Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, September 24, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 7

Mountain View News September 24, 2022 7ARCADIA-MONROVIA-DUARTE 
Mountain View News September 24, 2022 7ARCADIA-MONROVIA-DUARTE 



 Celebrate the 24th annual Pasadena the California Assembly, Antonio R. 
Latino Heritage Parade and Festival on Villaraigosa. She has been recognized 
Saturday, Oct. 1 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This for her advocacy work on behalf of 
event is sponsored by the City of Pasadena marginalized populations including the 
Parks, Recreation and Community LGBTQ community, immigrants, and 
Services Department and the Pasadena women and remains passionate about 
Latino Heritage Committee. social justice, civil rights causes and is 

 The parade and festival have showcased active with numerous organizations. Born 
Latino history and culture through in Guadalajara, Mexico, Pérez immigrated 
its mission; to promote and provide to Los Angeles in 1971 and attended 
educational cultural programs to the California State University, Northridge. 
residents of Pasadena and surrounding A true Angelina, Pérez enjoys the City’s 
cities. This year’s theme “De Colores // culturally rich food offerings and social 
An Array of Colors” recognizes the rich events as well as spending time with her 
diversity in the Latino culture and promises mother, partner and three rescue fur 
to enrich the community by bringing babies. 
together family and friends, warmth and Community Grand Marshal Yoland 
culture, as well as values and tradition. Trevino has been recognized nationally 

 More than 2,000 participants and and internationally for her innovative 
spectators are expected to attend the parade programs. She developed a community-
and festival. The parade begins at 10 a.m. based mental health model comprised of 
at Los Robles Avenue and Prescott Street, mental health professionals who engaged 
heads south on Los Robles and ends at Villa natural community leaders and trained 
Parke Community Center, 363 E. Villa them to become paraprofessionals. She has 
Street. Immediately following the parade, served on many educational committees, 
a festival featuring live entertainment by including the Clinton Administration’s 
local groups and headliner La Sonora Domestic Policy Council. After working 
Dinamita with Vilma Diaz, educational in education, health psychology, family 
booths, free activities for children, and support, and community development 
food available for purchase. for 25 years, Mrs. Trevino founded 

 The parade’s Grand Marshal is Liliana Transformative Collaborations 
Pérez, Cultural Affairs Director for the International (TCI). In addition, she is the 
Los Angeles Chargers and the Community former Global Council Chair of the United 
Grand Marshal is Yoland Trevino, founder Religions Initiative, an organization in 
and Executive Director of Pasadena/ more than 78 countries. She holds two 
Altadena Coalition of Transformative masters degrees from Pacific Oaks College 
Leaders (PACTL). Pérez’s role with the – one in Human Behavior and one in 
Chargers involves building strategic Psychology. Mrs. Trevino was born in 
partnerships within California’s dynamic Guatemala and immigrated to the United 
and versatile economic, cultural and social States in 1966 as a child. She is married, 
sectors. Prior to joining the Chargers, the mother of two adult professionals, and 
Pérez worked in the public sector, holding grandmother to two college students. 
senior leadership roles in the offices of For more information visit: cityofpasadena. 
six Speakers of the California Assembly, net/parks-and-rec. 
including then-Speaker Emeritus of 


 Artist and author Janna Ireland will join the South 
Pasadena Public Library for an author talk on Tuesday, 
October 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Library Community 
Room, located at 1115 El Centro Street. Registration is 
not required and attendance is free. Hospitality will be 
provided by the Friends of the South Pasadena Public 

 In 2020 Janna Ireland published Regarding Paul R. 
Williams: A Photographer’s View. Paul R. Williams, known 
as “Hollywood’s Architect,” was the first Black architect 
admitted to the American Institute of Architecture. 
Throughout his wildly successful career, Williams designed over 2,000 buildings, 
including the homes of entertainment legends Lucille Ball, Frank Sinatra, and Barbara 
Stanwyck. In Regarding Paul R. Williams, Ireland explores the work and legacy for Paul 

R. Williams through a series of intimate black-and-white photographs, exploring both 
the skill of Williams’ architecture and the social conditions under which he worked as a 
Black architect decades before the Civil Rights Movement. 
Janna Ireland was born in Philadelphia, but has chosen Los Angeles as her home. She 
holds an M.F.A. from the U.C.L.A. Department of Art and a B.F.A. from the Department 
of Photography and Imaging at N.Y.U. Her work has been shown in solo and group 
exhibitions across the United States and internationally and is held in the collections of 
institutions, including the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the California African 
American Museum, and the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Ireland is currently an 
assistant professor in the Department of Art and Art History at Occidental College.

 This program is part of the Library’s One City One Story (OCOS) programming. 
Additional OCOS programming information can be found at www.southpasadenaca.
gov/ocos. This program is made possible with generous support from the Friends of the 
South Pasadena Public Library.

 The South Pasadena Public Library is located at 1100 Oxley Street in South Pasadena. 
Visit the Library website at: for information about services 
and programs. The Library is open Monday, Friday, Saturday 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m., 
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. and Sunday 1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

 For more information visit: 

San Marino Upcoming Events &

Huntington Nurses Flu Clinic 
Brain Aerobics & Lip Reading Wednesday, September 28 from 10 AM – 12 
Monday, September 26 and Tuesday, September PM, Barth Community Room 
27 from 9:30 – 11:30 AM, Barth Community Flu season is just around the corner! Protect 
Room yourselves and loved ones with a flu shot. 

 This popular class led by Francine Katz (MA, Flu shots are completely free; no insurance 
SLP, & CCC) concentrates on lip reading and necessary. Registration is not required. 
memory. She provides seniors a fun way to fight Parks & Public Works 
the common problems of diminished hearing Public Works Assists Large Truck 
and memory as people age. Registration is not Last week, Public Works assisted a large 
required, but plan to attend regularly. truck getting caught in tree limbs along 

 Family Storytime Huntington Drive. Public Works staff 
Tuesday, September 27 at 10:30 AM, Children’s responded quickly to close the lane to traffic, 
Area remove debris from the roadway, and worked 

 Storytime features activities for children ages with Mariposa Landscaping, the City’s tree 
5 and under that will promote early literacy and trimming contractor, to remove the damaged 
lifelong learning through songs, movement, limbs and help free the vehicle. The problem 
fingerplays, and books. Storytime is also was addressed efficiently and minimized 
an opportunity for caregivers to learn ways disruption to the affected area. Residents who 
they can incorporate learning activities into wish to report non-emergency issues in the 
everyday routines. Storytime occurs weekly public right-of-way or City streets may do so 
on Tuesday through October 4. Registration is via the San Marino Service Request Center: 
not required. Please watch our social media for 
cancellations. San Marino Center Renovation Begins 
Nature Series: Audubon Society Nature Walk On Monday, CABD Construction began 
Saturday, September 24 at 8:15 AM, Lacy Park construction activities for the San Marino 

 Join Altadena resident, Pasadena Audubon Center Renovation Project, which was 
Board Member, and professional bird guide approved by City Council in late July. 
Luke Tiller for a morning seeking out migrant Construction activities will occur from 7 AM 
warblers, sparrows, and tanagers, as well as the to 5 PM Monday - Friday, and are expected 
resident species that call Lacy Park home year-to last several months given the complexity of 
round. Bring your binoculars, field guides, and the renovation, the historic preservation, and 
questions about birds and birding. This walk is hazardous materials abatement activities. The 
open to all levels, but aimed at beginner and City is working with the San Marino Unified 
intermediate level birdwatchers. Registration is School District to minimize disruption to 
required. the area during construction activities. A 
DIY Mini Beach Terrarium (Grades 6-12) ceremonial groundbreaking for the project will 
Tuesday, September 27 at 3:30 PM, Barth be held on Thursday, September 29, at 9 AM. 
Community Room Meetings

 Missing summer vacation already? Come for Library Board of Trustees 
an afternoon of relaxation and creativity as we Monday, September 26 at 8 AM; Teleconference 
make mini beach terrariums. When your teen and Barth Room at Crowell Public Library 
is finished, they can keep it at their desk for 
inspiration and calmness. All materials will be 
provided. Registration is not required. 

The cities along the foothills is rich in diversity of animal species, which also means that encounters 
with wildlife are likely - whether that means spotting a coyote on your daily walk or a 
bear attempting to rifle through your trash.
In partnership with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the City of Duarte invites 
you to a virtual seminar on sharing space and safely coexisting with local wildlife. Join us on 
Thursday, September 29, 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m., to hear a presentation from our panelists and ask 
your questions. Please note, this event will be recorded and later placed on the City's YouTube 
PASADENA, CA (September 23, 2022) Calling all pirates, princesses, mummies, and mermaids, 
you’re invited to take centerstage at the Kidspace Halloween Celebration beginning October 1! 



The Arcadia Public Library has resources for that. Join the Arcadia Community Coordinating 
Council as Librarian Danielle Guerrero shares how we can do just that. 
Danielle Guerrero is a librarian at the Arcadia Public Library. With a Bachelor of Science 
in Business Administration and a Master of Library and Information Science, Danielle has 
steadily advanced her career at the Arcadia Public Library- from Library Aide to her current 
position as Principal Librarian of Adult & Teen Services. Her greatest goal is to offer the collection, 
tools, resources, programs, and services that transform a library from a building full 
of books to an invaluable community resource. Most recently, Danielle has addressed this 
goal with the creation of the Community Memory Lab, a free do-it-yourself workspace for 
digitizing photos, documents, video & audio cassette recordings, film slides, negatives, and 8 
MM film reels. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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