Mountain View News Saturday, August 28, 2021
CalTech Town Hall: Return to AbilityFirst and FVO Solutions Police Asks Public To StayCampus, Vaccination, More Celebrate Historic Merger Safe Labor Day Weekend
As friends and family plan “Driving impaired is risky
vacations during the final days and puts yourself and others
of summer, Pasadena Police around you in serious danger,”
Department is reminding Pasadena police Lt. Anthony
everyone to stay safe by always Russo said. “If you are taking
choosing a sober way to go. a road trip over the next few
No matter how you choose to weeks, make good choices and
celebrate the end of summer drive like your closest friends
and Labor Day weekend, make and family are in the cars
sure you do so responsibly. around you.”
Take the necessary precautions Forty-five people were
to protect yourself and your killed in crashes throughout
she said. “The same exemption
family by buckling up, ditching California over the 2019 Labor
Campus leaders discussed process that we have now
the distractions, following the Day holiday, and the California
Caltech’s response to the will apply. …The Institute
speed limit, and never driving Highway Patrol (CHP) made
COVID-19 Delta variant, is exploring options for on-
impaired. more than 1,000 arrests for
outlined the return to campus campus clinics for boosters and
To help keep our community driving under the influence
plan, and addressed questions will provide that information as
safe during the busy late during the 78-hour Labor Day
posed by community members soon as it’s available. AbilityFirst Board Members along with Congresswoman Judy Chu
summer and Labor Day weekend enforcement period.
and AbilityFirst CEO Lori Gangemi participate in the ceremonious
at a virtual town hall meeting Howes reminded those in
ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of the merger between weekend travel season, Driving while impaired is not
on Monday. attendance about the masking
AbilityFirst and FVO Solutions. Photo by D. Lee/MVNews Pasadena Police Department just from alcohol. Prescription
Almost 1,000 students, faculty, policies in residences and
will have additional officers on drugs, over-the-counter
and staff, some connecting from indoor spaces on campus. “It With 95 years of experience and PossAbility programs. This
patrol through Labor Day, Sept. medications, and marijuana
as far away as Japan, Romania, is also really challenging for more than 50 years in Pasadena, program was made possible
6, looking for drivers suspected may also impair your driving.
Lebanon, and Germany, joined folks who are in the public-AbilityFirst (formerly known by the merger because it
of driving under the influence If you plan on drinking or
to hear the panel discussion, facing positions, such as in our as the Crippled Children’s combined FVO Solutions’
of alcohol and/or drugs. The taking medications with a
which was moderated by dining or library facilities, to Society) celebrated its merger enterprising manufacturing increased efforts to address driving label, let
Provost David Tirrell. constantly remind people to with FVO Solutions, Inc. services with AbilityFirst’s
impaired driving are part of someone who is sober drive. If
In opening the town wear masks. We just ask that (formerly known as Foothill innovative, person-centered
the national Drive Sober or Get you see someone who is driving
hall, President Thomas everybody continue to do so Vocational Opportunities) employment and community-
Pulled Over campaign. impaired, call 9-1-1.
F. Rosenbaum said, “The and treat one another with at a ceremonious ribbon-based programs.
pandemic continues to evolve respect,” she said. “That’s one cutting event on Friday, Aug. Prior to the ribbon cutting,
and our response continues of our community values. That 20 at AbilityFirst’s Fair Oaks Lori Gangemi welcomed
South Pasadena Library
to evolve, which makes this shared commitment is really location, in Pasadena. guests and proclamations
virtual gathering so important.” important as we continue to By joining forces, AbilityFirst were presented by US Rep.
Expands Weekend Hours
He went on to note that, while fight this virus.” and FVO Solutions are uniquely Judy Chu, who addressed
research labs on campus have Kevin Gilmartin, vice president positioned to deliver critical guests as well as, Pasadena maintain 6’ of distance from
been “running essentially at full for student affairs, spoke and transformational support District 3 Councilmember The South Pasadena Library is others. In other parts of the
occupancy and have been since about the virus’s impact on services to an expanded John J. Kennedy. Certificates now open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on library, it is recommended that
the spring,” and that “the pace campus life and the residential population of more than 2,000 of recognition were presented Fridays and Saturdays. visitors maintain six feet of
of discovery has continued experience, emphasizing that, people with developmental by field representatives from According to city officials, distance from people not in their
with the characteristic Caltech “as we return to fully populated disabilities, and their families the offices of Senator Anthony to enter the library building, household. Customers should
warp speed,” it is the return of undergraduate residences, our throughout Los Angeles Portantino, Assemblymember customers ages 2 and up not enter the library if they
students to campus and the approach to any kind of formal County. Chris Holden, and Pasadena must wear a covering over have symptoms of COVID-19
transition to in-person learning program will be cautious and “This merger has allowed us Mayor Victor Gordo. their mouth and nose at all (cough, difficulty breathing,
that will transform the campus gradual.” Specifically, he said, to expand each of our unique AbilityFirst’s leadership, board times. The Children’s Room is fever, or chills). Library hours:
once again. Convocation will be entirely services while ensuring that of directors, the Pasadena following guidelines for youth Monday through Thursday,
“Our mission as an educational remote, and orientation and people with disabilities and Chamber of Commerce, and settings. Capacity is limited 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Fridayinstitution and the start of fall rotation will likely include their families have a wider donors were in attendance. and physical distancing is still and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to
term is what sets the timeline hybrid events, “taking access to a variety of programs After the ribbon cutting, guests mandatory. Children’s Room 5:00 p.m., and Sunday closed.
for the broad return to campus advantage of outdoor spaces that can help to transform were given private tours of the visitors should stay with their For more information visit:
for faculty and staff and wherever that is possible.” their lives. It has been a truly manufacturing floor. household members and
students,” Rosenbaum said. “Both orientation and rotation remarkable experience so far The combined organization
Tirrell addressed the Institute’s are currently planned as in-and we look forward to what is led by AbilityFirst CEO South Pasadena 2021 pandemic planning and person events that can be scaled the future holds for our united Lori Gangemi and remains
response efforts, noting that up or down,” he added, “and, as organizations,” said AbilityFirst headquartered on Green
Election Information
the Delta variant has led to the time approaches, we will CEO Lori Gangemi. Street in Pasadena. AbilityFirst
an acceleration of efforts to assess public health conditions The ribbon-cutting celebration looks beyond disabilities, The California Gubernatorial Recall Election voting period
reach full vaccination status and campus infection rates, took place at AbilityFirst’s Fair focuses on capabilities and began, August 16 in LA County, and ends September 14,
across campus. To that end, and make a final decision that Oaks building in Pasadena, expands possibilities. To learn 2021. You can register to vote or check your registration
will require which is also the location of
the Institute will maximize the value of the more about AbilityFirst, visit status by visiting the LA County Registrar Recorder website.
confirmation of full vaccination student experience while still the AbilityFirst Manufacturing,
All registered voters will receive a vote by mail ballot, and
for entry to campus buildings, prioritizing community safety. Supported Employment and
ballot boxes will be available for submissions beginning
“a measure that we had not In all of our planning, I should
anticipated several months stress that the aim is to get our Schiff 'California is Ready to August 16. If you have any questions about the Gubernatorial
ago when infection numbers undergraduate students safely Recall Election visit:
nationwide were significantly back into their residential Welcome Afghan Refugees, South Pasadena Vote Center:
lower.” communities after more than War Memorial Building
Other impacts of the Delta a year away. We want our Representatives Adam Schiff, 435 Fair Oaks Avenue South Pasadena
variant, Tirrell said, required students to be able to return to Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), and Hours: daily: 9:00a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
developing a plan to “reduce campus learning and research.” Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), alongdensity in our classrooms in In addition, Gilmartin noted with 22 additional Members of NASA’s Perseverance Plans the fall, probably to less than that an increase in the number the California Congressional
half of what it would ordinarily of outdoor spaces with seating Delegation, delivered a letter Next Rock Sample Attemptbe,” and to teach remotely those and shading that has occurred to President Joe Biden Tuesday
classes where density cannot be over the past several months affirming California’s readiness The rover will abrade a sampling sequence so the team
adequately reduced but with will allow for small unmasked to house Afghan refugees can review the image to ensure
rock this week, allowing
an in-person component in all groups to gather. “We are also and Special Immigrant Visa a rock core is present. Once a
instances. For example, in cases working on plans to possibly recipients who have been scientists and engineers sample is confirmed, they will
where larger lecture courses create outdoor tented spaces successfully evacuated from the to decide whether that command Perseverance to seal
are remote, section meetings so that students and other country. target would withstand its the tube.
