Mountain View News Saturday, January 14, 2023
Mountain View News Saturday, January 14, 2023
NASA/JPL’s Lunar Flashlight San Marino Upcoming Portantino comments on the
Team Assessing Spacecraft Events & Programming Governor’s California Budget
Winter Reading Club: Reading senior citizen to brighten their Senator Portantino Reflections Challenge day. In exchange, participants
January 17 – February 12 will receive a free and cool Excited by Film & TV
Readers of all ages are activity kit for their random Tax Credit Extension
invited to participate in our act of kindness. Know a senior
Winter Reading Club and log citizen in town who’d love to
Senator Anthony Portantino
their reading, review books, receive a Valentine’s Day Gram?
released the following
complete activities, and enter Let us know by calling (626)
statement regarding
to win prizes! The beginning 403-2200 or email recreation@
Governor Newsom’s 2023
of the year marks a wonderful
time to reflect on all that you Public Safety Commission: 24 State Budget proposal:
will employ an energy-efficient As we look to the future
The mission is experienced and learned over Traffic Study
characterizing its new near-rectilinear halo orbit, the past 12 months. On Monday, January 16, the and see uncertain economic
taking it within 9 miles (15
Sign up online or in-person at Public Safety Commission will times, I applaud the “green” propulsion system kilometers) of the lunar South the Library beginning January be reviewing and discussing Governor on his budget and developing a modified Pole and 43,000 miles (70,000 17. the revised Citywide Traffic proposal, which makes
plan for the briefcase-size kilometers) away at its farthest
Lunar New Year Lanterns Circulation Study developed key investments while satellite’s journey to the point. Tuesday, January 17 at 3 PM, by Iteris, the City’s consultant
Moon. Only one other spacecraft has Barth Community Room for the project. The Study taking into consideration
employed this type of orbit: Get ready for Lunar New Year is intended to provide the economic uncertainty
Secondly, I am immensely
NASA’s Lunar Flashlight NASA’s Cislunar Autonomous Californians are facing.
at the Library! Teen is grades foundational data and analysis mission successfully launched Positioning System Technology 6-12 will make a string of that can be used in the design of The 2023-24 State Budget grateful that the Governor
on Dec. 11, 2022, to begin its Operations and Navigation lanterns to celebrate the Year future capacity enhancements proposed today is just the included an extension of
four-month journey to the Experiment (CAPSTONE) of the Rabbit. All materials will and traffic calming measures. beginning of the budget the Film and Television Tax
Moon, where the small satellite, mission, which launched in be provided. Registration is not The Study was originally process that will include Credit Program for five years
or SmallSat, will test several June 2022 to a different near-required. submitted in 2021, and has negotiations with the beginning in 2025-26. This
new technologies with a goal of rectilinear halo orbit, the same Smarter Living Series: been revised to incorporate Legislature, but I am pleased has long been an important looking for hidden surface ice at one that is planned for Gateway. Springtime Allergies additional information such with the steps the Governor program for my constituents the lunar South Pole. While the CAPSTONE also experienced
Wednesday, January 18 at 1 as improvement prioritization, because of the economic
SmallSat is largely healthy and difficulties during its journey PM, Barth Community Room near-term 2023 analysis, and has taken.
benefits the program
communicating with NASA’s to the Moon, and some of the In this free workshop, Dr. collision data “hotspot” review. I am excited and encouraged
Deep Space Network, the NASA teams who helped the Karl von Tiehl will help Interested residents may view that the Governor has taken provides to the Los Angeles
mission operations team has SmallSat reach its planned orbit educate participants on how to the study here. The meeting will the opportunity to support region and California as a
discovered that three of its four are lending their expertise to identify which allergens cause be held at 6 PM on Monday, two items in his budget that whole. Last year, I authored
thrusters are underperforming. help resolve Lunar Flashlight’s springtime allergies, how to January 16th in Council I have been working on. SB 485 to extend the Film
The mission team, which first thruster issues. avoid them, which medications Chambers at City Hall, and it First, the budget proposes to and Television Tax Credit
observed the reduced thrust
Managed by NASA’s Jet are effective, and what other will also be available on Zoom. provide $15 million for the Program until 2030 and
three days after launch, is Propulsion Laboratory effective treatment options are Join San Marino for the 2023 purchase and installation of based on negotiations with
working to analyze the issue in Southern California,
available. Registration is not State of the City Address commercial dishwashers at the Governor and his team,
and provide possible solutions. Lunar Flashlight is the first
required. address single-I held the bill so that details
During its cruise, Lunar interplanetary spacecraft to Open House Celebration! schools to
could be included in this
Flashlight’s propulsion system use a new kind of “green” Saturday, January 21 from 12 – use waste. Last year, I
has operated for short-duration propellant, called Advanced authored Senate Bill 1255, year’s budget. I appreciate
4 PM, Crowell Public Library
pulses of up to a couple seconds Spacecraft Energetic Non- Come celebrate 90 years of a bill that was sponsored by the Governor’s commitment
at a time. Based on ground Toxic (ASCENT), that is safer igniting passion and lifelong the Glendale Environmental to this issue, which will
testing, the team thinks that the to transport and store than the learning at the Crowell Coalition and would have continue to bring union
underperformance might be commonly used propellants jobs back to California from
Public Library! This event created a grant program
caused by obstructions in the such as hydrazine. One of the commemorates 90 years of the for schools to do just that. states that do not reflect our
fuel lines that may be limiting mission’s primary goals is to Crowell Public Library and the This funding will help values and I thank him for the propellant flow to the demonstrate this technology 65th anniversary of the Friends schools with the upfront collaborating with me on its thrusters. for future use. The propellant
of the Crowell Public Library. extension.
The team plans to soon operate was successfully tested with costs associated with the
This is an all ages event; Join Mayor Steve Talt (pictured) the thrusters for much longer a previous NASA technology activities include an award-and the rest of City Council to purchase and installation of As you know, I am
durations, hoping to clear out demonstration mission in winning magician, San Marino reflect on the accomplishments equipment that has acted as proud to be a champion
any potential thruster fuel line Earth orbit. trivia, paper crafts, volunteer and challenges of the last year, a barrier to addressing this of California’s education
system and take great pride
obstructions while carrying Other systems on Lunar recognition, Bookmark Contest while looking ahead to the issue. I am pleased to have
out trajectory correction Flashlight are performing winners, opportunity drawings, opportunities of the coming the Governor’s support on in the schools of the 25th
maneuvers that will keep the well, including the never-Senate District. Governor
and more! Registration not year. The annual State of the this important effort. SmallSat on course to reach before-flown Sphinx flight required. Everyone is welcome! City will be held on Monday, “We are sincerely thankful Newsom’s proposal takes
its planned orbit around the computer, developed by JPL
Valentine’s Day Grams January 24 at 6 p.m. via Zoom. to Governor Newsom for important steps toward
Moon. In case the propulsion as a low-power, radiation- Calling all kids in grades K-5! Learn more at : providing funding for helping students succeed system can’t be restored to full tolerant option for SmallSats.
Help us share some neighborly K-12 waste reduction in by implementing universal
performance, the mission team Also performing as designed,
love with a local senior citizen. Meetings
is drawing up alternative plans Lunar Flashlight’s upgraded All it takes is a little creativity! Design Review Committee this year’s budget,” stated transitional kindergarten
to accomplish those maneuvers Iris radio – which is used to Register for a kit online, pick Wednesday, January 18 at 6:00 Monica Campagna of the and providing access to two
using the propulsion system communicate with the Deep up your kit at Stoneman PM; Teleconference and Barth Glendale Environmental free school meals per day
with its current reduced-thrust Space Network – features a new Building (1560 Pasqualito Room Croell Public Library Coalition and Karen for students regardless of
capability. Lunar Flashlight will precision navigation capability Drive) between January 23-Public Safety Community Neilsson of the Green income.
need to perform daily trajectory that future small spacecraft Also, as someone who
27, decorate the gigantic Forum Lunchroom. “Having the
correction maneuvers starting will use to rendezvous and Valentine’s Day Gram, and Thursday, January 19 at 6:00 has advocated for student
money to install industrial
in early February to reach lunar land on other solar system return your Gram by February PM; Teleconference and Barth dishwashers will provide the screening for risk of dyslexia orbit about four months from bodies. Additional new and 6. We’ll deliver it to a local Room Crowell Public Library opportunity for hundreds early in their academic
now. groundbreaking systems,
Swooping low over the Moon’s such as the mission’s laser of schools in our state to careers and as a dyslexic
surface, the briefcase-size reflectometer, will be tested in Winter Term of The Masters move to back to reusable myself, I am pleased to see
SmallSat will use a new laser the coming weeks before the foodware. It’s inspiring the Governor’s continued
reflectometer built with four mission enters lunar orbit. Series at the Senior Center and has the potential to be
investment on the issue. I
near-infrared lasers to shine Further updates on the status extremely impactful! We look forward to evaluating
a light into the permanently of the mission will be posted to “Pasadena Here I Come: learning, presented by the are very grateful to Senator the Governor’s proposal
shadowed craters at the lunar NASA’s Small Satellite Missions How People and Communities Pasadena Senior Center via Portantino for taking on this on dyslexia screening and
South Pole to detect surface ice. blog. Shaped Pasadena” will be the Zoom. working with organizations
bill—for listening to us and
To achieve this goal with the Read more about the Lunar theme of the winter term of Tuesdays, Jan. 17 to Feb. 21, like Decoding Dyslexia to
believing in us and working
limited amount of propellent it’s Flashlight mission at: jpl.nasa. The Masters Series, a six-week from 2 to 4 p.m. local historian
hard to get this funding ensure universal screening
built to carry, Lunar Flashlight gov/missions/lunar-flashlight series that embraces lifelong Roberta Martinez will discuss
allocated! Starting with an is available to all California
the fascinating history and
surprising connections in the idea at Benjamin Franklin
complex interactions between Magnet Elementary Lastly, as we head into
community and culture in school in Glendale, a these uncertain economic
Pasadena and other cities in the handful of parents and times, the Governor’s
San Gabriel Valley – from the PTA members created a Budget does not draw from
native Tongva tribe to modern-the state’s $35.6 billion in
committee that grew into
day arrivals from throughout total budgetary reserves.
‘Green Lunchroom’, which
the U.S. and the world.
succeeded in launching a By sustaining our current
Jan. 17: Before Pasadena was
pilot dishwasher program reserve balances, we will
Pasadena: Indigenous peoples
allow the state to remain on
and pioneers, homesteaders with GUSD. This model was
and squatters in the San Gabriel the inspiration for SB 1255. a solid fiscal footing. I look
Valley. Four years later, we are so forward to working with the
Jan. 24: Pasadena, Crown of happy that this opportunity Governor and my colleagues
the Valley: The visionaries, will be available to school on building a responsible
entrepreneurs, boosters and districts throughout and sound budget. There is
health-seekers who formed a still much work to be done
state thanks in large part to city. our representative listening and I am eager to share my
Jan. 31: The Lure of Pasadena:
ideas from perspective during these
How myth and opportunity to stemming
his community! Thank you discussions.”
drove exponential growth in
the early 20th century.
Feb. 7: Beyond Jackie, Rosa and
Martin: Black pioneers with Free January Movies at the
Pasadena connections.
Feb. 14: Hispanos, Californios, Pasadena Senior Center
Chicanos and Latinx in
Pasadena: An almost invisible Friday movie matinees will disarray. Spanish with
community history. be shown Jan. 20 and 27, at English subtitles.
Feb. 21: The Creative City: 1 p.m. onsite at the Pasadena “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”
The talent that arts, science Senior Center, 85 E. Holly St. (2002, PG) starring Nia
and educational institutions
Seating will be limited and Vardalos and John Corbett
brought to the area.
registration will be accepted – Friday, Jan. 27, at 1 p.m.
The cost for this six-week
on a first-come, first-served A young Greek American
course is only $75 for members
basis. Each member of the woman falls in love with
of the Pasadena Senior Center
and $90 for nonmembers. Pasadena Senior Center may a non-Greek man and
Martínez, an actor, writer reserve one additional seat struggles to get her family to
and historian, is an expert for a nonmember guest 50 accept him while she comes
on the history of Pasadena’s or older. to terms with her heritage
Latino community. This year “The Second Mother” (2015, and cultural identity.
she curated the e-pub exhibit
R) starring Regina Casé and To register for any or
“Latinx Heritage in Pasadena”
Helena Albergaria – Friday, all of these movies or for
for Pasadena City College. Her
Jan. 20, at 1 p.m. When the more information, visit:
book “Latinos in Pasadena” was
estranged daughter of a
published in 2009 by Arcadia
Publishing. working live-in housekeeper and click on Activities &
To register for the suddenly appears, unspoken Events, then Friday Movie
Zoom series, visit www. class barriers that exist in Matinee or call 626-795pasadenaseniorcenter.
org and the home are thrown into 4331.
click on Lectures & Classes,
then Masters Series Lifelong
Learning. Everyone who
registers will receive email
instructions for joining each
week’s Zoom class online.
For more information, call
Catch breaking news at:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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