Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, August 26, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 8


Mountain View News Saturday, August 26, 2023 

ARCADIA AUGUST 26 & 27, 2023

Pasadena Lapidary Society’s (PLS) annual Gem 
& Mineral Show returns to the Arcadia Masonic 
Center on Saturday and Sunday, August 
26 and 27, 2023. The show will feature PLS 
club members’ displays of beautiful gemstones, 
mineral and fossil specimens, member-created 
jewelry and artwork; demonstrations of lapidary 
techniques and jewelry-making skills. 17 
dealers will be present, selling goods that range 
from minerals to beads and gems, lapidary 
tools, books, maps and everything in between. 
Kids can try their luck at the Treasure Wheel 
and Sand Scoop for goodies as well as start their 
first ‘egg carton rock collection’. There will be 
grab bags for sale, a silent auction will be held 
both days and raffle tickets can be purchased 
to win some lovely prizes. A new member signup, 
club field trip and information table will be 

Inspiring and educational, the gem show provides 
an opportunity for families to explore the 
world of gem, mineral, rock and fossil collecting, 
earth sciences and the lapidary arts without 
leaving town. Pasadena Lapidary Society members 
go on field trips, find and identify specimens, 
then bring them home to display in their 
natural state or turn dull (or pretty) stones into 
works of art while utilizing our club workshop. 

This event will be held Saturday, August 26 
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, August 27 
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Arcadia Masonic 
Center, 50 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia 91007. Admission 
and parking are free. For information, 
please call (626) 260-7239. https://pasadenalapidary.

About PLS: The Pasadena Lapidary Society 
serves to educate its members and the community 
in mineralogy, earth sciences and training 
in the lapidary and jewelry arts – while promoting 
sound mineral resource stewardship based 
on environmental awareness and ethical behavior. 
The Society fulfills its mission year-round 
with a variety of activities, including field trips, 
lapidary workshops, outreach presentations, 
public mineral displays, an annual club show 
and monthly informational meetings open to 
the public. Visit our website at https://pasadenalapidary.
org/; like/follow us on Facebook at 
and Instagram Our 
monthly program meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month (except 
December) in the Fellowship Hall of the Santa Anita Church at 226 W. Colorado 
Blvd., Arcadia, CA 91007, from 7:00-8:45 p.m., and are open to the public.


Just heard a commercial, our end of summer sale. Well, it’s going to be 100 degrees this week so….Helter 
Skelter in a Summer swelter or something like that, you remember that Don Mclean song, American Pie. 
Well, it’s hot out there so here is a cool drink for your back(or front) yard gatherings.

El Presidente is a classic rum cocktail that originated in Havana, Cuba in the 1920s and was named for 
President Gerado Machado. The cocktail was traditionally made with Bacardi, the biggest name in Cuban 
rum at the time. Combining light rum with dry vermouth, orange Curaçao, and grenadine, El Presidente 
is slightly sweet and dry, yet balanced. For the best results, try making your own grenadine, which 
is far superior to the fake-colored bottled stuff, and will really let this drink shine.




1.5 ounces light rum (I prefer Bacardi rum for this cocktail)

3/4 ounce dry vermouth

1/2 ounce orange Curaçao

Dash grenadine


Garnish: orange twist

Cocktail Glass (martini glass)



1. Add ingredients to a mixing glass with ice and stir until chilled.

2. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

3. Garnish with an orange twist.

ChefSecret: Here’s how to make homemade Grenadine Syrup—it’s easy. This simple sweet syrup is made 
with only 2 ingredients—pomegranate juice and granulated sugar. It is the perfect sweet syrup for most of 
the well-loved frou-frous drinks famous at beach front bars and tiki joints. Homemade grenadine syrup 
is much better than the embalming fluid used for maraschino cherries.


You will need 2 cups 100% pomegranate juice (such as Pom Wonderful) and 2 cups granulated sugar. Add 
the pomegranate juice to a non-reactive saucepan. Bring the juice to a boil over high heat. Add the sugar 
and stir with a wooden spoon until dissolved, about 1 minute. Remove from heat and let cool. Pour into a 
lidded bottle or other sealable container and store in the refrigerator. This recipe makes 3 cups. The syrup 
will keep, refrigerated, for several weeks.

Follow my exploits on FaceBook !!

Peter Dills



 Last week, Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger, along with Los 
Angeles County Public Works Director Mark Pestrella, City of Arcadia’s Mayor 
Paul Cheng, Mayor Pro Tem April Verlato, Councilmember Eileen Wang, 
community members, and cycling enthusiasts from Active SGV and Monrovia’s 
Ride On Cycling, all gathered at Michillinda Park to inaugurate the Huntington 
Drive Median and Roadway Reconstruction Project.

 The project started construction in February 2022 and is located in the 
unincorporated area lying between the cities of San Marino and Arcadia, between 
San Gabriel Boulevard and Michillinda Park. Improvements were designed after 
soliciting community input, resulting in a resurfaced roadway, installation of 
buffered bike lanes and a new traffic signal system. New sustainable, drought 
tolerant landscaping for the center median also now stands out – a feature that 
will capture stormwater, treat it, and help provide sustainable water supply for the 
native plant palette. 

 According to Los Angeles County’s Public Works, this stretch of Huntington 
Drive accommodates a staggering 15,000 vehicles daily – which equals more 
than 1,000 vehicles during peak hours. 

 “The completion of this project brings a wave of improvements to the surrounding 
neighborhoods,” said Supervisor Barger. “Traffic will flow smoother, cyclists will 
have dedicated space to ride, and pedestrians will navigate their neighborhood 
streets with additional buffers. These improvements are also aligned with the 
County’s Vision Zero Action Plan, which aims to reduce and eliminate traffic 
fatalities on our roadways.” Supervisor Barger commended the Department of 
Public Works “for finishing the project on time and on budget.”

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: