THE CONVERSATIONS.. Talking About The Things That Are On Our Mind
Mountain Views News Saturday, September 19, 2020
"We've lost another great warrior for equality
and justice for all" S. Hendeson/MVNews
By Stuart Tolchin
As unforseen as these times are, so was my meeting with Amanda Maciel Antunes.
Ten days ago she and another woman, both masked, walked past my house. Taking
them to be mother and daughter, I commented that their masks were probably
unnecessary if they were family living together. I learned that they were just
neighbors living at the entrance to the canyon. I asked the younger woman if she
was familiar with the famous writer Anais Nin who lived in that same area a few
decades earlier. I maintained the superior attitude of an older man who had lived
in the canyon for forty two years, but my attitude quickly evaporated never to
return in the presence of this amazing young woman. She nonchalantly explained
that serendipitously she lived in the very apartment where Anais Nin had lived!
Amanda had become, in addition to many other things, a Nin scholar.
It would take many books to describe the life and person of Amanda Maciel
Antunes. After another chance meeting I asked to interview her. A few days later
she came bearing tasty homemade Brazilian cheesebread that she had awakened
early to bake. Despite the heat she was wearing a long dress that covered her from
neck to foot. When I remarked upon her clothing I learned that she always makes
her own clothes generally from materials that come from her native Brazil. Amanda
explained that she was from a partly indigenous family that lived in an isolated area
in Salto de Pirapora, Brazil. In order to go to school she took long bus rides to a
larger city. Although she was something of a prodigy she was unique among the
other students who called her “the girl from the farm” or “the girl from the past.”
With a divided family blessing she fled Brazil at the age of fourteen to follow the
life of an artist ending up in Boston, learning English by studying an Anais Nin
diary. It has taken ten years to settle her immigration problems but now married
and living in Sierra Madre she has become an LA based multidisciplinary artist
working in painting, costuming, performance, writing and installation art. While
living in Sierra Madre she began each morning by climbing part way up the Mount
Wilson Trial where she sits on a bench creating a tapestry on which she embroiders
a poem. On the way back down the trail she picks up assorted items storing them
in her backpack to later to be used in her other art projects. Somewhere along the
trail she has created her own sanctuary.
Still, I have told you nothing about her person. To me she seems like a kind of
Angel with a bit of an accent and some very strong opinions. She is a Feminist who
asserts that a great part of Western hemisphere and European history involves the
continued suppression of women largely because men are frightened of feminine
In a Zoom presentation in which Amanda was interviewed by two older Feminist
poets she spoke of her need to be an artist. She explains that every moment of her
life she lives her art, living her life with integrity and continuing to enrich her soul.
She is very interested in the underlying connections between our deepest selves
which mere words cannot reach. The continued presence of the obscured past and
the often unnoticed present is an underlying theme. She looks for a safe place to be
to feed her soul and is, for now, disinterested in forming a family. Nevertheless, she
is a very loving person, willing to fly across country to aid a troubled friend or to
check on new friends in the canyon.
Even with all this, she looks just like any other person walking in the canyon
sometimes with her backpack. In her bag is the ongoing living piece of art. As I
hoped to emphasize in these articles, every person you pass along the road has a
new story to tell, and the more stories you hear the richer your own world can be.
Go to to see Amanda’s Zoom interview.
“With the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, America has lost one of the most extraordinary
Justices ever to serve on the Supreme Court. She was a magnificent judge and a wonderful
person -- a brilliant lawyer with a caring heart, common sense, fierce devotion to fairness
and equality, and boundless courage in the face of her own adversity. , Former President Bill
Clinotn who appointed Ginsburg in 1993
“Our Nation has lost a jurist of historic stature. We at the Supreme Court have lost a cherished
colleague,” Roberts said. “Today we mourn, but with confidence that future generations
will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her -- a tireless and resolute champion of
justice.”, Supreme Court Justice John Roberts
Ruth Bader Ginsburg embodied justice, brilliance and goodness. Her passing is an incalculable
loss for our democracy and for all who sacrifice and strive to build a better future for
our children., House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "Tonight, the flags are flying at half staff over the
Capitol to honor the patriotism of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Every woman and girl, and
therefore every family, in America has benefitted from her brilliance."
"Justice Ginsburg paved the way for so many women, including me," former Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton said on Twitter. "There will never be another like her. Thank you RBG."
Senator Joe Biden: "Ruth Bader Ginsburg stood for all of us. She was an American hero, a
giant of legal doctrine, and a relentless voice in the pursuit of that highest American ideal:
Equal Justice Under Law. May her memory be a blessing to all people who cherish our Constitution
and its promise."
Senator Kamala Harris: "For all who believe in the power of the law as a force for change,
Justice Ginsburg was and will always be a titan. She was a relentless defender of justice in our
country and a legal mind for the ages."
Writer and director Janet Mock called Ginsburg "a feminist icon and American hero" on Twitter
and thanked her for "working well beyond retirement until the very end because our
country needed you."
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the kind of scholar and patriot you get excited about explaining to
your kids," tweeted actress Mindy Kaling. "The kind of person who you say 'who knows, one
day you could be HER'. I hope you rest well, RBG, you must have been tired from changing
the world."
Ginsburg devoted her career to chipping away at discriminatory laws and policies, inspiring
reactions like the tweet from former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams: "May we
continue fight for Justice here with her passion, brilliance and extraordinary mischief. Until
good is done."
"Even had she not become a Supreme Court Justice, Ginsburg earned a place in history for
what she did to win equality for American women," said "RBG" directors Betsy West and Julie
Cohen in a joint statement. "When we asked her several years ago how she wanted to be
remembered, she said with characteristic modesty, 'Just as someone who did whatever she
could, with whatever limited talent she had, to move society along in the direction I would
like it to be for my children and grandchildren.'"
Ruthie was my friend and I will miss her terribly. The t-shirts simply labeled “RBG” made her
notorious. But it was her wit, her tenaciousness, and her skill as a jurist that made her an icon.
As a young mom heading off to Rutgers law school, I saw so few examples of female lawyers
or law professors. But Ruthie blazed the trail. I’m forever grateful for her example — to me,
and to millions of young women who saw her as a role model., Senator Elizabeth Warren
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of the great justices in modern American history and
her passing is a tremendous loss to our country. She will be remembered as an extraordinary
champion of justice and equal rights., Senator Bernie Sanders
Rest in peace Ruth Bader Ginsburg - a true legend, an iconoclast, a glass ceiling breaker, and
a feminist icon. She changed the world in so many incredible ways. Prayers, love and strength
to her family during this dark time. I hope you have fun with Antonin Scalia in heaven...
Meghan McCain
And News Anchor, Commentator and Author, Dan Rather:
Please let's save the politics for another day. The rank hypocrisy, outrage, and vote counting.
Justice Ginsburg was a towering figure, a fighter. Time and time again she beat the odds. She
wouldn't want anyone to give up or be deterred from fighting for the dreams she embodied,
A special thanks to all of our Supporters and Subscribers! We could not have made
it this far without you. This heart was created by my Granddaughter (Maila Thomas)
who really knows how important the Mountain Views News is to our community.
Please note that this is only a partial listing.
Susan Henderson, Owner/Publisher/Editor
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: