Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, November 20, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page A:5

Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 20, 2021 

Local Man 
for Online 
Threats to Kill

 A Federal judge on Mondaysentenced a Pasadena man,
and British national, to 37months in federal prison formaking a series of graphiconline threats to harm, rapeand kill.

 Samuel Trelawney Hughes,
33, of Pasadena, was sentencedby United States District JudgeDale S. Fischer, who describedhis conduct as “horrendous.” 
Hughes pleaded guilty in 
October 2020 to one count of 
stalking, one count of witnesstampering and one count ofmaking threats by interstatecommunication.

 “[Hughes] used his computerskills to terrorize these 
victims and their families 
with harassment and death 
threats from anonymized 
accounts,” prosecutors 
argued in a sentencing 
memorandum. “His use 
of anonymizing techniquesand planning allowed him 
to avoid identification 

– and punishment – for 
months while he continued 
his online harassment 
campaigns. [Hughes’] conducttraumatized the victims,
putting many in fear for theirlives and the lives of familymembers. Some feared goingto work or even leaving theirhomes.” 
According to prosecutorsfrom May 2019 to June 
2020, Hughes stalked and 
sent anonymous threateningcommunications to multiplevictims, according to courtdocuments.

 Hughes’ conduct often 
followed a pattern. He wouldmeet a victim – usually awoman – at a networking 
event or through his 
employment. After the eventor after having been employedfor a period, he would seek 
further social interaction 

with the victim or invitingthe victim to meet him at a 
future date in a one-on-one 
setting. When the victim 
would indicate that she or he 
no longer wished to interact 
with him, he would then send 
anonymous threats to the 
victim, often from anonymousonline accounts he used and 
created to disguise his identity.

 He sent the threateningcommunications via 
numerous email and social 
media accounts, as well asthrough the U.S. mail. The 
messages sent to the victims 
were direct, graphic and 
disturbing in nature, and theycontained threats to injure,
rape and kill victims.

 Assistant United States 
Attorney Lauren Restrepoof the Cyber and IntellectualProperty Crime Section 
prosecuted this case. 


 Giving Tuesday is 
an opportunity for the 
Pasadena Humane 
community to stand 
together in unity for theanimals. Join them on 
Tuesday, November 30 fora global day of giving. Eachgift will help to providesecond chances to animals 
in need.

 For more information 
or how to give visit: 

SymphonyHolidayCandlelightReturns to All 
Saints Church

 The Pasadena Symphony’sannual Holiday Candlelight 
concert returns to All 
Saints Church on Saturday,
December 18, with two 
performances at 4:00 p.m.
and 7:00 p.m. Pasadena’s 
most sought-after concert 
of the season has become a 
cherished community holidaytradition and sells out quickly.
The architecturally exquisite 
and acoustically sonorous 
All Saints Church, Pasadena’s 
equivalent of a Europeancathedral, provides the perfectsetting to immerse yourself ina Holiday wonderland amongan array of hand bells andchoruses, with Pasadena’s 
premiere orchestra.

 Artistic Partner Jenny Wong,
Associate Director of the 
Los Angeles Master Chorale,
will take the podium to leadthe orchestra and returningfavorites L.A. Bronze 
Handbell Ensemble, the LosAngeles Children’s Chorus,
the Donald Brinegar Singersand JPL Chorus. Special guestvocalist Allie Feder, heard on 
movie and TV soundtracks 
from Frozen 2 and Mulan to 
Modern Family, will charmaudiences on holiday classicsincluding Silent Night, Let itSnow, Have Yourself a Merry 
Little Christmas, Hallelujah! 
and many more favorites 
sprinkled throughout the 

Seating is available to 

will require proof of fullCovid-19 vaccination. For a 
list of accepted forms of proofand the most up to date venuesafety protocols, please visit:

purchase throughout the 
lavish All Saints Church, 
specially fitted with festivefloral and decorations, allunder the glow of candlelight.
Tickets to HolidayCandlelight are limited andwill sell out. Tickets start at 
$25 and may be purchased 
either at pasadenasymphonypops.
org or by calling the boxoffice at 626.793.7172.

 In order to provide thesafest possible experience forall concertgoers, entry to allPasadena Symphony concerts 

Pasadena ThanksgivingClosures and Reminders 

 Pasadena residents and 
businesses are reminded 
that City Hall and mostCity services will be 
closed on Thursday and 
Friday, in observance of 
the Thanksgiving holiday.
Specific closures, exceptionsand reminders are noted 
The City’s Citizen Service 
Center (CSC) will be closedThanksgiving Day and willreopen Friday from 8 a.m.
until noon. You can contact 
the CSC via the web or bycalling (626) 744-7311. 
Regular trash and recyclingcollection for Thursday 
(Thanksgiving Day) will 
occur on Friday and Friday’scollection will occur on 
Saturday, Nov. 27.

 Pasadena Transit and 
Dial-A-Ride transportation 
programs will not operateon Thursday but will resumeregular service on Friday.

 All parking meters arefree and parking time 
limits will not be enforced 
on Thanksgiving Day, but 
shoppers are advised that allregular meter enforcementwill resume on Friday. 
Violations for overnightparking restrictions, red curbparking and blocking firehydrants will continue to beissued on both days.

 All Pasadena Public Librarysites will close at 5 p.m. on 
Wednesday and will remain 
closed the following two 

 The City’s Permit Centerand Payment Centers willalso be closed Thursday and 

Friday. Online permittingservices are available 24/7 

 All recreation and 
community centers operatedby the city’s Parks, Recreationand Community Services 
Department will be closedon Thursday and Friday butall parks will be open forpicnics, fun and play. No sitereservations are accepted for 
the holiday.

 Pasadena residents and 
businesses with any poweremergencies should call 
Pasadena’s Water and Power 
(PWP) Department at (626)
744-4673. For water-related 
emergencies, call (626)
744-4138. PWP’s Customer 
Service Call Center will be 
closed for the holiday, but 
customers can access their 
accounts and make paymentsthrough the automated 
phone system at (626) 7444005 
or online at: PWPweb. 

 Pasadena Fire and Police 
Departments will continueto be staffed for all patrol,
jail, fire, paramedic and 
other emergency services. 
Always call 9-1-1 for life-
threatening emergencies. 
For non-emergencies, call 

(626) 744-4241. If you “SeeSomething, Say Something.” 
Report suspicious activity toPasadena Police Departmentat (626) 744-4241. 
Celebrate responsibly andalways designate a sober 
For more information Visit: 

Thanksgivingthis Year with 
Union Station

 Much like last year, these arethe ways Union Station willcelebrate Thanksgiving this 
Thanksgiving “All the Fixings”
Meal Boxes – Wednesday,
November 17 
For clients who have access to a 
kitchen and want to cook their 
own meal at home, you can helpus create Thanksgiving “All theFixings” Meal Supply Boxes,
filled with all the ingredientsneeded for a delicious meal. 
Boxes come complete with 
great tips and tricks from ouramazing Food Services staff!
Thanksgiving PreparedDinners – Wednesday,
November 24 
For clients who want to enjoy adelicious Thanksgiving meal butdon’t have access to a kitchen 
or don’t wish to cook, we’llhave scrumptious portioned 
and prepared ThanksgivingDinners. Chef Marissa and her 
team will be sharing some of hermost sought after dishes for theholidays!
Thanksgiving DayCommunity Events –
Thursday, November 25A large scale community dinnerin the park isn’t possible thisyear, due to COVID-19, butwe can still give thanks andcelebrate together! We will beserving private, festive sit-downdinners for our residents at the 
Adult Center, Family Center,
Centennial Place, HuntingtonVillas and Casa Luna. 
Dinner in the Park 
Continuing the tradition 
that began in 2020, everyone 
at Union Station Homeless 
Services will safely celebrateThanksgiving with a holidaymeal. Dinner in the Park is 
a beloved holiday tradition 
and we will feed those in need 
while adhering to COVID-19safety standards. For more Visit: 

