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Combined EditionBreaking News:Inside this Week: Sierra Madre: SM Community Calendar: Local City News: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Education & Youth: Support Your Local Businesses: The Good Life: Best Friends: Opinion … Left/Right/Center: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SATURDAY, MAY 1, 2021 THE WEBB-MARTIN GROUP VOLUME 15 NO. 18 MAY 7TH LIBRARY VIRTUAL WINE SIERRA MADRE GROUNDWATER WELL SPREAD THE WORD! AND CUISINE TASTING BENEFIT TO EMERGENCY REPAIRS AUTHORIZED broker lic. #01514230 | source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, Bankrate YOU CAN SAVE BIG $$ ON PROPERTY TAXES 55+ When Proposition 19 went into full effect on April 1st, California homeowners aged 55+, severely disabled Or victims of wildfire or natural disaster are now able to move... Anywhere in California To any home, regardless of price* Up to three times Without incurring a property tax hike!* $ $ For more information, visit prop19.car.org The information contained here is intended to provide general information and is not intended as a substitute for individual legal advice. Consult a qualified real estate or estate planning attorney with questions pertaining to a specific situation. *Purchasing a more expensive replacement property will result in an adjusted property tax increase based on the original Prop 13 tax basis. SOLD $187,000 OVER LIST PRICE AT $1,337,500 IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS 446 Theresa Lane 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 1,700 sf Sierra Madre, 91024 446TheresaLane.com Your Story. Your Home. Your Team. Together Stronger. Jan Greteman 626.975.4033 jan@jangreteman.com jangreteman.com #01943630 Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273 jwmartin@dppre.com #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418 korth@dppre.com #00942500 We are active and doing business safely and successfully. Call us today if you are looking to buy or sell! We're still here for you! We can show you homes and meet with you over video. CELEBRATE WOMEN Looking for a last-minute Mothers’ Day gift? Don’t miss the Virtual Wine and Cuisine Tasting benefit on Friday, May 7th, 2021 from 6:00 to 7:15 PM. The benefit will be hosted byJeff Champion of Rae’s Place Fine Wine Boutique. Jeff is a certified wine expert who is well-known in Sierra Madre for bringing people together to appreciate the art and science of wine. The wine tasting features Bibiana Gonzales Rave. Jeff explains, “Join us as we sit down with Bibiana Gonzales Rave, owner and winemaker of Alma de Cattleya. We'll discuss her amazing story from childhood into the world of winemaking while we enjoy two of her wonderful wines. This promises to be another great evening!” Tickets are available for sale online at sierramadrelibraryfriends. org. Registration is again a 3-step process. The $25 registration fee to Friends of Sierra Madre Library, plus price of wines and/or Appetizer Selections from a local Sierra Madre restaurant. To be more specific, after you have paid the $25 registration fee on the Friends of Sierra Madre Library site, you will be directed to Rae’s Place Fine Wine Boutique so you can purchase your wine. Wines will be delivered to your home before the event. Once you purchase your wine, you will be provided recipes you can prepare at home that pair with the wines, or directed to pre-order an appetizer or dessert selection from Nano’s Café, Savor the Flavor or Madre Made. We encourage you to support our local restaurants and businesses and this is one way you can show that support! The proceeds of this event help support the Library’s programs for children and adults throughout the year. For more information about the event or Friends of the Sierra Madre Library visit our website at www.sierramadrelibraryfriends.org. READY, SET, REIMAGINED SIERRA MADRE 4TH OF JULY PARADE REGISTRATION OPEN May 1 - June 1, 2021 The Sierra Madre 4th of July Parade is an annual tradition that is anintegral part of the Sierra Madre community! This hometown paradefeatures community members, organizations, classic cars, marchingbands, kids on their decorated bikes and so much more. Please join us for the 2021 #SMStrong Parade on Monday, July 5th, from10:00am – 12:00 pm. The parade route will begin at the corner of SierraMadre Blvd. and Sunnyside Avenue, and the exact route is TBD based onLA County health orders at that time. Parade participation is open to all; young, young-at-heart, and everythingin between. Masks must be worn (in accordance with the most up-todate health orders) and walking groups must be prepared to have to gomobile if the LA County Health Orders dictate. Parade registration will open on May 1st and will close on Tuesday, June 1. All applications must be submitted by Tuesday, June 1. To registerplease visit the Sierra Madre 4th of July Events website at http://www. sierramadrefourthofjuly.com/parade **Due to Pandemic Health Orders & Staging Concerns, NO LATEENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED!** This event is subject to approvals from state and local governmentalagencies, and could be canceled at any moment to the Health Orders. For questions regarding parade registration please contact the 4th ofJuly Committee at 4thofjulysierramadre@gmail.com or the CommunityServices Department at 626.355.5278. For more information on all of the 4th of July Festivities, please visitwww.sierramadrefourthofjuly.com/. ### City Council has approved a contract to rehabilitate one of Sierra Madre’s groundwater wells in need of emergency repairs. The sole source contract was awarded to the General PumpCompany for an amount not to exceed $178,123 including a 10% contingency for emergency rehabilitation of Well 6 in Sierra Madre Park. In 2020, it was discovered during an annual test, that the Well was losing efficiency. At the time, Well 6 was producing 1,041 gallons per minute. Presently, the Well is now producing only 300 gallons per minute. Upon inspection, the Well seemed to be rapidly deteriorating as a result of excessive vibration of the pump. Sierra Madre bares responsibility for four groundwater wells. They are all inspected annually for wear and tear. Once rehabilitated, Well 6 should return to full production capacity, just in time for the increased summer demand. The wells generally last A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE approximately eight to SIERRA MADRE WATER 10 years before major SUPPLY rehabilitation maintenance is required. The last repairs on Well 6 took place in In 1881, Nathaniel Carter purchased 2011 when a steel liner 1,103 acres of land from Elijah J. was installed and the "Lucky" Bald-win, John Richard- well received a water son, and the Southern Pacific Rail- flush lubrication system. road. The land now comprises the Prior to that, the Well urbanized area of the City of Sierra used an oil drip system Madre. In just a year after Carter's for lubrication. With purchase, the Sierra Madre Water the rapidly fluctuating Company was established. groundwater situation in Sierra Madre, this set up Over the next century, Sierra was not effective as there Madre's primary source of water was risk of contamination. supply was groundwater from the Oil sitting on the water Santa Anita sub-area (or Eastern too long causes bacteria Unit) of the Raymond Basin. Four growth. The 2011 upgrades main wells were developed and eliminated that threat. maintained to deliver the City's ad The proposed judicated water. A short time later, rehabilitation includeS: two tunnels, one on either side of • New well pump the Sierra Madre Dam, also contribcomponents. uted to the water supply. • Rebuilding the motor. In October of 2013, the City was un • Cleaning disinfection able to attain groundwater and was of the Well. • Replacing all worn forced to switch to imported water to serve its residents. Water consercomponents. • For the full scope vation measures werebeen enacted as Sierra Madre and the San Gabriel of work, refer to the Valley Municipal Water District en- attached proposal. deavored to return to a sustainable What are the Costs? and local water supply. In 2020, the Water Department budgeted Source: City of Sierra Madre $350,000 for well rehabilitation. $196,185 was used to rehabilitate Well 5, which left $153,815 available for well rehabilitation. The proposed project includes a 10% contingency at $178,123. The project will be funded using budgeted well rehabilitation capital funds with the remaining$24,308 from the 2020 District Loan. Budget FY 20-21 will be increased by $24,308 to cover the cost. Copies of this report can be accessed on the City’s website at www. cityofsierramadre.com. Kevin McGuire/MVNews MOUNTAIN VIEWS NEWS TO HONOR 2021 GRADUATES The June 5th edition of this paper will be dedicated to the Class of 2021! In order to be included, please send your grads senior picture, their full name, age and school. These grads are making history, and the Mountain Views News wants to celebrate their accomplishment. Send to: editor@mtnviewsnews.comSubject: Class of 2021 Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Bring this coupon to save! Pasadena, CA 91107 (626) 351-8863 | |||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |