry) for only $1.00 each. As always, we will have our Bargain Books for $1.00 each, small
paperbacks for $.25 each or 5/$1.00, and Children’s/Teens for $.25 - $1.00.
Don’t forget Saturday is our $5.00 BAG SALE!
This sale is sponsored by the Friends of the Sierra Madre Public Library. All proceeds will be used
to support programs, services and acquisitions for the library.
Come early for the best selection and to talk books with knowledgeable cashiers and other book-
lovers! The sale will be behind the Sierra Madre Public Library, 440 West Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra
Madre. For more information, please visit us at our web site www.sierramadrelibraryfriends.org.,
our Facebook page; or call 626-355-7186.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com