Mountain View News Saturday, October 9, 2021
Mountain View News Saturday, October 9, 2021
PASADENA CRIME BLOTTER Prepare For Wildfire Season by Caltech Alumnus Wins
Conducting Brush Clearance
gunshot wounds, but was 2021 Nobel Prize in
The critical events Sept. 15 conscious and able to speak.
through Sept. 30 detailed The victim was transported Physiology or Medicinebelow are merely a snapshot to a local hospital where he Caltech alumnus Ardem
of the calls received to the underwent surgery for non-
Patapoutian, Presidential
Police Communications life threatening wounds. Endowed Chair inCenter every day. Your Evidence of the shooting was Neurobiology and Professor
police department strives to located. The investigation is at Scripps Research in La
better serve the Pasadena ongoing. Jolla, California and a Howard
community. Under Police September 23, 2021 at Hughes Medical Institute
Chief John Perez, the 3:45pm: Pasadena Police Investigator, has been awarded
the 2021 Nobel Prize in
principles of the “Pasadena Officers responded to a
Physiology Medicine,
Way” will forever have report of an assault with or
along with David Julius of UC
a lasting impact on all a deadly weapon in the
San Francisco. The two were
employees who serve in the 2200 block of Colorado Bl. clearance between roof
honored for their “discoveries
organization, as we continue The victim confronted the Are your family and your surfaces and overhanging of receptors for temperature
to police with compassion subject after he removed home prepared for wildfire vegetation. and touch,” according to the
and best intentions. a flag from the victim’s season? While San Marino Remove any portion of a award citation.
September 15, 2021 at parked truck. The victim is mostly shielded by the tree or shrub that extends Touch is a major sense through
7:32pm: Pasadena Police was able to recover his flag San Gabriel mountains, now within 15 feet of the outlet of which we perceive the world: we at Caltech from 1990 to 1996,
Officers responded to the but the subject continued to through December, San a chimney or stovepipe. are comforted by a gentle hug Patapoutian worked in the
and our hands are pleasantly laboratory of Barbara Wold
area of Cordova St. and confront the victim, making Marino is more vulnerable All chimneys attached to
warmed by the heat and heft (PhD ‘78), Bren Professor of
Shoppers Ln. regarding a threats while displaying to wildfires. any appliance or fireplace Molecular Biology. In the Wold
of a cup of coffee, but we pull
purse snatch robbery. The a knife. The victim was Homes in San Marino’s that burns solid fuel shall be
away in pain from the stinging lab, Patapoutian studied how
victim was walking to her unharmed and the subject High Fire Hazard Severity equipped with an approved
prick of a thorn or a hot flame. individual genes specify cell-
vehicle when the suspect left the area on a skateboard. Zone, and the surrounding spark arrester. These perceptions are shaped type identity, specifically the
pushed her from behind The subject was located by area, are required to conduct Clear leaves/needles/twigs/ by sensory information related ones that make muscle.
causing her to fall face officers a short time later annual brush clearance. other combustibles from to both temperature—hot or “This is a joy to see,” saysdown in the parking lot. The and was taken into custody. Brush clearance, the removal roof. cold—and pressure. Wold, who also serves as
suspect grabbed the victim’s September 24, 2021 at of dry and dead vegetation Woodpiles or stacked Patapoutian and Julius were the Allen V. C. Davis and
purse and fled on foot. The 10:21am: Pasadena Police and other fire mitigation, wood shall not be allowed recognized for their major Lenabelle Davis Leadership
contributions that helped to Chair and director of the
victim was not seriously Officers responded to the helps to clear the area within 20 feet of a structure.
uncover how these processes Richard N. Merkin Institute
injured and did not require area of Raymond around homes of flammable Flammable vegetation shall
work in the body and to for Translational Research.
medical treatment. Ave. and Hammond St. material that can further fuel not be allowed within one
elucidate how temperature “Ardem was wonderful to work
September 15, 2021 at regarding a shots fired call. a wildfire. foot of woodpiles or stacked
and pressure stimuli from the with from the day he arrived
10:40pm: Pasadena Police Witnesses told officers they To conduct brush clearance: wood. external world are converted at Caltech. He came with a
Officers responded to the saw two vehicles Clear dry and/or dead Maintain trees and shrubs into electrical impulses in our great love of biology, zest for
1000 Block of San Pasqual chasing one another prior vegetation, hazardous brush, within 10 feet of any street, nervous systems. Their work is discovery, and capacity for
St. in regards to a suspicious to the shots. Evidence of a or hazardous refuse away alley, or driveway so that now leading to new treatments fine experimental design. And
person. The victim was shooting was located in the from structures, buildings, no leafy foliage, twigs, or for chronic pain, including the he was always willing to go an
development of non-opioid extra mile when it required
walking her dog in the area 900 block of N. or flammable fences. branches are within six (6)
painkillers. pure work. The project that
and bent down to tend to Raymond Ave. and it does Remove all flammable feet of the ground (but no
For his half of the prize, Julius led him and his students to the
her dog when she noticed not appear anyone was vegetation or other more than 1/3 of the crown).
was lauded for research that Piezos showed all of that. It was
the subject standing within injured as a result of this combustible growth within Brush clearance creates a
made use of compounds such a bold scientific risk, hitched to
inches of her. She stood up incident. The 30 feet of any structure. defensible space around as capsaicin (the compound a fine design and tons of work,
and the subject distracted investigation is ongoing. Hazardous vegetation must your home and keeps your responsible for spiciness in ultimately achieving beautiful
her with a comment about September 27, 2021 at be maintained less than 3” residence in compliance chili peppers) and menthol to biological insights.”
her dog. The victim glanced 07:23pm: Pasadena Police high. with the Fire Code. identify temperature-sensitive Patapoutian was born in 1967
at her dog while the suspect Officers responded to the Maintain hazardous grass/ The San Marino Fire sensors in cells. in Beirut, Lebanon. He received
reached across her body and area of Howard St. and weeds/shrubs/trees within Department conducts Patapoutian was honored for his BS in molecular, cellular,
pulled on her purse. The Sunset Ave. regarding a shots 100 feet of any building or annual brush inspections his discovery of the cellular and development biology from
sensors in the skin and UCLA. After his PhD research
victim screamed and the fired call. Officers canvassed structure. Grass will not starting in June. If you’ve
internal organs that respond at Caltech, Patapoutian was a
subject ran to a parked car the area and located exceed 18”. Remove dead received a yellow notice, you
to mechanical stimuli such as postdoctoral fellow at UC San
and drove away. The victim evidence of a shooting in the foliage, twigs, or branches need to review the Brush
touch. He and his collaborators Francisco from 1996 to 2000,
was not injured. area however, no victims or within 3 feet of the ground. Clearance Checklist and
first cultured a cell line that and then joined the faculty of
September 18, 2021 suspects were located Maintain hazardous grass/ make changes to comply. If gave off a measurable electrical Scripps Research and the staff
at 10:32pm: Officers September 28, 2021 at weeds located within 10 feet you’ve received a pink notice, signal when individual cells of the Genomics Institute of the
responded to the 900 block 11:33pm: Pasadena Officers of any combustible fence to then you are in compliance. were poked with a tiny pipette. Novartis Research Foundation.
of Summit regarding a responded to the 1900 block less than 3 inches. For more information visit: The team systematically When asked about the secret
music complaint associated of Navarro Ave. regarding Maintain 5 feet of vertical knocked out individual genes of his success in his Nobel
in these pressure-sensitive interview, Patapoutian noted
with a family party. Two reports of a single gunshot
party guests became hostile heard. Upon arrival, officers Vaccine Proof To Be Required cells, which allowed them to the importance of nurturing
identify the genes that encode surroundings: “I think it’s
with the responding officers located evidence of
a the environment, the people
and as officers attempted shooting. No victims were at Events, Bars and Nightclubs for the receptor or receptors
that respond to pressure. around you, and just to focus
to detain the subjects, but identified.
A Pasadena Health Officer Order was issued last week, requires Patapoutian and his team on big questions that can be
they resisted. A struggle September 30, 2021 at
proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a pre-entry negative test for identified two genes that answered,” he said. “In science,
ensued and the suspects 05:38am: Pasadena Police each encode for previously many times we focus on the big
outdoor mega events; children under 12 are exempt. The Health were detained however, Officer responded to the Officer Order also requires vaccination verification for customers uncharacterized ion channels questions but you have to ask it
several other partygoers 800 block of E. Walnut St. and employees at indoor portions of bars, breweries, nightclubs that open up in response to at the right place and the right
became hostile and officers regarding a female walking and lounges. mechanical pressure; ion time where the tools are present
quickly determined they around with a gun in her The requirement is for vaccine verification or a negative test channels are a kind of tunnel to answer those questions.”
needed assistance from hand. Officer checked the within 72 hours prior to attending an outdoor mega events connecting the inside and In 2020, Patapoutian and
other officers. Additional area and located the female with more than 10,000 attendees that are ticketed and/or have outside of a cell. The two Julius shared the Kavli Award
controlled points of entry to a well-defined area, such as sporting channels, which were named for Neuroscience. He is
officers responded and the on the 100 block of N. Lake
and music events. Customers receiving indoor service in bars, Piezo1 and Piezo2 after the an elected member of the
party crowd was eventually Ave. with the gun still in
breweries, nightclubs and lounges, and employees must provide Greek word for pressure (píesi), American Academy of Arts
dispersed. One officer hand. Officers contained
proof of at least one dose by Oct. 7 and full vaccination by Nov. 4. have since been shown to sense and Sciences, the National
sustained minor injuries as a the area and de-escalated body position and motion Academy of Sciences, and the
Although the new order does not apply to restaurants, vaccination
result of being struck in the the incident by giving verbal proof for customers dining indoors is strongly recommended. (known as proprioception), American Association for the
face by a beverage can. orders to the female to drop The order puts in place safety measures to address the continued and regulate important Advancement of Science.
September 22, 2021 at the firearm. The female need to reduce community transmission of COVID-19, which is physiological processes such as To date, 45 Caltech
8:48pm: Pasadena Police cooperated and was taken still at a substantial level in Pasadena, For more information visit: blood pressure, respiration, and faculty, alumni, and former urinary bladder control. postdoctoral scholars have won
Officers responded to a into custody. The firearm
As a biology graduate student a total of 46 Nobel Prizes.
report of shots fired near was identified as a replica
Lincoln Ave. and Orange firearm and the female was Dine at Mijares Restaurant toGrove Bl. Upon arrival, a arrested for brandishing a
victim was located with replica firearm. Support the Senior Center
behalf of everyone who
Celebration for the Bob
Print out flyer from prints out the flyer from theLucas Library in Altadena
Pasadena Senior Center PSC website and hands it to
their server.
website to give to server
Celebrate the 30th Anniversary Food Truck will have tacos & To download the flyer,
Oct. 13.
of the re-opening of the Bob burritos available for purchase
visit: pasadenaseniorcenter.
Lucas Memorial Library and Hustle ‘N Dough donut truck
Pasadena Senior Center org and click on Dine Out
Literacy Center in Altadena on will provide a free sweet treat
officials announced Friday & Benefit PSC. Diners may
Saturday, October 16. for the first 150 attendees.
they are set to hold a eat at the restaurant or order
Attendees of all ages will enjoy 11:30 a.m. Welcome/Remarks
free carnival style games, prizes, from the Lucas Family fundraising event next takeout.
crafts, music, balloon art, a 1:30 p.m. Birdie’s Playhouse month to support the Senior “This donation has the
raffle and a family-friendly (entertainment) Center by eating out at potential for making a
performance by Birdie’s About Bob Lucas: Over the Mijares Mexican Restaurant. great impact on Pasadena
Playhouse. The Hustle ‘N course of his long career, Anyone who dines at Senior Center programs
Dough donut truck will provide he worked as a journalist, Mijares, 145 Palmetto Dr. and services,” said Akilaa free sweet treat for the first photographer, producer
in Pasadena on Wednesday, Gibbs, executive director
150 attendees, and Tacos 210 and editor for newspapers,
Oct. 13, from 3 p.m. to of the center. “I encourage
will have traditional and veggie magazines, radio and television.
closing time at 9 p.m. will everyone to be part of this
tacos and burritos available for A local resident, he served
have an opportunity to help effort.”
purchase. A member from Bob as president of the Board of
Lucas’ family will give a brief Trustees for the library district support the Pasadena Senior Anyone who cannot dine at
talk. Street parking available. and strongly advocated for Center. Mijares that day and evening
10:00 a.m. All-day fun starts! the branch library on the west The restaurant, family-will still have an opportunityCarnival games & prizes side of Altadena. The library is owned since 1920, will to support the center byCrafts, Raffle (to win a bike located 2659 Lincoln Avenue donate 15 percent of that visiting:
& giftcards), Balloon art by Altadena. For more info call afternoon’s and evening’s pasadenaseniorcenter.orgAnnie Banannie, Tacos 210 (626) 798-8338.
profits to the center on and clicking on the orange
Donate button.
In addition to online
classes, onsite events and
other activities, members
and nonmembers of the
Pasadena Senior Center are
encouraged to visit the PSC
website regularly for a weeklyblog, monthly magazine,
COVID-19 updates for older
adults, ongoing activities
throughout the year and
The center, at 85 E. HollySt., is an independent,
donor-supported nonprofitorganization that has served
older adults for more than
60 years.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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