Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 23, 2021
to Hold First
Council to Appoint Kurtz
as Interim City Manager
Pasadena Mayor Victor Gordo
announced Tuesday that the
City Council intends to appoint
former Pasadena City Manager
Cynthia Kurtz (pictured)
to serve as the Interim City
Manager. Kurtz’s proposed
contract will be on the city
council’s Monday agenda.
According to city staff, in
early November, Kurtz will
work with City Manager Steve
Mermell to ensure a smooth
transition, prior to assuming
the Interim City Manager
role on Dec. 3 after Mermell’s
Kurtz, a Pasadena resident,
would return to city
government after serving as
the City Manager from 1998
to 2008. Since completing her
tenure in Pasadena, Kurtz has
worked as the Interim City
Manager in both Covina and
Santa Ana, as well as the Chief
Operating Officer of River
LA. She also served as the
President of the San Gabriel
Valley Economic Partnership.
She currently is the Vice Chair
of the Metropolitan Water
“Her familiarity with
Pasadena—both our
opportunities and challenges—
will allow her to have an
immediate impact on our
government and our residents,
and her work with the greater
San Gabriel Valley will be
an asset,” Gordo said. “I can
think of no one better to fill
this interim role and I am
confident that she and outgoing
City Manager Steve Mermell
will work closely to ensure a
seamless transition.”
Kurtz received her
undergraduate degree in
Community Development and
Housing from Pennsylvania
State University. She also
holds a Master of Arts in
Transportation and Urban
Development from the
University of Iowa.
“Pasadena has never been
far from my mind and my
heart, and I am humbled and
honored to be asked to step in
and serve the City of Pasadena,”
Kurtz said. “I know Steve
Mermell well and he has done
an incredible job in putting
Pasadena on a strong trajectory
while dealing with significant
challenges, including the
COVID-19 pandemic. I look
forward to reengaging with
the tremendously talented and
dedicated civil servants in our
local government and doing
my small part to keep Pasadena
moving forward.”
Mermell has worked for the
City of Pasadena for nearly 33
years, serving as City Manager
since 2016. He began his career
in Pasadena at Pasadena Water
and Power before transitioning
to a succession of appointments
within the Department of
Finance, rising to Assistant
City Manager before his
appointment as City Manager.
“It was a pleasure to work
with Cynthia when she served
as City Manager and she is
the perfect person to step into
this role,” Mermell said. “As I
pledged when I announced my
retirement, I will do everything
in my power to ensure a smooth
transition and will continue to
serve the residents of Pasadena
until my very last day on the
Gordo and the City Council
will begin a national search for
a permanent City Manager in
the upcoming weeks, assisted
by Kurtz and city staff.
For more information about
Pasadena visit: cityofpasadena.
The first meeting of
Pasadena’s 11-member
Community Police Oversight
Commission will take
place via teleconference on
Tuesday, October 26, at 6:00
p.m. Members of the public
may view the meeting online
through Zoom.
The Pasadena City Council
unanimously created the
Commission by ordinance
in October 2020. The
purpose of the commission
is to “enhance, develop, and
strengthen community-
police relations and review
and make recommendations
regarding the ongoing
operations of the police
department.” In addition to
establishing the Commission
and appointing its 11
members, the City Council
has also awarded a contract
to Brian Maxey of Modern
Policing, LLC to serve as the
Independent Police Auditor,
who, among other things,
will serve as a best-practices
advisor to the Commission.
The agenda for the
Commission’s October 26
meeting includes remarks
from Mayor Victor Gordo
and City Manager Steve
Mermell, presentations
regarding general meeting
process from Mr. Maxey,
City Attorney Michele
Beal Bagneris, and others,
and general organizational
matters such as selecting a
Chair and Vice-Chair of the
Commission and setting the
regular meeting day and time.
Following posting of the
agenda after Thursday
evening, October 21st,
members of the public may
access the Commission
meeting agenda on the
webpage linked below. The
agenda will also describe
how members of the public
may observe the meeting
(online), and submit written
or oral public comment to the
Learn more about the
Community Police Oversight
Commission and other City
of Pasadena commissions at
City to put Traffic Circles on Hill Ave.
After a long hiatus,
Pasadena Department of
Transportation officials
said Thursday that they are
working with residents of
North Hill Ave on traffic
calming measures and street
beautification at the Topeka
Street and Elizabeth Street
intersections. The project is
currently at 60 percent of the
design phase.
City staff is asking agin for
public input on the project
after Covid health and safety
protocols last year stopped
them from collecting
input and ideas from local
“The main concerns
raised by local residents
is speeding of motorists
which greatly impact their
neighborhood’s quality of
life,” they said “The goal
of the project is to balance
transportation opportunities
to lower vehicular speeds
and to improve the safety of
pedestrians, bicyclists and
Both intersection would
include, along with traffic
circles, drought tolerant
plants as part of the
landscaping, increased
lighting and clearly marked
Other intersections along
North Hill Ave. will be
treated with curb extensions,
“bulb-outs,” to narrow
the roadway and increase
pedestrian safety.
Striping changes have
already been made between
the 210 Freeway and
Washington Boulevard as
a start to changing driver
behavior they said. “
According to a city
report, Hill Avenue north
of Washington Boulevard
carries about 9,000 car
trips per day, while south
of Washington Boulevard
carries on average 16,800
car trips per day. North Hill
Avenue has one lane of traffic
in each direction and does
not have a two-way left turn
median which makes it very
difficult for residents to enter
and exit their driveways.
Construction is set to begin
next year.
For more information or
to provide input on this
project visit: cityofpasadena.
net/transportation, and
search “North Hill Avenue
Complete Streets Project.”
City Tech
Your Flag’
City of Pasadena officials
announced Monday the
“Plant Your Flag in Pasadena”
initiative for tech companies
located within the city.
According to a statement,
Pasadena is known for many
great things, but at its core,
Pasadena is a science city.
Pasadena’s strength in science
has attracted a wide variety
of startups ranging from
technology and design to life
science and consumer services.
To encourage networking and
collaboration amongst its
technology companies and
startups, tech businesses are
encouraged to plant a flag
in Pasadena by adding their
company name to a tech map
hosted by the City’s Economic
Development Division.
The last 18 months have
been a challenging time for
entrepreneurs and business
people. The reverberating
effects of COVID-19 on the
economy have ranged from
challenges for some industries
and business models to
opportunities for others.
As such, Pasadena has seen
some businesses exit and new
businesses enter the city.
“In the last few months, we’ve
seen two major companies
announce that they’re
moving to Pasadena: GM
Motors Advanced Design &
Technology Campus and the
biotech company Xencor. With
these companies planting their
flag in Pasadena, it is a sign
of confidence in the strength
of Pasadena as the epicenter
for science and technology in
the SoCal region, as well as a
statement about the top-notch
talent that tends to concentrate
here,” said Eric Duyshart,
economic development
manager for the City of
To participate, companies,
whether startup or established,
must be located in Pasadena
and meet the criteria of
operating in the technology
space, life sciences or consumer
The tech map is located
online at www.cityofpasadena.
Cosmic Cocktail Hour ‘Stellar
Snacks: What Happens When
Black Holes Consume Stars?’
Oh, my stars! For the
monthly Cosmic Cocktail
Hour on Wednesday, Nov.
3, at 4 p.m. via Zoom, Dr.
Tom Holoien will present a
multimedia production that
will explain how and why
the formation and evolution
of black holes are crucial
for astrophysicists and
astronomers to understand
the development of stars and
the formation of galaxies.
Black holes are the densest
and darkest objects in the
universe with gravity so
strong that not even light
can escape them. At the end
of each star’s life span the
energy that holds its core
together has the potential
for collapsing in on itself,
producing a brilliant
explosion. All of the material
that remains falls into a
resulting black hole and then
to an infinitely small point.
Large black holes can have
tens to millions of times
the mass of our Earth’s sun
trapped in a point smaller
than the tip of a pin.
Holoien is a NASA Hubble
Fellowship Program
Einstein Fellow at Carnegie
Observatories in Pasadena.
He completed his PhD in
astronomy in 2017 at Ohio
State University and is a
core member of the All-
Sky Automated Survey for
SuperNovae, a working
map of the entire sky. The
discoveries of ASAS-SN have
included, in 2015, the most
powerful supernova event
ever encountered, ASASSN-
15lh, which is within a
faint galaxy in the southern
constellation Indus.
The cost of Cosmic
Cocktail Hour is only $7 for
members of the Pasadena
Senior Center and $10 for
nonmembers. To register,
visit: pasadenaseniorcenter.
org and click on Events,
Clubs and Lectures, then
Online Events or call 626-
795-4331. Everyone who
registers will receive an email
link to access the Zoom
Then pour your favorite
beverage, sit back and enjoy
the astronomical trip.
In addition to online
classes, onsite events and
other activities, members
and nonmembers of the
Pasadena Senior Center
are encouraged to visit the
website regularly for a weekly
blog, monthly magazine,
COVID updates for older
adults and more.
Pasadena Senior Center
Food Distribution Program
Low-income adults 60 and
older receive one free box
of food and couples receive
two. Each box includes
foods that meet specific
nutritional needs, such as
cheese, canned fruits and
vegetables, dry milk and
related dairy products,
cereals and other grain
products, and more. Proof
of income and California ID
are required for first-time
recipients. Boxes are heavy,
so bring a pull-behind
personal cart to the parking
lot between the Pasadena
Senior Center and the Metro
Gold Line station. Opening
boxes on the premises is
prohibited. Masks and social
distancing will be required.
For more information, visit
org and click on Food
Distribution Programs, then
LA Regional Food Bank or
call 626-685-6732. Pasadena
Senior Center is located at
85 E. Holly St.
Friday, Nov. 5, from
8:30 to 10:30 a.m.
in the parking lot
at Pasadena Senior
Center 85 E. Holly St.
South Pas
The City of South
Pasadena’s annual Free
Halloween Spooktacular
event will be held on
Friday from 5:30pm to
8:00pm at Orange Grove
Park, 815 Mission Street.
Join the city for a safe
family fun night for
Halloween! We will have
carnival games, crafts,
a photo opportunity,
jumpers, and more!
Registration is not required
to attend this event. For
more information please
contact the Recreation
Division at (626) 403-7380
or visit: southpasadenaca.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com