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Combined EditionBreaking News:Inside this Week: Sierra Madre: SM Community Calendar: Pasadena – Altadena: Local City News: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Education & Youth: Support Your Local Businesses: The Good Life: Best Friends: Opinion … Left/Right/Center: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
PASADENA UNIFIED TO SAFELY REOPEN MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOLS......PG. 8 SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 2021 VOLUME 15 NO. 13VOLUME 15 NO. 13 YEARS 2007-2021 ln§ide The Mountain View§ ew§ Thi§Week.SpecialAnnouncements..........Page 2 Around San Gabriel Valley...Page 7 Walking Sierra Madre.............Page3 Education and Youth............Page 8 Community Calendar..............Page4 The Good Life......................Page 10 Pasadena News This Week....Page 5 Best Friends.........................Page 11 Arcadia/Monrovia News..........Page 6 Opinion.................................Page 12 Altadena/South Pasadena......Page 6 LegalNotices........................Page13 HoowwTTooSSeeaarrcchhFFoorrSSeenniioorrDiissccoouunnttss..........................PPaaggee1100broker lic. #01514230 | source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, Bankrate Jan Greteman 626.975.4033 jan@jangreteman.com jangreteman.com #01943630 Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273 jwmartin@dppre.com #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418 korth@dppre.com #00942500 We are active and doing business safely and successfully. Call us today if you are looking to buy or sell! Your Story. Your Home. Your Team. Together Stronger. We're still here for you! We can show you homes and meet with you over video. THE WEBB-MARTIN GROUP 213 North Hermosa Avenue Sierra Madre, 91024 3 Beds | 1.75 Baths | 1,140 sf Sold For: $915,000 IN ESCROW | MULTIPLE OFFERS SOLD FOR $190K OVER LIST | WITH 30 OFFERS 446 Theresa Lane Sierra Madre 91024 446TheresaLane.com 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 1,700 sf 21 East Alegria Avenue Sierra Madre 91024 21EastAlegria.com 4 Beds | 5 Baths | 2,527 sf SHREDEVENTLooking To Dispose Of Your Sensitive Documents? SAVE THE DATE Date Time Where Saturday, April 24th, 2021 8:30am to 2pm 30 N Baldwin Ave, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Contact us for more information. Stop by and drop-off your documents safely. JUST SOLD WITH | MULTIPLE OFFERS NEW SECURITY FENCE APPROVED FOR SPREADING GROUNDS By Kevin McGuire The City has awarded a contract to Dash Construction Company, Inc. for the purchase and installation of a security fence spanning1,000 feet at the Sierra Madre Spreading Grounds. The property, which runs along E. Grandview Avenue, is a vital part of the city’s water system which captures seasonal rain runoff helping replenish water resources in local basins. Built in the 1920s, the Spreading Grounds are managed year-round to help meet the community’s water demands. The Grounds start close to Sycamore Place and are currently protected by about 17 acres of chain-linked fence met with an 8-foot steel fence at the City Yard entrance. Over the years, the property at the Spreading Grounds has been breached by everyone from dog walkers and joggers to people illegally fishing to vandals. Trash cans, benches, beer cans and bottles have been thrown into water basins by late night partiers. Building and vehicles on site have been broken into and there was a report of the theft of copper wires and brass fittings from the property some years back. In addition to the vandalism, there are many safety concerns when people wander onto the property. Injuries could occur, and it is a concern to fire and police personnel who come to the Grounds at all hours to refuel. The City is proposing an 8-foot security fence along the property on Grandview made of powder coated galvanized steel. It will extend along the perimeter of Sycamore Place. The cost to be paid to Dash is along the lines of $67,400 and was approved unanimously by City Council during their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 23, 2021. The new fencing is said to be similar to that of the Mira Monte Reserve and, as it’s a replacement project on an existing structure, so a CEQA review is not needed. To view the few report, visit www.cityofseirramadre.com. A TOUGH YEAR, BUT NOT ALL BAD FOR SIERRA MADRE FD By Kevin McGuire In the outdoor setting of Memorial Park, Sierra Madre Fire Chief Brent Bartlett presented the Fire Department Annual SafetyReport before City Council and a socially distanced community gathering Tuesday afternoon. The report summarized 2020, a year plagued with pandemic and wildfires, but one that was also filled with significant accomplishments and victories. “As you know, 2020 was quite the year filled with challenges, but I’d like to remain optimistic and say it was a very good year for our fire department,” Chief Bartlett proclaimed. The Chief echoed the mission, vision and core values for the fire department stating the commitment to protecting life, property and the environment through “compassionate” service. The hopes expressed include the desire to be an innovative, yet cost- effective department providing exceptional customer service to the community. On top of the COVID-19 predicament in 2020, the Sierra Madre Fire Department was relied upon for four major events. On July 6 and 7, there was the Soledad Fire, from July 30 through August 3 they attended to the Dam Fire, on September 5 and 6 the department was deployed in a prevention capacity for high wind weather event, and then the Bobcat fire terrorized several communities from September 6 through October 4. Many observed the ominous, eerie glow that lit up the night skyduring the Summer. Firefighters did a superb job of containing the burn so homes and lives were saved. In addition to the many challenges 2020 presented, the Sierra Madre Fire Department still rose up to many community outreach opportunities. The 2020 Drive-Thru Prevention Festival was successful, bringing in around 100 cars. They sent out Ready-Set-Go and Emergency Preparedness packets out to the community to raise awareness and also fire educational materials to area kids. The department also participated in Public Safety Week with the Police Department and they took Santa to the streets in December on a fire truck to spread holidayjoy that was so needed this past year. This year, you can expect a special Easter event from the Fire Department as well and as shots go into arms, hopefully a better year for all. The City will be hosting a vaccine clinic at the Hart Park House on April 6th at 9:30AM. Any groups eligible for a vaccine by LA CountyGuidelines are eligible to sign up for this clinic. The City has an initial allotment of about 60 vaccines. Please contact Rosemary Garcia in our Community Services Depart- ment to sign up for an appointment. She can be contacted anytime between Monday - Thursday from 8AM -4PM. City staff will respond on the same day within that time frame On behalf of the 2020 League of California Cities Women’s Caucus, Mayor Arizmendi honors Meghan Malooly as the 2021 Woman of Persistence and Sierra Madre Woman of Distinction for her immeasurable contributions to the community and com- mitment to making a difference. SIERRA MADRE TO HOLD COVID 19 VACCINE CLINIC CONGRATULATIONS TO A VERY SPECIAL YOUNG LADY! DRIVE THRU BOOK SALE! The Friends of the Sierra Madre Public Library are making plans for their upcoming Drive-Thru Used Book Sale. It will be held on Saturday, April 3, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in the parking lot behind the library. The address of the library is 440 West Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. There will be pre-packaged books in the following genres: His- tory, Biography, Cooking, Non-Fiction, Fiction, Mystery/Thriller, Children’s, and Young Adults. Each full bag contains 7-10 books and costs only $5.00 each! Enter the parking lot from Sierra Madre Blvd. and drove to the friendly volunteer who will take your order. Then proceed to the container on the lot where masked and gloved help- ers will put your books inside your car. No need to get out! Exit on Mariposa Ave. The proceeds from our sales are used only to support the acqui- sitions, services, and programs of the Sierra Madre Public Library. Help support our much-loved library by attending on April 3. | |||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |