Mountain View News Saturday, April 24, 2021
On April 21, 2021, at approximately 4:55AM,
Arcadia Police Officers responded to the 200 bllockof Arbolada Drive on the report of a package theft. Officers
were able to track the package, ultimately locating
two suspects in a car 1in the City of Monrovia. The
package, which was stolen from inside the mailb·ox in
front of the house, was located inside the suspect's car.
In addition to the package, the suspects were in possession
of mail n,eighboring cities alon,g with ,drug rellateditems. Both suspects were arrested. If you suspect you
were a victim of mail theft, you can contact the police
department at 626-57 4-5123. Please remember, if you
''See Something, Say Something."
The City of Arcadia is hosting a virtual CommunityForum on Homelessness on Thursday, May 6, 2021
at 6pm. Please join us for an informational forum on
homelessness and how Arcadia is addressing the issue.
Learn about various grants available to support programs
and services, the myths of homelessness, the status
of the Homeless Resource Hub, and how Arcadia is
working with a number of community organizations
on a coordinated response.
Participants may register for this event by weblink or
Telephone: 1.669.900.6833Webinar ID: 945 5794 7517
Passcode: 963391
For more information, please contact Sara Somogyi,
at the City of Arcadia at 626.821.4369 or ssomogyi@
Arcadia Public Library will
Contactless curbside pick-up
reopen to the public on
of requested items will still
Monday, May 3, with express
be available by appointment.
services and temporar-
Passport, remote printing,
ily reduced operating hours.
chat and telephone services
This marks the first time
will continue as before, as
the public has been able to
will online programs for
enter the library building
children, teens, and adults.
since March 2020, although
The Library’s electronic re-
the Library has continued
sources and downloadable
to offer front-door pick-up
books, magazines, movies,
services, passport services,
and more are available 24/7.
and a wide range of virtual
Library staff are looking for-
ward to welcoming back the
Library users will be re
public and expanding library
quired to wear masks and
hours and services as condi
socially distance while in the
tions permit.
building and to
For more information,
follow posted COVID-19
please call 626.821.5567 or
visit the Arcadia Public Li
The Library will be open to
brary’s website at www.Ar
the public on Mondays and The
Tuesdays, from 4 pm to 8
Arcadia Public Library is
pm; Wednesdays and Thurs-
located at 20 W. Duarte Rd.,
days, from 10 am to 2 pm;
Arcadia. You can also follow
and from 11 am to 5 pm on
the Library on Facebook and
The City of Monrovia, in partnership with Monrovia Unified
School District and Centre Stage, is ex-cited to announce
the return of the 3-day Monrovia Days Celebration
for the city’s 135th birthday!
With ongoing concerns around COVID-19, the Monrovia
Days celebration will look different this year. Although the
annual parade and carnival will not take place, all are invited
to participate in the reimagined activities. All programs
are subject to the guidelines as established by the LA
County Department of Public Health, including maintaining
physical distancing and wearing a face covering. Additional
restrictions and / or cancelations may apply.
Community Festival
From May 14 through May 16, the community is invited
to grab a meal from a restaurant in Old Town Monrovia
and join the Picnic Pavilion Celebration at Library Park.
Throughout the day, enter-tainment will be provided by
students of the Monrovia Unified School District and
Centre Stage. Participants will be required to sit at a table
or in a designated park pod and are encouraged to bring
their own seating. While at Library Park, the community
can also take a free horse drawn carriage ride through Old
Town Monrovia or capture memories with the free photo
Community Art Project – Monrovia Rocks!
To celebrate and memorialize the City of Monrovia’s 135th
birthday, Monrovia residents are invited to paint a rock
and donate it to be a part of a permanent installation at
Library Park. To participate, locate a rock that is no more
than 3” in length and paint it. When the rock is dry, drop
off the rock at the Monrovia Community Center (119 W.
Palm Ave.). All rocks must be received no later than 4 p.m.
on May 7. The rocks will be placed prior to the Monrovia
Days weekend at the installation in the north-east portion
of Library Park.
Special Monrovia Days Story Times
Gather the family and enjoy a few birthday celebration
stories by tuning into the Monrovia Public Library’s YouTube
Channel. During the Monrovia Days weekend, a new
video will be released each day.
Old Town Window & Home Decorating Contest
Old Town Monrovia businesses and residents are invited
to decorate their business store front and home for Monrovia’s
birthday! Registration is required and is now open at The judging will take place from
May 6 to May 9, and winners will be announced on May14.
