Mountain View News Saturday, July 24, 2021
Mountain View News Saturday, July 24, 2021
SB 144 Makes $330 Million Investment in Film & TV Production Signs of Life on Mars?
Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill Since its inception, California’s film tax
144 Wednesday, authored by State Senator credit programs have generated billions NASA’s Perseverance
Anthony J. Portantino. The bill includes in economic benefit for the state. Duringa $180 million increase to the current the increase in activity, construction of
Rover Begins the Hunt
film and television tax incentive program soundstages has not kept pace with the growth
and $150 million for a new incentive tied in film production, scripted television, and After testing a bristling array made out of? What were the
to the construction of soundstages. For streaming content. In addition, the current of instruments on its robotic conditions like on the crater
Portantino, the success of SB 144 is part of program faced a two-year shortfall. Seizing arm, NASA’s latest Mars rover floor?” asks Luther Beegle of
his deep commitment and appreciation of the opportunity to address both issues, gets down to business: probing JPL, SHERLOC’s principal
the entertainment industry. Like thousands Senator Portantino paired up with the State rocks and dust for evidence of investigator. “That does tell
of present-day Californians, he moved to Los Building and Construction Trades Council past life. us a lot about the early days of
Angeles from New Jersey after graduating to introduce SB 485 earlier in the year. That NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance Mars, and potentially how Mars
from college to pursue a career in the effort and continuing budget negotiations rover has begun its search for formed. If we have an idea of
industry. Senator Portantino worked in led to the passage of SB 144 and it being signs of ancient life on the what the history of Mars is like,
production until he transitioned to public signed into law. Red Planet. Flexing its 7-foot we’ll be able to understand the
service. “The continuation of the entertainment (2-meter) mechanical arm, the potential for finding evidence of
“I am incredibly grateful for Governor industry, one of our core industries, is key to rover is testing the sensitive life.”
Newsom’s leadership and for his California’s economic success,” stated Robbie detectors it carries, capturing The Science Team
commitment to keeping and expanding Hunter, President of the State Building their first science readings. While the rover has significant
film and TV production where it belongs. and Construction Trades Council. “The Along with analyzing rocks autonomous capabilities, such
Entertainment content is a core economic soundstage construction tax credit, led by using X-rays and ultraviolet as driving itself across the
driver for California and a big part of my Senator Portantino, will allow California to light, the six-wheeled scientist Martian landscape, hundreds
district’s vitality. Investing in new soundstage remain competitive with other states that will zoom in for closeups of tiny of earthbound scientists are still
construction is a critical addition to our are looking to carve up Hollywood as yet segments of rock surfaces that involved in analyzing results and
efforts to increase filming in the Golden another raid on the California economy.” might show evidence of past planning further investigations.
State. Modernizing our studio infrastructure In addition to the monetary incentive, SB 144 microbial activity. “There are almost 500 people on
will ensure that future entertainment careers includes a creative plan to increase diversity Called PIXL, or Planetary the science team,” Beegle said.
will flourish here and generations of people within the film and television production Instrument for X-ray “The number of participants in
from across the country will continue to workforce. The bill requires a production to Lithochemistry, the rover’s any given action by the rover
see our state as the entertainment capital of submit a diversity work plan, which includes X-ray instrument delivered is on the order of 100. It’s great
the world,” commented Senator Anthony diversity goals for workers. An additional unexpectedly strong science to see these scientists come
Portantino. tax incentive is tied to meeting those goals. results while it was still being to agreement in analyzing the
tested, said Abigail Allwood, clues, prioritizing each step, and
PIXL’s principal investigator putting together the pieces ofPASADENA CRIME BLOTTER Chinese Garden’s New at NASA’s Jet Propulsion the Jezero science puzzle.”
Laboratory in Southern That will be critical when the
California. Located at the end Mars 2020 Perseverance rover
The critical events detailed Blvd. Officers contacted the of the arm, the lunchbox-size collects its first samples for
below are merely a snapshot driver and observed shotgun instrument fired its X-rays at a eventual return to Earth. They’ll
of the calls received to the ammunition inside the vehicle. small calibration target – used be sealed in superclean metallic
Police Communications Center The driver was unable to to test instrument settings tubes on the Martian surface
Art Gallery to Make Debut
between June 16 and June 28. provide the officers with valid – aboard Perseverance and so that a future mission could
The police department strives identification, but consented to was able to determine the collect them and send back to
to better serve the Pasadena a search of his vehicle. During composition of Martian dust the home planet for further
community. Under Police Chief the search, officers located clinging to the target. analysis.
John Perez, the principles of the narcotic paraphernalia and an “We got our best-ever Despite decades of investigation
“Pasadena Way” will forever altered shotgun. The driver, who composition analysis of Martian on the question of potential life,
have a lasting impact on all was previously convicted of a dust before it even looked at the Red Planet has stubbornly
employees who serve in the felony, was arrested for multiple rock,” Allwood said. kept its secrets.
organization, with compassion weapons violations. That’s just a small taste of what “Mars 2020, in my view, is
and best intentions. June 23, 2021 at 12:22pm: p.m., and a demonstration by PIXL, combined with the arm’s the best opportunity we will
June 16, 2021 at 8:42am: Pasadena Officers responded Inaugural Exhibition Tang Qingnian on Saturday, other instruments, is expected have in our lifetime to address
Officers patrolling the area of to the 100 block Pepper St. Features Contemporary April 9, 2022, at 2:30 p.m. to reveal as it zeroes in on that question,” said Kenneth
Orange Grove Bl. and Elmira regarding a transient who Calligraphy Both programs are free with promising geological features Williford, the deputy project
St. attempted to contact an was trespassing in a resident’s Huntington admission. over the weeks and months scientist for Perseverance.
individual they recognized as backyard. As officers attempted “Chinese calligraphy is an art ahead. The geological details are
Postponed for more
a known gang member. When to locate the individual, of seeming contradictions,” Scientists say Jezero Crater was critical, Allwood said, to place
the officers approached the another resident in the same than a year because of the explained Bloom. “Though a crater lake billions of years any indication of possible life in
individual, he immediately area, reported the male had COVID-19 pandemic, the crafted with simple materials— ago, making it a choice landing context, and to check scientists’
highly anticipated opening
ran while concealing what entered her residence. The brush, ink, and paper—its visual site for Perseverance. The crater ideas about how a second
of the Chinese Garden’s new
they believed to be a weapon male suspect was eventually forms are myriad. Though has long since dried out, and example of life’s origin could
in the area of his waistband. located and during their art gallery is now scheduled written according to rigid rules, the rover is now picking its way come about.
The individual jumped several investigation, officers learned to take place this summer it also encourages sophisticated across its red, broken floor. Combined with other
at The Huntington Library,
property fences but was the same suspect had entered forms of personal expression. “If life was there in Jezero instruments on the rover, the
eventually detained by officers a a third victim’s residence and Art Museum, and Botanical And while it is ubiquitous in Crater, the evidence of that life detectors on the arm, includingfew blocks away. After retracing had sexually assaulted her Gardens, with an exhibition the Chinese-reading world, could be there,” said Allwood, a SHERLOC and WATSON,
the individual’s path of travel while exposing himself. The of Chinese calligraphy as calligraphy nevertheless can key member of the Perseverance could make humanity’s first
as he ran, they located several subject was arrested for multiple its inaugural installation. remain difficult even for the “arm science” team. discovery of life beyond Earth.
items of personal property as charges. “A Garden of Words: The erudite to appreciate. Through To get a detailed profile of More About the Mission
well as a discarded, un-serialized June 23, 2021 at 10:25pm: Calligraphy of Liu Fang Yuan” this exhibition, we hope to help rock textures, contours, and A key objective for
gun (a.k.a. “Ghost Gun”). The Officers stopped a vehicle for opens Aug. 28. in the Studio make it more accessible and to composition, PIXL’s maps of Perseverance’s mission
suspect was on active parole a traffic violation in the area of for Lodging the Mind. The make a significant contribution the chemicals throughout a Mars is astrobiology, including
and was arrested for a felon in Howard St. and Mentone Ave. exhibition will be presented in to public engagement with the rock can be combined with the search for signs of ancient
two rotations of 20 works each;
possession of a firearm. The driver was contacted and art form.” mineral maps produced by microbial life. The rover will
June 16, 2021 at 1:38pm: Officers further investigation revealed the first installation continues “A Garden of Words” will the SHERLOC instrument characterize the planet’s geologywere dispatched to the 200 block the driver had a warrant for through Dec. 13, 2021, and offer four perspectives through and its partner, WATSON. and past climate, pave the wayof S. Raymond Ave. in regards to his arrest. Subsequent to his the second runs from Jan. 29 which to consider calligraphy: SHERLOC – short for Scanning for human exploration of the
an armed robbery that had just arrest, a search of the vehicle through May 16, 2022. its content, materials, forms, Habitable Environments with Red Planet, and be the first
occurred. The victim reported was conducted at which time Words are everywhere in the and futures. Visitors will first Raman & Luminescence for mission to collect and cache
one suspect had pointed a knife officers found a loaded firearm. Chinese Garden—known as investigate the ways in which Organics & Chemicals – uses Martian rock and regolith
at him and took his backpack. The driver was arrested for the Liu Fang Yuan, the Garden of the content of calligraphy—its an ultraviolet laser to identify (broken rock and dust).
While officers were responding weapons violation and was Flowing Fragrance. Names for written characters—conveys some of the minerals in the Subsequent NASA missions,
to the area, they saw two men transported to the Pasadena the garden’s various features meaning and sound by rock, while WATSON takes in cooperation with ESA
adorn rocks and buildings;
running north on Arroyo Pkwy. City Jail. following specific structural closeup images that scientists (European Space Agency),
one of whom matched the June 25, 2021 at 1:38pm: poeticcouplets frame entryways rules. can use to determine grain size, would send spacecraft to Mars
provided suspect description. Pasadena Officers were and vistas. Their purpose is to The second section of the roundness, and texture, all of to collect these sealed samples
dispatched to the 800 block of enhance the visitor’s experience will from the surface and return
Officers detained the two exhibition focus on which can help determine how
subjects and once the suspect N. Oakland Ave. to check on of the garden through the calligraphy as a material object, the rock was formed. them to Earth for in-depth
was identified, he was arrested the driver of a parked vehicle, lenses of literature and art. with an inscription introducing Early WATSON closeups analysis.
for armed robbery and found who was unresponsive. During Since 2007, The Huntington has the format of a calligraphic have already yielded a trove of The Mars 2020 Perseverance
to be in possession of a knife as their contact with the driver, commissioned contemporary work—its mounting, main data from Martian rocks, the mission is part of NASA’s Moon
well as the victim’s property. The officers located discharged artists to create the original text, and framing inscriptions. scientists said, such as a variety to Mars exploration approach,
victim was not injured. bullet casings in and around the works of calligraphy—artful A selection of the tools of of colors, sizes of grains in the which includes Artemis
June 17, 2021 at 2:44pm: vehicle. A search of the vehicle brush writings in ink on calligraphy will be displayed, sediment, and even the presence missions to the Moon that
Officers responded to the report was conducted and officers paper—that served as the and a pair of calligraphic works of “cement” between the grains. will help prepare for human
of an assault with a deadly located narcotics and a loaded models for these inscriptions. It will illustrate the different Such details can provide exploration of the Red Planet.
weapon at a business located “ghost gun” in the vehicle. The is a selection of these that will effects that can be achieved by important clues about formation JPL, which is managed for
be exhibited.
in the 900 block of E. Colorado driver was arrested for both varying materials. history, water flow, and ancient, NASA by Caltech in Pasadena,
Blvd. The suspect was causing the narcotic and a weapons The work of 21 contemporary Next, visitors will explore potentially habitable Martian California, built and manages
a disturbance outside of the violation. ink artists will be featured, the diverse visual forms of environments. And combined operations of the Perseverance
business and when asked to June 26, 2021 at 5:56pm: including Bai Qianshen, calligraphy through the five with those from PIXL, they can rover.
leave by a business employee, the Officers responded to a business Michael Cherney, Grace Chu, conventional script types: seal, provide a broader environmental For more about Perseverance:
suspect became hostile, striking located in the 1800 block of Fu Shen, Lo Ch’ing, Tang clerical, regular, running, and and even historical snapshot of and at:
the employee with a metal chair. E. Colorado Blvd. regarding Qingnian, Wang Mansheng, cursive. Each has its own visual Jezero Crater.
The victim sustained minor a disturbance between a Wan-go Weng, Zhu Chengjun, features, cultural connotations, “What is the crater floor
injuries because of the assault boyfriend and girlfriend. The and Terry Yuan, among others. and appropriate contexts of
and the suspect was arrested. boyfriend had arrived at the “Calligraphy is fundamental use. For instance, regular
June 19, 2021 at 6:55pm: business but was denied entry to a Chinese garden, but it script would traditionally be Pasadena Health Director Dr.
Pasadena Officers observed a after employees observed the is a feature that often goes used for formal inscriptions Ying-Ying Goh to be Honoreddriver acting erratically and suspect was in possession of overlooked by visitors, on imposing buildings, such as
attempted to initiate a traffic a firearm. The suspect left the especially those who do not governmental or religious sites,
read Chinese,” said Phillip E. Young & Healthy will celebrate
stop after the driver ran multiple location before officers arrived while cursive is often associated
and honor Ying-Ying Goh,
red light in the area of Allen Ave. but was located a few blocks Bloom, the June and Simon with freer forms of expression.
Director of Public Health and
and the 210 freeway. The driver away. Officers detained the K.C. Li Curator of the Chinese Two or three works of each type
Health Officer of Pasadena
of the vehicle then abruptly intoxicated boyfriend and Garden and Director of the will demonstrate the range
and the Altadena Seventh-day
stopped the vehicle, exited and during their investigation, Center for East Asian Garden of visual effects that can be
Adventist Church with the J.
ran toward the approaching located the handgun seen by the Studies. “This exhibition achieved within a single script.
police vehicles. The suspect was employees. fosters deeper appreciation An accompanying video in the
Donald Thomas Award. This
28, at award is given to those whose
safely detained by officers and June 2021 11:17pm: for the artistry behind these gallery will show a calligrapher
dedication, perseverance and
further investigation led to the Officers attempted to stop a inscriptions by introducing the at work, capturing the subtle
selfless devotion to the well-
discovery of narcotics in the motorcycle for a vehicle code content, materials, forms, and movements of both body and
being of our children exemplifies
vehicle. violation near the intersection futures of calligraphy.”
June 19, 2021 at 10:19pm: of Mar Vista Ave. and Orange The new Studio for Lodging the spirit that lead to the
The exhibition will conclude
founding of Young & Healthy.
Residents returned to their home Grove Blvd. The suspect failed to the Mind, located at the with a look at the innovations
The event will be held October
in the 1400 block of Linda Vista stop and a short pursuit ensued north end of the garden, is a contemporary calligraphers
to find multiple males inside where the suspect ran through 1,720-sq.-ft., light- and climate-are bringing to the medium.
2 at the La Cañada Flintridge
Country Club starting at 6 p.m.
and an occupied vehicle parked several stop signs and a traffic controlled gallery space suitable Some artists take a pictographic
The evening will begin with
on the street. The residents light. The police department’s for the display of works of art approach, returning writing
on paper or silk. An adjacent libations and bar bites in the
quickly retreated to their car helicopter assisted and directed to its mythic origins; others
Ginger Monkey Lounge and will
and drove a safe distance from ground unit officers to the pavilion, known as the Flowery excavate forgotten scripts
be followed by dinner and a live
the home to notify the Pasadena motorcycle driver once he Brush Library, is designed to imbue their work with
Police Department. Officers stopped in the area of Los Robles in the style of a 17th-century eccentricity. A short video
auction in The Cosmopolitan
responded and conducted a Ave. and Washington Blvd. The Chinese scholar’s studio—a Come for a night filled
of interviews with artists
with music and heart, as we
thorough search of the property rider was subsequently detained garden retreat traditionally discussing their work will shed
used for painting, poetry, and raise funds to support the vital
with the assistance of both a and during their investigation, light on their creative processes.
K9 and an airship, but did not officers found narcotics and a calligraphy. Its name is inspired A gallery guide, in English and
locate any suspects. It initially replica revolver. The motorcycle by the tale of a scholar who in Chinese, will be available,
appears only one item of men’s was likely stolen and officers dreamed that a flower grew and an exhibition webpage will
jewelry was stolen. attempted to determine the from the tip of his writing provide additional resources,
June 22, 2021 at 2:29am: true owner, however detectives brush, a metaphor for literary including an interactive map of
Pasadena Police Officers would be required to make the and artistic talent. Calligraphy calligraphy locations within the
conducted a traffic stop on final determination. Officers demonstrations are planned garden, with translations of the
a vehicle for a vehicle code arrested the rider for evading for this latter space; including a inscriptions and information
violation in the area of Sierra and transported him to the presentation by Terry Yuan on on the artists.
Madre Villa and Colorado Pasadena City Jail for booking. Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021, at 2:30
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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Newsom and Portantino
The diversity goals are required to be broadlyreflective of California’s population, in termsof race and gender.
SB 144 was part of a three-party budgetagreement between the Governor, the StateSenate and the State Assembly. The measure
is co-authored by Assemblymember AutumnBurke, Chair of the Assembly Revenue andTaxation Committee, and AssemblymemberWendy Carrillo. Increasing diversitywithin the workforce was a key priority forAssemblymember Carrillo and an importantprovision within the bill.
prevention, education, familysupport and access to healthcareservices that Young & Healthyprovides to the uninsured andunderserved children and their
families in the greater Pasadena
For more information or tickets