SAN MARINO CRIME BLOTTER Free Clinic for Flu and Covid Help Train NASA’s Rovers to
For the period of Sunday, Vaccinations November 3 them Better Explore Mars
October 17, 2021 through
The Pasadena Public
Saturday, October 23, 2021,
Health Department will
the Police Department
sponsor a free flu shot and
responded to 517 calls for
COVID vaccination clinic
service. Zero residential
Wednesday, Nov. 3, from
burglaries, zero commercial BURGLARY OF A
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the
burglaries, and
zero CONSTRUCTION SITE/ Pasadena Senior Center, 85
attempt commercial 1600 BLOCK OF ROSE E. Holly St.burglaries occurred during
AVENUE: The suspect The free clinic will be open
the reporting week. The
forced entry into the to the public. To register or
following is a summary construction site to retrieve
for more information call
report of the key incidents his tools and a tool belonging the center at 626-795-4331.
during this reporting period.
to the victim. Pfizer, Moderna and
Sunday, October 17 4:46 P.M. / 901T / INJURY Johnson & Johnson COVID
1:57 A.M. / CVC 20002 / TRAFFIC COLLISION / groups.
vaccines will be available
NON-INJURY HIT AND In addition to online
HUNTINGTON DRIVE for regular vaccinations
RUN / LOS ROBLES / classes, onsite events and
/ BEDFORD ROAD: Two and booster shots will be
WINTHROP ROAD: The other activities, members
vehicles were involved in an
available as well. Minors
suspect collided with the injury traffic collision. One must be accompanied and nonmembers of the
victim’s vehicle and fled the of the parties complained by parents or guardians. Pasadena Senior Center
scene. are encouraged to visit the
of pain. Both vehicles were Anyone who is sick should Members of the public can a future rover pick out
1:24 P.M. / DEATH website regularly for a weekly
driven from the scene. not come to the vaccination now help teach an artificial needles from the haystack
INVESTIGATION / 1400 Thursday, October 21 blog, monthly magazine,
COVID-19 updates for older intelligence algorithm to of data sent from Mars.
BLOCK OF HAMPTON 11:53 A.M. / 901T / INJURY Responsible for 200,000 adults and more. recognize scientific features Equipped with 19 cameras,
ROAD: Officers responded
and conducted
TRAFFIC COLLISION hospitalizations and 36,000 The center, at 85 E. Holly in images taken by NASA’s Perseverance sends
investigation of a non-
/ 1300 BLOCK OF SAN deaths nationwide each year, St., is an independent, Perseverance rover. anywhere from dozens to
suspicious death. influenza (flu) is caused donor-supported nonprofit Artificial intelligence, or hundreds of images to Earth
Monday, October 18
Two vehicles were involved by a virus that affects the organization that has AI, has enormous potential each day for scientists and
9:57 A.M. / PC 484 / THEFT
in an injury traffic entire body and for some served older adults for more to change the way NASA’s engineers to comb through
collision. One of the parties may cause pneumonia, spacecraft study the universe. for specific geological
/ 600 BLOCK OF CHESTER than 60 years. During the
AVENUE: Unknown
complained of pain. Both dehydration and other pandemic, doors are open But because all machine features. But time is tight:
vehicles were driven from
suspect(s) approached the the scene.
serious complications, Mondays through Fridays learning algorithms require After those images travel
especially older adults, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. training from humans, a millions of miles from Mars
victim’s parked vehicle and
Friday, October 22
took unsecured gardening 12:15 A.M. / H&S 11364 /
very young children and for social services and recent project asks members to Earth, the team members
equipment from the victim’s people with serious health other critical services for of the public to label features have a matter of hours to
H&S 11377 / POSSESSION conditions. the set
develop next of
truck. The suspect(s) fled in OF CONTROLLED older adults in need, as well of scientific interest in
an unknown direction. In the U.S. alone, as limited occupancy for imagery taken by NASA’s instructions, based on what
3:07 P.M. / PC 524 COVID-19 has led to more events, the library, fitness Perseverance Mars rover. they see in those images, to
/ ATTEMPTED than 45 million confirmed center and computer lab. Called AI4Mars, the project send to Perseverance.
PARAPHERNALIA / 500 cases and more than 700,000 is the continuation of one “It’s not possible for any
EXTORTION / 900 BLOCK BLOCK OF SANTA ANITA Masks and social distancing
OF AFTON ROAD: deaths. Older adults and are required. Rooms are launched last year that relied one scientist to look at all
AVENUE: Officers observed people with compromised downlinked
Officers were dispatched sanitized after each use. on imagery from NASA’s the images
an unoccupied vehicle
immune systems are most Beginning Nov. 4, in Curiosity rover. Participants with scrutiny in such a
to investigate an attempted parked facing the wrong yet
extortion. vulnerable, people accordance with county in the earlier stage of that short amount of time, every
direction. When the officer in all age groups have
6:08 P.M. / 901T / INJURY public health guidelines, project labeled nearly half a single day,” said Vivian Sun,
approached the vehicle, contracted and sometimes proof of COVID vaccination million images, using a tool a JPL scientist who helps
the officer observed drug died of COVID as well. Perseverance’s
/ OAK STREET / LOS or proof of a negative test to outline features like sand coordinate
paraphernalia and a small The only way to prevent daily operations and
ROBLES AVENUE: Two within 72 hours before entry and rock that rover drivers
plastic bag used for storing its spread is a combination consulted on the AI4Mars
vehicles were involved in an drugs. A traffic stop was to the center will be required at NASA’s Jet Propulsion
injury traffic collision. One conducted when the driver
of vaccinations, masks, for everyone who uses the Laboratory typically watch project. “It would save
of the parties complained frequent hand-washing and fitness center or attends out for when planning routes us time if there was an
returned to the vehicle.
of pain, but refused medical The driver, Shia, Anthony
social distancing in large onsite activities indoors. on the Red Planet. The end algorithm that could say,
treatment. One vehicle was result was an algorithm, ‘I think I saw rock veins or
towed from the scene and
Kenzeng (DOB 1/2/1989, called SPOC (Soil Property nodules over here,’ and then
Alhambra) was issued an Pasadena Heritage to host the science team can look
the other was driven away. and Object Classification),
own recognizance citation
Tuesday, October 19 Preservation Pasadena: that could identify these at those areas with more
and released at the scene.
7:00 P.M. / DOG BITE features correctly nearly 98 detail.”
2:16 P.M. / FOUND
percent of the time. Especially during this
1600 OF
/ BLOCK PROPERTY / 1600 BLOCK Craftsman to Modern SPOC is still in development, developmental stage, SPOC
OF WEST DRIVE: Officers Pasadena Heritage will Kevin Johnson; Pasadena’s and researchers hope it can requires lots of validation
Officers were dispatched
located a bicycle. be hosting a virtual, 10-day bungalow courts by John someday be sent to Mars from scientists to ensure
regarding the victim Saturday, October 23
celebration of preservation Ripley; and Preservation Los it’s labeling accurately. But
suffering from a dog bite. aboard a future spacecraft
5:34 A.M. / 901T / INJURY and architecture from Angeles by Ken Bernstein; even when it improves, the
The victim was transported that could perform even
TRAFFIC COLLISION Friday, November 5th Virtual tours will include algorithm is not intended
to the hospital to treat the more autonomous driving
injuries suffered.
/ 1400 BLOCK OF through Sunday, November our newest National Register than Perseverance’s AutoNav to replace more complexWESTHAVEN ROAD: A 14th and will include tours, Historic District of Pasadena analyses by human scientists.
Wednesday, October 20 technology allows.
single vehicle was involved lectures, panel discussions, Avenue, the Civic Center, Images from Perseverance A key objective for
3:06 P.M. / PC 459 / in an injury traffic collision conversations with artists Caltech, and other landmark will further improve SPOC Perseverance’s missionVEHICLE BURGLARY by colliding into a residence. and collectors and more! district neighborhoods. by expanding the kinds of on Mars is astrobiology,
One of the parties Events will include Other events include identifying labels that can including the search for signsSHENANDOAH ROAD: complained of pain. Both presentations about a panel discussion with be applied to features on the of ancient microbial life. The
Unknown suspect(s)
approached the victim’s
vehicles were driven from architects Edward Durell professionals in the field Martian surface. AI4Mars rover will characterize the
the scene. Stone by his son Hicks of restoration about planet’s geology and past
vehicle from an unknown now provides labels to
5:54 P.M. / CVC 20002 / Stone; Paul R. Williams by remodeling your historic climate, pave the way for
direction. The suspect(s) identify more refined
used an unknown object to
NON-INJURY HIT AND Stephen Gee; Irving Gill by home and a panel discussing details, allowing people to human exploration of the
RUN / LOS Allen Hazard; and Bertram the top ten preservation choose options like float Red Planet, and be the first
shatter the front passenger AVENUE / HUNTINGTON
Goodhue. Other lectures stories that should not be rocks (“islands” of rocks) or mission to collect and cachewindow and fled in an DRIVE: The suspect collided will be given on The City forgotten. nodules (BB-size balls, often Martian rock and regolith
unknown direction.
with the victim’s vehicle and Beautiful Movement by There will also be a formed by water, of minerals (broken rock and dust).
3:04 P.M. / PC 459 / fled the scene.
celebration on Saturday that have been cemented For more about
evening with a wine tasting together). Perseverance visit: mars.
and trivia! On Sunday, The goal is to hone an nasa.gov/mars2020 and:
November 14th Pasadena algorithm that could help nasa.gov/perseverance.
Heritage committee
members will host small-
Seeking Members For General
group, informal, themed,
round table discussions for Plan 2040 Steering Committee
participants to share their
The San Marino Community Development department is
questions, thoughts, stories,
seeking community members interested in serving on the Steering
and learn from each other.
Committee for the General Plan 2040 Update.
Most events will be hosted
Required by state law, the General Plan will guide the City of
on Zoom and recorded for
San Marino’s future growth, development, and conservation. It those who cannot attend looks ahead 20 years to address critical issues such as housing,
the live Zoom presentations. transportation, environmental quality, economic development,
Tours will be made available design, and public services. San Marino’s last General Plan was
on the Izi Travel App for adopted in 2003 and had a horizon year of 2020.
those who wish to drive or The Steering Committee should represent diverse perspectives
walk the tours on their own. and interests in the community, such as local residents, business
members, and other stakeholders. Committee members will be
Immerse yourself in
as expected to participate in monthly meetings over the next two
great architecture
years as the plan is developed. A maximum of fifteen members,
you experience over 15
and a limited number of alternates, will be selected. Committee
programs throughout the
members will be expected to read and comment on draft week of November 5 – 14, documents, serve as a liaison to their respective organization or
2021. Save the dates and visit group, and support staff ’s efforts to engage the general public in
our website for a complete the plan development process.
schedule of the entire 10-day City staff will review Steering Committee applications based on
celebration! Each event will specific evaluation criteria. They will then be forwarded to City
be recorded and available for Council for their consideration. Community members who have
not previously participated on City task forces are encouraged to
purchase through December
25th and viewable through
The Steering Committee application deadline is Friday,
December 31, 2021. For
November 12 at 5:00 p.m. Interested applicants can apply online,
more information and
in-person, or by mail. For more information, review Communitytickets, click here. Development’s website.
This event is sponsored byPobal
Hartman Baldwin, Food Distribution Program
Construction, Window
Restoration & Repair, more. Proof of income and
Friday, Nov. 5, from 8:30
Bradbury & Bradbury California ID are required for
to 10:30 a.m. in the parking
Art Wallpapers, Harvest first-time recipients. Boxes are
lot at Pasadena Senior
Architecture, Kelly Sutherlin heavy, so bring a pull-behind
McLeod Architecture, Inc., Center 85 E. Holly St. personal cart to the parking lot
between the Pasadena Senior
and Susan Masterman Low-income adults 60 and
Center and the Metro Gold
Architects. older receive one free box of
Line station. Opening boxes
Pasadena Heritage is food and couples receive two.
on the premises is prohibited.
Each box includes foods that
a nonprofit founded in Masks and social distancing
1977 and dedicated to meet specific nutritional needs, will be required. such as cheese, canned fruits
historic preservation in For more information, visit
and vegetables, dry milk and
and around Pasadena. For pasadenaseniorcenter.org and
related dairy products, cereals
more information visit: click on Food Distribution
and other grain products, and
pasadenaheritage.org. Programs or call 626-685-6732.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com
Pictured: The robotic arm of NASA’s Perseverance rover is visible
in this image used by the AI4Mars project. Users outline and
identify different rock and landscape features to help train anartificial intelligence algorithm that will help improve the capabilities
of Mars rovers. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.