Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 2, 2020
“We are grateful for the City Council’s unanimous action in support of the
Memorandum of Understanding that will guide our process as we pursue approval of a residential
development on our 20-acre ‘Meadows’ parcel in order to raise needed funds for The Passionists of
Holy Cross Province and its ministries. The City Council’s approval of the MOU allows us to begin
planning and outreach in earnest, within a framework that ensures the extensive public outreach we
have always envisioned.”
“We also appreciate the comments of Preserve Sierra Madre regarding the need for public meetings
and transparency, and the challenges of accomplishing this while dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.
I am confident Gabe Engeland and his staff will find a way to fully engage those who are interested in
our project. We eagerly seek the community’s input and will do our part to ensure that all who wish
to be heard will be heard.”
“From the beginning of our community outreach efforts dating back to 2013, I have always provided
personal answers to questions from Sierra Madre residents. We have also expanded project news
on our Mater Dolorosa website. Our intent is to provide current and factual information associated
with our project at all times.
• Materdolorosa.org/property-news: News releases and other public communications about
the proposal are posted on this page for reference and downloading.
• Materdolorosa.org/property-faqs: Launched with nearly 30 questions and answers, this page
will be updated continuously to provide timely, accurate information in response to questions
about the development proposal.
• Materdolorosa.org/property-questions: Reflecting my desire to provide personal answers to
questions from our Sierra Madre residents and others interested in our project, you will not
find the usual “Contact Us” fill-in form here, instead, I’ve provided my direct phone and email
contact information.”
“Please, before accepting a rumor as truth or guessing what is going on, check our FAQ and news
pages. If you don’t find an answer there, call or email me. If I have the answer, I’ll provide it; if I don’t,
I’ll research it and get back to you.”
by Deanne Davis
“I have accepted fear as part of life – specifically the fear of change.
I have gone ahead, despite the pounding in the heart that says turn back!” Erica
“You have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion
to reach for the stars, to change the world.” Harriet Tubman
“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control
of what you do have power over, instead of craving control over what you don’t.”
Steve Maraboli
Mayor John Capoccia’s articles the last couple of weeks in our beloved Mountain
Views News have so resonated with me; especially the part where he says in the
April 18th issue, “I want the meadow at the Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center to
stay the way it is forever and ever. I don’t want development at One Carter or
Stonehouse.” I feel the same way, Mayor Capoccia.
John and I moved to Sierra Madre in 1967, when we got married. We lived in those
apartments on the corner of Highland and Mountain Trail and then later moved
to the house on Canon Drive behind where author Fay Angus lived and, eventually,
to Alegria, the Halloween street. Fay and John are both in heaven now but Sierra
Madre grows more precious on a daily basis to those of us who have been around
a while. John and I walked so many times up to Mater Dolorosa and saw deer
wandering calm and unafraid among the trees, turning occasionally to look at us.
We did the Stations of the Cross at Eastertime, sitting on benches between stations
to contemplate what we were seeing. We both loved how it looks right now, just as
it’s always been. But time marches on and change is inevitable. However, change
can’t change our memories. I will see it as it is now no matter what happens.
Dr. Pickren removed my appendix at the medical center/hospital there on Sierra
Madre Blvd., before it stood empty, dilapidated, an ugly eyesore for so many
years but then was magically transformed into the beautiful Kensington where I
spent many happy hours with my son-in-law, Chuck Seitz’s, mother, Elaine. The
Kensington is such an asset to our community and is a beautiful addition to our
landscape. But not everybody believed that particular change was going to be a
good idea.
Mayor Capoccia mentions our town’s first “emergency rescue truck,” which was
actually, as I recall, a rebuilt station wagon, nothing like a paramedic vehicle.
However, on July 19, 1974 when our little four-year-old, Crissy, was struck by a
car and dragged fifty feet down Alegria, George Maurer and the guy riding with
him that day scooped her torn little body up and rushed her to Arcadia Methodist,
saving her life. No, they weren’t equipped to transport patients, but they did,
for which we are forever grateful. Our fire department and paramedics are so
amazing now, having scooped John up when he was in severe trouble and taken
him to Arcadia Methodist. That’s my picture today, John saying thank you to these
amazing people.
Another change that has been so positive and so good. Yes, we all loved the
volunteers who would drop everything when the siren blew and race to do their
job, but, again, a good change.
It seems to me that Beantown was once Bruno’s where you could get great deli stuff
and go through the beaded curtain at the back to sit outside in the sun and enjoy a
glass of Carlo Rossi wine, which we did numerous times.
The first restaurant review I did for the Mountain Views News was for the
Peppertree Grill, which is now Nano’s but started out life as The Sunset. More
good change. The Buccaneer Lounge was the Buccaneer Lounge when we arrived
in Sierra Madre and hasn’t changed a bit. No change necessary.
Stores have come and gone, restaurants have opened and closed and opened again
as something new, but Sierra Madre remains as beautiful and as friendly as it’s ever
been. John and I lived here the fifty years of our lives together and loved our life
here. I can’t imagine living anywhere else, but that, too, had to change. There’s no
more us and my life has taken me from Alegria to Arizona, but Sierra Madre will
always be the home of my heart.
Our daughter, Crissy attended and graduated from Alverno High School and here
comes another change. They are planning to become TK-8, creating a lower school
to add to the existing high school. What a great idea! While Crissy was at Alverno I
got to be part of the volunteer staff there, working with the amazing Gilda Martin
and the unforgettable Jose, their go-to guy for everything you could think of. One
year I was in change of the table decorations for the Christmas gala and Jose cut me
about a million pine branches which I put in gift-wrapped coffee cans, along with
– as I recall – white flowers of some kind. Thanks to Jose, they were gorgeous and
every one of them went home with someone. I loved Alverno. And the new parents
who will enjoy this beautiful space with their little ones will, too. A good change,
friends and neighbors.
Our world has certainly changed in the last couple of months and we don’t know
what will happen next or what our “new normal” is going to be. Here’s what we do
know, we will get through it and so will our beloved Sierra Madre.
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it,
and join the dance!” Alan Watts.
Stay home – Stay Safe!
My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
Where you’ll find “Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope”
And “A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter”
Take a look at both of these books, stuffed with hope and the
Occasional good recipe.
Blog: www.authordeanne.com
Follow me on Twitter, too! https://twitter.com/@playwrightdd
The city and a lot of local folks think the city must change the institutional zoning to residential, or the
approx 22 acres land owned by the Monastery will be developed into many light industries with lots of
low income employees and will generating lots of truck traffic, noise and pollution.
The thought of that will keep many people from many a good night sleep.
Wait a minute ---- How about a beautiful world class approx 22 acres senior citizen live in a retirement
village with small affordable apartments. A pool and rec area, a affordable board and care facility, all
built as attractive low buildings with lot of trees and bushes and beautiful park that could be shared
with the neighborhood.
There is real shortage of beautiful places for mom and pop to live as their age.
Note the federal government will subsides some of the cost to finance.
These older folks as a rule do not drive –so no increase of traffic- no siren allowed.
I wish this was my basic idea—- it is not and if they wish to come forth. Great.
What I have done is expand the idea.
So the question is why would the Monastery sell for less money to help create this wonderful world
class senior living project?
It is called public opinion---and -- once you think about it.-- It is the right thing to do-
Suppose the Monastery is approached in public by the city and resident’s support with this idea for this
great needed senior village project and they said no.
They may say they want and need want to make more money by selling to a their developer that will
built 42 + very large homes for the very rich.
Note 3000+ Sq homes are the only kind of homes that a builder can build and make a profit. Most will
need a 3 car garage. The whole housing project would not typical for the area.
What if the senior project was turn down by the Monastery and or the city WOW —-what a negative
story—read all about in this newspaper and next in the LA Times—New York Times—Late night TV
Hundreds older folks living there are free to take the village hourly transport to downtown to do their
shopping and dining. That a boom to local business.
The impact to the city financial property tax income from the senior village property tax reduction
verse 42 houses would be minable and could offset with sale tax increase,
The city and the Monastery would enjoy a great reputation for helping creating a large world class
beautiful senior village.
Might be the largest one senior village anywhere---
The state would love the idea as it creates more housing. What a great idea------ everyone wins—
J.D., Sierra Madre Resident
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com