Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 4, 2021
Tis' the season to be jolly, and it also a time when thieves who
are not feeling the holiday spirit may look for opportunities to
steal someone's property. It’s well known that crime spikes this
time of year – and although many of us know the basics around
holiday theft prevention, here a few safety tips some of us may
not consider.
Be extra careful with the Cyber shopping. “Porch Pirates”, or individuals who like to steal
deliveries zero in during the Holidays. Make sure to take extra care with delivered goods.
Consider making neighbors aware of expected packages and keep an eye out for that
Amazon vehicle for your neighbors.
Break down shipping boxes. Once you receive your packages and remove the goods, take
a few minutes to break down the shipping boxes into smaller pieces so they can be discarded
discreetly. Large boxes from popular brands left curbside can clue thieves into
what’s inside your home.
Mums the word on social media. It is so tempting to share how you spent all day shopping
for gifts, however, it’s best not to. Many burglars used social networks last year to find out
when people were not home.
Dispose of debit card receipts carefully. While rushing to complete a purchase or pay
a restaurant check, it’s easy to leave duplicate receipts behind. What’s printed on these
seemingly simple pieces of paper contain information that a savvy identity theft criminal
might find useful.
Consider using one credit card. Try and use only one credit card for holiday shopping.
That way, if it’s lost or stolen, you only have to cancel one. Also, it makes tracking and paying
attention to charges much easier.
Place valuable items in your trunk before your next stop. Most people know not to leave
packages in plain sight in the car, but thieves pay attention to what gets loaded into trunks
too, especially during the holidays. If your shopping spree takes you to multiple locations
in a day, whenever possible transfer goods to your trunk before you arrive at your next
stop. With the right tool or “shaved key” in hand, opportunistic criminals can empty your
trunk in a matter of seconds.
Also, please remember to lock your car and home, and if going on vacation, request a
vacation check through Sierra Madre Police Department.
Happy Holidays, and please stay safe and healthy!
Rodrick Armalin
Chief of Police, Sierra Madre Police Department(626)355-1414
November 21-27, 2021 During this period, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to ap-
proximately 160 calls for service. This list is not intended to be considered exclusive or all-inclusive.
Sunday, November 21At about 1:00 am, an officer observed a vehicle code violation and conducted a traffic enforcement
stop. During the contact, the driver was found to be impaired and under the influence of an alcoholic
beverage and arrested. While being transported, the driver became uncooperative and belligerent
and attempted to damage City property. The driver ultimately was booked at the Pasadena PD jail.
Monday, November 22At about 1:00 am, an officer observed a vehicle code violation and conducted a traffic enforcement
stop. During the contact, the officer obtained consent to search the driver's vehicle. During the search,
the officer located narcotics within the vehicle. The driver was cited and later released at the scene for
possession of a controlled substance.
Wednesday, November 24At about 2:00 am, an officer observed a vehicle code violation and conducted a traffic enforcement
stop. During the contact, the driver was found to be impaired and under the influence of an alcoholic
beverage and was arrested. The driver was ultimately booked at the Pasadena PD jail.
Saturday, November 27On November 27, 2021, between 10:00 am to 10:35 am, an unknown suspect cut the chains securing
the gardening equipment in the rear of the victim's vehicle in the 600 block of Mariposa Ave and stole
several items. A witness described the suspect's vehicle as a black pick-up truck. Additionally, the sus-
pect's descriptions were three male Hispanics wearing dark clothing and mask over their faces.
The Detectives' Bureau is following up on this incident for leads.
VINE -continued from page 1
Another concern is that there are no local protections
for the Wistaria vine, as it is not covered under
the Legacy Tree Ordinance. Technically, it’s a
vine, though its trunks are more significant than
most trees in town. A few members of the Planning
Commission and residents who spoke at the
podium seemed baffled and amazed that the vine,
the symbol of the community, has no laws protecting
Mak did phone in to give a brief introduction of
herself and acknowledge that she is aware of the
significance of the Wistaria vine to the Sierra Madre
Community. She noted that the construction is due
to having four family members eventually living on
the property. She also stated that once the repairs
are complete, she wants to open up her property for
vine viewing during the festival once again.
One thing all Planning Commission members
seemed to have in common Thursday night was
that no one wanted to be known for killing the fa
mous vine. Cutting the trunk didn’t settle well for
the five-member committee, led by Chair William
Pevsner. The status-quo felt that a City Staff-approved
arborist brought in for a second opinion to
determine the vine’s health after removing a trunk
was the way to go. Or, option two, presented by
Commissioner John Hutt, involved Mak providing
alternative designs that did not include chopping
the trunk.
Pevsner presented the options to Mak, who was
still on the phone, and added a third choice to have
the Commission vote to approve or not approve the
permits. A “no” vote would mean Mak would have
to take it up with City Council.
Mak agreed to seek the opinion of a third arborist
at her expense. The Commission voted unanimously
to continue the discussion to a “date uncertain.”
Since the Commission started its meeting
by canceling its next two meetings…that uncertain
date might not happen until 2022.
It should be noted that the Planning Department
recommended approval of all three permits. To
read the detail report go to: the city's website under
Agenda Packets - Planning Commission.
The Sierra Madre Rose Float Association has opened the online sign
up program for decorating the Sierra Madre Rose Float during Deco
Week (December 26th to December 31st).
Please sign up for this year’s float entitled “Nature’s Classroom” and
join us preparing our beautiful Amazon rainforest.
Sign up through our website at
volunteer/decorate/ to get involved, then volunteer, then
by Deanne Davis
I have a confession to make: I have become addicted to the Lifetime
Channel’s Christmas Movies. I have Lifetime on all the time and it’s
always the same story…beautiful girl in a dilemma, i.e., the family business
is failing, the family home is about to be sold to an unscrupulous
developer, Dad has moved on to heaven leaving huge amounts of debt
behind that no one knew about. Some incredibly good-looking guy
shows up, there’s antagonism to start with, frequently involving another
family member who just doesn’t get it. Through a series of miracles, the
business is saved, the family member sees the light, everyone drinks
gallons of hot chocolate, eats dozens of Christmas cookies, nobody
gains an ounce. They all take place somewhere in the frozen east where
picturesque snow covers the ground and the clothes are all adorable.
Sweaters, knitted caps, mufflers, boots, parka coats. All the girls have
amazing hair that doesn’t go straight in the damp air. They fall in love,
of course, and there is one chaste kiss at the end.
I have watched: An Ice Wine Christmas, A Picture-Perfect Holiday, Dancing Through the Snow,
Christmas in Handcuffs (I really enjoyed that one as Mario Lopez was the incredibly good-looking guy
and he certainly is exactly that!), Baking Spirits Bright, Miracle in Motor City, Match Made in Mistletoe,
A Christmas Village Romance and I’m embarrassed to admit how many more. These are all painless
to have going in the background as the Christmas tree gets trimmed, gifts are ordered from Amazon…
who actually goes to stores and shops anymore…and the mind is not challenged in the slightest.
I’ve been decorating and you probably have, too. That thing about waiting till after Thanksgiving to
get out the decorations just doesn’t seem to apply this year. So, the lighted houses are up on top of the
bookcases and the two reindeer are brightly shining and slowly nodding their heads up and down
out in front. John wouldn’t let me have those while we lived on Alegria but now that he’s celebrating
Christmas in heaven, they’re out there lookin’ good, except the back legs on the smaller one don’t seem
to light up anymore. The neighbors across the street have a gorgeous display of lighted trees, deer, a
big snowman and lights everywhere. We’re the most festive folks on the block. The star shower goes
out today to light the front of the house and there’s another one shining on my tree. Real trees aren’t
possible anymore for me, but the one I got from Michael’s Crafts a couple of years ago does a good job
and all the ornaments we collected over the years look great on it. I miss that wonderful Christmas tree
smell, though.
I’m about to put my CD of Star of Wonder – A Christmas Musical in my CD player, put the tree skirt
around the bottom of the tree and open the ornament box. Walking Sierra Madre a few years ago, John
and I found a piece of paper on the sidewalk and this is what it said:
A Child’s Prayer of Thanks
Dear God,
I’m thankful for all You give,
For food,
For love,
A place to live,
I thank You for my family too,
And I want You to know
That I love You.
I have kept this in the kitchen ever since and think it expresses pretty much everything for which we
can be thankful. Sierra Madre is such a beautiful place, with our own personal mountains available for
good long ‘look’ moments. Friendly people who smile and say Hello! when you pass them in front of
Beantown or Starbucks. There are lovely homes on every street, trees galore, and the Christmas tree,
crèche, menorah, Festivus Pole and dreidel in Kersting Court are more beautiful than ever this year.
“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of family, and we are better throughout the
year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime.”
Laura Ingalls Wilder
One of my favorite Christmas songs...written by me and my writing partner, David Wheatley, is “Think
Joy!” from Star of Wonder – A Christmas Musical. The first and last verses are below here.
“Christmas! It’s finally here! My favorite...favorite time of year!
Think mistletoe and holly...children’s faces jolly!
Carols on the radio...happy smiles each place you go,
Presents piled beneath the tree...some for you and some for me!
Best of all...the Christmas story,
Jesus left behind His glory!
A bright new star up in the sky,
Shepherds see and wonder why.
Angels sing of peace on earth,
It’s time, at last, Messiah’s birth!
A stable filled with heaven’s light,
The world will change this Christmas night.
Christmas! It’s almost here!
My favorite...favorite time of year.
“May the simple joys of Christmas warm your heart, fill your home and last a lifetime.”
My book page: Deanne Davis
Christmas is just a few short weeks away and my books:
“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter” and“Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope”
Would be really nice gifts for everyone you know.
You can find them on
“Star of Wonder” a delightful Christmas Kindle story is there, too.
If you’d like a little preview, take a look at:
Our Volunteer Guidelines have changed this year, and we have some new restrictions and Covid-19 protocols,
so it is important to read our guidelines BEFORE you sign up through iVolunteer. If you have difficulty
signing up or have questions, please email us at
If you have a group of 8 or more, you need to schedule a time that would be convenient for your group
to work. Please complete the Application for Group of Volunteers form and return it to volunteer@sierramadrerosefloat.
We may be able to open up more spots when it gets closer to Deco Week, so if you don’t find your preferred
shift or the shifts are full, please check back in December.
Thank you for participating and we’ll see you at the barn!
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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