Mountain View News Saturday, September 3, 2022
by Deanne Davis
The Chef Knows By Peter Dills
We jump up in class a bit this week and still stay in
California. We are still opening the darks reds as we
travel to Paso Robles. Why Paso Robles?
Paso Robles Wine Country is home to plenty of wineries
throughout the region. The perfect climate for
producing award-winning premium wines, Paso Robles
Wine Country is located in California between
Los Angeles and San Francisco. Paso Robles Wine
Country is home to more than 200 wineries, mostly
comprised of boutique and small family-owned
vineyards and wineries. Speaking of award wining
wines from Paso Robles this past week I enjoyed the
San Simeon 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon. And boy did
I ever, this Paso Robles stand out is aged for at least
18 months in French oak barrels leading to structured
tannins** and provides texture and depth with
a lengthy somewhat spicy finish.
Winemaker Anthony Riboli tells me that this wine is one of his favorites when he
is home with his family enjoying a dinner he went on to say "As a fourth generation
winemaker, I really want every consumer to taste the quality and care that our
family imparts into every bottle of San Simeon Cabernet Sauvignon. From estate
vineyards to artisan winemaking, we want the consumer to feel part of our family...
to feel special." Thanks Anthony! With Labor Day fast approaching this reviewer
would suggest some dark chocolate though on my tasting I enjoyed it with a Firm
Cheddar Cheese.
Tannins…. A Dills Definition.. Tannin is the textural element that makes the wine
taste dry, though I use the word often to describe how is feels on my tongue, thus
dry, sandy, bitter etc…
Dills Score
Each week I will give you my Dills Score. I have added points for value. I’m starting
with a base of 50 points; I added 8 points for color, 8 points for aroma or “nose”, 8
points for taste, 8 points for finish, and 9 points for my overall impression, which
includes my value rating.
Total Score 89
Retails for ¬¬¬$25 at Taylor’s Market Sierra Madre
Follow me on twitter kingofcusine and make sure you listen to my radio show every
5 PM KLAA AM 830
“The butterfly counts not months, but moments, and has
time enough.” R. Tagore
“If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies.”
“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, he
became a butterfly!”
“Like a butterfly evolving, we must love each stage we pass
through. Be not judgmental of yourself. You are becoming a
wondrous butterfly.”
This week’s glorious picture, dear friends and neighbors, is
of Lucas, the chrysalis that said, “I think I can, I think I can,
I think I can!” And here he is, in all his glory. A fabulous
Monarch butterfly, triumphantly emerged and gearing up to
spread his wings and fly. This is Leah’s second success as her
first chrysalide, Larry, also made it to butterfly-hood. There
has been much heartbreak as Linda and Leo struggled to emerge but did not succeed. This picture, courtesy
of Chuck Seitz, shows details of Lucas’ wings that sent him/her so quickly upward when the door was
opened. This is truly a miracle!
Here's a little Wikipedia to help you understand what’s happening in Leah’s milkweed garden:
“To prepare for its chrysalis stage, the caterpillar chooses a safe place for pupation where it spins a silk pad
on a downward-facing horizontal surface. It then turns around and securely latches on with its last pair of
hind legs and hangs upside down, in the form of a letter “J.” (This is best case scenario as they don’t always
do that, frequently attaching themselves to the bottom of the cage, the zipper or someplace else completely
inappropriate.) After “J-hanging” for 12-16 hours, they straighten out their bodies and go into peristalsis
some seconds before the skin splits behind its head. It then sheds its skin and little by little turns into a gorgeous
Still ahead, Lorraine, Lorenzo and Lulu will either live or die. This process takes an eternity! 11-12 days. I
admire Leah tremendously for taking on this project. As she is having her kitchen remodeled, she can’t go
anyplace anyway, so observing this life and death struggle has been a good preoccupation as the kitchen
remodel takes longer and longer. Any of you who have had a kitchen or bathroom remodel will understand
completely. We had our bathroom remodeled some years ago and I thought I’d never get the plaster dust off
of everything. Yes, it’s beautiful when it's finished but it makes you crazy while it’s going on.
Of course, I am reminded of what a bad day really looks like: On August 24th, A.D. 79, long-dormant
Mount Vesuvius erupted, burying the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in volcanic ash; an estimated
20,000 people died. Worse than plaster dust.
We’re all experiencing more heat than we ever wanted to endure and it’s gone on forever. I’ve started decorating
my house for Fall anyway, and it makes me feel less hot and sweaty to look at glass pumpkins and
other Fall stuff.
“That old September feeling, left over from school days, of summer passing, vacation nearly done, obligations
gathering and football in the air. Another Fall, another turned page; there is something of jubilee in
this annual autumnal beginning, as if last year’s mistakes had been wiped clean by summer.” Wallace Stegner
Almost everyone is back at school. Jessie and Emily have already had picture day and the first seventh grade
school dance was a week or so ago. School dance for seventh grade girls is an opportunity to wear something
other than what they wear to school every day of their lives, take group photos in the photo booth,
looking as goofy as possible, and hang out together. There is absolutely no dancing involved. Which is just
as well, as it’s way more fun to eat all the junk food provided and giggle together.
All the children I know are experiencing the back-to-school cold, flu, pinkeye and other forms of contamination
they and their friends bring back with them along with the new backpacks.
Friday was VJ Day (1945) and this is Labor Day weekend!!
“Labor Day is a great opportunity to reflect on what you failed to accomplish this summer.”
Labor Day in the United States is an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of workers. It
has its origins in the labor union movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which
advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. Unless, of
course, you happen to be a mother and this particular holiday becomes laughable as meals,
laundry and the children’s eternal battle cry: “I’m bored! There’s nothing to do here! What is
there to eat!” rings out endlessly. The new Jurassic Park movie, “Jurassic World Dominion,” is streaming
now so we’re all going to watch it and devour a little junk food on Monday, Labor Day. Less terrifying on
the TV screen.
For many people, including John, my college football loving husband, now residing in heaven, it
was the start...finally...of the college football season. I made sure we had plenty of Doritos and
the TV screen was dusted as Labor Day Saturday was an important day. Today will feature the Rice University
Owls vs. USC Trojans at the Coliseum. John will be watching from a seat on the heavenly 50-yard line.
Remember: Celebrate Everything! Especially Butterflies!
“Sunrises & Sunflowers Speak Hope”
Supplies a little hope on every page.
Look for it on my book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
“Star of Wonder” is now on TuneCore! Take a look!
It’s the fabulous music from “Star of Wonder – A Christmas Musical”
Lyrics by me, Music by David Wheatley
Sierra Madre Civic Club is announcing their
2022 Downtown Halloween Art Event. This
is a community event, just for fun and the
enjoyment of all who will see Halloween-
themed art displays throughout downtown
Sierra Madre.
All Sierra Madre households are invited
to create and participate in the Halloween
Art Event that will be displayed on downtown
merchants’ windows from October 22
through November 1, 2022. All ages from a
single Sierra Madre address are welcome to
draw or paint any Halloween theme on paper
‘canvas’ delivered free to your front door. Any
medium you choose is acceptable—crayons,
markers, pencils, paint, ink are just a few ideas. Be creative! Sign up on-line September
17 — October 7 at sierramadrecivicclub.org. The deadline to return completed
artwork is October 18.
Sierra Madre Civic Club is a not-for-profit, community service organization that
was founded by a small group of women in 1944. Since that time, Civic Club has
grown to over a hundred members of all ages who are committed to creating a better
community. Learn more about Sierra Madre Civic Club at: www.facebook.com/
If you have any questions about the Sierra Madre Civic Club Downtown Halloween
Art Event, please contact Shannon Vandevelde, Civic Club Halloween Chair at 626-
840-6384, or info@sierramadrecivicclub.com
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com