Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, April 22, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 2



Mountain View News Saturday, April 22, 2023 

Sierra Madre is a town that thrives primarily because of the commitment of the residents, 
business owners and employees who go above and beyond the call of duty to make the town 
the most enchanted city in the San Gabriel Valley, or mayber in all of Los Angeles County, 
or even the State of California or in the United States or maybe even the world! Once a year 
the City and the Chamber of Commerce take a few moments to say thank you to some of 
the most extraordinary people in town. On Wednesday, the annual honors dinner was held 
to provide a public platform to thank some of the towns leading volunteers. More than 150 
people attended, including the families of the honorees. Here are a few highlights:

Right a special presentation 
to Four Seasons Tea Room 
proprietor Rosa Jaime who 
is retiring after 20 years. 
with Catherine Adde

Above Left: George Maurer Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient Charlie Bell - age 91 years 
young,Presenter: Bob Spears Honoree: Charlie Bell; Above right, Mayor Edward Garcia with the 
evenings Youth Service Awardee, Abbott Flukey.. Photos MVNews.City of Sierra Madre

Above, Citizen of the Year with SM 
Chamber President Luther Tsinoglou 
presenting a Proclamation for 
State Senator Anthony Portantino. 

Left: Troop 110 presenting the flag. 

Right: Chamber Director and 
MVNews Editor Susan Henderson 
with Wistaria Vine owners Kevin 
and Wendy Kwan and Mayor 

On the left, 
Chamber VP Carol Canterbury presents 
the Business of the Year to Basil Kruger 
owner of Arnolds Hardware. Right, 
former SMPD Rod Armalin presented 
Sgt. Kyle Bailey with the Public Safety 
Award. The dinner was catered by Corfu 
Restaurant shown below left to right, two 
gracious Corfu staffers, Former Mayor 
Rachelle Arizmendi and Corfu owner 
Vic Sa,ata,oam/ Lower right, city 
staff pose for the camera before sitting 
down to dinner, withformer 
Chief Armalin, Deputy City Manager 
Aguilar and Captain Henry 
Amos on the far right. Photos by 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: