Mountain Views News Saturday, June 6, 2020
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc
Pet of the Week
Gertrude is a happy, curious, even-keeled, and
loving companion. This eight-year-old cutie is
an energetic gal who loves spending time with
people, but she’s also very chill and easygoing.
She's just as happy running around in the yard
as she is curling up for an afternoon nap, so she’s
very well-rounded. And she’s eager to please her
human friends and absolutely loves treats, which
means learning new things is one of her favorite
pastimes! If you’ve been wanting a friend by your
side, Gertrude is ready to fill that role!
The adoption fee for dogs is $140. All dog
adoptions include spay or neuter, microchip, and
age-appropriate vaccines.
New adopters will receive a complimentary
health-and-wellness exam from VCA Animal
Hospitals, as well as a goody bag filled with information about how to care for your
View photos of adoptable pets at pasadenahumane.org and fill out an online
adoption application. Adoptions are by appointment only.
Two Tiny Teachers
If ever I am inspired to write a story interesting
enough to fill the space of this column, credit must
go to the animals and this week, I owe all my thanks
to the dogs. Those fantastic, furry, four-legged
friends of mine who keep on keeping on to make
me laugh, learn and appreciate a higher level of
understanding life.
When I was in Bible college, I had an Old Testament
Survey professor who’d start class proclaiming:
“Our relationship with God is a journey. We seek Him and ask His will. We listen for His
still small voice. We embrace the lessons from His Word, and we practice His principles…we
walk”. And thus he began each lecture, all the while pacing in a circle, surrounding us students
seated in the center of the room. Over and over he’d reiterate, “Seek, listen, learn, walk. Seek,
listen, learn, walk!”
With all that is happening in the world today, trying to seek God can feel impossible at times.
I do my best to seek Him daily and I yearn to learn from His never-failing, ever-revealing
promises. I learn from His remarkable creations, not the least of which are the kind, caring
and compassionate canines I am blessed to call my friends. If not for the precious pups I get
to spend time with, there have been moments when I may have given up by now. They love
unconditionally, and they teach me amazing lessons while keeping it simple. They walk.
Last Sunday was no exception. I arrived at Max and Maggie’s at 7am for our walk around the
local block. As per usual, we were - all three - elated to see one another, so it took us a minute
to contain ourselves, get leashed and on our merry way. Max and Maggie are mini-schnauzers
who always love their walks. They mostly enjoy catching whiffs of whatever scents are left
behind by some previous passer-by, so I try to be patient and let them do their sniffing until they
are ready to move along.
It wasn’t a day much different than any other, so what made that Sunday saunter so inspiring?
It had to do with my mind set. My willingness to seek, listen and learn the lessons Max and
Maggie had in store. In keeping with their typical, top-notch teaching methods, those two tykes
shared a very valuable, yet easy-to-miss life-lesson that helped change my perspective and set
me on a more positive trajectory. It was a lesson those sweet little teachers were perfectly posed
to offer up.
Have you noticed the enormity of greenery recently, due to the rain earlier this year and late last
year? There are all kinds of seeds floating in the air, and loads more that lay low to the ground.
You know, those mysterious tufts of stuff clinging to the dirt where vibrant green grass and
other growth used to be. Networks of seedy parcels awaiting pick-up by unassuming couriers,
for drop-off at a remote, hopefully fertile site to settle into until the next wet season when
mother earth will be kind enough to foster their life-form into new, fresh, flowery green growth.
Now, had last Sunday been like some other days, I may have been less than willing to seek,
listen and learn. I may have missed the lesson God was sending me through those 2 mini
messengers, with the help of what would otherwise have appeared to me to be nothing more
than dead weeds sticking like Velcro to their beards and bellies. I would have overlooked the
fact that those would-be wasted weeds actually represent hope for new life, and they’d have
meant nothing more to me than an annoying task of removing them from those poor pups‘ paws
when we arrived back home.
But instead, I was inspired. I was inspired because I was a willing student. As we walked west
on Laurel, down Baldwin to Montecito, back up Mountain Trail and west on Laurel toward
home…as we walked and my two tiny teachers insisted that I be patient and meet them in the
moment. As we walked, and they reminded me to seek, listen and learn. As we walked, they
introduced me to a plethora of seeds. Seeds I’d have otherwise regarded as prickly, pains in the
ass. Seeds that were indeed living, breathing organisms, putting forth their best effort to plant
themselves into fertile ground and bring new life next season. Seeds of promise, seeds of hope.
Thank you, Max and Maggie. I needed that hope.
All Things By Jeff Brown
The truth is, we don’t know much. Human beings hate uncertainty but cannot es-cape it,
particularly now that our species has become host to a virus that’s never before infected human
beings. With 100,000 dead and 1.7 million confirmed cases in the U.S., nobody knows if the
re-openings now underway will trigger serious spikes in hospitalizations and deaths, or just
scattered hot spots that can be tamped down. Nobody knows if summer heat and humidity will
significantly slow the vi-rus’ spread. Nobody knows if there will be a major second wave this fall
that dou-bles or triples the death toll. Nobody knows if or when a vaccine will be developed. We
don’t know if schools will reopen in the fall, or if parents will feel safe sending their children.
We don’t know if the pandemic will still define life a year from now. We don’t know if we’ll
get infected ourselves or, if we do, how sick will the virus make us. We’re all guinea pigs in a
vast experiment whose outcome is…unknown. It’s the not knowing, I suspect, that is the most
difficult symptom of our new, coved-constricted reality. Any ordeal can be endured if you know
what you must do to survive, and for roughly how long. Some people are now coping with the
discomfort of uncertainty by proclaiming the pandemic over, grabbing a beer ,and jumping into
a pool with 500 other maskless people. Whoopee! For many others, James Hamblin reports in
The Atlantic.com, a shifting combination of an-ger, hopelessness, and numbness has set in, as
bland, featureless days meld into one another and losses mount. Health officials are warning that
about a third of Americans are suffering from clinical anxiety and depression. Grief, under these
circumstances, is natural. To cope, we have to learn to tolerate great uncertainty, while having
faith that scientists will find treatment and/or a vaccine, and this bi-zarre era will end.” One day
at a time” is how people survive a crisis. One day at a time. William Falk, Editor-in-chief “The
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com