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Combined EditionBreaking News:Inside this Week: Sierra Madre: SM Community Calendar: Altadena · So. Pasadena · San Marino: Local City News: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Support Your Local Businesses: Education & Youth: Best Friends: The Good Life: Opinion: Opinion / Legals: Support Your Local Businesses: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 2021 VOLUME 15 NO. 35 GET VACCINATED! STAY SAFE! WEAR A MASK! SIERRA MADRE NEWS BRIEFS Senior Club Resumes Indoor BINGO PASADENA UNIFIED BOARD OF EDUCATION TAKES SWEEPING ACTION TO ADDRESS COVID PUSD to Require Week- ly COVID-19 Tests for Students Under Age 12, Proof of COVID-19 Vaccine for Students 12 and older or Weekly Tests with informed consent from parents/guardians Full Story on page 10 GOLD LINE TRAIN KILLS PEDESTRIAN FRIDAY MORNING At press time, representatives from the Monrovia Police Department and the Metropolitan Transit Disctrict confirmed that someone had been struck and killed by a Metro Golf Line (L) train approximately 100 yards west of California street in Monrovia. The identity, gender and ethnicity of the person was not available at press time. The train was bound for Los Angeles and service was disrupted for a brief period which an investigation was conducted. MVNews Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 While many residents are concerned with the size, quantity and scope of already proposed development projects such as The Meadows at Bailey Canyon (a potential of 42 single family homes on land that is currently undeveloped at the retreat center) or the seemingly never-ending legal entanglements of Stonegate (formerly 1 Carter) or even the rarely spoken of Stonehouse Development, elected officials in Sacramento are steadily eroding away Sierra Madre’s ability to control its character when it comes to housing and density. Local Authority over most Design/Review already usurped Two laws which became effective and enforceable on January 1st, 2019 and January 1st 2020 have already diminished local government’s ability to approve certain types of development such as transitional housing units, halfway houses, etc. These items no longer require approval of the city’s planning commission or development department. This Week SB9 and SB10 Approved in California Assembly SB9 which will essentially eliminate R1 (single family zoning), has been described as an “effort to replace lots zoned for single family homes with lots that can accommodate up to 14 units – all without local Planning Commission review and neighbor input. “ SB10 will allow jurisdictions to arbitrarily override citizen-approved local zoning ballot initiatives, Environmental Quality Act laws, and city general plans that protect communities from overreaching land development. This week, both SB9 and 10 passed in the Assembly with a few changes that have been predicted to be adopted by the Senate. It is anticipated that within days, the measures will be sent to the Governor for signing. The question then has to be asked, what’s next for Sierra Madre. In the map shown below, you will note that the majority of land use in Sierra Madre is for single family homes. Without local authority over land use, who can predict what Sierra Madre will look like in the next 10 years? S. Henderson/MVNews TWO LAWS THAT COULD CHANGE SIERRA MADRE FOREVER ARE MOVING FORWARD IN SACRAMENTO $ / 9 C NYd Yd d Y d Yd Y d d d N d Yd Yd d Yd Yd d Yd d Yd d Nd dYd Y dd !Yd "#Y dN %d% Yd #d #d &"d #d Y d' &Y d (d% dN Yd% d #d d )d d Yd ( d' Y d d (d *d d "( d (dN & d +Y#dY d +d+Y#d !d N#dN dN & d%d% Y#dYdN Y dN #dN d'Y d ( d' d N d #d N d d Yd Yd Yd N d d #d BDE5FFHG678LDd:D;Hd<HI6=I>F>J?MdK@Bd?EAO>F=IDE ,-.012d34 Z[\]\%%^YYYY#UYdY# X !ddddd !!!!dd!dYY+(ddYYYYdW%((((dPY'dddd(d%%%%V #d+Q%Y WU ####CRYYYY##d U#Y( QYY d#SYYYYdYWYd%dddddT____dW /CCdWdW%C$``d$a%`#`Waaaa'Waaaa aYaddXddYYYYYbbcc#bbddccWWddddWW%%dd%%WWCCWWCWCWWCCC$ %VYY# ##YYYY UYYd (YdY' ddWddWd WVd"d(dWdd%Wd CW9 Areas on this map that range in color from pale yellow to orange are currently zoned for Single Family Homes. All that could change under SB9 and SB10. Map courtesy of City of Sierra Madre BREAKING NEWS Sierra Madre Senior Club President Mark Devlin notified the Mountain Views News that the Senior Club has resumed its weekly BINGO game at the Hart Park Senior Center on Saturdays. The games were suspended because of the pandemic but now have resumed with social distancing and other safety precautions in place. The club meets at noon and BINGO begins promptly at 12:30 until 3:30 for all seniors 55 years of age and older. Cards are available for .25 cents. For more information, please contact Devlin at 656-355-3951. | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |