Mountain View News Saturday, December 11, 2021
Fire and Police Issue Asteroid Impact Monitoring Mexican Nationals
Rose Parade Safety Tips System for Risk Goes Online Charged in Kidnap-
By systematically calculating
The new system for-Ransom ConspiracyAs the 133rd Rose Parade impact probabilities in this new
approaches on Saturday, Jan. improves the way, the researchers have made
1, 2022, Pasadena’s fire and the impact monitoring system
in the indictment in which
police departments are issuing capabilities of NASA more robust, enabling NASA to Six suspects were ransoms were paid, Yera and
the following safety tips for the JPL’s Center for Near confidently assess all potential responsible for Six other conspirators allegedlythousands of overnight campers Earth Object Studies impacts with odds as low as a Murders. Law enforcement killed the victims to protect the
who will line the route on New few chances in 10 million.
in Mexico rescued a victim conspiracy. Other members ofYear’s Eve. The parade route to assess the impact Special Cases from Pasadena, who was the organization traveled from
will be a safer place if everyone As an asteroid travels through
risk of asteroids that Mexico into the United States
follows the rules and regulations the solar system, the Sun’s being held hostage at a to locations selected by Yera
can come close to our
listed below. gravitational pull dictates the Tijuana hotel. and others to collect the ransom
What You Can Do: planet. path of its orbit, and the gravity payments made by the victims’
Protect yourself and others by of the planets will also tug at A federal grand jury today family members. For example,
getting fully vaccinated against the activities. its trajectory in predictable returned an indictment against
To date, nearly 28,000 on March 28, 2020, a co
COVID-19 and flu before Pets are not recommended near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) ways. Sentry modeled to a six members of a Tijuana, conspirator traveled to collect
arrival. along the parade; keep them have been found by survey high precision how these Mexico-based hostage-taking ransom payment on Yera’sWear a mask over your nose safe at home! telescopes that continually gravitational forces shaped organization that allegedly behalf at a McDonald’s in San
and mouth if you’re unable Throwing any object into the an asteroid’s orbit, helping to kidnapped nine victims—one of
scan the night sky, adding new Ysidro. After the murder of this
to maintain at least 6 feet of parade—or at passing vehicles discoveries at a rate of about predict where it will be far the victims is from Pasadena— victim, the indictment allegesdistance from people you don’t or pedestrians the night before 3,000 per year. But as larger into the future. But it couldn’t and murdered six of them – that Yera sent Lopez a messagelive with. the parade—is dangerous and account for non-gravitational including three United States
and more advanced survey depicting a large amount of cash
Overnight camping is permitted prohibited. Violators will be telescopes turbocharge the forces, the most significant citizens – some of them after and wrote “this was good job
only on the night of Friday, Dec. cited and their property will be being the thermal forces caused their families paid ransom for done.”
search over the next few years,
31, 2021. seized. a rapid uptick in discoveries is by the Sun’s heat. their release. On April 11, 2020, Yera and
A position on the sidewalk may Unauthorized vehicles As an asteroid spins, sunlight The five-count indictment
expected. In anticipation of this co-conspirators allegedly
be maintained along the parade obstructing emergency travel increase, NASA astronomers heats the object’s dayside. The charges all six defendants orchestrated the hostage takingroute beginning at noon, Dec. lanes or parked in restricted have developed a next-heated surface will then rotate to with one count of conspiracy of a victim identified in court
31. All persons and property, areas will be towed at owners’ the asteroid’s shaded nightside to commit hostage taking
generation impact monitoring documents as “Victim E,” a
such as blankets, chairs and expense. No exceptions. and cool down. Infrared energy resulting in death, one count of
algorithm called Sentry-II to United States national who
personal items, must remain on Open containers of alcohol better evaluate NEA impact is released as it cools, generating conspiracy to commit extortion, resided in Norwalk and who
the curb until 11 p.m. At that are illegal on public streets, probabilities. a tiny yet continual thrust on the and one count of extortion. The was at the time visiting a familytime, spectators may move out sidewalks and all other public asteroid. This phenomenon is charged defendants, all Mexican
Popular culture often depicts member in Tijuana. Victim E
to the blue “Honor Line” but not areas. Violators will be cited or known as the Yarkovsky effect, nationals, are:
asteroids as chaotic objects that was forced to call his mother,
past it. arrested. zoom haphazardly around our which has little influence on German Garcia Yera say he was in trouble andSmall, professionally-A Temporary Flight Restriction solar system, changing course the asteroid’s motion over short Hernandez, 37, the indictment’s instruct her to call an individual
manufactured barbecues (TFR) will be in place for both periods but can significantly lead defendant and the alleged
unpredictably and threatening to pay $25,000 for his release.
elevated at least 1 foot off the the parade and bowl game. our planet without a moment’s change its path over decades ringleader of the hostage-for-The victim’s mother struggled
ground are allowed on the Anyone who attempts to fly a notice. This is not the reality. and centuries. ransom organization; to obtain the ransom money but
parade route as long as they drone will be subject to fine, Asteroids are extremely “The fact that Sentry Gilberto Omar Avila Lopez, agreed to pay the hostage takers
are 25 feet from buildings and arrest and/or imprisonment. couldn’t automatically handle 27, a.k.a. “Luis Enrique Avila
predictable celestial bodies that $1,000 and Victim E’s vehicle in
other combustibles. A fire Information about the TFR and obey the laws of physics and the Yarkovsky effect was Moreno” and “Omar;” exchange for Victim E’s release
extinguisher must be readily all federal drone regulations follow knowable orbital paths a limitation,” said Davide Aylin Estrada Reyes, 24; and met up with a ransom
available. can be found on the Federal Farnocchia, a navigation Joel Eduardo Mascorro
around the Sun. collector in Norwalk on April
Minors under the age of 18 may Aviation Administration (FAA) But sometimes, those paths engineer at JPL who also helped Delgado, 22; 13, 2020 – the same day Victimbe on the parade route from 10 website: can come very close to Earth’s develop Sentry-II. “Every time Victoria Camila Espinoza E was murdered. His body was
p.m. to 5 a.m. only if they are Pasadena Fire Department we came across a special case – Ballardo, 22; and recovered in Mexico the next
future position and, because
supervised by an adult. responds to more than twice the like asteroids Apophis, Bennu, Oscar Bautista Valencia, 30
of small uncertainties in day.
Dress for cold weather! number of calls on parade day or 1950 DA – we had to do Yera, Lopez and Ballardo each
the asteroids’ positions, a On April 22, 2020, a Pasadena
Children and seniors may need than any other day. These calls future Earth impact cannot complex and time-consuming face an additional count of woman called law enforcement
extra layers of clothing to avoid include reports of hypothermia, be completely ruled out. So, manual analyses. With Sentry-hostage taking resulting in to report a family member,
hypothermia. Remember hats illegal burning, miscellaneous II, we don’t have to do that death and extortion. All six
astronomers use sophisticated identified in the indictment
and gloves. medical issues, assaults and impact monitoring software anymore.” defendants are in custody in as “Victim H,” had beenDrink healthy fluids and alcohol-related incidents. Be to automatically calculate the Another issue with the original Mexico facing charges filed by kidnapped in Mexico with a
consume nourishing meals to safe and smart! Sentry algorithm was that it authorities there.
impact risk. ransom demand of $20,000.
avoid dehydration. For your safety and for the safety Managed by NASA’s Jet sometimes couldn’t accurately According to the indictment, One of the kidnappers, calling“If You See Something, Say of others, please remember Propulsion Laboratory in predict the impact probability of from January 2020 to April from a Mexican phone number,
Something®.” Report suspicious the City’s no-smoking policies Southern California, the Center asteroids that undergo extremely 2020, Yera led the hostage-informed the victim’s familyactivities and packages to [Pasadena Municipal Code close encounters with Earth. taking organization that
for Near Earth Object Studies that a woman would pick up
emergency authorities along the section 8.78.071 (A) 4] (CNEOS) calculates every The motion of these NEAs gets extorted money from victims by the ransom money at a Food 4
parade route. prohibit smoking in outdoor known NEA orbit to improve significantly deflected by our taking hostage and holding for Less parking lot in Lynwood.
In case of emergency, call 9-1-1 public gathering events/ impact hazard assessments in planet’s gravity, and the post-ransom United States nationals That same day, law enforcement
and know the cross streets from special events/parades/fairs. support of NASA’s Planetary encounter orbital uncertainties and Mexican nationals with in Mexico rescued the victim,
where you are calling. For non-This policy includes the use of can grow dramatically. In relatives in the United States.
Defense Coordination who was being held hostage at a
emergencies, call (626) 744-cannabis and vaping devices Office (PDCO). CNEOS has those cases, the old Sentry’s The hostage-taking group Tijuana hotel.
4241. (aka e-cigarettes). The public is monitored the impact risk calculations could fail, requiring generally lured their victims If convicted of all charges,
What You Can’t Do: advised to NOT use any vaping manual intervention. Sentry-II into meetings under false
posed by NEAs with software the defendants would face a
Appearance in the parade is products. called Sentry, developed by JPL doesn’t have that limitation. pretenses and took them mandatory sentence of life
prohibited for any entries/ Enhanced security measures in 2002. “In terms of numbers, the hostage, the indictment states. imprisonment or the death
marchers who have not been will be in effect on the parade special cases we’d find were The group allegedly held the
“The first version of Sentry penalty.
approved by the Pasadena route. Pasadena police officers a very tiny fraction of all victims at gunpoint, tied them
was a very capable system that An indictment contains
Tournament of Roses®. Stay off will resolve problems quickly was in operation for almost 20 the NEAs that we’d calculate up, and often brutally beat allegations that a defendant
the street and do not pass the and remove anyone from the years,” said Javier Roa Vicens, impact probabilities for,” them. Members of the group has committed a crime. Everyblue “Honor Line.” scene who violates the law or who led the development of said Roa Vicens. “But we are then called victims’ family defendant is presumed innocentTents, sofas, and boxes of any disturbs the peace. Police canine Sentry-II while working at JPL going to discover many more members in the United States until and unless proven guiltytype that can be used as stools teams will also be patrolling as a navigation engineer and of these special cases when and demanded money and beyond a reasonable doubt.
or seats are prohibited along Colorado Boulevard. “If You See recently moved to SpaceX. “It NASA’s planned NEO Surveyor vehicles as ransom in return for The FBI is investigating this
the route. • Unoccupied chairs Something, Say Something®” mission and the Vera C. Rubin the release of their loved ones,
was based on some very smart matter and believes there
are not allowed and will be Colorado Boulevard will once Observatory in Chile go online, according to the indictment.
mathematics: In under an may be victims who have not
removed from the parade route. again close to motor vehicles hour, you could reliably get the so we need to be prepared.” If victims did not have family yet been identified. The FBIBonfires are strictly prohibited earlier than in prior years impact probability for a newly A study describing Sentry-members who could pay asks that anyone contacted
and considered “illegal burns.” for the staging of the Rose II was published in the ransom, they were murdered,
discovered asteroid over the by the defendants relative to
ALL fireworks are prohibited Parade®. Colorado Boulevard next 100 years – an incredible Astronomical Journal on Dec. as happened with what the a kidnapping or a ransom
except as part of official will close beginning at 10 p.m. 1, 2021. indictment calls “Victim A,”
feat.” payment call the FBI’s Los
scheduled events. on Friday, Dec. 31, and will More information about “Victim B” and “Victim I.”
But with Sentry-II, NASA has Angeles Field Office at (310)
No items may be sold along remain closed through the CNEOS, asteroids, and near-In other instances outlined
a tool that can rapidly calculate 477-6565.
the parade route without a City conclusion of the staging and Earth objects can be found at:
impact probabilities for all
permit. clean-up following the parade.
known NEAs, including some
Holiday Safety Tips for Pets
Selling space along the parade If you plan to host a New Year’s For more information
special cases not captured by
route, other than grandstand Eve event, viewing party, or about PDCO, visit:
the original Sentry. Sentry-II
anchored so it won’t tip over.
seating, is illegal. anticipate vendor deliveries, planetarydefense'
reports the objects of most risk
As the winter holidays 3. Be vigilant with decorations
It is illegal to buy, sell or give and your property’s access is via
in the CNEOS Sentry Table.
approach, your home may be Keep breakable ornaments up
away horns on the parade route. Colorado Boulevard, please let
filled with festive food, decor, high on the tree where curious
No public areas—sidewalks, your guests and vendors know
curbs, gutters, streets or that they must arrive before 10 Volunteer and more. Keep these tips in pets can’t reach. The same is
mind to make sure your pets true for Christmas lights, which
ramps—may be blocked or p.m. or park in areas without
stay safe during your holiday can pose an electrocution risk if
roped off. restricted parking and walk in.
for 2022 celebrations: bitten. Always unplug Christmas
No ladders or scaffolding may The parade route will reopen by
1. Avoid giving your pets lights when you’re not actively
be used as elevation for viewing 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 1.
Pasadena “people food” supervising your pet. Tinsel
Food is a huge part of the can be tempting for cats to play
Homeless holidays, but so much of it with but can cause intestinal
isn’t good for our furry friends. blockages if swallowed. Opt for
Count Onions and garlic are toxic to artificial holly and mistletoe,
pets, so make sure you keep since the real thing can cause
Volunteers are ingredients out of reach when vomiting. And if you have a
cooking Thanksgiving dinner. menorah, don’t leave a lit flame
required to attend an for services and programs.
Alcohol is also hazardous to unattended, or opt for flameless
Volunteer teams of 3-4 people
orientation on either cats and dogs, so don’t leave candles to be extra safe.
will disperse to assigned zones
your glass or wine or eggnog 4. Keep an eye on gift wrapping
Jan. 18 or 19. on the night of Tuesday, Jan. 25
unattended. Cooked turkey supplies
(8-10 p.m.), and the morning
bones can be a serious danger, Wrapping paper, string, and
of Wednesday, Jan. 26 (6-8
City organizers announced as they can easily splinter in ribbon are tempting for pets to
a.m.), to count and administer
Tuesday that they are asking for an animal’s digestive tract. If play with, but can be dangerous
a survey to our neighbors
the public’s help in volunteering you want your pet to indulge if swallowed. Use caution when
experiencing homelessness.
for next year’s Pasadena with you for the holidays, only keeping wrapped presents
Volunteers will also distribute
Homeless Count. purchase treats and chews made under the tree, or better yet,
hygiene kits while conducting
“Volunteers are the backbone specifically for them. keep them out of reach until it’s
the survey.
of ensuring the Homeless 2. Pet-proof your Christmas time to open them.
All volunteers are required
Count is a success and is trees 5. Create a sanctuary space
to participate in both shifts,
carried out effectively and Pine needles are mildly toxic New Years’ Eve fireworks,
and the same teams will go out
comprehensively,” they said. to pets and can potentially Christmas poppers, and even
together in the evening and
The Pasadena Homeless puncture the intestines, so if holiday carolers can make noise
the morning. Volunteers must
Count will take place the you catch your cat or dog trying that may frighten your pet. And
be at least 18 years of age and
evening of Tuesday, Jan. 25, and to eat them, move the tree to a if you’re entertaining guests,
must show proof of COVID
the morning of Wednesday, room you can close off or stick your pet may feel stressed by
vaccination or of a negative
Jan. 26, 2022. The Pasadena to an artificial tree. If you have new people in the home. Always
COVID test taken within 72
Homeless Count sets in a live tree, the tree water can make sure they have a a safe,
hours of the Homeless Count.
motion a year full of education, contain preservatives that can soothing space to go to – like a
All local COVID-19 safety
engagement and action for the upset your pet’s stomach, so closed off room – if they need to
guidelines will be followed for
Pasadena Partnership to End cover your tree stand to prevent get away from scary sounds or
the safety of our unhoused
Homelessness. pets from having access to the strangers.
neighbors and volunteers. All
Each year, volunteers help water. If your cat is climbing For more information visit:
volunteers will be required to
count and survey people your tree, make sure it’s securely
attend an online orientation to
experiencing homelessness
prepare for the count on either
who are living on the streets
Jan. 18 or 19 from 6:30-8:30
of Pasadena during a single
night the last week in January.
To sign up with your friends
The Homeless Count provides
and neighbors, the volunteer
meaningful data to further the
registration is open through
City’s understanding of our
Jan. 7 at: pasadenapartnership.
local homeless population and
to inform resource allocation
Catch breaking
news at:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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