Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 14, 2023
in God being the most impor-
Side by Deanne Davis
tant one. She was most at peace
in this deep spiritual grounding
“Kindness is like snow. It beautifies everything
Carol Rondeau Alcorn was
it covers.” Kahlil Gibran
that spanned nine decades.
born on January 4th, 1929
in Lynn Massachusetts and
“Never let loyalty and kindness leave you. Tie
She was a depression baby who
passed away peacefully in her
them around your neck as a reminder. Write
was way ahead of her time with
bed on December 8th 2022, in
them deep within your heart. Then you will
“being green” as evidenced by
Sierra Madre at the young age
find favor with both God and people, and you
her collection of old sponges,
of 93, shocking all who loved
will earn a good reputation.” Proverbs 3:2-3
slightly tattered envelopes, pens
her by not trying to putter to
that no longer worked, empty
the end. Funeral services will
Here’s a really great KIND thing…two kitties
“I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter”
be held 12:00, January 21st at St.
have found a forever home with my daughter,
containers, and 1 cent stamps.
Rita’s church, where she spent
Leah and her friend, Marty. Yes, friends and
70 years as a parishioner and
neighbors, they are rescue cats. Leah found
Carol’s wicked sense of humor
countless years as everyone’s
them at Rescues Rock. These two are brother
could stop you in your tracks.
favorite kindergarten teacher.
and sister and about a year and a half old. I had
From razor sharp quips that
For those able to attend, Carol
to laugh when Leah said they have very short
came from seemingly out of the blue to the antici
had one simple request: please dress colorfully.
legs. The good thing about that is they won’t
so easily be able to jump up on kitchen coun
pated - and often PG13-rated comebacks.
She died knowing Frank Sinatra was the best singer
ters and other assorted places where they re-
Her regrets were few but include serving cow tongue
of all time and that there is always a need to keep
ally don’t need to be. When they first arrived,
once for dinner, that there is no video evidence of
a folder of newspaper clippings dating back to the
they had been named Spaghetti and Meatball.
her as a high school cheerleader and taking out the
They are now Tabitha and Merlin. I am so very
proud of Leah and Marty for adopting rescue
street sign on the corner of Foothill and Rosemead.
She had a great love of “perfectly good boxes” that
cats. It’s been my observation that rescue ani-
She left behind an incredible amount of stuff that
she would never throw out, because they were per
mals know they have been saved and are grate-
her daughter Sarah and sons Steve and Adam have
fectly good, and she kept them in a perfectly good
ful. Also, picking cats who are long past the
no idea what to do with.
large box that was labeled “small boxes”.
kitten stage saves a whole lot of trouble as these guys already know how to do everything.
In lieu of flowers, please go home and start throw-
Over the years she also helped to maintain See’s
“Cats can work out mathematically the exact place to sit that will cause the most inconvenience.”
ing things out.
candy as a viable business and most likely single
Pam Brown
handedly kept it afloat through her love of two
“In ancient times, cats were worshipped as gods. They have not forgotten this.” Terry Pratchett
Services will be live streamed on the St. Rita’s Face-
pound boxes of Nuts and Chews.
“Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.”
book page and will automatically go live when the
mass starts.
She held onto many things during her life, her faith
The picture this week is just one more of our award-winning Rose Parade float. This little
guy is so incredibly cute that I had to put him in just one more time. Our float builders/dehis
best to attend
signers are able to take seeds and spices and flowers and make the most whimsical creatures.
his sons’ sport-
He looks so lifelike!
April 8th, 1943 – December 30th, 2022
ing events and his
daughters acting/
There has been so much rain in our community and surrounding areas that people’s water
Dennis Lee Marquardt passed away with family at his side
singing perfor
collection devices have overflowed, which has never happened before, and there are rumors
after a prolonged series of health issues on Friday, Decem
mances. He built
that maybe our never-ending drought has ended, which would be wonderful. We are so grate
ber 30th, 2022. He was born in Pasadena, CA on April
their family home
ful for rain, at last, when we’ve all been praying for years for the heavens to open.
8th, 1943. He moved to Covina at the age of 8, where his
to be one where
father, LeRoy, started the Covina Little League.
they could enterWhile
growing up, Denny played youth baseball, Ameri
I’m getting great reports about our new restaurant, Something Healthy Café. I had to laugh
can Legion baseball and other youth sports, making a
tain, as well as,
looking at the signs inside about flying. My adorable John, was a private pilot for many years,
name for himself as a stellar athlete even before enrolling
where all their kids’
friends were always
enjoying countless hours piloting a Cessna 172. We had some fantastic times together flying
at Covina High School. There he starred as a four-year
welcomed. He even
over various areas of California. Anyway, when you’re in Something Healthy Café, look for
letterman in both baseball and basketball. Excelling in
went so far as to
the sign: Flying Lessons: $1.00 to Fly - $50.00 to Land
these sports, he was named to numerous All-CIF teams in
add a basketball
both sports. After graduating from Covina High School,
hoop to the neigh-
I have a little picture on my wall that says: “Flying is the second greatest thrill known to man.
Denny signed a baseball contract with the Los Angeles
borhood cul-de-sac
Landing is the first!” This is totally true.
Dodgers, where he played outfield for five years. During
so kids had a place
the off season, he would return home to Covina and take
to go play or let off
courses at Cal Poly Pomona, keeping his promise to his
Back to Something Healthy Café: They specialize in salads, soups, wraps, sandwiches,
mother that he would get his degree.
some steam. He always supported youth in their endeav
smoothies and some great coffees. There are many vegan and non-vegan choices And, any
After his years with the Dodgers, Denny finished his
ors and always told his kids to dream big. Denny never
met anyone he didn’t like and always wore his heart on his
salad can be made into a wrap. They’re at 7 Kersting Court. This is their second location, havstudies
at Cal Poly Pomona and received a Bachelor of
sleeve. He dreamed big and he loved big.
ing another Café in Monrovia. I will be reporting more about these nice folks in a later issue.
Science degree in Physical Education. He then received
Dennis and Clare resided in Sierra Madre for the past 48
Jessie, who is 15, and my puzzle buddy, and I just completed another 500 piece puzzle. My
his teaching credential from Pepperdine University and
years and to the end of his days still maintained “it was
next -door neighbor, Sarah, is able to do 2,000 piece puzzles in no time at all but it takes Jes-
later his Masters in Education. Denny started teaching
a best place to raise you, kids, and live. I love this town.”
sie and me weeks to do one. Our latest is a pride of lions and they look so great when they’re
at Temple City High School in 1968, where he taught
The Marquardt family was a part of the St. Rita’s parish in
finished we kind of hate to dismantle them. Daughter, Patti, gave us an undersea puzzle we’re
Health and Safety and Drivers Education to every incom-
Sierra Madre, where all four kids attended school.
ing freshman for 35 years. In 1970 Denny met Clare Col-
just starting. Dolphins and clown fish and sea anemones. Love these things.
lins, an English teacher at TCHS who would later become
Dennis was predeceased by his wife, Clare Collins Mar
quardt, and son, Michael Marquardt and his parents, Le-
his wife for the next 45 years. Denny coached a year of
Jigsaw puzzles have helped folks hang onto their sanity keeping our hands busy doing some-
basketball at TCHS before being named the head baseball
Roy and Helen Marquardt. He is survived by his sister,
Janis Marquardt, children Katherine Marquardt, Martin
thing other than lifting our fork or opening another bag of Doritos.
coach in 1971, a position he held for 27 years until 1997.
Marquardt (Mary), Andrew Marquardt (Karen); grand-
As the Varsity baseball coach, his teams were, year in and
children Calvin, Camille and Kennan, his brother-in-law,
“There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to
year out, among the best in Southern California. In 27
Charles Collins, sisters-in law, Sharon Collins and Otilia
years, his teams made 20 CIF playoff appearances and
Collins, nine nieces and nephews, and twelve grandniec
and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.” Deepak Chopra
won ten Rio Hondo League Championships.
es and grandnephews.
Denny amassed 398 wins as the head coach and was
In lieu of flowers the family asks for donations to the
recognized with induction into the San Gabriel Valley
“There are times in life our dreams seem to be scattered all over the place like jigsaw puzzles.
Coaches Hall of Fame. His jersey, Number 7, is retired at
Boys and Girls Club of Pasadena at www.bgcpasadena.
We just have to take time and continue to assemble them into a unique shape.” Euginia Herlihy
Temple City High School, and just recently the school’s
org. Interment will be private and held at Pioneer Cem
etery in Sierra Madre. Services will be held on Saturday,
baseball facility was named Dennis Marquardt Stadium
February 11th at 11am at Alverno Heights Academy in
“You are a piece of the puzzle of someone else’s life. You may never know where you fit, but
honoring his 27 years of dedication to the baseball pro-
Sierra Madre. Cabot & Sons, Directors.
others will fill the holes in their lives with pieces of you.” Bonnie Arbon
gram and the young men he coached along the way.
Denny was a very involved dad from the get go, doing
Puzzles are not only sanity savers, but they are calming, too. We don’t stress out nearly as
faith and trust in God. In the years afterwards, Pat would
when we’re trying to find all the pieces for the border and what to do with all these pieces of
drive up the coast to Big Sur to find peace and quiet. He
blue sky that don’t seem to have any relation to each other.
would visit New Camaldoli Hermitage that overlooks the
vastness of the Pacific Ocean to spend time in a place
where all visitors were required to take a vow of silence.
Something more I thought of, writing about Something Healthy Café…I came across this
He further developed his connection to God and spoke
thought from Ardath Rodale. Remember “Prevention” Magazine? Filled with
Patrick Jon Neilan
fondly of the calmness and serenity he felt while there.
healthy stuff? The Rodales were the creators of “Prevention.” This is pretty healthy stuff, too:
passed away peacefully
In 1974, Pat spent time as an ironworker helping
on December 22nd,
build the 210 freeway. A freeway that would be well trav
“Born as human beings,
2022 after a short and
eled by him through his many years in Southern Califor-
It is our duty to strive our utmost
quickly progressing can
nia, specifically, Monrovia and Sierra Madre. He received
For peace in the world and the happiness of others.
cer diagnosis. He was
his general contractor license in 1979 and would go on
Those who love humanity and help people in need,
surrounded by his chil
to remodel many projects and later build a home for his
dren and in the comfort
Are always loved and protected by God wherever they may go.
of his own home, just as
young family in Monrovia, CA.
A person who strives constantly to help others, and better the world,
he had wished. Please
His life changed forever when he became a father in 1985,
Is like a diamond buried in the sand.”
welcoming his first son, Cody Patrick. Not long after, in
join us in remembering
1986 his second son, Thomas Ryan was born. In 1989, his
and honoring the life of
family was complete by the birth of his daughter, Molly
Hope this week brings you joy and laughter. Stay safe, warm and dry, my friends and get
our beloved father on
yourself a puzzle.
Saturday, January 28th,
Pat’s greatest gifts were his children but his
2022 at 10:00am at St.
greatest loss was losing his son, Cody, to Leukemia in
In a world where you can be anything you want to be…Be KIND!
Rita Catholic Parish in
2005. Cody’s death devastated Pat as it would any parent.
Sierra Madre.
He used to go to the cemetery to grieve and be close to
Born on July 3rd, 1947 to Bernard & Blanche
My book page: Deanne Davis
Neilan, Patrick was number nine of eleven children. He
Cody up to three times a day shortly after his passing. In
There are adventures galore available there:
grew up in the small farm town of Faulkton, South Dako
the recent months prior to Patrick's passing, he remarked
True tales of early California, a story about a well-traveled violin,
to Thomas and Molly the following: “I’ve been able to
ta and as a farmer's son, learned the lessons of hard work
witness the miracle of life through the birth of all of you.
Emma Gainsworth and her horrific encounters with pumpkins,
at a young age by waking up at dawn to tend to cattle
And I learned how fragile and vulnerable life is when
So many Kindle stories to enjoy. Take a look!
& crops. At 18 years old, he enlisted in the Viet-
Cody became sick. And through Cody’s death, I learned
nam war. He boarded a troop carrier in December of
what a gift life is - what a gift it was to be his father and to
1966 and spent the next 29 days at sea before arriving in
continue being yours”
Vietnam in January of 1967. He served under the 523rd
Pat was many things; a builder of homes and
Engineer Company operating heavy equipment and was
highways, a thoughtful and attentive neighbor, a serving
one of five soldiers that would go around fixing blown
patriot, a caring Brother and Uncle, a loving Father, and
The City of Sierra Madre Senior Community Commission is seeking nominations for Older ‘Sierra
out bridges. He made 5 ranks in 16 months earning his
a wonderful Grandpa. His family loved him dearly, they
Madre’ American of the Year. The honor is a long-standing tradition in Sierra Madre and bestowed
way up to an E5 Specialist. In January of 1968, one of the
miss him immensely and will carry on holding his words
upon an exceptional Sierra Madrean, age 60 or older, for their outstanding commitment to community
deadliest times in Vietnam, Pat extended his time by 30
close. “Life is not to be taken for granted - it’s an experi
days before returning home in February of 1968.
ence and it’s not to be endured. Go for the gusto and re-
Recommendations are now being accepted for new honorees. Please send nominations to Sierra Madre
Upon returning home from Vietnam, Pat se
ally make the most of it.”
City Hall, c/o Older American Nomination, Community Services Department, 232 W. Sierra Madre
cured a job in Minneapolis as an inspector before mov-
Patrick is preceded in death by his eldest son,
Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 by Thursday, March 16, 2023. Forms may be picked up and returned
ing to Los Angeles in 1969. This transition from war to
Cody Patrick Neilan and best canine companion Deuce.
to the Hart Park House Senior Center: Hart Park House 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre,
civilian life back home was a very difficult period for
He is survived by his two children, Thomas Neilan (Sier-
CA 91024
him. Alcohol became his crutch as he readjusted to life
ra Madre, CA) and Molly Foulon (Eugene, OR), Son-in
The Senior Community Commission will discuss the selection of the Older ‘Sierra Madre’ American
after the war. Over the next few years, Pat attended night
law, Patrick Foulon, Granddaughter, Remi Foulon, and
of the Year at their regularly scheduled meeting, open to the public, in City Hall Council Chambers on
school at Pasadena City College and received straight A's
his four sisters and one brother.
Thursday, April 6th at 3:00 p.m. A reception to honor the 2023 Older ‘Sierra Madre’ American of the
earning his associate degree. He got sober in 1973 after
Year will held on Wednesday, May 10th, 2023.
his participation in AA and from what he described as a
For more information, please contact the Hart Park House Senior Center (626) 355-5278
power greater than himself. He would remain sober the
x704; or the Community Services Department at (626) 355-5278.
rest of his life and attributes his 49 years of sobriety to his
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
Email: Website: