12 Mountain View News Saturday, April 24, 2021 OPINION 12 Mountain View News Saturday, April 24, 2021 OPINION
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Stuart Tolchin
Audrey SwansonMary Lou CaldwellKevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard HaysPaul CarpenterKim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James SnyderKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis
Despina ArouzmanJeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely TotenDan Golden
Rebecca WrightHail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
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April 20th,
was a very
significant day.
First off, it was
the birthdate of
former German
Cha ncell or
Adolph Hitler
(remember him).
Perhaps not;
maybe it’s all part
of cancel culture
assuming-we can
change history
by simply ignoring it. It was also National
Marijuana Day noted in the news along with
witty asides connected to the recent State
legalizations of cannabis expressing that
every day is now marijuana day. The random
confluence of these two occurrences for me
emphasize that there is national progress, or at
least change, but is it in the right direction?
I am now going to move to a discussion
of this week's most publicized event, the
conviction of former Police Officer Derek
Chauvin, a Caucasian, of three counts related
to his killing of George Floyd, an unarmed
African- American male. The criminal trial
of this White Police officer has already been
described as the most significant trial of this
new century. It has been postulated, and I am
sure correctly, that the resulting conviction of
the officer was highly influenced by national
public demonstrations and protestations
decrying the officer’s actions. Of course
empaneled jurors have to pledge not to be
influenced by anything other than the evidence
presented during the trial, an almost human
impossibility. The existence of the video
shown nationally and worldwide presenting
the officer placing his full body weight upon
the neck of a man who has been forced to lie
face down on the concrete seemed to absolutely
compel a conviction. The point is made that
without the public awareness and pressure this
criminal trial would have never taken place.
The conviction has resulted in celebrations
throughout the United States and many have
been brought to tears by the results.
Alas, my reaction has been very
different. Of course I am pleased by the
conviction but from the very beginning
of the pending trial’s coverage I have been
extremely displeased that no first degree
murder count was even alleged. It is true that
first degree murder requires what is called premeditation,
the jury finding that the killing
of the individual was intentional. The video
tape of the event shows the officer contentedly
applying all of his weight upon Mr. Floyd’s neck
while Mr. Floyd offered no resistance and pled
for his life. To me there can be no doubt that
this officer, with his sunglasses on his head,
was relaxed enough to know exactly what he
was doing. He was murdering a defenseless
man who offered no resistance. The fact that
the prosecution believed it too risky to put
before the jury a count of first degree murder
is a terrible exposition of the present state of
expectations regarding actual public opinion.
The prosecutors believed it too risky to ask
for the maximum penalty for the act which
was presented by the video tape in front of the
world. What would happen if there was no
conviction on this first count? Would there be
demonstrations in the street. Yes, there would
have been and there should have been.
Yes a precedent has been set. A coldblooded
vicious killing of a man witnessed by
many and presented clearly on a video tape is
not even enough to allow the prosecution to
ask for a first degree murder conviction. I find
this appalling and what I also find appalling
is that so little attention has been given to the
other officers who were present during the
entire time the life was being squeezed out of
Mr. Floyd. After all Derek Chauvin was their
lead officer, and it was their job to support
him in whatever he was doing. No wrong,
absolutely wrong. Their job was at all times
to act in accord with their duty to protect and
serve; no, not just to protect and serve but to
act responsively to their own sense of humanity
and take what must have been understood to
be the correct action and stop the killing.
Of course their defense would be that
they were just following orders and doing what
the man in authority wanted them to do. This
brings us back to our old friend Adolph Hitler.
Those acting under the authority of Hitler
and responsible for the death of millions and
millions of defenseless people also asserted
at the Nuremberg trials that they could not
be held responsible in that they were just
following orders. As those of you familiar with
the trials already know this defense was found
inadequate and the defendant German officers
were executed. I am afraid that many of you
are simply not familiar and are unconcerned
even about recent history. Much of this
technologically adept present generation seems
completely ahistorical and willfully ignorant
and proud of it. I attribute this to the all-
encompassing presence of drug abuse and
alcohol abuse within this society and statistics
show that the problems nationwide are
increasing. Meanwhile the nation’s attention
is diverted from the fact that the habitability
of the entire planet is being threatened. Public
opinion and public demonstrations are a
potential source of great power. Unfortunately
this power and energy can easily be diverted
to attend only to spectacle such as the O.J.
trial which in the end means nothing. Even
the daily political posturing which saturate
the media are just a diversion of the attention
which should be directed elsewhere. Yes,
humans are racing but to what end and for how
long is in question.
Republican pollster Frank Luntz met last weekend with 17 vac-
cine-resisting Trump voters to better understand why they won’t
take the sim-ple step of protecting themselves and their fellow
Their answers were predictably ignorant. One guy said, “I mean,
we’re just going to be shot up and shot up and shot up. We can’t
live like this. This is not sustainable.” One woman complained about “being bullied,
being humiliated, basically, by the media. I don’t really see the point in getting
it if nothing is going to change, and I haven’t gotten sick.”
But the piece de resistance was their enthused opinion about fake vac-cination
cards. They want one. If they were to get one, think of all the freedom they would
The cult of American selfishness is truly a phenomenon to behold. One woman in
the Luntz focus group said she’s “1,000 percent” in favor of ob-taining a fake card
with the CDC logo (widely available these days on eBay and elsewhere) so that
she could do anything she wants. And one guy said, “If I have a fake vaccine card,
yeah, I can go anywhere,” especially to ballgames in parks – like Yankee Stadium –
that currently require proof of vaccination. Others at the focus group table shared
their desire to go to concerts or go on trips where proof of shots is mandatory.
These people are contemptible.
Their concern for the community is zero. Their self-absorption is total. Their determination
to commit fraud and walk among us – to breathe among us – will
spread COVID-19 (especially the variants), extend the pandemic, sicken more
people and kill more people. Every health expert says this, but alas, as we well
know, Freedom-lovers don’t like it when the “elites” try to “bully” them.
Ask yourself this question: As life incrementally returns to something re-sembling
normal, would you want to eat inside a restaurant next to an un-vaccinated idiot
with a fake CDC card? Or stand shoulder to shoulder at a concert? As Nenette
Day, an assistant special agent in the federal Depart-ment of Health and Human
Services inspector general’s office, reportedly says, “It disturbs me, having been in
law enforcement this long, this flip-pant attitude that people have.”
What explains this flippancy? It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots.
There is much to admire in the American creed, as we who love this coun-try can
attest. But the pandemic continues to expose the worst of us – most notably our
selfish individualism. There’s a crackpot belief, shared by millions, that “freedom”
is a license to be irresponsible toward others, and that any requirement to care for
the welfare of others is some kind of commie nanny-state diktat.
After all, one of the bibles on the American right is Ayn Rand’s The Virtues of
Selfishness (“To hold one’s own life as one’s ultimate value, and one’s own happiness
as one’s highest purpose, are two aspects of the same achievement”). And the
current icon is Donald Trump, who codified self-ishness last year when he said, “I
don’t take responsibility at all.” In normal times, these strains of individualism are
merely obnoxious. Today, they’re downright dangerous.
President Biden is demonstrating that government can actually work – more than
200 million vaccination shots in less than 100 days – but his administration can’t
bring America back on a decent timetable if so many people plan to “own the
libs” by obtaining fake vaxx cards and spreading more disease. Haven’t we suffered
enough already?
Tammy from Virginia said in the Luntz focus group, “I was zero (on) the vaccine.
I’m still a zero.” Yes, she certainly is.
Excuse me if that sounds like “bullying.” I’m just thinking of the welfare of others,
even if Tammy is not.
Dick Polman, a veteran national political columnist based in Philadelphia and a
Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania, writes at DickPolman.net.
Email him at dickpolman7@gmail.com
At a time when police are being attacked
on all sides for brutality, racism,
recklessness and all sorts of social
sins and criminal acts, I hesitate
to write this column.
I hesitate, not because I think that
what I am about to say is wrong,
but because words have been used
as weapons and in the wrong hands,
they misfire and they wound. I hesitate,
because the very last thing I
want to do is wound the good men
and women of the fragile blue line.
On December 5, 2020, Caron Nazario,
a second lieutenant in the U.S.
Army Medical Corps, was kicked and
pepper sprayed when he refused to
get out of his car during what turns
out to be an illegal traffic stop.
The reason we are only hearing about
this now after four months is that
Nazario has filed a lawsuit against
the small Virginia town where the assault
took place. He’s seeking damages
in excess of $1 million.
The video of the incident is unassailable
proof that the two police officers
involved in the traffic stop, allegedly
due to Nazario driving his SUV with
a missing license plate, don’t deserve
my support. If I were to extend the
benefit of the doubt to them, I’d never
again have the right to stand up for
an officer who, in the course of putting
his life on the line, is attacked by
a raging mob.
One of the officers involved, Joe
Gutierrez, has been fired. There’s still
no information on what’s happening
with his partner, Daniel Crocker.
Race should not be an issue, because
Nazario is Afro Latino, and Gutierrez
is also Latino. Race is going to be
an issue, because in this climate, it’s
But I am a white woman who knows
of white men and women who have
also had problems when the police
have stopped them, people who cannot
be characterized by their epidermal
attributes. I have witnessed some
extremely unreasonable acts by those
who wear the uniform, abuses in attitude
and authority. None of them
were justified, but none of them rose
to the level of actual abuse.
Making this about race obscures
a greater problem if we excuse the
ac-tions of Joe Gutierrez. And those
of us who don’t believe the police
should be defunded and who honor
their presence in our lives and communities
need to speak out.
There are people who should not be
in positions of authority over the rest
of us. Either because of their temperaments,
their lack of self-control
or empathy, their inability to calmly
assess a situation or their sense of
they are
unfit to hold
the societal
imprimaturthat commands “obey me.”
And that’s why the people who have
said to me something along the lines
of “Well, if you do what the police say
you won’t have a problem” just don’t
get it.
That is not supporting the police.
That is enabling the bad ones to do
the things that the good ones find
That must be what it’s like to live in,
say, Myanmar.
Some have said that the officers were
justified in their actions because
when they put their sirens on, Nazario
didn’t initially stop. And I understand
that argument.
But the circumstances of that “stop”
turned out to be illegal, since the officers
were aware that Nazario had
temporary plates and still pursued
him. The circumstances of that “stop”
were also charged because there was
no reasonable suspicion that the driver
had done anything wrong, that he
was weaving, that he was speeding,
that he was causing a threat to other
drivers. They apparently had nothing
other than their subjective sense that
this car was not his car.
And the worst thing about it is that
the driver of that car was in the military.
Here you have a man wearing the
uniform of his country being treat-ed
as if he was a second-class citizen, by
a brutish officer who – when told by
Nazario that he was afraid of getting
out of the car – was told “you should
be afraid.”
“You should be afraid.” No American
should ever say that to an American
soldier, an Army medic. The fact that
another man in uniform said it is
I hate that I have to write this column,
at this time. But if I remain silent
when this sort of thing happens,
I have no right to shout out my support
for the honorable warriors who
police our streets competently, coura-
geously and with humility every
day, every hour, every minute. And
I have no intention of ever giving up
that right.
In my daily walks, I pass by the memorial
plaque that commemorates
the place where Daniel Faulkner was
murdered by Mumia abu Jamal. I also
walk by the memorials to Charles
Knox, and the mural to Sgt. Robert
I hope they’d understand why I wrote
this column.
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