Mountain Views News Saturday, July 31, 2021 OPINION 13
Mountain Views News Saturday, July 31, 2021
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Stuart Tolchin
Dinah Chong WatkinsAudrey SwansonMary Lou CaldwellKevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard HaysPaul CarpenterKim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James SnyderKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis
Despina ArouzmanJeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely TotenDan Golden
Rebecca WrightHail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
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I want to be able to reach inside of people and yell
‘DO SOMETHING”. I want people to drop their shields and
allow for a kind of communication that reaches inside. As
far as I can tell we, all of us, are in the midst of a climate
crisis that threatens our very EXISTENCE. That is what is
meant by an “existential” crisis. Existential, that is intended
to signify a threat to our very existence; but it is an academic
sounding word that we hear often and to which we are benumbed.
As our existence is threatened it appears that we all
are aware of the threat but do little but complain.
What or who is to blame for this global paralysis in the face of possible or even
probable annihilation? Just to show you how smart I am or would like to think I am, I
blame our whole Western Education or lack of Education system. What we call education
mainly consists of sitting quietly at our desks and listen or quasi-listening to what
the adult in front of the class tells us. We are also asked to read books, another way of
keeping many of us passive and controlled. We are then “tested” to see how much of
this stuff we can regurgitate. This is not a system to educate, it is a system to maintain
control and order. Individuals like me and probably you who were able readers went
to school and to college and ended up with “professions” that lead to fairly comfortable
lives that did not threaten the status quo. We think ourselves good citizens if we follow
our diets, exercise regularly, keep our dogs on a leash and pick up their poop. Basically
we are well-behaved benumbed robots. Of course there are a group of successful persuaders
who have manipulated many of us to willingly pay $3.50 for a cup of coffee with
a fancy name.
Think of Richard Branson, who after his space flight, told the world that he
dropped out of school when he was 15. This information actually penetrated me. There
is a kind of person who is as able and talented as anyone else but differs in that they
cannot tolerate being made into controlled passive automatons as they waste their teenage
years sitting dumbly in nonsensical classes. These folk “drop out” and occasionally
succeed in creating new exciting projects that often threaten the status quo but cannot
be ignored. I think they are the potential persuaders.
Sixty years ago I remember Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert (Babba Ram
Das), Harvard Professors no less, advising, screaming that we should all drop out. Well,
I like everyone else I know, ignored their pleas and I practiced as a lawyer for 52 years
and supported my family and didn’t threaten anybody. Now as I see the entire planet
being destroyed by the very projects and enterprises we were taught to follow in School.
All I can think of is to follow the model of Bartleby the Scrivener, a character in Herman
Melville’s last short story. Bartleby, who had the job of alphabetizing mail in the dead
letter office prior to that mail being burned, finally simply stopped participating in the
world and explained “I prefer not to”. This passive resistance caused the world to take
notice. Maybe that’s all we can do now. Stop participating in a world that is destroying
itself. Maybe ignore stop lights and cause traffic jams or stop paying bills or stop going
to school or stop working, or putting our money in banks. Maybe if enough of us just
STOP those in control will wake up and realize that it is now demanded that everything
possible be done to save all of us. We can act by not acting, being so out of control that
eventually those that can act to do something actually do it!!
Maybe not acting is not enough but remember by not acting I do not suggest
that that we stop being aware and stop being concerned. All I am asking is that we find
a way to influence the controllers of the world to use their magic and PERSUADE all
the rest of us to act in our own self-interest and preserve our specie. Sadly, this is something
we were not taught in School, but I believe that there are others who learned how
to do it along the way and we must reach them to stop selling us stuff and to use their
manipulative talents for a global benefit.
Maybe we can do it by tax breaks!
That gap-toothed grin leered at me, jammed underneath
the stubby feet of my dresser. I got used to its aggressive
scent of pink bubblegum that hung about like a fog. I
hooked my foot around its rounded body and pulled it out, a cloud of
wispy dust bunnies swirled in its wake. It was a pretty good Halloween
haul, the orange, plastic pumpkin still three quarters full even though it
was now summer. My favorites were still there - miniature Kit Kats, Hershey
Bars, boxes of Smarties, then the cheap fillers - candy necklaces, Bazooka
bubble gum, lollipops, and rolls of tooth-chipping Sweet Tarts. My
best find was lying at the top of the pile - a tiny bag of Jelly Babies. I ripped
the package open and chose a grape-flavored baby to be sacrificed into my
cavity-filled, Godzilla jaws. Alas, the soft and squishy Jelly Baby of October
had hardened into this angry, chalky tike of July. That was my first indication,
was I by nature - a Hoarder or a Prepper?
Parents leave legacies to their children. My mom's was never buy it unless
it’s on sale. My dad’s was only buy multiples if you’re sure you’re going to
use them all. So my heart flutters every time Vons has a sale on gallon jugs
of Drinking Water. Living in a High Risk Fire Zone, we’re encouraged to
have an adequate supply of water in case of emergencies. I load up the
U-Haul and Crystal Spring my cabinets full. But let’s not forget that other
vital necessity, what drives panic runs at the market and muscle-bound
bodybuilders to shake in their knees at the thought of doing without - toilet
paper. Not for me the amateur-level Mega or even Super Mega rolls of
TP - I order the Charmin's Forever Roll, a tow truck wheel of toilet paper.
Stacked together, a half dozen Forever Rolls and a fitted sheet can substitute
for a Queen sized bed.
Before Amazon, Google and Pinterest there was the mail-order catalogue.
My favorite was from Canadian Tire, it was a department store for the
rotary phone generation. Everything for the home, outdoors and tires to
get you there. Religiously, I dog eared the camping section. Tents, portable
cooking stoves, sub-zero chill sleeping bags, and the 8-in-1 Swiss Army
knives with the metal toothpick appendage was on my Wish List. Wishing
as opposed to Buying, because for me, a Holiday Inn Express was as much
“roughing it” as I wanted to go. The thought though, of being prepared
for any disaster, to shake off the modern-day comforts of running water
and electricity for my sous-vide machine and face Mother Nature mano o
mano was intoxicating.
All I knew was I was going to need stuff. Survival stuff. Camouflage tank
tops, cargo pants, a 10 inch Bowie knife and bandannas from the Rambo
line of First Blood fashion goods. And from Prepper's Paradise, a 30 day
supply bucket of MREs - dehydrated food packs with a 25 year shelf life. I
plan on meeting Armageddon with a paper plate of reconstituted Creamy
Stroganoff accompanied by a side of Cheese sauce.
I prepare my Bug-Out bag of “Essentials” -moisturizer, rice cooker, pillows
for my bed, back and butt. After adding the First Aid kit, dog dish, XBox,
MREs and TP, I rent an additional U-Haul and park it in the driveway.
The difference between Preppers and Hoarders is Preppers rotate their
food supply every few years while Hoarders archive it, building a ad hoc
museum for Teriyaki Spam in the crawl space. And while my husband is
impressed with my forward planning when I bring a six-pack of flashlights
home, he’s not so happy with the pallet of Q-Tips in the garage.
Am I a Prepper or a Hoarder? The truth is - I like to buy stuff and not open
the package. I like to prepare for something I hope will never happen but if
it does, be confident in knowing I’ll have an ample supply of TP when the
proverbial poop hits the fan.
Email me at dinah@aletterfromabroad.comRead more at: https://aletterfromabroad.wordpress.com
One of my favorite websites is Notstarring.com.
Ever wonder what other actors may have been
considered for the lead in a major motion picture?
A terrific group of researchers wondered
too. Thank you wondering social scientists!
David Boreanaz star of Angel and Bones wanted
to play Superman in the 2006 film Superman Returns.
Jim Caviezel, star of The Passion of the Christ, was also considered
but was considered too famous. Brandon Routh got the role. I
liked his performance.
Kristen Bell, star of Veronica Mars and The Good Place, was a contender
for the role of Pepper Potts in Iron Man. Role went to Gwyneth
Imagine Christopher Walken playing the lead in The Last Temptation
of Christ? And director Francis Ford Coppola wanted Orson Welles to
play Colonel Kurtz in the film Apocalypse Now. Marlon Brando got the
Andrew Garfield auditioned for the role of Mark Zuckerberg in The
Social Network. Mel Gibson, and Tim Curry auditioned to play Mozart
in Amadeus. Mick Jagger wanted the role of Dr. Frank N. Furter in The
Rocky Horror Picture Show. Jagger also auditioned to play Antonio Salieri
in Amadeus, the part that went to F. Murray Abraham. Speaking
of Mick, he also wanted to be Dr. Frank N. Furter in The Rocky Horror
Picture Show. Tim Curry got the part.
In the Batman movie, The Dark Knight, Paul Bettany, Adrien Brody,
Sam Rockwell, and Robin Williams applied for the role of the Joker,
which ultimately went to Heath Ledger.
And the wonderful 1938 film The Adventures of Robin Hood starring
Errol Flynn had originally planned to star James Cagney (Wouldn’t that
have been different?) Douglas Fairbanks Jr., also turned down the part
because his father had done a silent version in 1922. David Niven had
been intended for the role of Will Scarlett but was off vacationing.
And finally, it is always fun to enlighten you to the actors considered for
the lead in the movie Patton. Of course the Oscar winning performance
went to George C. Scott. The actors who turned down the role include,
Burt Lancaster, Robert Mitchum, Telly Savalas and Rod Steiger. John
Wayne wanted the role but the producer turned him down.
I thought the role of Patton should have gone to Captain Stubing, aka
Gavin MacLeod of Love Boat fame.
Then again, what do I know?