Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, February 5, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 6

Mountain View News Saturday, February 5, 2022 
Pasadena CheeseburgerWeek Challenge Results 

Dog Haus 36.3%

2263 voters chose 

Jake’s Trustworthy Burgers

their favorites in 13 


categories during 2022 Slater’s 50/50 16.8%
Cheeseburger Week in Favorite Gourmet Burger 
Pasadena Dog Haus 29.3%
The Stand 17.1% 
Pasadena celebrated all (Tie) Flemings Prime 
things cheeseburger during Steakhouse and Wine Bar/The 
Cheeseburger Week January Terrace at the Langham 10.9% 
23rd to 28th. Visitors enjoyed Favorite Alternative burger 
food created especially for the The Counter 28.2% 
event, took advantage of great El Portal/Yahaira’s 28.2% 
deals and meals, followed Fox’s 17.2% 
cheeseburger crawls and voted Favorite Turkey Burger 
in the 2022 Cheeseburger True Food Kitchen 39.1% 
Challenge. In all, 2263 people Barney’s Beanery 24.9% 
voted online in the challenge Rounds Premium Burgers 
to determine favorites in 23.8% 
13 categories ranging from Favorite Sit-down/White 

Favorite Place to Go For a Table Cloth Burger 
Burger to Favorite Dessert after Smitty’s Grill 28.57% 
a Burger. (tie) Fleming’s Prime 

Every restaurant is entered Steakhouse and Wine Bar/The 

in the Favorite Restaurant Terrace at the Langham 24.9% 
for a Burger category. Each Mi Piace 16.8% 
restaurant that opened in the Favorite New Pasadena 
previous 12 months is entered Restaurant for a Burger 
in the Favorite New Restaurant Crave Cafe 20.18% 
for a Burger category. Jake’s Trustworthy Burgers and 

Restaurants can then enter in Beet 16.59% 
three other categories in the Tardino Bros. Italian Kitchen 
2022 Cheeseburger Challenge. 15.25%

 Congratulations to those Favorite Veggie/Vegan Burger 
named Favorites in these (tie) Sage Vegan Bistro/True 
categories in the 2022 Food Kitchen 21.5% 
Cheeseburger Challenge: The Stand 20.7% 
Favorite Place to Go for a Jake’s Trustworthy Burgers and 
Burger Beer 17.9% 
Dog Haus/Dog Haus Favorite Dessert After a 
Biergarten: 27.5% Burger 
Pie ‘n Burger: 26.9% Pie ‘n Burger 34.1% 
Kings Row Gastropub 17.2% Stonefire Grill 18.5% 
Favorite Innovative Burger Cindy’s 13.3% 
The Stand 28.5% “This year’s celebration of 
Slater’s 50/50 18.3% the cheeseburger was special 
Kings Row Gastropub 17.3% for the participants and the 
Favorite Lunch Counter community. Customers flocked 
Burger: to old favorites and new venues 
Pie ‘n Burger 42.2% for some tasty fun and friendlyThe Counter 28.3% competition,” said Pasadena 
(tie) Rounds Premium Burgers/ Chamber CEO Paul Little. 
Twohey’s 8% “Cheeseburger Week is just 
Favorite Traditional plain delicious.” 
Cheeseburger For address, menu and 
Pie ‘n Burger 32.2% other information visit www. 
The Stand 30.5% 
Clearman’s Galley 12% Look for Pasadena Restaurant 
Favorite Sliders Week coming in May. 

Movies at the Senior Center 
for Members and Guests

 Friday movie matinees will be conspire to turn the tables on 
shown each week to Feb. 25 at them. 
1 p.m. onsite at the Pasadena “Ali” (2001, R) starring Will 
Senior Center, 85 E. Holly St. Smith and Jamie Foxx – Friday,

Seating will be limited and Feb. 25, at 1 p.m. More than any 
reservations will be required other athlete and heavyweight 
on a first-come, first-served champion in history,
basis. Each member of the Muhammad Ali changed the 
Pasadena Senior Center may sport of boxing amid triumphs 
reserve one additional seat for and controversies. 
a nonmember guest. COVID To register for any or all of the 
protocols are observed for all movies or for more information, 
onsite events and activities at visit: pasadenaseniorcenter. 
the center. org and click on Activities & 

“Get On Up” (2014, PG-13) Events, then Friday Movie 
starring Chadwick Boseman Matinee or call 626-795-4331. 
and Dan Aykroyd – Friday, The center is an independent,
Feb. 11, at 1 p.m. James donor-supported nonprofit 
Brown rose from extreme organization that has served 
poverty to become one of the older adults for more than 60 
most influential musicians in years. During the pandemic,
American history. doors are open Mondays

“Think Like a Man” (2012, through Fridays from 8:30 a.m. 
PG-13) starring Gabrielle to 4:30 p.m. In accordance with 
Union and Kevin Hart – Friday, Los Angeles County Public 
Feb. 18, at 1 p.m. When they Health Department guidelines,
discover the women in their proof of COVID vaccination is 
lives have been using Steve required for everyone who uses 
Harvey’s relationship advice the fitness center or attends 
against them, four friends onsite activities indoors. 

South Pasadena Seeks LibraryStrategic Planning Consultant 

Submissions are due from 

The South Pasadena Public consultants on Monday,
Library announced that they February 21 by 5:00 p.m. 
are seeking a consultant to The current strategic 
assist with developing a five-plan, covering the period 
year strategic plan. 2017-2022 can be viewed 

The new strategic plan will on the city’s website: 
shape library programs and 
will inform the allocation of The South Pasadena Public 
human and fiscal resources. Library is located at 1100 
The selected consultant Oxley Street in South 
will be expected to employ Pasadena. Information 
creative and effective about the library and 
strategies to solicit input programs and services can be 
from all stakeholders, found at: southpasadenaca. 
including library users and gov/library. The Library 
non-users, Library Trustees, is open Mondays through 
City Councilmembers, staff, Thursdays, 1:00–7:00 p.m. 
Friends of the Library board and Fridays and Saturdays, 
members and members, 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. To 
community groups, and be notified about library 
school district employees. programs and services, sign 
A detailed Request for up to receive informational 
Proposals is posted on the emails from the libraryLibrary’s website: at: librarynews. 

Library Bookmark Contestfor Children and Teens

 South Pasadena children and Entries will be judged according 
teens are encouraged to use to four age categories. Winners 
their imagination and design will be announced in early April 
a one-of-a-kind bookmark in honor of National Library 
that is inspired by the 2022 Week. All entries must have a 
Summer Reading Program parent or guardian signature 
theme “Read Beyond the in order for the artwork to 
Beaten Path”, or that celebrates be entered in the Bookmark 
books, reading and libraries. Contest. 
Designs will be entered in the For more information about 
annual Bookmark Contest and other upcoming free library 
winners’ bookmarks will be children’s programs, visit: 
printed and distributed during 
the Summer Reading Program. or call Children’s Services at 
Contest forms are available (626) 403-7358. The Library 
on the library’s website at: is open Mondays through Thursdays, 1:00–7:00 p.m. and 
or from the Children’s Room. Fridays and Saturdays, 10:00

Bookmark Contest entries a.m.–5:00 p.m. To be notified 
must be submitted by about library programs and 
Wednesday, March 1 to the services, sign up to receive 
Children’s Services desk at the informational emails from the 
South Pasadena Public Library, library at: southpasadenaca. 
located at 1100 Oxley Street. gov/librarynews. 

likely see a 
$3 increase in their monthlybill starting April 1, and anadditional $4 monthly increaseon Jan. 1. Based on similar 
modeling, PWP estimates thatcommercial customers are likely 
to see a $19 and $20 increase, 

 “The proposed water rateadjustments are the result of anumber of factors, including 
our aging infrastructure 
which is in need of critical and 
proactive updates. We’re alsoexperiencing severe statewidedrought conditions, and that’simpacting both water supplyand operational costs,” saysJeffrey Kightlinger, interim 
general manager. “PWP is acommunity-owned, not-forprofit 
utility, and invests revenuegenerated in the provision ofservices and infrastructure 
improvements to serve our 
customers. This adjustment isnecessary to cover increasingcosts so that we can continue 
to deliver water to the highstandards that our customers 
expect and deserve.”

 Pasadena City Council 
recently approved a new WaterSystem and Resources Plan thatoutlines the City’s long-termplans and priorities for securingits water supply and investing ininfrastructure, some of which iscurrently over 100 years old. Inaddition, California’s ongoing 
severe drought conditions 
may affect water supply andconservation efforts in the years 
to come.

 For more information on 
water rate adjustments and 
the upcoming public hearing,
please visit the PWP website. 

Tonga Eruption Sent RipplesThrough Earth’s Ionosphere

 NASA detected the (GNSS) signals as they travel 
shockwave from the through the atmosphere. 
GNSS data can serve

underwater eruption high 

an important role in

up in the atmosphere. 

contributing to tsunami early 
The powerful underwater warning systems, shaving 

volcanic eruption that precious time off tsunami 
blanketed the island nation warnings when every second 
of Tonga with ash and sent of advanced notice can save 
lives. The NASA Research

tsunami waves across the 

world also caused ripples Opportunities in Space and 
in Earth’s ionosphere, Earth Science (ROSES) 

according to measurements A.37 project Local Tsunami 
from the Global Differential Early Warning With 
Global Positioning System GNSS Earthquake Source 

(GDGPS) managed by Products, funded by the 
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Applied Sciences Disasters 
Laboratory. program area, is using 
When the Hunga Tonga-this GNSS data to detect 
Hunga Ha’apai volcano ground movement and 
erupted on Jan. 15, it model earthquake activity 
unleashed a violent explosion that could lead to tsunamis. 
with the equivalent force of The team is integrating 
4 to 18 megatons of TNT, this data into tsunami 
according to estimates from early warning systems 
NASA geologist Jim Garvin. operated by the National 
This explosion produced an Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration’s Center for

acoustic shockwave that was 
strong enough to perturb Tsunami Research (CTR). 
the ionosphere, the outer NASA’s Space Geodesy 
layer of the atmosphere that Project also supports 

tsunami risk reduction

starts about 50 to 56 miles 
(80 to 90 kilometers) above through collaborations with 

the International GNSS

Earth’s surface and contains 
electrons ionized by the Service, which manages 

Sun’s energy. the GNSS-enhanced 
The eruption also caused Tsunami Early Warning 
a tsunami, which was Systems (GTEWS), the 

enhanced by the atmospheric International Association of 
pressure waves of the Geodesy’s Global Geodetic 
explosion – a phenomenon Observing System (GGOS), 
known as a meteotsunami. and the Group on Earth 
The deformation of the Observations (GEO) 

ocean’s surface from Geodesy for the Sendai 
these large waves further Framework Community 
disturbed the ionosphere. Activity. 

The GDGPS observed In the future, the ionospheric 
ionospheric disturbances disturbance recorded by 
caused by the explosion and the GDGPS could also 

subsequent meteotsunami be integrated into these 
in real time. The system tsunami warning systems, 

monitors the density of increasing their effectiveness 
electrons in the ionosphere to warn communities and 

(measured as total electron get people out of harm’s way 
content units, or TECU) by before tsunami waves strike. 
tracking the delay of global For more information visit: 

navigation satellite systems 


For the period of Sunday, January 23 through Saturday,
January 29 the San Marino Police Department responded 
to 408 calls for service. One residential burglary, zero 
commercial burglaries, and zero attempted commercial 
burglaries occurred during the reporting week. The 
following is a summary report of the key incidents handled 
by the San Marino Police Department during this reporting 

Sunday, January 23

No significant incidents to report for this date.

Monday, January 24

1:32 P.M. / Missing Person Located1400 Block of Virginia RoadA reported missing person was located.
5:24 P.M. / Found PropertySan Marino Police Department LobbyA report was taken for found property.
Tuesday, January 25

8:58 A.M. / 902T – Traffic Collision without Injuries2200 Block of Huntington DriveOfficers responded to a traffic collision involving two 
10:00 A.M. / Safekeeping1200 Block of Winston Avenue 
Property taken in for safekeeping.
11:33 P.M. / Warrant Arrest – Own Recognizance CitationSouth Los Robles Avenue and Wilson Avenue 
Officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle and identified 
the driver and suspect, Yuchen Co (DOB 04/26/2000 –
Pasadena, CA) to have an outstanding warrant for reckless 
driving. The suspect was issued an own recognizance 
citation and released from the scene. 
Wednesday, January 26

7:06 A.M. / CVC 10851 – Theft of Vehicle400 Block of Plymouth RoadOfficers were dispatched to investigate a vehicle theft. The 
subsequent investigation revealed the victim’s vehicle was 
taken without his consent. 
3:02 P.M. / PC 459 – Vehicle Burglary1400 Block of Virginia RoadUnknown suspect(s) removed property from the victim’s 
Thursday, January 27

9:17 A.M. / Fire Department Assist – Death Report1000 Block of Canon Drive 
Officers were dispatched to a death report and further 
investigation revealed no signs of foul play or crime.
1:19 P.M. / Adult Protection Services1900 Block of Marino Terrace 
Investigation for this incident is ongoing.
6:59 P.M. / CVC 23152 – Driving Under the Influence: 
Sharon Place and Rose Avenue 
Officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle and contacted 
the driver. Upon further investigation, officers determined 
the driver to be under the influence of alcohol. The driver, 
John Francis Correnti (DOB 04/07/1967 – Arcadia, CA) 
was arrested and transported to Pasadena City Jail.
Friday, January 28

4:29 P.M. / 902T – Traffic Collision without Injuries2400 Block of Huntington DriveOfficers responded to a traffic collision involving two 
Saturday, January 29

3:18 P.M. / PC 459 – Residential Burglary1500 Block of Bellwood Road 
Unknown suspect(s) attempted to make entry into the 
location. Unknown suspect(s) then fled from the location 
in an unknown direction by unknown means. 
PWP to Hold 
Hearing onWater Rate 

The Pasadena City Council 
announced that they will holda public hearing on, March 14,
to consider the adoption ofproposed water rate increases,
adjustments to existing ratestructures, and a change incapital improvement charges.

 Council members said that 
they encourage the public toparticipate via videoconference/
teleconference and submit 
public comment. 

The meeting is set for 5 

p.m. via videoconference/
According to a statement 
the proposed increases will 
help cover rising costs for 
purchasing and treating water,
and provide funding for criticalimprovements to reservoirs,
treatment facilities and other 
water infrastructure. PendingCity Council approval, the 
water rates will increase by anaverage of 7.1 percent on April

1. A second adjustment of 7.2percent would take effect on Jan.
1, 2023.
While individual customer 
bill impacts will vary based on 
water meter size and amount 
of water used, projected costestimates show most residential 
customers will 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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