Mountain View News Saturday, February 4, 2023
San Marino Upcoming
Events & Programming
Spinoffs Bolster Climate
Resilience, Improve
Medical Care and More
Tournament Foundation Now
Accepting Grant Applications
The Pasadena Tournament
of Roses Foundation is now
accepting applications for its
2023 grant program. Since
its inception in 1983, the
Foundation has invested over
$4 million in more than 700
Pasadena-area organizations.
The grant awards in 2022
totaled nearly $200,000, which
funded 19 organizations in the
San Gabriel Valley.
The grants supported new and
ongoing programs benefiting
children, teens, adults and
seniors. From nonprofits
offering animal therapy to
special needs children, to
organizations providing
technical skills to underserved
students and dance therapy
for seniors diagnosed with
Parkinson’s and multiple
The 2023 grant cycle will be
structured as follows – Tier 1:
a one-year grant for $35,000,
Tier 2: a one-year grant for
$15,000 and Tier 3: several one-
year grants for up to $10,000.
The Foundation will also
require applicants to include
information on how their
program will be delivered.
Eligible applicants are
organizations with 501(c)(3)
status, as of the submission
deadline, February 23, 2023,
that serves one or more of
the following communities:
Alhambra, Altadena, Arcadia,
La Cañada Flintridge, Monrovia,
Pasadena, San Gabriel, San
Marino, Sierra Madre, South
Pasadena, and Temple City. As
in previous years, grants will
be given in the categories of
Performing and Visual Arts,
Sports and Recreation, and
Education (Early Childhood
Education, Literacy and Science,
Technology, Engineering and
Math) programs.
The Tournament of Roses
Foundation is a tax-exempt, non-
profit public benefit corporation
established to receive and
manage contributions from
the Pasadena Tournament
of Roses Association, its
supporters and the public. The
17-member board of directors
is comprised of community
leaders and Tournament
Members, appointed by the
Pasadena Tournament of Roses
Association. Organizations
or individuals interested in
contributing or inquiring about
the grants process should contact
the Foundation by calling
(626) 449-4100 or visiting the
Tournament of Roses website
at: tournamentofroses.com/
To apply for the 2023 grant
cycle, eligible organizations
should visit the Tournament of
Roses Foundation page:
foundation/. The website will
direct users to a welcome page
with instructions on how to
begin the application process.
Applications will be accepted
through February 23, at 5 p.m.
The Foundation’s Board of
Directors will make the final
grant selections at its annual
spring meeting, and applicants
will be notified of their funding
status via email in April 2023.
Applications will be
accepted from now
through February 23.
Huntington Nurses Health Screening
Wednesday, February 8 from 10:00 – 11:30 AM, Barth Community
The Huntington Nurses offer free blood pressure and glucose
screenings. Please plan to fast 2 hours prior to having glucose
checked. These blood pressure and glucose evaluations can lead to
prevention and early detection of the “silent killer” diseases such
as hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. Health screenings
will be held every second Wednesday of the month. Registration
is not required.
Chinese Club
Thursday, February 9 at 10:30 AM, Barth Community Room
In the spirit of cultural exchange and appreciation of diversity,
educational development, and community service, the Chinese
Club of San Marino holds monthly lectures and workshops.
Join us this month for a fun and informative lesson on Chinese
knotting! To sign up, click here.
All City Track and Field Meet
Friday, March 10 at 4 PM, San Marino High School Stadium
All students born between 2008 and 2016 who are San Marino
residents or attend a San Marino school are eligible to participate.
Participants can sign-up for a maximum of 2 events and 1 relay.
Cost is $10 per activity. Fees are non-refundable. Sign up now
through February 17 online. Interested in volunteering? Fill out
an application online.
Town Hall Next Monday: Annual Budget FY 2023-2024
Join us for next week’s Town Hall on Monday, February 6, at
6 PM! We will discuss the City’s annual budget process and
ask community members to provide their feedback on priority
initiatives for the coming year. This meeting will take place in the
Barth Room at Crowell Public Library, or can be accessed through
Zoom in English or Mandarin.
Learn more at: CityofSanMarino.org/TownHall.
Give Your Input on selecting a City Manager
The City Council has initiated the recruitment of a new City
Manager. The City Manager is appointed by the City Council
and is responsible for addressing the priorities established by
the Council and overseeing the day-to-day operations of our
municipal government. We are interested in obtaining feedback
from the community to guide our recruitment and selection
strategies. Please take a few moments to respond to our brief
Firefighter Webb Begins with Fire Department
On February 1, probationary Firefighter/Paramedic Garrett
Webb took his oath of office for the San Marino Fire Department.
Firefighter Webb is currently completing an orientation course
and is expected to begin shift rotations with the B shift on Monday,
February 6. With the hiring of Firefighter Webb the department
has filled all vacant positions and has reached full staffing.
2023 Community Police Academy Classes
The Community Police Academy (CPA) provides community
members with an inside look at the internal workings of the San
Marino Police Department. Learn about various topics, including
the criminal justice system, detective operations, and more. CPA
classes will meet on Tuesday evenings from 6 PM to 8 PM, in the
Barth Room at Crowell Public Library, beginning March 7. For
more information, contact Commander Tebbetts at (626) 300-
0720 or Ttebbetts@smpd.us.
Annual Street Rehabilitation Project Update
All American Asphalt, the City’s contractor for the Annual Street
Rehabilitation Project, continued work performing localized
repairs on various streets in preparation for resurfacing those
streets. The current project will resurface 31 streets throughout
the City, in accordance with the City Council-adopted Pavement
Management Plan. Resurfacing is anticipated to begin on
February 6 and go through February 21, weather permitting.
Residents on impacted streets will receive notices from the City’s
contractor, All American Asphalt, with additional details about
the project timeline, what residents can expect during the project,
and what the project’s impact to the neighborhood will be. The
City appreciates resident cooperation, as the street rehabilitation
program helps improve the City’s infrastructure and resident
Street Sweeping Schedule
In keeping with the City Council’s priority of well-maintained
infrastructure, the Parks and Public Works Department
works with Athens Services to ensure that the City receives
comprehensive street sweeping services. Frequent street sweeping
not only improves the appearance of the streets, but also prevents
unwanted materials from flowing into storm drains, keeps job
sites clean, and helps minimize tire damage. Residents can visit the
Street Sweeping page on the City’s website for more information.
City Council Meeting
Wednesday, February 8 at 6:00 PM; Teleconference and Council
Recreation Commission Meeting
Monday, February 13 at 6:00 PM; Teleconference and Barth Room
Design Review Committee
Wednesday, February 15 at 6:00 PM; Teleconference and Barth
technologies, including
3D-printing methods,
and Voyager spacecraft
communications, are
featured in the agency’s
technology publication.
When it comes to NASA,
most people look to the skies as
rockets, rovers, and astronauts
push the boundaries of space
exploration. But the benefits of
going above and beyond can be
found here on Earth through
products and services born
from NASA innovation.
The latest edition of NASA’s
Spinoff publication features
dozens of new commercialized
technologies that use the
agency’s technology, research,
and/or expertise to benefit
people around the globe. It also
includes a section highlighting
technologies of tomorrow.
“From the heavens to hospitals
around the world, NASA
spinoffs are improving life for
all of humanity,” said NASA
Administrator Bill Nelson.
“The work NASA does in
research and technology gives
businesses a competitive edge,
driving an economy that allows
America to compete globally
and creating good-paying jobs
for this generation – and the
NASA’s Spinoff 2023 features
more than 40 companies using
NASA technology, research,
and funding to create better
batteries to store green energy,
improve airport ground traffic
to save passengers and airlines
time while cutting fuel costs,
distribute ventilators around
the world, and even heal
wounds faster on humans and
animals alike.
“Before it launched and
gave us a new view of the
universe, NASA’s James
Webb Space Telescope was
already improving one of the
most common eye surgeries
on Earth,” said Jim Reuter,
associate administrator of the
agency’s Space Technology
Mission Directorate (STMD).
“This is just one example of how
the technology we develop for
space exploration is improving
the quality of life for people
here on Earth.”
This year in Spinoff, readers
will learn more about:
How companies are using
satellite data to boost human
resiliency to climate change and
protect homeowners against
disasters such as wildfires and
A new, sustainable, meat-
free protein alternative born
from NASA-funded research at
Yellowstone National Park
A robotic astronaut’s deep-
diving successor that’s ready to
work in offshore operations like
oil wells, wind turbines, and
fish farms
The publication also features
a new cancer diagnostic tool
informed by research on
astronauts exposed to space
radiation while aboard the
International Space Station, a
NASA-designed technology
that helps find trapped people
in the wake of disaster, and
a new 3D-printing modeling
program that uses “digital
cloning” to cut costs and speed
up development of complex
industrial parts.
“It isn’t just the commercial
space industry that can leverage
our innovations,” said Daniel
Lockney, executive of NASA’s
Technology Transfer program.
“Practically any industry area
can find a NASA technology as
a solution to its business needs.
Our scientists, researchers,
and engineers are constantly
creating new materials,
software, tools, and more. If it
isn’t here now, it soon will be.”
Spinoff is part of the agency’s
Technology Transfer program
within STMD. The program
is charged with finding the
widest possible applications
for NASA technology
through partnerships and
licensing agreements with
industry, ensuring that NASA’s
investments in its missions
and research find additional
applications that benefit the
nation and the world.
Readers also can check
out Spinoffs of Tomorrow,
a section that highlights
20 NASA technologies
available for licensing and
commercialization. Some
examples include a wind
warning system that uses
Doppler lidar alerts to protect
wind turbine blades, sensors
that can boost cameras to see
through waves and explore
ocean environments like
endangered coral reefs, and
a robotic exoskeleton that
can help rehabilitate arm and
shoulder injuries. For more
visit: spinoff.nasa.gov.
Altadena Library Free Events
Inspiration House PoetryChoir Presents SongAgain
Join Altadena Libraries for an improvisational exchange of
“VoiceMusic” by three poets and three musicians blending words,
intonations, audience responses, and dynamic silence into a sonic
tapestry at the Main Library, tonight, from 7 to 9 p.m.
Altadena Poet Laureate Peter Harris and poets Jessica Gallion and
Eric DeVaughnn will perform, along with musicians Alan Mark
Lightner (pictured) playing steel pan, Nailah Porter (vocals), and
Curtis Robertson, Jr. (guitar/bass).
Movie Screening and Community Book Discussion: The Hate
U Give
Join Altadena Libraries for a movie screening of “The Hate U
Give” on Tuesday, Feb. 7, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. in the Main Library
Community Room.
Altadena Libraries also invite the Altadena Community to join
us in reading “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas for Black
History Month. We will host a community book discussion on
Wednesday, Feb. 22, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Main Library
Community Room.
You can check out this best-selling book from either library.
Author Talk: William B. Gould IV
Join Altadena Libraries for a presentation by author William
B. Gould IV – and his son William Gould V – about his book,
“Diary of a Contraband: The Civil War Passage of a Black Sailor”
on Saturday, Feb. 11, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Main Library
Community Room.
The heart of this book is the remarkable diary — one of only
three known diaries of African American sailors in the Civil War
— of the author’s great-grandfather, William Benjamin Gould, an
escaped slave who served in the U.S. Navy from 1862 until the
end of the war.
Second Saturday: Blue Breeze Band
The Blue Breeze Band will bring the finest Top 40, Motown,
R&B, Soul, Funk (90’s Hip Hop), Jazz and Blues music to the Main
Library on Saturday, Feb. 11, from 7-9 p.m.
The concert is inside so please sign up for this must-see
Check out their grooves at: bluebreezeband.com.
Important Meeting Reminder
Redistricting Process Special Board of Trustees Meeting
Monday, Feb. 13 at 6 p.m.
Watch this meeting online at: youtube.com/altadenalibrary.
We invite you to send your questions or comments to hello@
altadenalibrary.org prior to the meeting.
In 2019, the Altadena Library District committed to establishing
five Board of Trustee districts in Altadena rather the seats being
At-Large. National Demographics Corporation (NDC), the
district’s demographic consultant, will hold a short presentation
and open discussion about this process at this special Board
of Trustees meeting. We encourage you to attend and provide
feedback about how you would like to see the district boundaries
Friends of the Altadena Library Book Sale
Sunday, February 26, 10am-4pm
Join the Friends of the Altadena Library for a huge used book
sale at the Main Library on Sunday, February 26, from 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. Only Friends of the Library are able to shop from 10 a.m.
to 12 p.m., but you can become a member on-site for $10. The sale
is open to all from 12 to 4 p.m.
Thousands of adult nonfiction, children’s books, and more will
be available for purchase.
For more information visit: altadenalibrary.org.
Senior Center
Day Concert
Having a sweetheart is not
a requirement to get into the
swing of an early Valentine’s
Day concert and dance
Saturday, Feb. 11, at 1:30 p.m. at
the Pasadena Senior Center, 85
E. Holly St.
Friendship and romance will
fill the Scott Pavilion where the
Great American Swing Band
will perform music from the Big
Band era and other periods that
is sure to bring back memories
and compel some participants
to kick up their heels on the
dance floor.
The cost is only $7 for members
of the Pasadena Senior Center
and $10 for nonmembers of all
ages. To register or for more
information, visit:
pasadenaseniorcenter.org and
click on Events & Activities,
then Special Events or call 626-
In addition to online classes,
onsite events and other activities,
members and nonmembers of
the Pasadena Senior Center are
encouraged to visit the website
regularly for a quarterly online
magazine, free food delivery for
older adults in need, COVID
updates specifically for older
adults and more.
In accordance with Pasadena
Public Health Department
guidelines, proof of COVID
vaccination is required for
everyone who uses the fitness
center or attends onsite activities
indoors. Masks are optional.
Fentanyl Crisis Information at
the Pasadena Public Library
Fentanyl’s devastating effect is heard almost daily throughout our
country and in our local community. Overdoses from synthetic
opioids (e.g., fentanyl) and methamphetamine are increasing, as
are the numbers and rates of deaths from overdoses related to these
In response to community concerns, Tim McDonald, Acting
Director of Libraries and Information Services, and the department
will host a series of presentations by Huntington Health emergency
physician Edwin Peck, M.D., and pharmacist Evan Adintori who
will share their experiences with the current fentanyl overdose
crisis. Each hour-long information session will be followed by a
question-and-answer opportunity. Presented in partnership with
Huntington Health, an Affiliate of Cedars Sinai.
Information sessions will be presented at three library locations
throughout the city:
• Saturday, February 11, 11 :00 a.m., Linda Vista Branch Library,
1281 Bryant St.
• Saturday, February 25, 11 :00 a.m., Santa Catalina Branch Library,
999 E. Washington
For more information on upcoming programs and services, visit:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com