HolidayShop LocalCampaign

 The City of Pasadena and VisitPasadena are launching the 
“From Pasadena, with Love”
campaign to put a spotlight 
on the city’s independentbusinesses and encourage thepublic to shop and dine localthis holiday season. The 2021campaign will run from SmallBusiness Saturday (Nov. 27)
through Friday, Dec. 24, andwill feature welcome stations 
across the city, Pasadena-
branded swag, and experientialgifts unique to Pasadena.
Aimed at encouraging the 
community to shop small 
and dine local, the “From 
Pasadena, with Love” themeshows local love for the citywhile highlighting feelings ofgratitude for the public’s ongoingsupport of the local businesscommunity. “As we focus onrecovery efforts, the importanceof supporting our local businesscommunity is crucial,” says 
Eric Duyshart, economic 
development manager for theCity of Pasadena. “Shoppingand dining local helps to keepdollars in our local economyand people employed, not tomention helps to fund vitalcommunity services, schools 
and parks.”

 To thank the public, campaignwelcome stations will be located 
across the city. Beginning on 
Small Business Saturday (Nov.
27), customers who visit acampaign welcome station willget a chance to win Pasadena-
branded swag and experiences.
Gifts will range from customenamel pins and totes to 
museum admissions, music 
festival passes and Rose Parade 

 The “From Pasadena, withLove” prizes will be distributedfirst-come, first-serve at thewelcome stations listed below: 
Civic Center Area 
Buttercup, 300 E. Colorado 
Blvd., Suite 157Frenchifornia, 247 E. ColoradoBlvd. 
College Commercial AreaDot & Dough, 1731 E. ColoradoBlvd. 
Lucky Baldwins, 1770 E. 
Colorado Blvd. 
East Washington CommercialArea 
Sidecca, 1389 E. Colorado Blvd. 

Friends of the Pasadena 
Library Book Sale Dec. 4 

Southern Roots, 1387 E. 
Washington Blvd.
Fair Grove Commercial Area 
Blvd Nursery, 170 E. OrangeGrove Blvd. 
El Dorado, 140 E. Orange GroveBlvd. 
Hastings Commercial AreaPasadena Sandwich Company,
259 Sierra Madre Villa Ave., 
Suite 102 
Vromans Bookstore, 3729 E.
Foothill Blvd. 
HeArt (South Fair Oaks Health& Arts Commercial Area)
Cerveceria de Pueblo, 141 W.
Bellevue Dr., Suite 100Jones Coffee Roasters, 693 S. 
Raymond Ave.
Lamanda Commercial Area 
Plate 38, 2361 E. Colorado Blvd.
Rosebud Café, 2302 E. ColoradoBlvd. 
Lincoln Commercial Area 
Highlight Coffee, 2071 LincolnAve. 
North Lake Commercial Area 
Kathleen’s Restaurant, 595 N.
Lake Ave. 
Polkatots Cupcakes, 720 N. 
Lake Ave. 
Old Pasadena 
Hömage, 100 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
Lather, 17 E. Colorado Blvd.
Neon Retro Arcade, 28 S. 
Raymond Ave.
Playhouse VillageLêberry Bakert & Donut, 445 E.
Colorado Blvd. 
Mercadito Monarca Cultural 
Arts Gift Shop, 696 E. ColoradoBlvd., Suite 19Vroman’s Bookstore, 695 E. 
Colorado Blvd. 
South Lake Avenue 
Float Coffee Shop, 380 S. LakeAve., Suite 106Ten Thousand Villages, 567 S.
Lake Ave. 
Walnut Commercial Area 
Pasadena Cyclery, 1670 E. 
Walnut St.

 For more information about 
the “From Pasadena, With 
Love” holiday shop local 
campaign, visit: visitpasadena.

 The Friends of the Pasadena 
Public Library will offer anothersegment of its great bookstoreinventory sale on Saturday, Dec.
4 in the Central Library parkinglot. “The Friends’ sales are more 
fun—and a better bargain—
than shopping online.”

 While you browse, you willlikely have the post-pandemicpleasure of greeting book-
loving acquaintances again.
Fill a grocery bag for just $5, or 

make individual purchases at atable featuring premium books.
Among the latter: titles donatedto The Friends’ Bookstore by theUSC Pacific Museum.

 The event runs from 11 a.m. 
10 2 p.m. Cash or checks only.
All proceeds help The Friendsfinance programs in all of thecity’s library branches.

 The Central Library is located285 E. Walnut St. 
For more information visit: 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
Email: Website: