Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 6, 2021
Hello! We are Preserve Sierra Madre –
a group of your friends and neighbours
dedicating to preserving our unique and
eclectic village and as such have been
asked to write a column in our hometown
paper, The Mountain Views News.
Sierra Madre is surrounded by beautiful
mountain views. We are fortunate to see
deer, bear, bobcats, and even the elusive
gray fox regularly strolling through our
neighbourhoods. Whether you have lived
in Sierra Madre all your life or just for a
few years, we can all agree that we enjoy
living here and cherish this town’s distinctive character.
Preserve Sierra Madre’s mission is to keep it this way.
We know that development and keeping things the same vs. property rights is a touchy subject in
our town with many differing opinions. We are not against development. We are also not in the
business of getting in the way of private property and private owner’s rights. We stand against runaway
development; we don’t want to see our city turn into tract homes or strip malls. We are here to keep an
eye out for our residents, so that we can keep our city as beautiful as ever.
Do we want to stand in the way of developers? No.
Do we believe in telling people what to build? No.
We believe in the General Plan and the Building Codes of our city and believe in pushing for checks
and balances, ensuring transparency along the way.
We understand people are busy and can’t go to every City Council meeting. As part of our mission, we
attend and disseminate the information to keep residents apprised.
Our main focus right now is the Monastery project. There is another group that is fighting to stop
all development. We are not them. We just want transparency from the city and the parties involved,
and for all options to be considered and reviewed accordingly. The City has agreed to consider a
development that includes changing current zoning from institutional to residential, and construction
of 42 homes on the southside of the property.
There has been little opportunity for public comment or input about what will be one of the largest
projects in decades in Sierra Madre. We are currently waiting for the City to advise on when the
Environmental Impact report will be released. If you would like to join our mailing group please email
us at: preservesierramadrenow@gmail.com
-PSM Steering Group
by Deanne Davis
“Time is money. I can get more money, but I can’t
get more time. The value we place on each minute
of every day will have a cumulative impact on the
remainder of our lives.”
“You can save time, but you can’t bank it.”
Harvey MacKay
Speaking of time, a little boy, late for school (back
when there actually was school and kids walked or
rode their bikes to school…about a million years
ago) asked God to help him get there on time. He
ran, stumbled and breathlessly said, “God, I asked
you to help me, but don’t push me!”
What do you do with your time that some might
consider a tremendous waste of time, but that
pleases you inordinately? Here’s mine…I take
pictures every single day of the sunrise and the
sunset. I now have hundreds of these pictures and
every single day I am delighted with the beauty I
see. Many of the folks we know spend a lot of their
time taking pictures that are absolutely breath-
taking. Sharon Pevsner takes a lot of sunrises way
up at the top of various hiking trails. Bob Gollihugh
in Monrovia takes pictures of deer, bears and beautiful spots he visits. Robert Gjerde also takes
fantastic sunrises and sunsets. One of our Sierra Madre photographers specializes in birds and
owls. So many beautiful photos to be found.
Our own Lawrence Taylor takes unique photos of our downtown areas and he’s especially fond of
beaches. Today’s picture is one of his, a bridge in Blackpool in 2015. As you can see, it’s a fence
covered with locks. They have to be Locks of Love. Some years ago, a new fad started when love-
struck sweethearts began locking padlocks onto the chain link fence of the Pont des Arts, which
crosses from the left bank to the Louvre museum. These love padlocks called cadenas d’amour,
multiplied until there were thousands of them on the bridge, each engraved with a message of love.
After locking their padlock onto the fence, lovers tossed the keys into the Seine river – a sign of
their eternal devotion.”
At one time there was a section of fence at the top of the Mt. Wilson Trail switchbacks which
became Sierra Madre’s own cadenas d’amour spot. There were a number of locks there when last I
heard about this. I don’t know if they are still there, but I hope they are. One more nice thing about
our town, we have lovers hiking the Trail.
A little more about that fence along the Seine, the city had to remove the railing with the locks
of love because sections of the fencing started crumbling under the weight of all those locks,
which was estimated at 45 tons. They’ll be kept in a city warehouse after they are removed until
officials decide what to do with them. Here’s the sad part, “some will be melted down, meeting the
same fate as the love of some who attached them to the bridge.” This bridge which connects the
Institut de France and the central square of the Palais du Louvre has changed considerably. The
iron grillwork is freshly painted and protected by plexiglass panes and is the setting for sculptures
by contemporary artist Daniel Hourde. There are mixed opinions. Many are happy to be able to see
the river again and many others bemoan the loss of the locks.
It is much easier to get to the Pont des Arts bridge over the Seine, if you happen to be in Paris, than
it is to get to the top of the Mt. Wilson Trail switchbacks so I don’t see this becoming the same sort
of problem. Incidentally, new sites for love locks have popped up all over the world. Sweethearts in
China favor Mount Huang where they can “lock their souls” together and then throw the key over
the cliff to the valley below. “Love, your magic spell is everywhere!”
I was absolutely delighted to see that the Sierra Madre Library’s One Book One City selection for
February is Bill Bryson’s, “A Walk in the Woods.” This book is so good. You are just going to love
it, friends and neighbors. Bryson’s adventures and misadventures as he negotiates The Appalachian
Trail are frequently hilarious. This particular trail is over 2,000 miles long and involves camping.
This is one of those books you won’t be able to put down and then you’ll want some more Bryson.
I highly recommend “The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid.” My copy is water-swollen,
coffee-stained, and has been passed around to several friends. Bryson is funny and, goodness
knows, we need a little “funny” these days.
Going back to other totally satisfying time-wasters, I am addicted to “Beat Bobby Flay” and “Worst
Cooks in America” on the Food Network. Jigsaw puzzles are now prominently in progress in my
living room and my granddaughter, Jessie, and I have completed a number of 500 piece ones. Any
more than 500 pieces and we can’t do it. The 500 piece Noah and His Ark took us months!
“Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will
never pass again. Enjoy every moment in your life.”
“Time and life are the two best teachers. Life teaches us to make good use of time and time teaches
us the value of life.”
“Time you enjoy wasting…like sitting out in the sun drinking a glass of wine and admiring flowers
and trees and the companionship of someone you love…is not wasted time.”
My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
“Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope”
Is available there, as is
“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter.”
Easter is on its way and “The Crown”
My story about what happened to that crown of thorns
Is now a real book! Also available on Amazon.com
Don’t miss the Virtual Wine and Cuisine Tasting benefit on Friday, February 12, 2021 from
6:00 to 7:15 PM. The benefit will be hosted by Jeff Champion of Rae’s Place Fine Wine Boutique.
Rae’s Place is owned and run by the Champion Family: Kate, Raegan (Rae) and Jeff.
Jeff is native to the San Gabriel Valley. Kate is local, having grown up in Monrovia. Jeff is a
certified wine expert who brings people together to appreciate the art and science of wine.
Jeff has arranged a special appearance for you by Lisa and Michael from Sweetzer Cellars
Inspired by a summer trip to France in 2008, Lisa and Michal began making wine in a
second story apartment in West Hollywood. “We crushed in the carport, fermented in the
dining room, and pressed in the kitchen. The bedroom, kept at 60 degrees, served as our cellar.”
Plan to attend the Library Virtual Wine Tasting to learn more about Lisa and Michael’s
journey in becoming highly successful California wine makers.
Whether you are thinking about romance, bromance or a virtual get-together with your best
gal pals, this is for you!
Tickets are now on sale online at sierramadrelibraryfriends.org. Registration is a 3-step process.
The $25 registration fee to Friends of Sierra Madre Library, plus price of wines and/
or Appetizer Selections from local Sierra Madre restaurant. To be more specific, after you
have paid the registration fee on the Friends of Sierra Madre Library, you will be directed
to Rae’s Place Fine Wine Boutique so you can purchase your wine. Once you purchase your
wine, you will be provided recipes you can prepare at home that pair with the wines, or directed
to a local Sierra Madre restaurant where you can pre-order appetizer selections that
will pair with your wines. Your wine will be delivered to your home a day or two before the
virtual wine tasting.
The proceeds of this event help support the Library’s programs for children and adults
throughout the year. For more information about the event or Friends of the Sierra Madre
Library visit our website at www.sierramadrelibraryfriends.org.
Join Us for a Month of Socially-Distant
The Sierra Madre Public Library is honored
to present this years’ One Book One City
line up, featuring A Walk in the Woods by
Bill Bryson. This community reading program
invites everyone in Sierra Madre to
read and discuss the same book during February
2021 and participate in exciting and
socially distant programs and events.
On Tuesday, February 2, join Dr. Bill White
and Pete Siberell for a virtual presentation
on the History of the Mount Wilson Trail
Race, and enjoy a Facebook Live event on
Saturday February 6 at 11:00 am to learn
about the Mt. Wilson Trail Race. Other
family events will include a community
scavenger hunt with prizes, Storytime with
Librarian Leila and much more.
Bill Bryson introduces the reader to the history
and ecology of the Appalachian Trail
and to the myriad of interesting people
and experiences he has during his personal
journey along the trail. Entertaining and
captivating, Bryson delivers the majesty
of the mountains, forests and lakes with
breathtaking imagery. A Walk in the Woods
brings the splendor of the outdoors right to
you and may just inspire you to begin your
own journey.
Check out your copy of A Walk in the
Woods at the Library, and join us for a host
of engaging socially distant programs related
to this One Book One City selection and
are free and fun for the whole family. Call
the Library at 626-355-7186 for more information
and to register for the virtual fun.
City of Sierra Madre
From: The City of Sierra Madre
Applicant: City of Sierra Madre
Project Location: Properties in the City of Sierra Madre, County of Los Angeles, State of California
The City of Sierra Madre gives notice, pursuant to State of California law, that the Planning Commission will conduct
a public hearing to consider recommending adoption of Planning Commission Resolution 21-01, amending Chapter
17.34 (Affordable Housing), Title 17 (Zoning) of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code. The amendment to the City’s
affordable housing ordinance is to conform to recent changes to State Density Bonus Law.
In October 2020, the Governor approved Assembly Bill No. 2345 (“AB 2345”), which revises the Density Bonus Law to
increase the maximum density bonus, lower the thresholds to qualify for incentives and concessions, reduce the parking
standards, provide new definitions, and impose new reporting requirements. AB 2345 took effect on January 1, 2021.
City of Sierra Madre Planning Commission meeting; Thursday, February 18, 2021 (Hearing begins at 7:00
As part of the City of Sierra Madre’s COVID-19 transmission mitigation efforts, this meeting will be conducted virtually.
The meeting will be streamed live on the City’s website at www.cityofsierramadre.com, on Foothills Media website at
http://www.foothillsmedia.org/sierramadre and broadcast on Government Access Channel 3 (Spectrum).
The Brown Act provides the public with an opportunity to make public comments at any public meeting. Public comment
may also be made by e-mail to PublicComment@CityofSierraMadre.com by 5:00PM on the day of the meeting. Emails
will be acknowledged at the Planning Commission meeting and filed into public record.
Any member of the public may also call into the meeting to provide their comments. To provide public comment by
telephone, please call in when your topic of interest is being discussed by the Planning Commission and provide your
name, your property address and the agenda item number. You will be placed in the queue until the Chair opens up the
topic for public comment.
To participate in public comment:
• Join by phone: 669-900-9128; Webinar ID: 851 8278 0306 Passcode: 091024
• Join from your computer: https://bit.ly/CSMPlanning Passcode: 911224
• Join using Zoom: www.zoom.com/join Meeting ID: 851 8278 0306 Passcode: 091024
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The adoption of this amendment is exempt from the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15301, Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations and is also exempt from review
because it does not meet the definition of a project under CEQA Guidelines sections 15061, subdivision (b)(3), and
section 15378, subdivision (a) and subdivision (b)(5). The proposed changes to Chapter 17.34, as authorized and required
by state law, have no potential for resulting in physical changes to the environment because they consist of changes in
the standards governing issuance of permits for density bonus projects and do not directly or indirectly approve any
applications for particular projects. Any particular proposed project will be required to undergo the City’s entitlement
process and appropriate review under CEQA.
APPEAL: A decision by the Planning Commission is subject to a 10-day appeal period to the City Council. If in the
future anyone wishes to challenge the decision of the Planning Commission in court, one may be limited to raising
the issues that were raised or presented in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or before,
the scheduled public hearing. For further information on this subject, please contact the Planning and Community
Preservation Department at (626) 355-7138.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com