Monrovia Days Family Adventure at Home
The City of Monrovia is excited to present Monrovia DaysFamily Adventure at Home, a three-day challenge. Registered
participants will receive special activity kits that
includes arts and crafts, special games, challenges and activities.
Upon completion of each challenge, participants
will earn limited edition birthday badges. Registration is
required and limited and is now open at www.cityofmonrovia.
Duarte Kiwanis
member, Reyna
Diaz has as gift for
providing help just
when it is needed.
Recently, Reyna
and her daughter
traveled for 33
hours by bus to
bring 800 pounds
of clothing and
food baskets to
Zacatecas, Mexico.
They chose to go
by bus so they
could bring all the
luggage to carry
the 800 pounds
of these goods to
needy folks. 55
families were also
provided food
baskets to help during the pandemic in this rural area of
If you are interested in joining the Duarte Kiwanis or
presenting at a future meeting, please contact Tina Carey at The club is currently meeting virtually
through Zoom.
All next week, members of NASA’s Planetary
Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) will
participate in a “tabletop exercise” to simulate an
asteroid impact scenario. The exercise depicting
this fictional event is being developed by NASA’s
Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Center for Near
Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), allowing NASA’s
PDCO and other U.S. agencies and space science
institutions, along with international space
agencies and partners, to use the fictitious scenario
to investigate how near-Earth object (NEO)
observers, space agency officials, emergency
managers, decision makers, and citizens might
respond and work together to an actual impact
prediction and simulate the evolving information
that becomes available in the event an asteroid
impact threat is discovered.
The fictitious impact scenario will occur during
the 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference,
hosted by the United Nations Office for Outer
Space Affairs in cooperation with ESA (European
Space Agency), and will evolve over the five days
of the conference, starting Monday, April 26. At
several points in the conference program, leaders
of the exercise will brief participants on the
latest status of the fictitious scenario and solicit
feedback for next steps based on the simulated
data that is “discovered” each day. These type
of exercises are specifically identified as part of
the National Near-Earth Object Preparedness
Strategy and Action Plan developed over a three-
year period and published by the White House in
June 2018.
“Each time we participate in an exercise of this
nature, we learn more about who the key players
are in a disaster event, and who needs to know
what information, and when,” said Lindley
Johnson, NASA’s Planetary Defense Officer.
“These exercises ultimately help the planetary
defense community communicate with each
other and with our governments to ensure we are
all coordinated should a potential impact threat
be identified in the future.”
So far, NASA has participated in seven impact
scenarios – four at previous Planetary Defense
Conferences (2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019) and
three in conjunction with the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA). The joint NASA
FEMA exercises included representatives of
several other federal agencies, including the
Departments of Defense and State.
“Hypothetical asteroid impact exercises provide
opportunities for us to think about how we would
respond in the event that a sizeable asteroid is
found to have a significant chance of impacting
our planet,” said Dr. Paul Chodas, director of
CNEOS. “Details of the scenario – such as the
probability of the asteroid impact, where and
when the impact might occur – are released to
participants in a series of steps over the days of
the conference to simulate how a real situation
might evolve.”
The fictional scenario kicks off on April 26, when
JPL’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies willlead the hypothetical impact scenario to see howinternational agencies respond to an actual impact
astronomers “discover” a potentially hazardous
NEO considered a risk to Earth. Details about
the imaginary asteroid’s threat to our planet
will evolve over the days of the conference,
and exercise participants will discuss potential
preparations for asteroid reconnaissance and
deflection missions and planning for mitigation
of a potential impact’s effects. But it is a real
parameter that the international community has
decided that a 1 in 100 chance of impact is the
threshold to begin response actions.
The Planetary Defense Conference and its
exercise serve as precursors to the launch of
NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART),
which is the first-ever actual demonstration of
an asteroid deflection technology, and the first
test mission of the agency’s Planetary Defense
program. DART is scheduled to launch later this
year and will impact the asteroid Dimorphos in
Fall 2022 to change its orbit in space, which could
be a key technique for mitigating a potentiallyhazardous asteroid that is on a collision path with
Earth, should one be discovered in the future.
Through an international observation campaign,
follow-up observations of Dimorphos using
ground-based telescopes will monitor the orbit
of Dimorphos and measure the change in time it
takes the asteroid to orbit its larger companion,
Didymos, due to DART’s impact.
“DART will be the first test for planetary defense,
and the data returned after it impacts Dimorphos
will help scientists better understand one way
we might mitigate a potentially hazardous
NEO discovered in the future,” said Andrea
Riley, program executive for DART at NASA
Headquarters. “While the asteroid DART impacts
poses no threat to Earth, it is in a perfect location
for us to perform this test of the technology before
it may actually be needed.”
Starting April 26, information on the exercise,
including a “fact sheet” of updated findings, will
be available on the exercise page on the 2021 PDC
Hypothetical Asteroid Impact Scenario page:
South Pasadena wants
input on the City Budget
Input received will be
presented with a draft
operational budget tothe City Council in May
City of South Pasadena
would like your feedback
regarding priorities for the
2021-2022 fiscal year budget. A
community budget engagement
program was developed by staff
to facilitate a dialogue between
residents and the City to
better understand community
priorities for future spending.
Due to the health crisis and
social distancing guidelines,
the City has created a fullydigital community budget
engagement program.
-Learn more about the City’s
Budget The platform includes
a brief presentation on City
revenue sources and an
overview of operating costs.
-Provide input on priorities
through survey.
The online survey allows
residents to provide input
on specific City services and
The City will be collecting
responses to the survey through
April 30, 2021. This input is
requested prior to the City
preparing the FY 2022 budget
to allow for earlier input into
the City’s budget development.
Input received will be presented
with a draft operational budget
to the Finance Commission
and the City Council at public
meetings in May. The CityCouncil is slated to adopt a
final budget by June 30.
The Budget serves as a
“blueprint” for providing City
services and as a workingfinancial plan for the fiscal year.
It reflects City policies, goals,
and priorities and provides
an overall plan for allocatingCity resources to a variety of
programs and services.
If you would like to participate
in the budget process, please
visit website: southpasadenaca.
gov. or submit your comment
to: budget@southpasadenaca.
gov or via voicemail (626) 4037309.
Senior Center Now Open
Pasadena Senior Center Reopens With Limited ModifiedServices –the center has been open only for social servicesand for older adults in need.
The center now is open for additional, modified serviceswith occupancy limits. Every person who enters is subjectto temperature screening at the door, is required to usehand sanitizer made available and complete a brief healthquestionnaire.
Three rooms at the center are now open again: the Sy GraffFitness Center, the library and the computer lab.
The fitness center is open by appointment only with a limitof two people per one-hour block. Appointments maybe made on a first-come, first-served basis by calling 626795-
4331. Each person will be required to complete a briefhealth questionnaire before appointments are confirmed.
Fans have been removed to prevent the spread of droplets asrecommended by the Pasadena Public Health Department.
Masks are required at all times. All equipment and majortouch points are sanitized after each use. The library is openfor the purchase of books and puzzles only.
The computer lab is open by appointment only for a maximumof two hours, two people at a time, to allow for socialdistancing, with time limits monitored by volunteers at theWelcome Desk at time of entry. Computer screens, keyboardsand countertops are sanitized after each appointment. For
more information visit: or call(626) 795-4331.
LibraryComic Book
Club for
Grown Ups
Join the South Pasadena
Public Library Comic BookClub for Adults!
May 6th Meeting: TheyCalled Us EnemyDate: May 6, 2021Time: 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Title: They Called Us
Enemy by George TakeiDescription: In 1942, at theorder of President Franklin
D. Roosevelt, every personof Japanese descent on thewest coast was rounded
up and shipped to one of
ten “relocation centers,”
hundreds or thousands of
miles from home, where
they would be held foryears under armed guard.
They Called Us Enemy isTakei’s firsthand account of
those years behind barbedwire, the terrors and small
joys of childhood in theshadow of legalized racism,
his mother’s hard choices,
his father’s tested faith in
democracy, and the waythose experiences plantedthe seeds for his astonishingfuture. What does it mean
to be American? Who getsto decide?
Meetings are held online onthe 1st Thursday of everymonth at 7:00 PM.
Registration is required.
Comic Book Club for
Adults is intended for adult
participants, and titles
discussed may contain
mature images and subjects.
Each month a new graphicnovel/comic book will be
selected and discussed via
Zoom. View upcomingtitles (subject to change)
and more on the Comic
Book Club webpage at:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
Email: Website: