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STAY COOL! STAY HEALTHY! STAY SAFE! STAY HOME! VOLUME 14 NO. 18 SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2020 COUNCIL APPROVES MOU FOR 42 HOMES AT MONASTERY source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, BankrateTHEWEBB-MARTIN GROUPJan Greteman 626.975.4033jan@jangreteman.com jangreteman.com #01943630Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273jwmartin@dppre.com #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418korth@dppre.com #00942500Who We Are: Residents & business owners of Sierra Madre selling real estate since 1975 & proudly giving back to the community. Your Story. Your Home. Your Team. Together Stronger. We offer over 90 years of trusted experience. Please reach out to us for any of your real estate needs. 451 Camillo Road | Sierra Madre 91024690 Oak Crest Drive | Sierra Madre 91024Represented the Buyer4 beds | 4 baths | 3,742 sqft3 beds | 2 baths | 1,641 sqft | Sold for $1,060,000The way we are working may have changed, but our commitment to you is still the same. SOLD SOLDRepresented the Seller By Kevin McGuire - MVNews Sierra Madre residents may have thought this chapter ended years ago when a drought-stricken town tabled the idea of 42 single- family houses being built on 20 acres owned by the Congregation of the Passion, Mater Dolorosa Community (The Monastery). But, not too long after drought restrictions were eased, and Spring was in the air, the proposed construction plan resurfaced, causing anxiety for some and excitement of the possibilities for others. On Tuesday night, City Council met remotely, (still following stay-at- home guidelines set for COVID-19), to consider a resolution approving a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) between the City and the Congregation of the Passion. The property, which resides at 700 Sunnyside Avenue, currently operates a 90-guest retreat center. Back in 2014, early in discussions of the idea, Retreat Director Michael Higgins stated that money raised from the 42 single-family homes will benefit aging priests and brothers at The Monastery, including help for any health- related care they may need. Homeowners near the property, many who have lived in Sierra Madre for 20 years or more, voiced concerns about building on this land. Folks have grown to love the open space running along Bailey Canyon Wilderness Park and the scenic view which complements the mountains out many back windows. Several signed off on a Citizen’s Letters opposing the construction project and sent them to the Mayor and Council Members. The History So how did this all begin? The Passionists of Holy Cross Province have owned the property since 1924 and dedicated The Monastery in 1932. Prior to 1997, this property was considered “residential single family.” After 1997, some of the zoning on the property was changed from residential to institutional. This allowed up to 20 acres to be used for low-density residential and recreational facilities. In 2016, the zone was amended to allow for the reuse of large, institutional properties. Such as a hospital, communal residential, assisted living, a multi-use field or a school. But this zoning does not allow for single-family homes. This means that before this project moves forward, City Council must amend the General Plan, Land- Use Maps, Zoning Plans and the Zoning Code to accommodate the intended land use. Back in 2017, a citizen coalition offered to buy the 20 acres in question for $10 million and were declined. They wanted to preserve the land as open space. The Passionists felt development of the land was a better option financially and for their priests and brothers. But the project came to a standstill, as did many in Sierra Madre, as water-usage amounts needed to start construction would be over the limited amounts set as a result of drought conditions. The Community Weighs In Mayor Capoccia asked those calling during the public comment portion to stick to comments about the MOU and not to use the time to voice their disapproval of the construction project. Despite many oppositions, the general feeling is that something will be built there... eventually. City Manager Gabe Engeland noted that the Passionists “have the right to develop on their property today.” The discussion is not whether there will or will not be development,” he said. “It is when and how it will be developed.” Engeland stated that no properties would be build up against current homes and that the community will have at least seven more chances to weigh in with comments and questions as progress moves forward. Community members sent in e-mails and called in during the public comment section of the meeting. Concerns that were expressed during public comment included, preservation of Sierra Madre and open space, increased traffic, environmental impacts, and the need for transparency from City Council moving forward. There were some inquiries about public discussions being affected by COVID-19 restrictions. Are workshops and public forums done online really “public?” One Sierra Madre resident accused City Council of playing recorded calls from persons in favor of the MOU, many of whom live outside Sierra Madre. Mayor John Capoccia and another caller disputed the accusation affirming that calls were broadcast live. The mayor also welcomed calls from outside Sierra Madre, many of which were from persons affiliated with The Monastery. The majority of calls were indeed from persons in favor of approving the MOU. Most see it as a good starting point for further discussion of this project. The MOU met unanimous approval from City Council. There will be plenty of planning, permits, procedures and public comment to come and it will be sometime before any ground is broken. As for transparency, information on this project can be found at cityofsierramadre.com/ transparency and cityofsierramadre.com/monastery. SUPPORT OUR LOCAL BUSINESSES www.thefourseasonstearoom.com 75 N Baldwin Ave, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 (626) 355-0045 CITY SET TO SEEK BIDS ON KERSTING COURT REDESIGN By Kevin McGuire - MVNews The Sierra Madre Council unanimously approved a final design construction of the Kersting Court refresh project and has authorized staff to seek bids to start construction. The Council met remotely Tuesday and were given a presentation of the final design proposal by Community Services Manager, Rebecca Silva-Barrón with Director of Public Works Chris Cimino also available to answer questions. Back in November 2019, City Staff and the Community Services Commission (CSC) partnered with LRM Associates on landscape design ideas including colors and materials to be used in the makeover. The improvements are to include retaining the raised platforms, raised crosswalks, improvements meeting Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines, replace irrigation, add landscape features and electrical lighting upgrades. Several brick stamped crosswalk designs have been discussed included colors of driftwood and nutmeg for some of the aspects. In addition, as part of the Arts in Public Places program, the plan includes possibly adding artistic features including 3x3 ft. inlaid plaques representing some of the history of Sierra Madre, such as the school bell tower, school house, first red trolley, Mount Wilson Trail Race, and the town’s role in film making. No final decision has been made on the content or placement locations for the plaques. Though many necessary upgrades will take place at Kersting Court, the plan is to preserve some of the current elements that the community embraces such as the pepper tree, bell tower, flag pole, seating and landscaping. There will still be a pedestrian- friendly area and gathering place as well. The CSC’s goal is to keep environmental sustainability in mind as well as keeping a pedestrian and business-friendly atmosphere at Kersting Court. Total cost for the project is expected to exceed $431,000 and no time has been set for completion of the project. If you would like to see a breakdown of costs and a sketching of the design plan, you can view at www. cityofsierramadre.com. Just go to the City Council Staff Reports for April 28. INSIDE THE MOUNTAIN VIEWS NEWS THIS WEEK ARTICLES/INFORMATION ON DEALING WITH COVID19 CAN BE FOUND THROUGHOUT THIS EDITION COVID STATS BY CITY..........................PAGE 7 A FARM IN SIERRA MADRE.............. ...Page 2 PASADENA NEWS ................................Page 5 NEIGHBORING COMMUNITY NEWS....Page 6 AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY..........Page 7 EDUCATION & YOUTH..........................Page 8 SENIOR.COMMUNICATIONS...............Page 11 OPINION...............................................Page 12 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |