Mountain Views News Saturday, February 11, 2023
Mountain Views News Saturday, February 11, 2023
San Marino UpcomingEvents & Programming
Joyful Living Happy Life
Sunday, from 2:00 – 4:30 PM, Barth Community RoomThis workshop gives you tools to face challenges in theworkplace, social life, and family life. Join the Unified CharityFoundation as they talk about the customs and traditions in anew land and how to remove cultural obstacles to prosperity.
Registration is not required.
Kindness Rocks
Tuesday, February 14 at 3:30 PM, Barth Community RoomKindness has been shown to increase self-esteem, empathy,
and compassion, and improve mood. Children ages 3 and upare invited to learn about random acts of kindness throughgames and creating their own kindness rocks. Registration isnot required.
Accessing Digital Media
Friday, February 17 at 11 AM, Barth Community RoomWith a Crowell Public Library card, you can access eBooks,
audiobooks, magazines, and newspapers on your computer,
mobile device, or Kindle. In this class, we will dive into Libbyand PressReader, and explore the techniques for getting themost out of the Library’s digital media platforms. Registrationis recommended.
All City Track and Field Meet
Friday, March 10 at 4 PM, San Marino High School StadiumAll students born between 2008 and 2016 who are San
Marino residents or attend a San Marino school are eligibleto participate. Participants can sign-up for a maximum of2 events and 1 relay. Cost is $10 per activity. Fees are nonrefundable.
Sign up now through February 17 online.
Traffic Advisories and Annual Street Rehabilitation
Project Update
Starting today, All American Asphalt will be paving on WestDrive, between Huntington Dr and Sherwood Road, andon eastbound Huntington Drive, between Virginia Roadand West Drive. This work will occur on Saturday to avoidconflicting with school-related activities at HuntingtonMiddle School. Residents should be advised of minor
construction-related traffic delays on these streets.
On Saturdays, February 18 and 25, All American Asphaltwill be paving on Sierra Madre Boulevard, between Robles
Avenue and Huntington Drive. This work will occur on twoSaturdays in order to help minimize traffic delays in the area.
Residents on impacted streets will receive notices from theCity’s contractor, All American Asphalt, with additionaldetails about the project timeline, what residents can expectduring the project, and what the project’s impact to theneighborhood will be.
The Annual Street Rehabilitation Project aims to resurface31 streets between February 6 - 25. The City appreciatesresident cooperation, as the street rehabilitation programhelps improve the City’s infrastructure and resident safety.
Give your input for the next City Manager
The City Manager Recruitment Community Forums will
be held for residents to attend on February 23 and March16! Join City Staff and the City’s Executive Recruiting firm,
Bob Murray and Associates, for an opportunity to give yourinput on what the City should be looking for in the next CityManager.
Both meetings will be held from 6 PM - 7 PM at the BarthRoom at Crowell Public Library and can also be attended via
Zoom. For more meeting details, go to cityofsanmarino.
Dogs at Lacy Park Must Be On-LeashSan Marino Police Department and Code Enforcement willbe making visits to Lacy Park throughout the next few weeksto saturate enforcement on having dogs on leashes.
Please do your part to make Lacy Park safe and enjoyablefor all.
MeetingsRecreation Commission MeetingMonday, February 13 at 6:00 PM; Teleconference and BarthRoom
Design Review CommitteeWednesday, February 15 at 6:00 PM; Teleconference andBarth Room
Planning Commission MeetingWednesday, February 22 at 6:00 PM; Teleconference andCity Hall Council ChambersCity Council Joint Meeting with Planning CommissionFriday, February 24 at 8:30 AM; Teleconference and BarthRoom
Pasadena Playhouse to holdMusical Theater Boot Camp
Producing Artistic Directorof Pasadena Playhouse, DannyFeldman, announced ThursdayPasadena Playhouse’s first everMusical Theater Boot Campfor high school students offeredover 2 sessions this summer:
Session 1: July 5-14, Session 2:
July 17-28. Video auditions arebeing accepted until April 1.
Decisions will be made on or
around Apr 15, 2023. Additionaldetails, including cost and
scholarship information can befound at pasadenaplayhouse.
Over a two week period,
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Mondaythrough Friday, industryprofessionals and guest artistswill instruct students in acting,
singing, dancing, movement,
theater history and the collegetheater landscape. Each sessionculminates in a showcase for
family and friends.
Students will focus on the
audition process rather than aproduction, allowing them toenter the college applicationseason with a repertoire ofmonologues and songs, as wellas the skills needed to find
material appropriate for theirage and type.
Producing Artistic Directorof Pasadena Playhouse, DannyFeldman says “We are so excited
to offer this one-of-a kind,
hands on learning opportunityto the High School studentsof Pasadena. As part of ourcommitment to celebratingand exploring the AmericanMusical, we’re expanding ourreach beyond our stage and
into the classroom in our
pursuit to nurture the next
generation of musical theaterprofessionals. Coming on theheels of our co-productionwith Pasadena Unified School
District, Sondheim’s Into theWoods, which gave over 200high school students their firstexperience working side byside with theater professionals,
we can’t think of a better wayto launch summer at Pasadena
Musical Theater Boot Campwill be led by Will Pellegrini,
who received his BA in Theater
from UCLA and his MFA in
Directing from Mason GrossSchool of the Arts at RutgersUniversity. Will has had an
extensive television career; he’sworked in a variety of rolesand on numerous TV shows,
including Fox’s musical hit,
Glee. Outside of television, Willis an independent filmmakerwho’s directed several music
videos and short films. His
numerous Los Angeles theatercredits include work at The
Actors’ Gang, Theater of NOTE,
and East Los Angeles CollegeTheater Arts Department where
he’s an adjunct professor.
He is also an award-winningscenic designer and puppeteer!
Adam McDonald will serve
as Musical Director for the
program. A recent Los Angelestransplant, Adam spent almost adecade on the road with Wicked
and Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch
Stole Christmas. In Los Angeles,
he helms a classical/pop fusionpiano trio, teaches all facets ofmusic from kindergarten thruBroadway at his personal studio,
and plays for the Broadwaytours that come through thePantages and Dolby Theaters.
A total of 25-40 students, ages14-18 will be chosen per session.
All applicants must submit avideo audition that includes a
personal introduction as well asthe audition criteria in 1 video
(can be edited together). Pleasebe mindful of all instructions,
especially posted time limits.
The Playhouse is one of the
only professional theaters in thegreater Los Angeles area thatself-produces original works
with most recent acclaimed
productions, Ragtime and LittleShop of Horrors.
Pasadena Playhouse is a placewhere people have gathered for100 years to experience boldand important theater. It is one
of the most prolific theatersin American history with alegacy of profound theatricalimpact and courageous newwork. In 1937, the Playhousewas officially recognized as theState Theater of California for its
contribution and commitment
to the dramatic arts. Todayit continues that tradition of
excellence under the helm of
producing artistic director
Danny Feldman. Dedicated toenriching lives through theater,
community programs and
learning initiatives, PasadenaPlayhouse is a living force in thecommunity.
Library BlackHistory MonthFree Events
The Pasadena Public
Library will host two freeevents next week startingTuesday at 10 a.m. withNotable Black Scientist
Buttons and Bookmarks.
Celebrate the
contributions that Black
American scientists have
made by collecting threecommemorative buttons
and bookmarks. While
supplies last.
Then on Thursday at 4 p.m.
“Dr. Alaina Roberts: I’ve
Been Here All the While,
Black Freedom on Native
Land” as part of Black
History Month recognizingthe achievements and
contributions of African
Americans and their
central role in our nation’s
Perhaps no other symbolhas more resonance in
African American historythan that of “40 acres and
a mule” -the lost promiseof Black reparations forslavery after the Civil
War. In I’ve Been Here All
the While, we meet the
Black people who received
this mythic 40 acres, theAmerican settlers who
coveted this land, and the
Native Americans whose
holdings it originated from.
For more information
Curiosity Finds SurpriseClues to Mars’ Watery Past
When NASA’s Curiosity rover three times before finding a spot
arrived at the “sulfate-bearing soft enough to drill.
unit” last fall, scientists thought Scientists will be looking for
they’d seen the last evidence that softer rock in the week ahead.
lakes once covered this region But even if they never get a
of Mars. That’s because the sample from this unusual strip
rock layers here formed in drier of rock, there are other sites
settings than regions explored they’re eager to explore.
earlier in the mission. The area’s Martian Clues
sulfates – salty minerals – are Far ahead of the Marker Band,
thought to have been left behind scientists can see another clue
when water was drying to a to the history of Mars’ ancient
trickle. water in a valley named Gediz
So Curiosity’s team was Vallis. Wind carved the valley,
surprised to discover the but a channel running through
mission’s clearest evidence yet it that starts higher up on
of ancient water ripples that Mount Sharp is thought to have
formed within lakes. Billions of been eroded by a small river.
years ago, waves on the surface Scientists suspect wet landslides
of a shallow lake stirred up also occurred here, sending car-
sediment at the lake bottom, size boulders and debris to the
over time creating rippled bottom of the valley.
textures left in rock. Because the resulting debris
“This is the best evidence of pile sits on top of all the other
water and waves that we’ve layers in the valley, it’s clearly
seen in the entire mission,” said one of the youngest features on
Ashwin Vasavada, Curiosity’s Mount Sharp. Curiosity got a
project scientist at NASA’s glimpse of this debris at Gediz
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Vallis Ridge twice last year but
in Southern California. “We could only survey it from a
climbed through thousands of distance. The rover team hopes
feet of lake deposits and never to have another chance to view
saw evidence like this – and it later this year.
now we found it in a place we One more clue within the
expected to be dry.” Marker Band that has fascinated
Layers of History the team is an unusual rock
Since 2014, the rover has texture likely caused by some
been ascending the foothills sort of regular cycle in the
of Mount Sharp, a 3-mile-tall weather or climate, such as dust
(5-kilometer-tall) mountain storms. Not far from the rippled
that was once laced with lakes textures are rocks made of layers
and streams that would have that are regular in their spacing
provided a rich environment for and thickness. This kind of
microbial life, if any ever formed rhythmic pattern in rock layers
on the Red Planet. on Earth often stems from
Mount Sharp is made up of atmospheric events happening
layers, with the oldest at the at periodic intervals. It’s
bottom of the mountain and the possible the rhythmic patterns
youngest at the top. As the rover in these Martian rocks resulted
ascends, it progresses along from similar events, hinting
a Martian timeline, allowing at changes in the Red Planet’s
scientists to study how Mars ancient climate.
evolved from a planet that was “The wave ripples, debris flows,
more Earth-like in its ancient and rhythmic layers all tell us
past, with a warmer climate and that the story of wet-to-dry on
plentiful water, to the freezing Mars wasn’t simple,” Vasavada
desert it is today. said. “Mars’ ancient climate had
Having climbed nearly a half-a wonderful complexity to it,
mile above the mountain’s much like Earth’s.”
base, Curiosity has found these More About the Mission
rippled rock textures preserved The Curiosity mission is
in what’s nicknamed the led by NASA’s Jet Propulsion
“Marker Band” – a thin layer Laboratory, which is managed
of dark rock that stands out by Caltech in Pasadena,
from the rest of Mount Sharp. California. JPL leads the
This rock layer is so hard that mission on behalf of NASA’s
Curiosity hasn’t been able to Science Mission Directorate
drill a sample from it despite in Washington. Malin Space
several attempts. It’s not the first Science Systems in San Diego
time Mars has been unwilling built and operates Mastcam.
to share a sample: Lower down For more about Curiosity, visit:
the mountain, on “Vera Rubin
Ridge,” Curiosity had to try
Chris Holden Introduces
Legislation to Keep theLights on in the West
Assemblymember Chris of the regional power grid.
Holden introduced legislation AB 538 is the next important
AB 538 Wednesday to work step, creating a regional
with states across the west and governance structure that will
create a regional electric system enable California and other
that expands the footprint for Western states to plan energy
clean energy resources and procurement and deliveries
enables better collaboration, months and years ahead –
transparency, and integration improving reliability and cost
across the western electrical effectiveness, helping California
transmission grid system. and other Western states expand
“Comprehensive planning local wind, solar, and other
and dispatch across a broader renewable energy sources, and
footprint is the best way to supporting the construction
ensure that all Californians of the interstate transmission
have access to affordable, clean lines needed to connect
and reliable electricity,” said geographically diverse clean
Assembly member Holden. energy projects with millions of
“To meet our climate and customers across the West.
energy goals, California needs According to the California
to triple the amount of its clean Energy Commission’s 2022
energy infrastructure, and we Integrated Energy Policy
must ensure every community Report Update, the electricity
has access to clean power day delivery and planning across
and night. To do both at scale, the west is fragmented.
we need to set ourselves up Centralized energy dispatch,
for success: Regional western planning and governance of
energy cooperation is the the grid “could significantly
best way to deliver the clean decrease the ratepayer impact
energy Californians need, of adapting to climate change
while preventing blackouts and while decarbonizing and bring
keeping energy costs down.” considerable economic and
The California Independent environmental benefits by
System Operation (CAISO) harnessing diversity in loads,
is one of nine independent weather, and clean resources
system operators or RTOs in across the West.”
North America. Although Other research has shown that
transmission in California there was no scenario where
is interconnected across 14 California would not benefit
western states, British Columbia, from CAISO expansion and,
Alberta, and a portion of Baja the bigger the footprint, the
California, most of the utilities greater the benefits to electric
and federal entities like the customers, reliability, and
Bonneville Power Authority achieving our climate goals.
are vertically integrated and “Centralizing dispatch
operate independently. The operations and transmission
bill would enable the transition planning with the rest of the
of the CAISO to a regional region would significantly
transmission operator with enhance electrical reliability
fully independent governance and affordability for California
involving states across the households,” said Assembly
west. Preliminary work with its member Chris Holden.
western neighbors has resulted “California could go it alone, but
in $3.4 billion in savings to then we would be a proverbial
ratepayers and a reduction in energy island. The bottom line
greenhouse gas emissions of is California can reduce cost,
almost 800,000 tons. ensure we keep the lights on, and
But the West remains one of importantly, achieve our clean
the only regions in the country energy goals by collaborating
without shared governance with other Western states.”
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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