Mountain View News Saturday, July 31, 2021
San Marino Housing Sinatra’s Songbook Three Sessions Remain
with the Pasadena Pops in Summer Masters Series
Element Response
Zoom class online.
Alan Chapman’s
San Marino city officials Principal Pops Conductor In addition to online
said they are aware that the Michael Feinstein puts down Musical Alphabet A-z classes, onsite events and
San Marino Unified School the conducting baton and other activities, members
District sent a message to the picks up the microphone for The summer term of The and nonmembers of the
community regarding the Masters Series presented by
one night only to sing a full Pasadena Senior Center
City’s 2021-2029 Housing the Pasadena Senior Center
concert devoted to the legacy are encouraged to visit
Element Program and process. of Frank Sinatra for Michael is virtual via Zoom Tuesdays, the website regularly forThroughout the District’s Feinstein Sings Sinatra’s Aug. 3, 10 and 17, from 2 to COVID-19 updates for
message, the document refers to
4 p.m. with the title Alan’s
the Housing Element as setting Songbook on Saturday, older adults and other timely
Musical Alphabet.
a “proposal” for rezoning August 14 at the Los Angeles information, a weekly blog,
Alan Chapman, producer
and a plan to increase multi-County Arboretum. An monthly magazine, ongoingfamily affordable housing. old-fashioned crooner with and on-air host at KUSC activities throughout the
The message also states that luxuriant vocals that meld Classical Radio and a faculty year and more.
the City is “recommending” the traditions of old and new, all Pasadena POPS concerts member at the Colburn The center, at 85 E. Holly
zone changes to specific site, will require proof of Conservatory of Music,
Feinstein has been dubbed St., is an independent,
including Carver Elementary receiving a fully completed will guide participants on
the “Ambassador of the Great donor-supported nonprofit
and Del Mar Fields. These and opposition to the State’s a virtual tour through a
American Songbook” Covid-19 vaccine at least two
statements are misleading demands, we all understand for organization that has
and inaccurate. The City’s that we are obligated to comply his preserving, presenting, weeks prior to the concert multitude of musical topics served older adults for
draft Housing Element does with the law regardless of how and interpreting of that date. For the most up to from A to Z with vibrant more than 60 years. During
not mandate any changes or much we might not want to. seminal body of work. In date venue safety protocols, visuals and delightful stories. the pandemic, doors are
The cost for the remaining
construction of any properties, As it relates to the concerns of typical Feinstein fashion, visit pasadenasymphony-open Mondays through
including Carver Elementary the School District, the State is the concert will share the sessions is only Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4:30
School and Del Mar Fields, requiring cities to provide a site music of Sinatra along with protocols-pops. $45 for members as well p.m. for social services and
both owned by the school inventory of land that is suitable personal anecdotes recalling All concerts are held at as nonmembers of the other critical services fordistrict. All such decisions are and available for new housing the Los Angeles County Pasadena Senior Center.
the life and times of Ol’ Blue older adults in need as well
left solely at the discretion of to accommodate the housing and Botanic To register or for more as limited occupancy for
Eyes. Hear Sinatra standards Arboretum
the property owner; the City allocation for all income levels,
including “Luck be a Lady, Gardens. Grounds open for information, visit: events, the library, fitness
is simply setting policies about not just for affordable housing.
what would be considered The City is obligated to provide “Fly Me to the Moon,” “Lady picnicking and dining at pasadenaseniorcenter. center and computer lab.
5:30pm and performances org and click on The
permissible, if the property a list of adequate sites. Given is a Tramp,” “New York, New Masks and social distancing
Masters Series Lifelong
owner so desired they said. that the City does not have York” and many more. begin at 7:30pm. Don’t miss are required. All who enter
The City has received any one site large enough to The multi-platinum-the best outdoor dinner Learning, call 626-795-are subject to temperature
communications from accommodate this density selling, two-time Emmy and party in town with spacious 4331 or email AnnieL@ screening, must sanitize
concerned residents who are requirement, we have no choice five-time Grammy Award-circular table seating with their hands upon entry and
under the impression that the but to identify multiple sites nominated entertainer fine linens, or lawn seating Everyone who registers will answer a simple screeningCity is somehow requiring the that could get San Marino to has curated an evening for those who want to bring a receive email instructions questionnaire. Rooms areDistrict to build affordable our required number. The City
celebrating the brilliance of blanket – each option carries for joining each week’s sanitized after each use.
housing on Carver and/or Del is therefore forced to scramble
“The Voice” as only Feinstein on the tradition of picnic-
Mar Fields. This is incorrect. to include any and all sites that
Even if the draft Housing might be able to accommodate can. dining with your family Caltech Y Provided Special
and friends listening to the
Element is formally adopted our required number. “A number of years ago I
by the City Council in October, All of that being said, it’s recorded an album called San Gabriel Valley’s premier Opportunity to Examine
the City of San Marino is not – important to state that the The Sinatra Project, which orchestra! Among many
and legally could not – mandate 2021-2029 Housing Element was my first bona fide venue amenities, concert Alzheimer’s in a New Way
that the District close Carver, and the State’s housing tribute to Frank Sinatra, goers can enjoy pre-ordered
sell Carver or Del Mar Fields, allocation is NOT a building and I wanted to revisit his gourmet box dinners for on-The Caltech Y is a non-profit some designed to heighten
and/or develop those properties quota, but rather a planning world now with a live show site pickup just steps from organization with the mission awareness of ethical, social,
into housing. Inclusion in the tool. The intent of the Housing of enriching the lives of Caltech and political issues; some to
featuring the majesty and their table or a variety of and them serve community,
Housing Element simply means Element is to show objectives students helping the and
food truck options.
that if the District wanted to do and policies within the City grandeur of the Pasadena grow into responsible citizens some just to promote fun and
any of those things, the City to provide as many housing POPS,” says Feinstein. The Arboretum is located of the world. In support of this relaxation and to provide
would permit it. opportunities for the current “I have some incredible at 301 North Baldwin mission, we recently provided balance to complement
The State of California requires and future population of the new arrangements for the Ave., Arcadia, CA. the community with a powerful Caltech’s renowned academic
cities to adopt new housing City. Properties that are listed Symphony, but we also Subscribers may purchase and unique online presentation curriculum. This webinar
elements every eight years. under the inventory are NOT have many of his original pre-paid onsite parking by Caltech Professor and Vice was a special program for
The State also tells cities how automatically rezoned, changed arrangements, which will at the Arboretum, and all Provost Cindy Weinstein on the community to allow the
many housing units must be in ownership, or no longer be played authentically with concertgoers can purchase her upcoming book, “Finding Caltech family and members
accommodated. Regardless of allowed to be used under their members of the orchestra guaranteed and convenient the Right Words: A Story of the larger community to
how we feel about the mandate, historic nature. The individual parking at Santa Anita Park, of Literature, Grief, and the engage with experts on this
the City has no choice but to property owners will continue who actually worked with Brain”. Prof. Cindy Weinstein devastating illness facing so
with complimentary non-
comply. The City is required to to have full jurisdiction over Sinatra. Choosing these and Dr. Bruce Miller from the many families.”
stop shuttle service to the
offer a plan for how these units their properties and use them as arrangements, which will Global Brain Health Institute at Prof. Cindy Weinstein, who
might be achieved – this is the they see fit regardless of a City be a combination of original Arboretum’s main entrance. UC San Francisco shared their enjoyed interacting with the
Housing Element. The City program or initiative. The site Sinatra charts by Nelson Single tickets starting at experience writing a memoir audience, reflected on the
engaged a consultant, who is an inventory is a means to satisfy Riddle, Billy May and others, $25 are now on sale, and that combines literature and evening and stated: “It was
expert in the field, to guide the the State mandates and to as well as movie charts that are available by calling neurology to tell the story of an honor to share my work
process. Many of the findings show that the City has enough he sang, is my absolute the box office at (626)-Cindy’s father’s early onset with Bruce to the Caltech Y
and recommendations were properties to potential provide favorite thing to do.” 793-7172, online at Alzheimer’s Disease. audience. In telling the story of
those of the consultant, based housing in some form. If one of In order to provide the PasadenaSymphony-Pops. When Cindy Weinstein was my father’s Alzheimer’s disease,
on her years of expertise in the potential sites is eliminated org or at the Arboretum on studying to become a professor we hope to help families
these matters. in the Housing Element, the safest possible experience of literature, her father understand the diagnosis and
for all concertgoers, entry to concert days.
Prior to the commencing of the City may be required to name was diagnosed with early-the emotions that often come
2021-2029 Housing Element other properties. onset Alzheimer’s disease. with it. We also hope to chip
Update cycle, staff and the City In the case of Carver Ironically, her love of words away at the cruel stigma that
understood that this Housing Elementary, the site was City Requiring Masks at was accompanied by his loss accompanies afflicting 6.2
Element process was going to identified as a potential of words and much million people in the US and
all Indoor Public Settings
be the most challenging one to candidate for rezoning under Prof. Weinstein and Dr. Miller 44 million in the world.”
date. The last Housing Element the Housing Overlay program. shared the emotions and grief If you missed the Caltech Y
was adopted by the City Council The Housing Overlay program The City of Pasadena health those who are unvaccinated that many families experience, Friends webinar, there will be
and certified by the Housing is a program that would officer issued an updated or at higher risk of severe while giving attendees another opportunity to hear
and Community Development potentially allow housing health order that went into outcomes from COVID-19, knowledge about dementia that from the authors. On Thursday,
(HCD) Agency in 2014. While opportunities for teachers, staff, effect Thursday, reinstating should take personal they need to care for their loved September 9, at 5:00 pm, Prof.
the Housing or their general workforce. ones. Over 140 guests had the Weinstein and Dr. Miller will
2014 Element A the use of masks for everyone measures to reduce risk in
included a State-mandated portion of the Huntington in indoor public settings addition to masking. opportunity to ask questions of be featured in the Behind the
housing allocation of less than Library and Southwestern Prof. Weinstein and Dr. Miller Book virtual series hosted by
30 units, this cycle (which Academy were also included and businesses, regardless “Everyone who is eligible and learn from each other. Caltech Live! Dr. Catherine
begins on January 1, 2022) under this program. It is not of vaccination status. The should get vaccinated as Caltech Y Board Member, Jurca, Caltech professor of
a State-mandated mandate comes as both soon as possible. Currently Sandhya Ravichandran
includes uncommon for our institutions English, will be moderating the
housing allocation of 397 units. to provide workforce housing Pasadena and Los Angeles authorized vaccines have remarked: “The talk was a discussion, followed by a Q&A.
This numerical mandate puts within the grounds of the County have seen an increase proven effective at preventing brilliantly artful interweaving Registration for the free event
the City in a critical and grave operations. The Huntington in COVID-19 cases and severe outcomes from the of science explaining the will be open at events.caltech.
situation. Moreover, the City is and Southwestern Academy hospitalizations. virus causing COVID-19, mysteries of the brain effected edu/weinstein
overwhelmed with many State already provide housing for According to city staff, including the Delta variant. by Alzheimer’s combined with Professor Weinstein and Dr.
Housing Laws that will take staff and/or students. That since June 15, when most Getting vaccinated is one of a poignant recounting of a Miller’s book, Finding the Right
effect starting on January 1, being said, such program is daughter watching her father Words: A Story of Literature,
restrictions from the state the most important ways to
2022 (AB 1397, SB 6, AB 1486, only possible under the full slowly losing himself.” Grief, and the Brain, will be
AB 725, AB 686, SB 330, SB discretion of the property were lifted, the average help stop COVID-19 spread, Athena Castro, Executive published by John Hopkins
35, AB 671, AB 1763, and the owner. Even with such an daily incident case rate of especially as we prepare to Director of the Caltech Y University Press in September
No-Net Loss Mandate just to initiative or program, the COVID-19 in the City of welcome our school-aged explained, “The Caltech Y 2021 and will be available
name a few). These laws have individual property owners Pasadena has increased by children back to full-time, student leaders coordinate at Vroman’s and online:
the potential for significant have full jurisdiction or rights 586% to reach the “Substantial in-person learning in just a over 80 programs annually;
change in the physical fabrics over initiating development Transmission” level of the few weeks,” said Dr. Ying
of our community. While the applications. U.S. Centers for Disease Ying Goh, health officer and Pasadena Health Director Dr.
