Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, November 20, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page A:6

Mountain View News Saturday, November 20, 2021 

For the period of Sunday, November 7, 2021 through Saturday,
November 13, 2021, the Police Department responded to 341 callsfor service. Zero residential burglaries, zero commercial burglaries,
and zero attempt commercial burglaries occurred during thereporting week. The following is a summary report of the keyincidents handled by the Department during this reporting period.
Sunday, November 7

2:35 P.M. / 415 PC – Disturbance of the PeaceChaucer Road & Chester Avenue Caller reported stating that therewas a person laying in the middle of the road. Officers respondedand handled the call. No arrests were made. 
Monday, November 8

8:32 A.M. / 532 PC – Theft by False Pretense1600 Block of Las Flores Avenue 
Unknown male suspect fraudulently represented himself as a 
government official to mislead a victim to wire funds out of the 
victim’s bank account. 
1:45 P.M. / 532 PC – Theft by False Pretense600 Block of Chester Avenue 
Suspect attempts to fraudulently purchase concert tickets throughPayPal. Victim’s bank recognizes the transaction to be fraudulentand freezes the funds. 
3:36 P.M. / 487 PC – Grand Theft of Property1700 Block of Huntington DriveVictim reported that their cellphone was stolen.
7:30 P.M. / 978.5 – Bench WarrantSan Marino Avenue & Lorain Road 
The suspect, Ray Anthony Munoz (DOB 08/07/1992, Pasadena),
was driving a vehicle without any functioning brake lights andwas in violation of VC 24252(a). A traffic stop was conducted andMunoz was found to have a misdemeanor warrant. Munoz was 
cited and released for the warrant. 
Tuesday, November 9

12:18 A.M. / 23152 – Driving Under the InfluenceMonterey Road and Pasadena AvenueOfficers were dispatched to assist South Pasadena officers in regardsto a DUI investigation. The suspect at the scene, Marta HiginiaCardoza (DOB 06/18/1962, Los Angeles) was placed under arrestfor the suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol (CVC23152).
Wednesday, November 10

12:08 P.M. / 530.5 – False Impersonation1300 Block San Marino Avenue 
Unknown suspect(s) obtained victim’s personal information andopened up an account.
5:37 P.M. / 530.5 – False Impersonation2000 Lorain Road 
Victim reported that unknown suspect(s) used personal bankcardsto purchase items fraudulently at an undisclosed location.
Thursday, November 11

1:12 A.M. / 978.5 – Bench WarrantSan Marino Avenue & Leslie Drive 
Officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle that was wanted in 
connection for a grand theft crime. The driver Maravilla, Edward 
(DOB 007/01/1998, Los Angeles) and passenger, Alejandro Mora(02/02/1995, Los Angeles) was found to have multiple outstandingmisdemeanor warrants. The suspect was arrested and transportedto Pasadena City Jail, and the passenger was cited and released outin the field. 
10:20 A.M. / Municipal Code Violation – Tree Trimming900 Block of San Marino Avenue 
Officers were dispatched to a municipal code violation investigationdue to a tree being trimmed on the holidays. The San Marino CodeEnforcement will further investigate the report.
4:38 P.M. / 5150 – Mental Health Evaluation/TreatmentHuntington Drive & Bradbury RoadA caller reported that there was an individual walking in themiddle of the road. The individual was transported to the hospitalfor further evaluation. 
6:49 P.M. / Municipal Code Violation – Dogs Defecating on Publicor Private Property800 Block of Oxford Road 
Officers were dispatched to a municipal code violation investigationin regards to dog(s) defecating on a private property. The SanMarino Code Enforcement will further investigate the report.
8:07 P.M. / 487 PC – Grand Theft of Property1300 Block of Lorain Road 
Victim reported that their bicycle was stolen.
Friday, November 12

9:31 A.M. / 594 – Vandalism2500 Block of Huntington DriveVictim reported that their car was vandalized.
10:15 P.M. / 979 – Bench Warrant (Failure to Appear onMisdemeanor Charge) 11357 – Possession of Marijuana over 1Ounce 
11350 – Possession of Narcotics (Controlled Substance)
Courtland Avenue and Monterey RoadOfficers observed a vehicle with the passenger’s side headlightbeing out, in violation of VC 24252(a). Officers conducted a trafficstop on the vehicle. The passenger, Saucedo, Dominic Anthony(DOB 04/08/2002, Colton) was cited and released for the abovelisted charges. The juvenile driver was cited for being unlicensed.
Saturday, November 13

9:36 P.M. / 902 – Non-injury Traffic CollisionHuntington Drive and San Marino AvenueOfficers responded to a non-injury traffic collision. 
Caltech Mourns the Passing Curiosity Rover Is Makingof General Manager Ed Brown Mars Safer for Astronauts 

A radiation sensor components of space weather,

and RAD is effectively a spaceaboard the spacecraft weather outpost on the surface is providing new data of Mars,” says Don Hassler 

of the Southwest Research

on the health risks 

Institute, principal investigatorhumans would face on of the RAD instrument. 
Solar storms occur with varying

the surface of Mars. 

frequency based on 11-year

 Could lava tubes, caves, or cycles, with certain cycles 
subsurface habitats offer safe bearing more frequent and 
refuge for future astronauts on energetic storms than others. 

Mars? Scientists with NASA’s Counterintuitively, the periods 
Curiosity Mars rover team when solar activity is at its 
are helping explore questions highest may be the safest time 
like that with the Radiation for future astronauts on Mars: 
Assessment Detector, or RAD. The increased solar activity 

Unlike Earth, Mars doesn’t have shields the Red Planet from 

a magnetic field to shield it cosmic rays by as much as 30 to 
from the high-energy particles 50%, compared to periods when 
whizzing around in space. That solar activity is lower. 

radiation can wreak havoc “It’s a trade-off,” Guo said. 
on human health, and it can “These high-intensity periods 
seriously compromise the life reduce one source of radiation: 
support systems that Mars the omnipresent, high-energy 
astronauts will depend on, as cosmic ray background 
Ed Brown, general manager sense of humor, hardworking well. radiation around Mars. But 
of event productions in nature, and ability to make Based on data from Curiosity’s at the same time, astronauts 
the Office of Strategic friends out of coworkers. RAD, researchers are finding will have to contend with 
Communications, passed He was vocal about his that using natural materials intermittent, more intense 

such as the rock and sediment radiation from solar storms.” 

away on November 9. He was personal commitment to 

on Mars could offer some “The observations from RAD

59 years old. diversity, representation, protection from this ever-are key to developing the

 Brown joined Caltech in and accessibility, values he present space radiation. In a ability to predict and measure 
2012 as a lighting designer displayed in his life as an paper published this summer space weather, the Sun’s 
and stagetechnician in Campus ally and participant in Black in JGR Planets, they detailed influence on Earth and other 
Programs, bringing to the Lives Matter protests and how Curiosity remained parked solar system bodies,” said Jim 
Institute extensive expertise that he brought to his work against a cliff at a location called Spann, space weather lead for 
in theatre arts, television on campus in his approach “Murray Buttes” from Sept. 9 to NASA’s Heliophysics Division. 

As NASA plans for eventual

scriptwriting, and live event to facilities and team 21, 2016. “ 

While there, RAD measured human journeys to Mars, RAD 

production. During his management. 

a 4% decrease in overall serves as an outpost and part

time at Caltech, he worked Brian Brophy, director of 

radiation. More significantly, of the Heliophysics System

behind the scenes as a stage Theater Arts at the California 

the instrument detected a 7.5% Observatory – a fleet of 27 

technician, event manager, Institute of Technology decrease in neutral particle missions that investigates the 
and, ultimately, as manager (TACIT), noted that Brown radiation, including neutrons Sun and its influence on space 
of both the Beckman and served as the lighting that can penetrate rock and are – whose research supports 
Ramo auditoriums and the designer for nearly all of especially harmful to human our understanding of and 
ticket office, to produce TACIT’s shows since 2010. health. These numbers are exploration of space.” 
hundreds of campus events “Through the colorful blend statistically high enough to RAD has measured the impact 
and lectures that highlighted of lights, Ed transported show it was due to Curiosity’s of more than a dozen solar 

location at the foot of the cliff storms to date (five while

faculty research; celebrated people to other worlds and 

rather than normal changes in traveling to Mars in 2012),

the performing arts, theater, heightened our imagination the background radiation. although these past nine years 
and chamber music; and with the tools of his trade: have marked an especially weak

“We’ve been waiting a long time 

cultivated community light and shadow,” Brophy for the right conditions to get period of solar activity. 
among members of the says “People trusted Ed and these results, which are critical Scientists are just now starting 
campus and beyond. Brown knew they could get straight to ensure the accuracy of our to see activity pick up as the 
and the event productions answers with a sweet, sly computer models,” said Bent Sun comes out of its slumber 
group were central to the side of snark. He had a big Ehresmann of the Southwest and becomes more active. In 
success of the Institute’s heart and a quick wit and Research Institute, lead author fact, RAD observed evidence 

of the recent paper. “At Murray of the first X-class flare of the

annual commencement and always found ways to resolve 

Buttes, we finally had these new solar cycle on Oct. 28,

convocation ceremonies, conflicts in a gentle way.” 

conditions and the data to 2021. X-class flares are the

including the two virtual Prior to coming to Caltech, 

analyze this effect. We’re now most intense category of solar 

commencements and recent Brown worked for nearly flares, the largest of which can

looking for other locations

in-person celebrations the a decade at the University where RAD can repeat these lead to power outages and 
Institute hosted during the of Arizona, supporting its kinds of measurements.” communications blackouts on 
pandemic for students and UApresents program. He also A Space Weather Outpost on Earth. 
their families. worked for several years as a Mars “This is an exciting time

 “Ed was a remarkable staff writer for various ABC Most of the radiation measured for us, because one of the 

on remarkable by RAD comes from galactic important objectives of RAD

person a and CBS studios television 

is to characterize the extremes

campus,”says Diana Jergovic, programs. cosmic rays – particles cast 

out by exploding stars and of space weather. Events such 

vice president for strategy Brown is survived by his 

sent pinballing throughout the as solar flares and storms are

implementation. “He had an adult son, Noah, who he 

universe. This forms a carpet of one type of space weather

effortless command of his described as his “greatest that happens most frequently

“background radiation” that can 

craft, a tireless work ethic, accomplishment in life”; his pose health risks for humans. during increased solar activity 
an unlimited reserve of father, Phil Brown; his sister, Far more intense radiation – the time we are approachingkindness, and a vast capacity Mary Brown; and his former sporadically comes from the now,” Ehresmann said. More 
for friendship. Those who spouse, Tamera Brown. Sun in the form of solar storms observations are needed to 
worked closely with Ed will A celebration of life that throw massive arcs of assess just how dangerous a 
miss him always.” is planned for Sunday, ionized gas into interplanetary really powerful solar storm 

would be to humans on the

A cross-campus collaborator, November 21, from 10:30 space.

“These structures twist in space, Martian surface.

Brown will be remembered a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the 

sometimes forming complex RAD’s findings will feed into

for his affable personality, Athenaeum. 

croissant-shaped flux tubes a much larger body of data 
larger than Earth, driving being compiled for futurePasadena Humane Events shock waves that can efficiently crewed missions. In fact, NASA 
energize particles,” said Jingnan even equipped Curiosity’s 

Puppy Playschool friend? Join the behavior Guo, who led a study, published counterpart, the Perseverance 
Saturdays in November team and other new in September in The Astronomy rover, with samples of spacesuit 

9:30 - 10:15 a.m. puppy parents at Pasadena and Astrophysics Review, materials to assess how theyPuppy guardians! Looking Humane’s Puppy Playschool. analyzing nine years of RAD hold up to radiation over time. 
for a safe and fun venue This ongoing workshop data while she was at Germany’s For more information visit: 
to socialize your new best welcomes vaccinated Christian Albrecht University. and 
puppies who are at least 9 “Cosmic rays, solar radiation, visit: 
solar storms – they are all msl/index.html. 

weeks old or under 19 weeks 
of age. Our playgroups are 

designed to help build your Senior Center to Give 250 

puppy’s confidence at their 

own pace. Skilled trainers Free Thanksgiving Meals 

and volunteers educated in 

During this continuing period To request a meal, visit:dog body language will be on of COVID-19 and the Delta andhand to guide you and your variant, many older adults click on Thanksgiving Meal or 
pup to learn about healthy will be alone for the holidays. call (626) 795-4331. 
play & positive training Many with compromised In addition to providing meals, 
building blocks. immune systems will not want Pasadena Senior Center staff 
Giving Tuesday to put themselves in harm’s and volunteers will call 2,000 
Tuesday November 30 way by attending large family older adults in the Pasadena 

gatherings, some may not area to wish them a happy

Giving Tuesday is an 

have family members who live Thanksgiving and assess their

opportunity for our 

nearby and others may not physical and emotional well-

community to stand together 

want to travel. unity for the animals. Join Staff and volunteers from “The pandemic has 
us on Tuesday, November the Pasadena Senior Center disproportionately affected 
30 for a global day of giving. will deliver more than 250 older adults and has created 
Each gift will help to provide free, traditional Thanksgiving an epidemic of loneliness 
second chances to animals meals with all the trimmings and isolation, especially for 
in need. to people 50 and older in people 65 and older,” said Akila 

Pasadena and Altadena on a Gibbs, executive director of the

Wiggle Waggle Wagon 

first-requested, first-served Pasadena Senior Center. “We


basis Wednesday, Nov. 24, want to help ease that loneliness

Multiple Dates in Novemebr 

between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and make Thanksgiving as

The Wiggle Waggle Wagon 

Recipients will be instructed to special as possible this year.” (The Waggin’) is back out refrigerate the meals and then The CDC is not discouragingand around town bringing reheat the food Thursday, Nov. family gatherings completelyadoptable pets, services and 25 -- Thanksgiving Day. this year and yet has special 
information about Pasadena There is no income criteria. advice for older adults and 
Humane to the community. Recipients do not have to be others who have medical 
Check out the Waggin’ members of the Pasadena conditions or medications that 

Senior Center, and there weaken their immune systems.

schedule to see where its 

is a limit of two meals per For more information Visit:cdc.

next appearance will be! 

household. gov.

View The Waggin’ ScheduleCareers in Animal Welfare: 
Barks and Arts 
Pasadena Humane is located 
361 S Raymond Ave. For 
more information visit: 

Catch breaking 
news at:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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