Mountain View News Saturday, October 23, 2021
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Peter Lamendola
Stuart Tolchin
Audrey Swanson
Meghan Malooley
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
Up until a few years ago we Sierra Madre
Canyon dwellers put our trash out on Wednesday
night, the night before the scheduled Thursday early-
morning trash pick-up. By putting the trash out on
Wednesday night we avoided the need to get up early
on Thursday morning in order to have the barrels out
there before 7: a.m. or whatever time the trash pick-
up would take place. Now this civilized procedure is
no longer possible because bears roam the streets of
Sierra Madre in the dark of Wednesday night spreading
trash all over the street. (Did knowing the proper
time to hibernate also spill over to knowing what night the trash barrels would
be out there?) Obviously this unpleasant possibility led to the early Thursday
morning rush pushing our barrels to their temporary specified position. This
morning I dutifully pushed the barrels to the street and expected to hear and
see other neighbors performing similarly. I saw no other neighbors, saw no
other barrels, and heard no other garage door opening. Fear overcame me.
Was this not Thursday? Had I forgotten some Federal or Municipal Holiday
which would have moved the trash pick-up day to Friday? Right now the tension
is so great that I am going to rush down to the street and see if the trash
has been picked up, or at least see, if other barrels are visible.
Whew! We can relax. I am a 77 1/2 year old retiree with actually few
responsibilities and sadly, I realize that I do not perform these few very well. I
am now unsure of the day of the week or the date, have trouble remembering
directions and constantly misplace or lose everything. Starting at the top of
my now aged body, I have lost my hair, require hearings aids that are either
misplaced or without batteries, cannot find the right glasses, and generally fail
to properly clean and attach my denture. Enough already! My advanced age
has carried with it other problems and my driving ability has become such that
my wife and daughter have required that I not be allowed to drive when our
granddaughter is a passenger.
Like many I have been a hard working person with significant responsibilities
for at least the last sixty five years. Unfortunately I never had the
time to develop other interests like gardening, cooking, playing musical instruments,
painting or the millions of other activities with which others happily
occupy themselves. My only diversions were reading (which I did for
hours every day) and watching television. My work as a kind of public-service
attorney kept me very busy just trying to be of help to people and doing the
best I could to raise my kids amidst all kinds of emotional turmoil. Well that
was then and this is now. Now I have few responsibilities and because of eye
problems and hearing problems I have difficulty reading, watching television
or having conversations (formerly my favorite pastime.)
Perhaps this explains my concern that I was confused as to the day and
that I was wrongly doing one more thing. What this article has helped me to
understand is why I enjoy this opportunity to not only create an article and
share it with the world out there. The possibility that this article might be read
and found not to be a waste of reader’s time is greatly satisfying. As a matter of
fact so is the realization that today is Thursday and that I have timely submitted
the article.
Saturday I will pick up the paper on the newsstand and see my article,
name, and picture in the paper. After that I will read the article and probably
wish that I had done a better job. As far as I can tell this combination of satisfaction
and regret is a pretty common feeling of old folk like me—amazed at
what we have done and wishing we had done more.
Think about this on Halloween— perhaps that is the scary question
that may live in all of us old folk. We’re still around, but for how long, and what
is fair to expect of ourselves?
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It’s very easy these days to say that social media is toxic.
People act in ways they’d never do in real life, because it
isn’t real life. They act like feral wolves, because they can.
The Twitter police don’t carry guns, and their badges are
In fact, social media is one big imaginary world, and we’re all way too wrapped
up in things that don’t matter – the opinions expressed by strangers in public.
Last week, Jon Gruden’s life exploded because of some private email exchanges
that he had between 2011 and 2018 with a colleague. The emails included comments
that were objectively racist, sexist and homophobic, and it’s hard to figure
out how to defend them. You really can’t. Gruden doesn’t.
But they were private conversations between two men, and they became public
because of a wholly separate investigation into another individual suspected
of wrongdoing. Gruden, who was not the target of that investigation, became
the victim of what we’ve all seen over the past few years, something I call the
Twitch Hunt. When the private comments became public, Gruden was essentially
turned into a non-person. Matt Taibbi had a great column where he
described Gruden as becoming increasingly invisible, like a ghost evaporating
into the fetid air. Gone, done, cancelled. He wrote:
“Throwing the door open, I could still see him for a second in outline, like
Wonder Woman’s Superfriends plane, crouching in my shirt-rack. Then, in a
flash, he was gone. The shirts fell back into place. All that was left was a voice.
“Is this forever?”
“I’d put your over-under at nine years.”
I have friends who were canceled because someone believed that they’d overstepped
some social boundaries, boundaries that are now delineated by the
tech gods and their acolytes. It’s not that Twitter and Facebook make all of
the rules, but they empower those with animus and hostility toward “this” or
“that” to crush the inconvenient and non-conforming. Social media creates,
and it destroys, because it has such immense power to influence the way we see
the world. In doing so, it effectively changes that world.
You can no longer use certain words, because the Twitter armies will hunt you
down and take your soul hostage if you do. You can’t express certain dissonant
views about vaccines and masks, or the Facebook Stasi will sniff you out and
tag your posts with disclaimers, the social media equivalent of being placed in
the public stocks.
And if you dared to use racist, sexist or homophobic language with a friend
in the privacy of your email (which of course was never private) you will be
sentenced by the Star Chamber years after you transgressed. The sentence will
be social oblivion.
I was canceled by a newspaper because the Twitter mobs forced the powers
that be to silence me. So be it, I found another place, another bully pulpit,
another microphone where more than one voice is permitted to speak. But
others are not so fortunate. And many, many others who don’t have the money
and the resources of a guy like Jon Gruden have not only been disappeared like
a victim of some South American junta. They have been destroyed.
It’s all so ephemeral, and yet deadly. A person who we will never meet, and
who made some bad comments to someone else we will never meet, is neutralized.
None of it touches us, but we’re supposed to care.
Meanwhile, real life is happening, and we’re too busy looking at our phones to
notice. But at least we can mark ourselves “Safe from Jon Gruden.”
Christine Flowers is an attorney and a columnist for the Delaware County
Daily Times, and can be reached at cflowers1961@gmail.com.
Well, the Dodgers are giving their best effort to win
another World Series. And yet, it has come to my
attention there are many, many folks who still don’t
really understand America’s favorite pastime.
This is a game played by two teams, one out, the
other in. The one that’s in sends players out one at
a time to see if they can get in before they get out. If
they get out before they get in, they come in, but it doesn’t count. If they
get in before they get out, it does count. (with me so far?)
When the ones out get three outs from the ones in, they get in without
being out, the team that’s out comes in and the team in goes out to get
those going in out before they get in without being out.
When both teams have been in and out nine times, the game is over. The
team with the most in without being out before coming in wins unless
the ones in are equal. In which case, the last ones in go out to get the
ones in out before they get in without being out.
The game will end when each team has the same number of ins out, but
one team has more ins without being out before coming in.
There, that should clear baseball up for those of you a bit in the fog regarding
America’s favorite pastime.
Speaking of fog, how many of you know about Zeno’s paradoxes? Zeno
of Elea, Greek philosopher living from 490 – 430 BC. Time, space, ink
and paper considerations preclude us from a thorough comprehensive
discussion. You are more than welcome to continue the investigation
and the answer on your own.
Talking about the “arrow in flight” Zeno argued for an arrow aimed and
fired at a target, to arrive at that target would have to pass the half-way
point. Sounds reasonable. Where the paradox comes in, is at the half
way point, another half way point pops up for the remaining distance.
The argument is the arrow should never be able to arrive at the Bulls Eye
because the arrow has to pass an infinite number of “half way points”.
Therefore, for example, Saint Sebastian, a 3rd Century Christian saint,
martyred by being shot with arrows, must have died of fright.
Don’t spend too much time on this article or pondering Zeno’s paradoxes.
From Aristotle to Thomas Aquinas, to Bertrand Russell, smart
people have been wrestling with the puzzle for well over two thousand
The really smart people are the ones who ignore Zeno. Interestingly, I
could find no comments on the paradoxes by women. Proof positive
who is smarter.
I hope this upcoming week finds the Dodgers advancing to the next
level in the hunt for World Series glory!-Rich
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com