Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, December 4, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page 6

Mountain View News Saturday, December 4, 2021 

For the period of Sunday, November 21 through Saturday, 
November 27, the Police Department responded to 510 calls 
for service. Two residential burglaries, zero commercial 
burglaries, and zero attempt commercial burglaries 
occurred during the reporting week. The following is a 
summary report of the key incidents handled by the San 
Marino Police Department during this reporting timeframe.
Sunday, November 21

8:51 A.M. / 902T – Non-injury Traffic Collision2300 Block of Brentford Road 
Solo vehicle collision into tree. 
8:01 P.M. / 901T – Traffic Collision with Injury1800 Block of El Molino Avenue 
Vehicle collided into a parked vehicle.
8:26 P.M. / PC 602 – Trespass2900 Block of Wallingford RoadUnknown suspect(s) trespassed onto the resident’s property.
Monday, November 22

12:26 A.M. / PC 459 – Burglary: Residential1800 Block of Alpine DriveUnknown suspect(s) gained entry into the residence bybreaking and entering.
2:50 P.M. / Found Property2200 Block of Huntington DriveOfficers responded to a call for service and found unattended 
Tuesday, November 23

1:03 P.M. / PC 484 – Petty Theft1700 Block of Carlaris Road 
Unknown suspect(s) took victim’s package from property.
Wednesday, November 24

2:02 P.M. / Suspicious Activity900 Block of Sussex Road 
Officers responded to a call for service in regards to 
suspicious activity.
Thursday, November 25

1:20 A.M. / Incident Report1500 Block of Avonrea Road 
Officers contacted the fire department due to observation 
of flames and smoke. 
Friday, November 26

4:41 P.M. / 530.5 – Mail Theft1500 Block of Euston Road 
Victim reported loss of mail.
10:48 P.M. / 530.5 – Mail Theft1100 Block of Saint Albans Road 
Victim reported loss of mail. Unknown suspect(s) pried 
open mailbox with unknown tool(s) in order to remove 
Saturday, November 27

6:58 P.M. / 459 – Residential Burglary1700 Block of Oak Grove Avenue 
Unknown suspect(s) attempted to break and enter into the 
of Women 
set to Return 

The Pasadena Festival of 
Women Authors announced 
Wednesday that after 
two years of waiting, the 
Pasadena Festival of Women 
Authors will be held on 
March 19 at the Pasadena 
Convention Center. 

Organizers said the move to 
a larger venue is anticipated 
by many enthusiastic readers 
especially those who were 
unable to attend in the past 
because it was a sold out 

In addition to celebrating 
women authors, the 
Pasadena Festival of Women 
Authors raises money for 
literary programs at nonprofit 
organizations in 
the community. From its 
inception in 2009, it has 
awarded grants for more 
than $400,000 to community 

non-profit orgaizations. The 
2021 grantees were:
Pasadena City College: 
Writer-in-Residence & 
Summer Creative WritingAcademyPasadena Public Library: 
One City, One Story 
programPasadena Senior Center: 
Masters in Learning SeriesPEN Center Los Angeles: 
You are a Writer workshopsWriteGirl: Creative writing 
workshops and mentoringfor high school girls

 The 2022 festival will 
feature Dana Spiotta, author 
of Wayward and Stone 
Araibia, along with six other 
acclaimed writers – Hala 
Alyan, Nadia Hashimi, 
Katherine Heiny, TorreyPeters, Joanne Tompkins, 
and Monica West. The 
authors will share their 
personal life stories and the 
journey that brought them 
to their work. They will 
mingle with the attendees,
sign books, and answer 
questions. Luncheon will be 

The Louvre Is Theme of 

the Masters Series Two-

part December Edition

 A two-part limited edition more information, visi: 

of The Masters Series, which 

embraces lifelong learning, and click on Lectures & 

will be presented by the Classes, then The Masters 

Pasadena Senior Center for Series or call 626-795

members and nonmembers 4331. Everyone who 

50 and older Tuesdays, Dec. registers will receive email 

14 and 21, from 2 to 4 p.m. instructions for joining each 

onsite at the center and of the Zoom sessions online. 

simultaneously via Zoom. For more information 

Art historian Katherine E. about The Masters 

Zoraster, whose specialty Series, email AnnieL@ 

is art of the western world 

from the Renaissance to the In addition to online 

20th century, will lead the classes, onsite events and 

sessions, titled “Highlights other activities, members 

of the Louvre.” During and nonmembers of the 

the multimedia programs, Pasadena Senior Center 

Zoraster will show and are encouraged to visit 

discuss some of the the website regularly for a 

museum’s most remarkable monthly magazine, COVID 

works and share little known updates specifically for older 

backstories about them. adults and more. 

The world’s largest museum, The center, at 85 E. Holly 

the 783,000-square-foot St., is an independent, 

Louvre houses one of donor-supported nonprofit 

the most impressive art organization that has 

collections in history. served older adults for more 

The 38,000 artworks and than 60 years. During the 

other objects, as well as the pandemic, doors are open 

magnificent 17th century Mondays through Fridays

baroque-style former palace from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

with its modern glass for social services and 

pyramid in the courtyard, other critical services for 

sits along the right bank older adults in need as well 

of the Seine River in Paris as limited occupancy for 

and is one of the city’s most events, the library, fitness 

popular attractions. center and computer lab. 

Zoraster is a professor of art Masks and social distancing

history at Los Angeles area are required. Rooms are 

colleges including California sanitized after each use. 

State University Northridge, In accordance with county

Moorpark College and public health guidelines, 

Los Angeles Academy of proof of COVID vaccination 

Figurative Arts. before entry to PSC will 

The cost for the two sessions be required for everyone 

is only $25 for members of who uses the fitness center 

the Pasadena Senior Center or attends onsite activities 

and $35 for nonmembers. indoors. 

To register or for 

Edison to do Construction 
Work in South Pasadena 

On Thursday and Dec. 16, to replace four transmission 

Southern California Edison poles. 

(SCE) will perform nighttime SCE will distribute the flyers 

construction work to replace a to the residents notifying them 

transmission pole at Grevelia of the construction activity and 

Street and Stratford Avenue. will post signs and message 

The work will require a full boards within the vicinity 

street closure of Grevelia Street of the work. SCE does not 

and Clark Place from Park anticipate any power outages 

Avenue to Garfield Avenue and as a result of the work. Upon 

will be performed from 9pm to the completion of the project,

6am. the overall reliability of the 

In August the City Council SCE grid system will improve, 

authorized SCE to perform which will minimize future 

nighttime construction work power outages. 

Holiday Candlelight set toReturn to All Saints Church

 The Pasadena Symphony’s quickly. The architecturally 

annual Holiday Candlelight exquisite and acoustically 

concert returns to All sonorous All Saints Church,

Saints Church on Saturday, Pasadena’s equivalent of 

December 18, with two a European cathedral, 

performances at 4:00 p.m. provides the perfect setting 

and 7:00 p.m. Pasadena’s to immerse yourself in a 

most sought-after concert Holiday wonderland among 

of the season has become an array of hand bells and 

a cherished community choruses, with Pasadena’s 

holiday tradition and sells out premiere orchestra.

 Artistic Partner Jenny Wong,

Associate Director of the Los 
Angeles Master Chorale, 
will take the podium to leadthe orchestra and returningfavorites L.A. Bronze 
Handbell Ensemble, the LosAngeles Children’s Chorus,
the Donald Brinegar Singersand JPL Chorus. Special guestvocalist Allie Feder, heard on 
movie and TV soundtracks 
from Frozen 2 and Mulan to 
Modern Family, will charmaudiences on holiday classicsincluding Silent Night, Let itSnow, Have Yourself a MerryLittle Christmas, Hallelujah!
and many more favorites 
sprinkled throughout the 

 Seating is available to 
purchase throughout the 
lavish All Saints Church, 
specially fitted with festivefloral and decorations, all 
under the glow of candlelight.
Tickets to HolidayCandlelight are limited andwill sell out. Tickets start at 
$25 and may be purchasedeither at pasadenasymphonypops.
org or by calling the boxoffice at 626.793.7172.

 Entry to all PasadenaSymphony concerts requiresproof of full Covid-19 
vaccination. For a list of 
accepted forms of proof andthe most up to date venuesafety protocols, please visit:

Pasadena Humane Events 

Holiday Pet PhotosSunday, December 59 a.m. - 2 p.m.
FLASH SALE: Use code FLASH15 for 15% off your 
registration. Sale is only valid through 9 p.m. tonight!

Capture the holiday spirit with your furry (and not so 
furry) family members! Join us for Holiday Pet Photos 
with pet photographer extraordinaire Erica Danger (@
ericalikescats). Two and four-legged family members are 
invited to join in on the wintery fun. We’ll have adorable 
holiday props and costumes ready for your pets or bring 
your own. 
Wildlife in Watercolor 
Tuesday, December 7

3:30 - 4:15 p.m.
Watercolor along with Miss Loni as you learn about 
amazing wildlife. During the series we will explore animals 
of the Arroyo, this week focusing on the legless lizard and 
monarch butterfly.
Barks and Arts 
Thursday, December 9
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
In this program, school-age children are invited to create, 
read or just chill out with our volunteer companion animal 
teams and their pets. We aim to offer open-ended art & 
literacy activities that encourage calm and positive animal 
Pet Emergencies Webinar: Holiday EditionWednesday, December 1512 - 1 p.m.
Whether you plan to social distance or have a small 
family gathering, the holiday season always presents new 
challenges for our pets. Pasadena Humane’s very own Dr. 
Naomi Barney, DVM, will help us understand what to 
avoid when it comes to some of the most common holiday 
pet emergencies. She will discuss topics such as household 
toxicities, tinsel indigestion, and so much more.
Whisker Wonderland Adoption EventSaturday, December 1810 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Join us for a cat and kitten adoption event featuring a variety 
of fun holiday activities! Cats and kittens will be available 
for adoption with no appointment necessary. 
Puppy PlayschoolMost Saturdays in December
9:30 - 10:15 a.m. 
Puppy guardians! Looking for a safe and fun venue to 
socialize your new best friend? Join the behavior team and 
other new puppy parents at Pasadena Humane’s PuppyPlayschool. This ongoing workshop welcomes vaccinated 
puppies who are at least 9 weeks old or under 19 weeks of 
age. Our playgroups are designed to help build your puppy’s 
confidence at their own pace. Skilled trainers and volunteers 
educated in dog body language will be on hand to guide you 
and your pup to learn about healthy play & positive trainingbuilding blocks.
Wiggle Waggle Wagon AppearancesMultiple Dates in DecemberThe Wiggle Waggle Wagon (The Waggin’) is back out 
and around town bringing adoptable pets, services and 
information about Pasadena Humane to the community. 
Check out the Waggin’ schedule to see where its next 
appearance will be. 
For more information or to register for any of these events 
Pasadena Humane is located at 361 S Raymond Ave. 

South Pasadena LibraryWellness Kits for Teens

 The South Pasadena Public 
Library’s Teen AdvisoryBoard (TAB) has created 
take-home wellness kits for 
teens as a lead up to finals 
week. The wellness kits will 
be available for pick up at 
the Adult Reference Desk 
on a first come first served 
basis beginning December 
15, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. 

Each take-home wellness contact TAB Librarian, Anne 

kit will contain the supplies Armacost at aarmacost@ 
needed to make a stress ball or at 
out of rice and balloons at (626) 403-7358.
home. In addition to the DIY The South Pasadena 
stress ball supplies, the kit Public Library is located at 
will also include a bookmark 1100 Oxley Street in South 
that that can be colored and Pasadena. Information about 
a handwritten motivational current Library Abridged 
quote from TAB members service is available on the 
to inspire teens during Library at: southpasadenaca. 

finals week. TAB members gov/libraryabridged. The 
came up with the idea and South Pasadena Public 
assembled the kits during Library is open on Mondaystheir last meeting of the fall through Thursdays 1:00 
semester as a way to help p.m. – 7:00 p.m.; Fridaystheir fellow teens in South and Saturdays 10:00 a.m.
Pasadena through finals - 5:00 p.m. To be notified 
week. The kits are funded about service changes, sign 

by the Friends of the South up to receive informational 
Pasadena Public Library. emails from the library

For questions about the here::

Wellness Kits or TAB, please librarynews. 

Catch breaking 
news at:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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