would be held in person. members of the community “As concerned Members of powerful drill. Although the pulverized rock
“The Institute position is that can have the chance to gather the California congressional eluded capture in the initial
as many of our instructional socially,” he said. delegation, we write to express sample-acquisition effort, the and allies in the region. They In its search for signs of
activities as possible should be Julia McCallin, associate vice our urgent concern for the safe first sample tube still contains a
saved American lives, and it is ancient microbial life on Mars,
conducted in person, consistent president for human resources, relocation of Afghan refugees sample of Martian atmosphere,
of the utmost importance that NASA’s Perseverance rover is
with safety guidelines,” he said. addressed questions regarding and Special Immigrant Visa which the mission had
we utilize every tool at our once again preparing to collect
Tirrell said that despite changes return to work for employees, (SIV) applicants and voice originally planned to acquire at
disposal to protect them and the first of many rock core
to the details of the return-to-with a focus on how groups our strong support for the a later time.
provide them safe harbor. samples that could eventually
campus plan, September 7 is across the Institute have been placement of these vulnerable “By returning samples to
Since 2001, over 60,000 be brought to Earth for further
“the date by which the campus assessing and ultimately individuals fleeing Afghanistan Earth, we hope to answer a
Afghan national military and study.
should be positioned for the structuring their operations in our state. We are indebted number of scientific questions,
police have given their lives to This week, a tool on the rover’s
start of an in-person academic models to support the return to our Afghan partners, including the composition
protect our freedom. Countless 7-foot-long (2-meter-long)
year.” That said, he noted, the of Caltech’s residential learning many of whom aided the of Mars’ atmosphere,” said
Afghan interpreters, cultural robotic arm will abrade the
campus has been repopulating community. She noted that U.S. military and diplomatic Ken Farley, Perseverance’s
advisors, journalists, and other surface of a rock nicknamed
throughout the summer; as we move into the fall, efforts as translators, drivers, project scientist at Caltech in
partners have served alongside “Rochette,” allowing scientists
card-swipe data shows that, some types of hybrid work contractors, and allies in the Pasadena, California. “That’s
American troops over the past to look inside and determine
while approximately 2,000 arrangements and staggered region,” the members write in two their why we’re interested in an
decades, putting whether they want to capture
individuals were regularly scheduling might be possible. a letter. “They saved American atmospheric sample along with
lives at risk for our soldiers. a sample with the rover’s
accessing campus in the spring, “Over the last four to five lives, and it is of the utmost rock samples.”
Now those individuals face coring bit. Slightly thicker
approximately 3,300 are doing months,” she said, “we have importance that we utilize While atop Citadelle,
persecution and death threats than a pencil, the sample
so now. worked with our managers and every tool at our disposal to Perseverance will use its
from the Taliban because of would be sealed in one of the
“I should also emphasize that supervisors to provide them protect them and provide them subsurface radar, called
their service with our country. 42 remaining titanium tubes
we are expecting to allow some the tools to evaluate their work safe harbor.” RIMFAX – short for Radar
It is incumbent upon us to aboard the rover.
level of remote work in the requirements and for them The letter led by Reps. Schiff, Imager for Mars’ Subsurface
protect our Afghan partners Should the team decide to
fall,” he added, “and so, on any to make informed decisions Swalwell and Lieu is signed by Experiment – to peer at rock
and their families by ensuring acquire a core from this rock,
given day, there will be people on whether remote work or 25 members of the California layers below it. The top of the
their safe and rapid evacuation the sampling process would be
working remotely, and the a combination of remote and delegation, it reads, in part: ridge will also provide a great
from Afghanistan. initiated next week.
overall density on campus will on-site work is feasible for Dear President Biden: vantage point for Mastcam-Z
Since October 2020, California The mission attempted to
not be what it was prior to the the business needs of their As concerned Members of to look for other potential rock
has taken in more Afghan capture their first record of the
pandemic.” organization.” the California congressional targets in the area.
refugees than any other state, crater floor on Aug. 6 from a
Jennifer Howes, assistant vice McCallin also pointed to delegation, we write to express More About the Mission
providing safe refuge for rock that ultimately proved too
president for student affairs the availability of the state’s our urgent concern for the safe A key objective for
thousands of vulnerable citizens crumbly, breaking into powder
and wellness, spoke about the “COVID sick leave” for relocation of Afghan refugees Perseverance’s mission on
fleeing Afghanistan. Governor and fragments of material too
Institute’s surveillance testing individuals who either become and Special Immigrant Visa Mars is astrobiology, including
Gavin Newsom has announced small to be retained in the
program for all students as infected or need to isolate or (SIV) applicants and voice the search for signs of ancient
his commitment to embrace sample tube before it was sealed
well as for other unvaccinated care for others with the virus. our strong support for the microbial life. The rover
refugees suffering through and stored within the rover.
community members and That leave pool is available placement of these vulnerable will characterize the planet’s
horrific events in Afghanistan, Perseverance has since trucked
announced that the program, through September 30, she individuals fleeing Afghanistan geology and past climate, pave
declaring California “a state of 1,493 feet (455 meters) to a
which operates from a campus said, adding that if the program in our state. We are indebted to the way for human exploration
refuge.” We support this stance ridge nicknamed “Citadelle” –
laboratory, would be offered on is not again extended, Caltech our Afghan partners, many of of the Red Planet, and be the
unequivocally. French for “castle,” a reference
an opt-in basis for vaccinated has a generous sick leave policy whom aided the U.S. military first mission to collect and
Full text of the letter can be this
community members and a Disability and Leave and diplomatic efforts as to how craggy spot cache Martian rock and regolith
found at: overlooks Jezero Crater’s floor.
beginning on August 30. “We Administration Unit that can translators, drivers, contractors, (broken rock and dust).
news/press-releases. The ridge is capped with a layer
have had a lot of community work with employees to address Subsequent NASA missions,
of rock that appears to resist
interest, and we are now able specific concerns. in cooperation with ESA
wind erosion, a sign that it’s
to offer this more broadly,” she In closing the town hall (European Space Agency),
South Pasadena One City
more likely to hold up during
said, adding that “participation meeting, Rosenbaum said: “All would send spacecraft to Mars
in the surveillance program is of us hoped that we would not to collect these sealed samples
One Story to be Voted On
“There are potentially older
not a substitute for vaccination.” still be having these kinds of from the surface and return
rocks in the ‘South Séítah’
In addition, Howes discussed discussions but, just as before, This fall the South Pasadena Residents are encouraged to them to Earth for in-depth
read the OCOS choice and region ahead of us, so having
the contact tracing process and I have every confidence that we Public Library is celebrating analysis.
the process for isolating those will be able to pull together as nature, sustainability, and participate in our themed this younger sample can help us The Mars 2020 Perseverance
reconstruct the whole timeline
students who test positive for a community and get through reading with its One City One programming throughout mission is part of NASA’s Moon
SARS-CoV-2, the response for these challenges safely while Story (OCOS) citywide reading October and early November! of Jezero,” said Vivian Sun, to Mars exploration approach,
those who are exposed to an successfully fulfilling our program. The OCOS theme is Take part in virtual and live book one of the mission’s scientists which includes Artemis
at NASA’s Jet Propulsion
infected individual, and plans mission of discovery and “Navigating Nature”. discussions, a lecture on native missions to the Moon that
regarding vaccine boosters. education in service of society. In September, residents will gardening and sustainability Laboratory in Southern will help prepare for human
“In line with the vaccination We have done it before; we will vote online to decide which of in South Pasadena, a guided California. exploration of the Red Planet.
mandate, we anticipate that continue to do it.” the 5 nature and environment tour of the South Pasadena The team has added a step to JPL, which is managed for
the sampling process for this
boosters that are recommended For more information on themed books will be the Community Garden, and more. NASA by Caltech, built and
by the CDC will be required the Institute’s response to the chosen OCOS title. The For the most up-to-date coming attempt: After using manages operations of the
for all students and employees COVID-19 pandemic, visit the winning title will be announced information on OCOS sign-up its Mastcam-Z camera system Perseverance rover.
to peer inside the sample
once they are readily available,” Caltech Together website. on September 27. for Library emails For more about Perseverance
tube, the rover will pause the
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