San Marino City Council has For more information visit: Control and Prevention’s director of the Pasadena
repeatedly expressed its outrage (CDC) Indicators for Level of Public Health Department. Ying-Ying Goh to be Honored
Community Transmission. “The vaccines are safe,
Young & Healthy will celebrate
Free E-Waste Recycling The testing positivity rate in effective, and are available at
and honor Ying-Ying Goh,
Pasadena has also risen to the no cost to you.”
Director of Public Health and
“Substantial Transmission” Private gatherings are
Health Officer of Pasadena
& Document Shredding level. In Los Angeles County not subject to masking
and the Altadena Seventh-day
where a large proportion of requirements and at this Adventist Church with the J.
Residents can safely dispose batteries. Many of these
the people who work, visit, time, no capacity restrictions Donald Thomas Award. This
of electronic waste and products have parts that can be
have personal and business recycled. or patronize businesses in or changes to other business award is given to those whose
documents shredded at the Public Works is also helping Pasadena reside, the rate operations are included in the dedication, perseverance and
City’s popular free e-waste residents prevent identity of COVID-19 cases has health order. The California selfless devotion to the well-
event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on theft by providing free paper increased to the “High Department of Public Health being of our children exemplifies
Saturday, Aug. 14. shredding during the event. The Transmission” level, requires indoor masking for the spirit that lead to the
The event will be held in Parking public can bring a maximum introducing even greater all everyone, regardless of founding of Young & Healthy.
Lot I outside the Rose Bowl of three (3) legal-size boxes for The event will be held October
risk of transmission in vaccination status, in K-12
Stadium near Brookside Park, shredding. Sensitive documents 2 at the La Cañada Flintridge
Pasadena. Hospitalizations school settings.
360 N. Arroyo Blvd. such as receipts, checks, pre-Country Club starting at 6 p.m.
from COVID-19 both locally The longer you wait to The evening will begin with
Shredding trucks and e-waste approved credit applications,
collection sites will be arranged credit card statements, outdated and throughout Los Angeles get vaccinated, the greater libations and bar bites in the
at different stations in Parking tax returns, pre-printed County have more than the risk of contracting Ginger Monkey Lounge and will
Lot I. Look for signs directing envelopes, return address labels doubled. COVID-19, and infecting be followed by dinner and a live
you to the event. Motorists and and business cards are items In addition, the significantly a friend, loved one, or auction in The Cosmopolitan
bicyclists are advised to use that can be shredded. more transmissible Delta coworker. Club. Come for a night filled
caution while traveling through Event participants will be variant of the SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 vaccines are with music and heart, as we
raise funds to support the vital
the area. required to show proof of virus has become the available at no cost. People
E-waste items include Pasadena residency and
predominant strain in the age 12 and older are eligible
computers, keyboards, printers, the duration of the event is
U.S. and has been detected to receive the vaccine. For
monitors, laptops, docking subject to truck capacity. The
in specimens collected more information and to
stations, scanners, shredders, event is sponsored by the
from Pasadena residents register for an appointment,
fax machines, computer mice, City’s Department of Public
telephones, televisions, flat Works. For more information, with laboratory-confirmed visit:
screens, VCRs, DVD players, visit: COVID-19, from multiple or:
PDAs, cassette players, tape PublicWorks or call (626) 744-unrelated households. public-health/covid-19
drives, stereos and household 7311. All individuals, especially vaccine/#vaccination-sites.
Catch breaking news
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
Email: Website:
prevention, education, familysupport and access to healthcareservices that Young & Healthyprovides to the uninsured andunderserved children and their
families in the greater Pasadena
For more information or tickets