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this Week: Sierra Madre: Sierra Madre: SM Community Calendar: Local City News: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Support Your Local Businesses: Just for Best Friends: Education & Youth: The Good Life: Opinion: Support Your Local Newspaper: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
STAY HOME......STAY SAFE.......STAY HEALTHY......WEAR YOUR MASK! VOLUME 14 NO. 20 SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2020 broker lic. #01514230 | source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, BankrateTHEWEBB-MARTIN GROUPJan Greteman 626.975.4033jan@jangreteman.com jangreteman.com #01943630Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273jwmartin@dppre.com #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418korth@dppre.com #00942500Who We Are: Residents & business owners of Sierra Madre selling real estate since 1975 & proudly giving back to the community. Your Story. Your Home. Your Team. Together Stronger. We offer over 90 years of trusted experience. Please reach out to us for any of your real estate needs. 381 Mariposa Avenue #B | Sierra Madre 91024690 Oak Crest DriveSierra Madre 91024Represented the Buyer3 beds | 3 baths | 1,553 sqft | Listed at $699,000The way we are working may have changed, but our commitment to you is still the same. SOLDJust Listed451 Camillo RoadSierra Madre 91024Represented the Seller SOLDwww.381MariposaB.com CITY PUSHES FOR CITY CLERK TO BE A NON-ELECTED POSITION City Council unanimously approved a resolution to add an ordinance to the November ballot which would allow voters to change the City Clerk position from an elected to an appointed office. Traditionally, the City Clerk’s responsibilities were limited to duties including roll call, administering oaths, tallying votes and maintaining city records and minutes. In more recent days, the expectations of a City Clerk have expanded greatly after the passing of the Public Records Act, Brown Act, Political Reform Act, among other state laws. The City Clerk’s office also oversees the election process. With these added responsibilities in mind, the City Council’s push to add a ballot ordinance may allow them to appoint a person with the suitable qualifications needed to fill the position adequately, rather than risking a less qualified person being elected to office. The City would use a more competitive recruitment process and may appoint someone based on their education, experience and professional skills. In addition, it would allow to keep a City Clerk beyond a normal four-year elected term. The current City Clerk, Sue Spears, was appointed to the position in 2018 to fill the unexpired term of Melinda Carrillo, who resigned from her elected seat after just two years served. “The legal and technical duties performed by the office of City Clerk requires that the person be fully trained and work full-time for the city,” Spears said. “I fully support this proposal and feel the city would be better served by having a full-time appointed City Clerk who is a city employee to make sure the city is in compliance with all of the legal requirements and technicalities of the job, for failure of which to comply can result in lawsuits against the city,” she stated. Sue Spears presides over the official oversight functions of the Office of the City Clerk, while Administrative Services Manager, Laura Aguilar handles much of the administrative functions of the office. If the ordinance passes, the city will also save $3,000 annually for the stipend paid to the City Clerk.K. McGuire/MVNews THE REOPENING OF SIERRA MADRE City Discusses Plans to Reopen By Kevin McGuire The Sierra Madre City Council had a lot to discuss on Tuesday, starting with stay-at-home orders still in place until possibly mid-summer. California's Governor Newsom has allowed the reopening of some “low-risk” businesses as early as May 8, 2020, as part of the first step into Stage 2 of California’s Pandemic Road Map. So the question discussed was, 'what about Sierra Madre?' Stage 1 of the state's four-tier plan called for safety and preparedness to be in place including COVID-19 testing, making sure Personal Protective Equipment is available, and that essential workplaces are operating as safe as possible. Our current stage, Stage 2 of the plan includes: •Creating opportunities for lower risk sectors to adopt and reopen •Expand the workforce safety net •Address issues regarding schools and childcare facilities Stage 3 will involve opening higher risk businesses such as hair and nail salons. And by Stage 4, the COVID-19 risk will be low and the stay-at-home orders will be lifted. Sporting and concert events can resume during this stage and theme parks may reopen. The reopening stage will be gradual. Among those businesses that can open right now under Stage 2: bookstores, clothing stores, florists and music stores, with curbside pick-up made available. The hope is that shopping malls, swap meets, and dine-in restaurants (with reduced seating) can also open eventually in this stage, but that is not the case as of yet. City and State orders will still need to be followed and guidelines will have to be in place as businesses slowly re-open. So What About Sierra Madre? Assistant City Attorney, Aleks Giragosian addressed City Council about the expectations at the May 12th meeting. “We can expect in the next couple weeks dine-in restaurants operating at lesser capacity. Within a couple weeks, probably sometime in June, we can expect the opening of more high-risk businesses like gyms and movie theaters,” Giragosian said. Some local business had to shut their doors since the order to close non-essential businesses came down back in March. Other businesses, such as restaurants, clothing and hardware stores are trying to figure out creative ways to increase sales and utilize the outside parking lot space and adjacent curbsides for merchandise pickup. Sierra Madre officials have been limited in their capacity as far as what they can do to help local businesses. They are bound by county and state regulations. But, City officials met with the Chamber of Commerce on May 13th to discuss plans for reopening, getting grants and loans to struggling businesses and easing permit requirements when possible so that owners can utilize needed outdoor space. Temporary Use Permits could be available for businesses who need to use their parking or curbside areas to assist their businesses. City Manager Gabe Engeland hopes to be able to waive fees for such permits. Mayor John Capoccia encouraged residents to support local businesses and consider buying an extra meal to help out area restaurants. Area schools will remain closed for now with many offering online learning opportunities. All events including the Huck Finn Fishing Event and campout have been canceled or as is the case for the Mt. Wilson Trail Race, postponed. eight COVID-19 cases in Sierra Madre (See Public Health Update as of press time on page 7) CITY ANNOUNCES EXPANDED AL FRESCO DINING OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH “SIERRA MADRE CARES INITIATIVE” Sierra Madre Cares is an initiative designed to provide assistance to Sierra Madre residents and business owners during the current COVID-19 pandemic. As part of that initiative, and in an effort to assist Sierra Madre food establishments during the County’s Safer at Home reopening strategy, the City of Sierra Madre is announcing a plan to provide opportunities for outdoor seating and dining throughout Downtown Sierra Madre. “Our local restaurants have done a tremendous job of operating safely and in compliance with the State and County Safer at Home orders” said City Manager Gabriel Engeland. “Allowing restaurants to expand their outdoor seating capacity will enable them to serve more customers while still practicing social distancing.” Through the City’s analysis of the Downtown areas, staff identified locations on West Sierra Madre Boulevard and North Baldwin Avenue that could be transformed to provide expanded outdoor seating and dining that can accommodate social distancing, while increasing restaurant capacity, allowing customers to dine. This feature of the Sierra Madre Cares initiative will provide for: - Permitting the use of some private parking lots to use as dining areas. - Permitting the use of sidewalk areas beyond traditional constraints. - Permitting the use of some street parking stalls for seating. - Permitting areas of Kersting Court (details still yet to be determined). In all cases, permits will be required. Permits will be administrative and there will not be a fee charged for the permit. However, the permits include provisions to protect public safety, including keeping the areas clear of trash and debris, maintaining Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) rights, and closely following the County Health Department guidelines for business reopening requirements. “Sierra Madre cares about our local restaurants, where we spend time with our families and meet our friends and neighbors while enjoying a wide variety of cuisine. Our restaurants make Sierra Madre the “Gem of the San Gabriel Valley”, and we’re so happy to be able to help in this small way to keep them viable while keeping employees and guests safe!” said Mayor John Capoccia. The City collaborated on this program through their partnership with the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce. Chamber President Luther Tsinoglou said, “The Sierra Madre Chamber and City recognize that our local businesses are struggling from the effects of COVID-19. We want to work with the City to help out businessesand the community as much as possible. This is a step in the right direction.” City staff will reach out to qualifying business in the upcoming weeks. To apply for a permit, please contact Chris Cimino, Director of Public Works at 626- 355-7135 or ccimino@cityofsierramadre.com. MOUNTAIN VIEWS NEWS TO HONOR 2020 GRADUATES The June 6th edition of this paper will be dedicated to the Class of 2020! In order to be included, please send your grads senior picture, their full name, age and school. These grads are making history, our the Mountain Views News wants to give them something else to remember! Send to: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Subject: Class of 2020 INSIDE THE MOUNTAIN VIEWS NEWS THIS WEEK ARTICLES/INFORMATION ON DEALING WITH COVID19 CAN BE FOUND THROUGHOUT THIS EDITION COVID UPDATES.........................................PAGE 7 SMPD CHIEF ROD ARMALIN SPEAKS....,...Page 2 MORE SIERRA MADRE NEWS......................Pgs 3,4 PASADENA NEWS ......................................Page 5 ARCADIA/MONROVIA & MORE................Page 6 AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY.................Page 7 EDUCATION & YOUTH.................................Page 8 SENIOR.COMMUNICATIONS......................Page 11 OPINION......................................................Page 12 | |||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |