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Combined EditionBreaking News:Inside this Week: Sierra Madre: SM Community Calendar: Local City News: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Education & Youth: Support Your Local Businesses: Best Friends and More: The Good Life: Opinion: Support Your Local Businesses: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SEPTEMBER 24, 2022 VOLUME 16 NO. 39VOLUME 16 NO. 39 MONROVIA $799,000 DUPLEX 1 bed 1 bath Each Charming Duplex located close to Old Town Monrovia. ALHAMBRA $1,200,000 3 bed 2 bath 2,032 sf Exquisite Mid-Century Modern in Historic Alhambra Hills SIERRA MADRE $1,100,000 3 bed 1.5 bath 1,282 sf Traditional Home with Remodeled Kitchen and Mountain Views webbmartingroup.com real estate x beds | x baths | x,xxx sqft. Jan Greteman 626.975.4033 lic #01943630 Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273 lic #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418 lic #00942500 We continue to be so appreciative of all our clients whom we have been able to support. Despite everything, we are NEVER too busy to support you. Feel free to reach out to any of us with questions about the market and/or if you are interested in moving forward with selling or buying a home. Sold for $2,250,000 471Auburn.com | Sierra Madre 4 Beds | 4 Baths | 3,679 sqft | 11,179 sqft Lot JUST SOLD Listed for $829,000 | 601EDelMar.com 601 East Del Mar Blvd, #405 | Pasadena 2 Beds | 2 Baths | 1,405 sqft JUST LISTED On Tuesday, Sierra Madre Mayor Gene Goss presided over the continued Public Hearing regarding the con- troversial Meadows at BaileyCanyon Project. He began by asking the council and public to "agree to disagree" in a civil manner and adhere to addressing the stand alone agendized issue of either rati- fying or rejecting the project. Goss promised not to ex- ercise his ability to 'cut the mike' for speakers who ex- ceeded the 3 minute time limit as was the case at the previous hearing. However, while asking speakers to re- spect the time limit he also asked them to restrict their comments to the matters on the agenda. He pointed out that Measure HR was not on the agenda and that public comment should only bring up the matter if it related directly to the items on the agenda. The council was then tasked with deliberating and ap- proving or rejecting the fol- lowing Planning Commis- sion recommendations for the project: 1. Certifying the Environ- mental Impact Report 2. Adopting the CEQAFindings of Fact; 3. Adopting the MitigationMonitoring and ReportingProgram; 4. Approving the amend- ments to the General Plan and Land Use Mapto change the project sitefrom Institutional to Resi- dential Single Family; and 5. Approving the Lot LineAdjustment The Planning Commission also recommended that the City Council approve the fol- lowing actions: 1. Approve amendments to the Zoning Code andZoning Map to change theproject site from Institu- tional to Residential SingleFamily; 2. Approve the SpecificPlan for The Meadows at Bailey Canyon Project; and 3. Approve the Develop- ment Agreement The Council was presented with presentations by staff, followed by questions from the Council. During Public Comment there were a number of speakers and on the city's transparency portal there are approximately 519 com- ments that the council mem- bers all acknowledged re- ceiving and reading. Deliberation Highlights: Council ascertained 3 key concessions from the devel- oper that addressed some of the public's stated concerns: 1. Tree sizes in the new development: Developer committed to increasing25% of the 24” boxed trees to 36” to be placed in strategiclocations 2. Increased demands on public safety for the 42 new homes: The developer com- mitted to a supplemental payment of $250,000 to help stating, "....pleased to sup- port whatever public safety needs the city council deems appropriate". 3. Water: An amendment was made committing theproject be subject to futureamendments to the Water Efficient Landscape Ordi- nance (WELO), to be effec- tive at time of construction document submittal. The Council also amended the Development Agreement Section 14 – Remedies, delet- ing the term “event of ” from the event of default from the entirety of the Development Agreement. With the unanimous ap- proval of all the items on the agenda,the council will have a second reading of Ordi- nance 1461 at the regular City Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 5:30 PM in the City Coun- cil Chambers. S. Henderson/MountainViews News COUNCIL APPROVES MEADOWS AT BAILEY CANYON PROJECT SIERRA MADRE ELECTION FORUM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2022 12 O'CLOCK NOON at The Lodge 33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, Ca. MODERATED BY: THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS MEET THE COUNCIL CANDIDATES HEAR THE PROS & CONS OF MEASURE HR ADMISSION FREE -LUNCH: $10 R.S.V.P. 626-688-2273 SWIFT RESPONSE BY SIERRA MADRE PD LEADS TO ARREST OF HIT AND RUN SUSPECT Two pedestrians struck in crosswalk at Lima and Sierra Madre Boulevard On Tuesday, September 20, 2022, a vehicle struck and injured two elderly people in the cross walk at Sierra Madre Blvd. and Lima. The injured men, in their mid to late 70s, were taken by SMFD Paramedics to Hun- tington Hospital where they were treated and released. One suffered injury to his torso, the other had a visible head injury. The driver drove off without stopping. However, according to SMPD Sgt. Kamchamnan, the quick actions of the officers who arrived at the scene, and with the help of one local busi- ness' surveillance camera, police were able to identify the vehicle and subsequently locate its driver. SMPD located and arrested a 62 year old female driver. SMPD reminds everyone to exercise 'situational awareness' when cross- ing the street, for your own safety. SEPTEMBER 24, 2022 VOLUME 16 NO. 39VOLUME 16 NO. 39 MONROVIA $799,000 DUPLEX 1 bed 1 bath Each Charming Duplex located close to Old Town Monrovia. ALHAMBRA $1,200,000 3 bed 2 bath 2,032 sf Exquisite Mid-Century Modern in Historic Alhambra Hills SIERRA MADRE $1,100,000 3 bed 1.5 bath 1,282 sf Traditional Home with Remodeled Kitchen and Mountain Views webbmartingroup.com real estate x beds | x baths | x,xxx sqft. Jan Greteman 626.975.4033 lic #01943630 Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273 lic #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418 lic #00942500 We continue to be so appreciative of all our clients whom we have been able to support. Despite everything, we are NEVER too busy to support you. Feel free to reach out to any of us with questions about the market and/or if you are interested in moving forward with selling or buying a home. Sold for $2,250,000 471Auburn.com | Sierra Madre 4 Beds | 4 Baths | 3,679 sqft | 11,179 sqft Lot JUST SOLD Listed for $829,000 | 601EDelMar.com 601 East Del Mar Blvd, #405 | Pasadena 2 Beds | 2 Baths | 1,405 sqft JUST LISTED On Tuesday, Sierra Madre Mayor Gene Goss presided over the continued Public Hearing regarding the con- troversial Meadows at BaileyCanyon Project. He began by asking the council and public to "agree to disagree" in a civil manner and adhere to addressing the stand alone agendized issue of either rati- fying or rejecting the project. Goss promised not to ex- ercise his ability to 'cut the mike' for speakers who ex- ceeded the 3 minute time limit as was the case at the previous hearing. However, while asking speakers to re- spect the time limit he also asked them to restrict their comments to the matters on the agenda. He pointed out that Measure HR was not on the agenda and that public comment should only bring up the matter if it related directly to the items on the agenda. The council was then tasked with deliberating and ap- proving or rejecting the fol- lowing Planning Commis- sion recommendations for the project: 1. Certifying the Environ- mental Impact Report 2. Adopting the CEQAFindings of Fact; 3. Adopting the MitigationMonitoring and ReportingProgram; 4. Approving the amend- ments to the General Plan and Land Use Mapto change the project sitefrom Institutional to Resi- dential Single Family; and 5. Approving the Lot LineAdjustment The Planning Commission also recommended that the City Council approve the fol- lowing actions: 1. Approve amendments to the Zoning Code andZoning Map to change theproject site from Institu- tional to Residential SingleFamily; 2. Approve the SpecificPlan for The Meadows at Bailey Canyon Project; and 3. Approve the Develop- ment Agreement The Council was presented with presentations by staff, followed by questions from the Council. During Public Comment there were a number of speakers and on the city's transparency portal there are approximately 519 com- ments that the council mem- bers all acknowledged re- ceiving and reading. Deliberation Highlights: Council ascertained 3 key concessions from the devel- oper that addressed some of the public's stated concerns: 1. Tree sizes in the new development: Developer committed to increasing25% of the 24” boxed trees to 36” to be placed in strategiclocations 2. Increased demands on public safety for the 42 new homes: The developer com- mitted to a supplemental payment of $250,000 to help stating, "....pleased to sup- port whatever public safety needs the city council deems appropriate". 3. Water: An amendment was made committing theproject be subject to futureamendments to the Water Efficient Landscape Ordi- nance (WELO), to be effec- tive at time of construction document submittal. The Council also amended the Development Agreement Section 14 – Remedies, delet- ing the term “event of ” from the event of default from the entirety of the Development Agreement. With the unanimous ap- proval of all the items on the agenda,the council will have a second reading of Ordi- nance 1461 at the regular City Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 5:30 PM in the City Coun- cil Chambers. S. Henderson/MountainViews News COUNCIL APPROVES MEADOWS AT BAILEY CANYON PROJECT SIERRA MADRE ELECTION FORUM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2022 12 O'CLOCK NOON at The Lodge 33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, Ca. MODERATED BY: THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS MEET THE COUNCIL CANDIDATES HEAR THE PROS & CONS OF MEASURE HR ADMISSION FREE -LUNCH: $10 R.S.V.P. 626-688-2273 SWIFT RESPONSE BY SIERRA MADRE PD LEADS TO ARREST OF HIT AND RUN SUSPECT Two pedestrians struck in crosswalk at Lima and Sierra Madre Boulevard On Tuesday, September 20, 2022, a vehicle struck and injured two elderly people in the cross walk at Sierra Madre Blvd. and Lima. The injured men, in their mid to late 70s, were taken by SMFD Paramedics to Hun- tington Hospital where they were treated and released. One suffered injury to his torso, the other had a visible head injury. The driver drove off without stopping. However, according to SMPD Sgt. Kamchamnan, the quick actions of the officers who arrived at the scene, and with the help of one local busi- ness' surveillance camera, police were able to identify the vehicle and subsequently locate its driver. SMPD located and arrested a 62 year old female driver. SMPD reminds everyone to exercise 'situational awareness' when cross- ing the street, for your own safety. | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |