Mountain View News Saturday, February 25, 2023 13 Mountain View News Saturday, February 25, 2023 13
There are many myths about Assisted Living being like
Nursing Homes. This is not true at all. Nursing facilities
are for those with chronic health issues who require care
around the clock from medical professionals.
In Assisted Living, one will get the support as needed,
such as getting help with showering, grooming, and
dressing. Again, these services are based on the seniors
There are many reasons in working with us. At Safe Path
for Seniors, we will assess the senior and depending on their care needs and budget, make recommendations.
For example, we may suggest that the right fit is a Board and Care Home (normally a 6-bedroom house) as
opposed to an Assisted Living Community or a Memory Support Facility. You will work with an experienced
agent who
knows the industry well and will give you recommendations. The good news is that there is no cost for this
If you have any questions about placing a loved one, visit or call Steve at
Dear Savvy Senior:
What tools can you recommend to help protect trusting
seniors from scam calls? My 74-year-old mother
gets tons of unwanted telemarketing and robocalls
on her cell and home phone and has been duped out
of hundreds of dollars.
Frustrated Daughter
caller (, Call Control (CallControl.
com), Hiya ( and YouMail (YouMail.
Dear Frustrated:
com) are all good options to consider.
It’s a great question! Scammers are always looking
for new ways to dupe people out of money, and in
Built-In Call Blockers
the U.S., phone calls remain the primary way swin-
Many smartphones today also offer built-in tools
dlers hook older victims.
that can block spam calls. If your mom uses a newer
iPhone (iOS 13 or later), she can completely silence
The Federal Trade Commission recently found that
all unknown callers who aren’t in her contacts list
24 percent of adults over age 60 who reported los
in the phone “Settings.”
ing money to a scam in 2021 said it started with a
phone call – the largest percentage of any method,
Silencing all unknown callers is an extreme soluincluding
email, text and mail.
tion that will definitely stop all unwanted calls, but
your mom will also miss some legitimate calls too.
To help protect your mom from the onslaught of
However, unknown callers do have the option to
robocall scams, telemarketing and spam calls, here
leave a voice message and their calls will appear in
are some tips and tools you can help her employ.
her recent calls list. And she can add any number
to her contact list to let them through in the future.
Register Her NumbersIf your mom hasn’t already done so, a good first
If your mom owns a new Android phone, she can
step in limiting at least some unwanted calls is to
also block spam calls in the phone “Settings.” Or,
make sure her home and cell phone numbers are
if she owns a Samsung Galaxy phone, she can use
registered with the National Do Not Call Registry.
“Smart Call,” which flags suspected spam calls and
While this won’t stop fraudulent scam calls, it will
allows her to block and report them.
stop unwanted calls from legitimate businesses
who are trying to sell her something. To sign up,
She can also block specific reoccurring spam call
call 888-382-1222 from the phone number you
numbers on iPhones and Android manually.
want to register, or you can do it online at DoNotCall.
Home Landline Protection
To stop scam calls on your mom’s home phone set
Cell Phone Protection
up the “anonymous call rejection” option. This is
Most wireless providers today offer good tools for
a free feature available from most telephone com-
stopping scam calls and texts. For example, AT&T
panies, however some may charge a fee. It lets you
has the ActiveArmor Mobile Security app; Verizon
screen out calls from callers who have blocked their
provides the Call Filter app; and T-Mobile offers
caller ID information – a favorite tactic of telemarthe
Scam Shield app.
keters. To set it up, you usually have to dial *77 from
your landline, though different phone services may
To activate these tools, download the spam-block
have different procedures.
ing app from your mom’s carrier on her phone,
which you can do at the Apple and Google App
Call your mom’s telephone service provider to find
store. These apps are free to use, but most carriers
out if they offer this tool, and if so, what you need
will also offer upgraded services that you can get
to do to enable it. And if they don’t offer it, find out
for a small monthly fee.
what other call blocking options they offer.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box
5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim
If, however, your mom uses a regional or small
wireless carrier that doesn’t offer scam/robocall
Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and au
protection you can use a free third-party app. True
thor of “The Savvy Senior” book.
In many cases, from
it comes to
sophisticated busi
families MESS
nesspeople with the
getti nghighest net worth to
stuck in court, and you want a lawyer who can help
those just starting in
you design a plan that prevents your family from
the workforce and on
court and conflict.
their path to adult
03 | Forms and documents won’t be there for your
hood, people very
family when you can’t be -- you want to leave your
likely do not know
loved one’s a relationship with a trusted advisor with
how to evaluate esti
whom you have built a relationship during your life-
mates when shopping for an estate plan.
time and who will provide your family with support
Shopping for an estate plan based on getting the
and guidance.
lowest cost plan possible is often the fastest path to
Working with a lawyer who focuses on “cheap
leaving your family with an empty set of documents
documents” or the “lowest price” or doesn’t charge
(maybe in a beautiful binder, but not worth the paper
enough for their services cannot provide more than
they are written on) that won’t work for your family
form documents. These days, especially with the
when they need it.
rise of AI, template form documents are abundant,
Unfortunately, I see the negative effects of cheap
which makes it difficult to know how those docuestate
planning when family members come to me
ments are put together when it comes to protecting
during a time of grief with that fancy binder that sat
the people you love.
on the shelf for years providing a false sense of secu-
Shopping around for the least expensive plan may get
rity, full of out-of-date estate planning documents,
you the cheapest documents, but those documents
and find themselves stuck in what could have been
won’t be there to guide the people you love when they
an avoidable court process, or even conflict with
need someone to turn to in crisis or grief.
each other when that’s exactly what their loved one
thought they had paid someone to help avoid.
04 | You get what you pay for. It’s your family that
will pay the price. Traditional law firms usually
Here Are 5 Reasons Why Shopping for The Cheapest
use generic forms and documents. These are called
Estate Plan Is Likely to Leave You with A Plan That
“Trust mills” and are firms that draft plans but don’t
Won’t Work for Your Family… And Could Leave
ensure assets are owned correctly or stay up to date
Them with A Big Mess Instead.
over time. You might think that’s malpractice, but
01 | The least expensive plan isn’t worth the paper
it’s not. It’s common practice, leaving your family at
it’s written on once you’ve left the attorney’s office
risk if and when something happens to you!
-- your life changes, the law changes, and your assets
05 | An estate plan isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it kind of
change over time; your plan needs to keep up with
thing, it needs to stay updated with changes in your
those changes.
life, the law, and your assets.
And the truth is a lawyer can’t afford to provide any
There’s currently more than $58 billion in unclaimed
thing more than documents which won’t get updated
property held in departments of unclaimed property
when you only pay a few hundred dollars for a plan.
across the United States. Yep, that is billion with a
That business model doesn’t work for the lawyer and
B. Assets often land there when someone dies or bewon’t
work for you.
comes incapacitated, and their family loses track of
An attorney who has built a practice specifically to
it because it wasn’t organized well during life. And
serve your family in their best interests cannot make
that’s just one way your family loses out if you’ve
a living selling $399 (or even $1,500 or $2,000) Wills,
shopped around for the cheapest estate plan rather
Trusts, or estate plans. Only insurance and finan
than having a plan that works for the people you love.
cial professionals getting paid commissions to sell
But Isn’t Something Better Than Nothing?
your family annuities and life insurance products
Sometimes, having something in place is better than
can make a living selling cheap documents. Buyer
nothing, but this is not one of those times. In this
case, having a “something” plan leaves your family
holding the expensive, or even empty bag, when it’s
02 | “Estate planning” is often sold by financial
too late for them and you to do anything about it. It’s
professionals who want to get their hands on your
risky business to leave your loved ones with a set of
“assets under management,” not necessarily pri
documents you aren’t sure are going to work, may
oritizing doing right by your family or keeping the
actually end up costing them more than having no
people you love out of court or conflict. They may
plan at all.
not even know how to keep your family out of court
Bottom line: don’t waste your time shopping around
or conflict.
for the cheapest plan possible. Most people don’t really
want the cheap plan; they want the plan that will
When your estate plan has been sold to you by an
work for the people they love when they need it to
investment advisor as part of your financial advisory
and retirement support services, their focus isn’t on
understanding the relational and legal dynamics of
To your health,
families, which can flare up after the death of a loved
wealth, and
one. A “relational lawyer” will have specific exper
family legacy,
tise and training in pre-emptively identifying po-
Marc Garlett, Esq.
Cali Law Family Legacy Matters
tential for family conflict and heading it off before it
becomes an expensive problem. I’ve seen it all when
Tracy Verhoeven, Beatrice DaRe, Catherine Adde, Hilda Pittman, Anne-
Marie Stockdale, Susan Henderson, Allie Attay, Ursula El-Tawansy,
Gladys Moser, Sylvia Lorhan, Ana Ptanski, Winifred Swanson , Janet
Gillespie, Marian DeMars, Vickie Vernon, Mary Beth Knox, Sharon
* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737.
YEAR of birth not required
1st & 3rd Wednesdays 11:00 am— 12:30 pm Hart Park House
The object of the game is for a player to play all the tiles from their hand onto one or
more trains, emanating from a central hub or “station”. Call Lawren with questions that
you may have.
Wednesday, 2/15 9:00 am Hart Park House
Staff has launched a new book club series, Tea and Talk, which meets twice a month
to discuss the fun, suspense, intrigue, love and so much more that each selection will
have in store!
Tuesday, 1/17 10:00 am Hart Park House
If you enjoy knitting, crocheting, embroidery, needlepoint, bunka, huck, tatting or
cross stitch then we have a group for you! Bring your current project, sit and chat
with like-minded fiber friends.
Every Friday 10-10:45 am
Bring a lei, your flower skirt or just your desire to dance! Hula in the Park is back
and waiting for you to join in on all the fun! Memorial Park Pavilion.
Every Monday and Wednesday 10-10:45 am
Please join us for some gentle stretching, yoga, balance exercise and overall relaxation
with Paul. Classes are ongoing and held in the Memorial Park Covered Pavilion
or the Hart Park House.
Thursday, 1/19 Hart Park House 1:00 pm-2:00 pm
Please join in a fun and lively game of BINGO. Several rounds fun will be had with
prizes for each rounds winner.
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
For the past several weeks, or has it been several months, I’ve been
busy with many projects to complete. Finally, I finished my latest
manuscript and sent it in; all the other projects were also finished.
That afternoon I sat back in my office chair and sighed deeply, appreciating the moment,
that I was all caught up with everything. As I was thinking about it, I decided
it would be good to take a day off.
I’m not one for taking days off, and I can’t remember the last day I took off, but I had
convinced myself that I deserved a good day off. Then, leaning back in my chair, I
tried to think of what I would do on my day off. Then the thought came to me to do
nothing. Have a day when I don’t do anything.
After supper, I revealed my plan to The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage.
“Tomorrow,” I said with a big smile, “I’m going to take the day off and do nothing.”
As always, she looked at me with one of her curious smiles and asked me what my
“do nothing” really meant. “That means I will spend the whole day doing nothing
and just relaxing. It’s been so long since I’ve had a relaxing day.”
I saw her smiling and remembered that kind of smile before, but it just didn’t register
at the time. A thought began nagging me; maybe I should not have told her I would
take the day off. Oh well, it’s already done. I got up the following day, got a cup of coffee,
sat in my easy chair, and started thinking about what I would do today. I always
do that to organize my projects so I can get them finished.
My wife walked into the room and said, “What are you doing? I thought today you
were not going to do anything.” Looking at her, I sighed deeply and said, “You’re
right. I guess I just forgot.”
So, this is what doing nothing is all about. I’m not sure I can get used to it, but at least
I was going to experience it for the very first time.
About that time, I heard the front door ring, and when The Gracious Mistress of the
Parsonage answered, I found out that the great-granddaughter was coming to spend
the day with us. I didn’t know that before, but after all, it’s good to have the great-
granddaughter with us.
Looking at my wife, I said, “I didn’t know she was coming today. You should’ve
told me.” She looked at me and smiled; I recognized that smile for some reason but
couldn’t define it.
In a few minutes, The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage carrying our great-granddaughter
came into the living room and said, “You know, I forgot about the garbage
today.” Not knowing what she was talking about, I said, “What do you mean?”
“Well,” she stuttered a little, “I got the garbage all together in the garage to take to
the dump today, and I just forgot that the great-granddaughter was coming. I was
wondering if maybe you could take the garbage to the dump.”
At that point, what in the world is a husband to say? So I agreed, went to the garage,
put all the garbage in my truck, and headed for the dump. So, I said to myself, driving
back, this is what doing nothing is all about.
I got home, and my wife was on the rocking chair feeding the baby from the bottle.
Those little babies look so cute, especially the ones in my family.
The telephone rang, and my wife asked me if I would answer it. A recorded message
said that our latest prescriptions were ready to pick up at the local pharmacy. Looking
at my wife, I told her the message and then hung up. “Would you mind going to the
pharmacy and picking up our prescriptions?”
Since I was doing “nothing” for the day, I nodded in the affirmative, went out to my
vehicle, and headed for the pharmacy to pick up our latest prescriptions.
I returned the prescriptions, put them on the counter, and headed to my easy chair
and maybe read a book.
The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage entered the living room and said, “What
would you like for lunch?” I told her anything that she would like would be okay with
me. “How about going to Wendy’s and getting our lunch?”
I looked at her, slowly shook my head, and headed for my truck. I got what she wanted
written down so I wouldn’t forget it and headed to Wendy’s to pick up our lunch.
After finishing our lunch from Wendy’s, I sat back in my chair and snoozed.
Before long, she returned to the living room and said, “You know, I forgot I was going
to go to the grocery store and pick up some groceries. Would you mind doing that
while I babysit our great-granddaughter?”
Then she handed me a list of what she wanted at the grocery store.
At the end of the day of doing nothing, I ended up doing everything. I need to think
this through the next time.
I thought of what the Bible says in Ephesians 6:7, “With good will doing service, as to
the Lord, and not to men.”
Doing nothing doesn’t really please the Lord, but He is pleased when. I dedicate my
service unto Him.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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