OPINION Mountain View News Saturday, February 19, 2022 13 OPINION Mountain View News Saturday, February 19, 2022 13
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Peter Lamendola
Stuart Tolchin
Audrey SwansonMeghan MalooleyMary Lou CaldwellKevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard HaysPaul CarpenterKim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James SnyderKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis
Despina ArouzmanJeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely TotenDan Golden
Rebecca WrightHail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
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Please read this
article while
you are aware
of the tumbling
statues and re
quired name
changes of for
mally honored
who are today
viewed very
differently. My
name is Stuart Tolchin and my father who I
knew as Al Tolchin was born in 1910 in what
was then Soviet Russia. My father had three
older siblings that all lived in a village called
Kabany which is about 75 miles Northeast of
Kiev and is situated slightly east of the Pripet
marshes which are adjacent to the Chernobyl
Nuclear plant.
Russia’s bombing of the present largest
nuclear power plant in Europe has brought
the April 26t h 1986 Chernobyl disaster back
into the news. By 1986 I recognized some
personal connection to the Ukraine. Up until
1970 I knew very little about the area within
which my father lived with his family. I asked
him if we were Russian or Ukrainian and he
gave me one of those “How can you be so stupid
looks” and said that “We are Jewish” implying
that that was enough for me to know. I
guess it is although, I am completely separate
from all Jewish traditions I do take pride and
recognize Ukrainian Jews like Irving Berlin
who was born in the same place as my father.
Irving Berlin actually wrote “White Christmas”
and “God Bless America”.
Until 1970 I knew very little about
the Ukraine. This changed on June 14, 1970
when I was married to Joanne Susan Bodin.
Right after the ceremony a man came up behind
my father and squeezed his arm, calling
him Avram. My father, who had been without
vision for about fifteen years, said “Who is
there. I have not been called by that name in
forty Years”. The man was my new wife’s Uncle
Irving married to her father’s sister. Over
the years I learned the history of my family
from this man. Amazingly it turned out that
he had lived in the exact same village as my
father and his family. Irving’s family had immigrated
to America and soon after my own
grandfather came to live with them.
I had seen my grandfather only twice.
Two separated times when he had walked up
the fire escape to our third or fourth floor
apartment and attempted to talk through the
window to me. I was only about six or seven
but I remember the old man asking in Yiddish
if I needed more. My father heard him
and came into the room and pulled down
the window shade. I really never understood
much about what was happening but I understood
my father did not like his own father.
My first questions to Irving were
questions about my grandfather and why
my father didn’t like him. Briefly Irving explained
that in the old country people has arranged
marriages. My grandfather was a very
intelligent man; (after all his grandchildren
are all Doctors and lawyers and Ph.D.’s and
the grand children are even smarter). The
marriage between my grandparents did not
work because although everyone could tell
my grandfather was intelligent he had been
paired up with this woman who simply was
not very bright. What was the reason for this
arrangement I asked and Irving explained
that my grandmother's side of the family was
related to the Kaganovich family who were
very impressive. In fact later the name of the
town was changed to Kaganovich honoring
Lazar Kaganovich who was the only Jew in
the Soviet hierarchy and was very important.
So, what did this have to do with my
family? Irving knew that when my grandmother
and her four kids finally arrived in
Chicago he was very disapproving of them.
He wanted the boys to play violins and they
just wanted to run around and ride bicycles.
He had even used a belt to discipline the
youngest boy, my father and my father still
carried scars. Now I understood a little more
and I was proud of my connection with Lazar
Kaganovich, the Jewish Ukrainian hero.
In the early 1970’s my wife and I visited the
grounds of the Dumbarton Oaks conference
which had been meetings between the four
allied victors of the war which was committed
to the establishment of institutions to bring
about a future peaceful world and to protect
the rights of individuals. The United Nations
and the International Monetary Fund are direct
results of this conference and Lazar Kaganovich
was there as one of the representatives
of the Soviet Union. Hooray for Lazar a
representative, I thought of my own non-violent
values. Alas, sometime later, probably in
the early 1990’s I decided to do some research
about this hero of mine. I found a book written
by STUART (yes that’s right) Kahan, his
nephew that included amazing assertions.
Kahan asserted that Stalin’s third wife was
Kaganovich’s sister which might make her a
distant relative.
Alas’ I read the book and learned that
Lazar Kaganovich was undisputedly a terrible
monster. He was known as the “Architect of
Fear” terribly anti-Semitic and responsible for
the death of millions. So much for my hero.
Moving now to our present hero Zelensky, I
am very troubled by his requirement that all
men between the ages of 18 and 60 be conscripted
into the army. I gather these men
and women are all provided with guns and
instructed to engage the Russian troops in
battle. Of course, these Russian troops have
been described as teenagers who don’t even
know where they are or why they are there.
The possible future results, arming an entire
population and conscripting them into the
army can quite possibly lead to horrifying results.
There are more than enough guns in
the world already.
Let me make one final point. Prior
to writing this last draft I spoke with my-ex
wife JoAnne Susan who informed me that she
had been given the initials J.S. because at that
time, in the early 1940’s Josef Stalin (initials
JS) was the absolute hero of their time Need I
say more. Times change and there are amazing
During World War II, Americans put up with rationed gas and car tires,
ra-tioned coal and fuel oil, rationed silk and nylon, rationed meat and
daily products, rationed jams and jellies, even rationed coffee.
Would today’s Americans – some of whom freaked out, during the worst
of the pandemic, when they couldn’t get their hair done – be willing
to endure even a minuscule fraction of the sacrifices that our forebears
weathered 80 years ago? I’ll answer my own question with a question:
Can you imagine what would happen if coffee were rationed, and people
could no longer order their favorite cafe lattes?
I pondered all that while watching President Biden deliver his State of the Union speech. He
vowed on our behalf, and for the preeminent cause of democracy, to stick it to the murderous
Russian thug for as long as it takes. Ukraine is fighting for its life on the front line of
freedom, and, as our commander in chief said, we need to show our “resolve.”
He stressed that word many
We meet tonight as Americans,
“with an unwavering resolve that
freedom will always triumph
over tyranny.” And “American
resolve matters.” And “(Putin)
will never weaken the resolve of
the free world.” And this: “Now is
the hour. Our moment of responsibility.
Our test of resolve and
con-science, of history itself.”
We’ll see if his fellow citizens are
willing to pass that test, because
it would appear that most are not
willing to follow his lead. Only 37
percent say he’s doing a good job (which seems insanely low, given the 65 percent fully-
vaccinated rate and the four percent unemployment rate and the six million new jobs and
the signing of his historic infrastructure repair law – but hey, what do I know).
People are “tired, frustrated, and exhausted” (Biden’s words) after two years of lockdowns
and masks, inflation has spiked, and now they’re being asked to hunker down a bit for more
sacrifice, on behalf of a country that millions couldn’t locate on a map unless their hands
were duct-taped to the correct coordinates.
This is especially true among younger Americans – who, by the luck of birth, did not experience
the Cold War and barely know what it was. Ac-cording to a new ABC News-Washington
Post poll, only 35 percent of those aged 18 to 39 would still support sanctioning Russia
if it resulted in higher energy prices at home. Indeed, only half of all Americans would still
be on board. It just so happens that in our interconnected world, Rus-sia is the third biggest
producer of crude oil. And, politically speaking, woe to any president who makes it more
costly to fill the sainted internal combustion engine.
Biden is releasing 30 million barrels from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to “help blunt
gas prices here at home,” as permitted under federal law (a 30-million barrel release can be
ordered in the event of “a domestic or in-ternational energy supply shortage of significant
scope or duration.”) And yeah, that could help – maybe for a while. But mostly he tried to
mollify Americans by doing his best impression of a kindly doctor who still makes house
calls, dropping his voice to a reassuring semi-whisper while telling Americans, “We are going
to be okay.”
It was some consolation that Biden’s Ukraine remarks drew actual biparti-san applause.
There is indeed a market for high principle, as former Re-publican pollster Matthew Dowd
wrote: “In our country and in the world, the forces of autocracy are rising in the most significant
way since World War II, and democracies are in danger of suffering tragic harms, if
history is any predictor. This is why the fight in Ukraine is important to us all.”
True that. For many Americans, particularly those born after the Cold War, the fight for
freedom was an abstraction. Putin has made it very real.
So here’s a handy tip for any American who gets whiny about pain at the gas pump: Just be
thankful you’re not huddled with your family in some basement while killers detonate thermobaric
vacuum bombs that suck ox-ygen out of the air. That’s real pain.
Dick Polman, a veteran national political columnist based in Philadelphia and a Writer in
Residence at the University of Pennsylvania
On The Lighter Side Of The News This Week: Kind of!
The band I am proud to be a member of…JJ Jukebox,
will be performing “Fun Rock” from the 60’s,
70’s and 80’s next Saturday night, March 12 at Nano
Café here in Sierra Madre. More information at the
end of this column.
Languages are not static parts of society and culture.
They are fluid. Words come and go, find use
and then are dropped as they become obsolete and
vanish. I remember an opportunity to view an 1898 edition of Webster’s Dictionary
(1898!). So, just for yucks I looked up the word “computer” to see if it
was in our vernacular in the 19th century. And folks, it was!! Can you guess
the definition of “computer” in 1898? Easy: “One who computes.”
Some suggestions for additions to our language have crossed my desk and I
thought I would in-clude them for your perusal. The ones we like we will try
to include in the next edition of Web-ster’s.
Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it
was your money to begin with.
Shindig, n. The dent you leave when you walk into a piece of furniture.
Bozone, n. An invisible substance that surrounds stupid people stopping
bright ideas from pene-trating.
Cannibal, n. Someone who is fed up with people.
Portly, n. A left handed person in the Navy.
Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.
Improper, n. Someone who ropes imps.
Inoculatte’: Taking coffee intravenously when you are running late.
Pantry, n. A place where you put pants.
Decaffalon, n. Getting through the day consuming only things that are good
for you.
Glibido: All talk and no action
Dopeler Effect, The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they
come at you quickly.
Beelzebug, n. Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at
3am and cannot be cast out.
Coffee, n. The person upon whom one coughs.
Flabbergasted, adj. Appalled by discovering how much weight one has
Abdicate, v. To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
Esplanade, v. To attempt an explanation while drunk.
Lymph, v. To walk with a lisp.
Gargoyle, n. Olive-flavored mouthwash
Balderdash, n. A rapidly receding hairline.
Testicle, n. A humorous question on an exam.
Oyster, n. A person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.
JJ Jukeboxes concerts are always billed as a “IN BED BY 10 TOUR” concert,
commencing from 6:30pm – 9:30pm. We’re anticipating a good turnout, so
if you would like to come, call in a res-ervation (626) 325-3334. Nano Café is
at 322 West Sierra Madre Blvd. (just east of the intersec-tion of Sierra Madre
Blvd and Lima). Come for great cuisine and beverages…and fun music with
plenty of mistakes guaranteed.
Tonight (Saturday, March 5th) a wonderful singer, Cheryl Barnes is performing
with her group at Nano’s. Come by for great dinner and great music.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com