Mountain View News Saturday, August 26, 2023
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Peter Lamendola
Stuart Tolchin
Harvey Hyde
Audrey Swanson
Meghan Malooley
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Dinah Chong Watkins
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Yesterday I tried to watch the first Republican
Primary debates on the Fox News Station. I must
admit I had never watched the Fox News Station before
and I felt I was very brave to venture into this
unknown territory and hoped I would emerge safely.
I didn’t. All right I admit I am a lifelong non-Republican. Almost
always I have voted for the Democrat on the ticket but occasionally I
have voted for a third Party candidate like Ralph Nader or a Peace and
Freedom Candidate.
Actually, many Democrats, including some of my closest
friends blame Nader for the loss of the White House in the 2000 election
and bringing about the disastrous victory of George W. Bush
over Vice-President Al Gore. You remember Al Gore don’t you? Way
back when, in 2006 he was featured in a documentary entitled ‘INCONVENIENT
TRUTH’ warning America of the emerging human
challenge of global warning and climate change. In the documentary
Gore challenged viewers to bring about needed change to reduce
greenhouse emissions and provided suggestions on how individuals
could help combat global warming in their own community.
Memory tells me that Inconvenient Truth in 2006 won Academy
Awards for the best feature-length documentary along with an
Academy Award for best song, something called “I need to wake up.”
What did defeated Presidential Candidate, Al Gore, have to do with
actual film? He wrote it!!! Would it have made a difference to the
world if this man had been elected President in the year 2000. I am not
even talking about the Iraq War of 2003 begun by President George
W. Bush (the disputed victor over Vice-President Albert Gore) initiated
by now President Bush without a UN mandate. In fact the entire
war was declared by the Secretary General of the UN as being illegal
and based on fabricated evidence which has resulted in the long-term
instability of Iraq and its present terrorist status.
For the moment, at least, forget all that. I bring it all up to
remind Americans that the person chosen to be the President (I wish
I could say for certain “fairly elected”) will make a huge difference
in our lives, the lives of our children and grandchildren and future
generations, if there are any. Given that you can imagine my horror
in viewing the Republican “debates”. No new policies were described
with emphasis on the importance of our “Southern Border” and emphasis
on finishing the Trump old favorite, “the Wall”. It must be
clear to everyone that none of these 8 debaters have any chance to
defeat Mr. Trump’s candidacy whether he is in prison at the time of
the election or not.
This all leads me to worry that if the President is re-elected
he may not survive to serve out his full four year term. I think even
in a best-case scenario there would likely come a time when he falls
and is injured and, at least for a while, is unable to perform his duties
of office. So that leaves us with the Vice-President to run things
during a period of instability. To date there is no indication that the
present sitting Vice-President, Kamila Harris, would not be the 2024
candidate for Vice-President. Frankly, subsequent to her election, I
do not think many of us, even we “Good Democrats” feel very assured
that she is up to the job. Maybe that has something to with the fact
that she is a woman, or is short of stature, or has little foreign policy
experience; but, overall she has not found a way to impress the electorate.
Folks it’s true! America needs someone else—A Strongman,
or a Strong Woman. My present Inconvenient Truth is that President
Biden would, for whatever reason, choose to withdraw and that someone
of great stature would emerge from the shadows.
So far, I have not seen such a person of either party or gender or
race; but I am optimistic and believe such a being exists. Perhaps AI
can help. Well, “wait ‘til next year” as Dodger fans used to say for fifty
years. We’ll see how it goes if the air is still clear enough for us to see.
Exactly 729 days ago, a
version of this column
ran in the Mountain
Views News. I know
‘cause I looked it up.
Someone, who shall remain
nameless, suggested I occasionally
rerun what they referred to as my
more ‘tolerable’ columns.
If you think English is easy you were
most certainly born here. If you find
American English a little difficult,
pedestrian and unintelligible, you
are probably a member of the British
Empire. If you find American English
backwoods and primitive you are
definitely a member of the Empire.
If English is impossible you are from
anywhere else on the globe, galaxy or
Here are examples of our profound language
that may give you insight into
the difficulty of grasping our native
The bandage was wound around the
The farm was used to produce produce.
The dump was so full that it had to refuse
more refuse.
He could lead if he would get the lead
The soldier decided to desert his dessert
in the desert.
A bass was painted on the head of the
bass drum.
When shot at, the dove dove into the
I did not object to the object.
The insurance was invalid for the
There was a row among the oarsmen
about how to row...
They were too close to the door to close
The buck does funny things, when the
does are present.
A seamstress and a sewer fell down into
a sewer line.
To help with planting, the farmer
taught his sow to sow.
The wind was too strong to wind the
Upon seeing the tear in the painting I
shed a tear.
I had to subject the subject to a series of
tests on my favorite subject.
How can I intimate this to my most intimate
Since there is no time like the present,
he thought it was time to present the
You want more? Okay, I can give you
If writers write why don’t fingers fing;
or grocers groce and hammers ham?
One goose, 2 geese. Why not one
moose, 2 meese?
Teachers taught but did the preacher
Vegetarians eat vegetables. So, what do
humanitarians eat?
How come slim chance and fat chance
mean the same thing but a wise man
and a wise guy are opposites?
You fill in a form by filling it out, and
an alarm goes off by going on.
Did you ever see some poor soul’s house
burn up as it burned down?
Possibly the most difficult word in the
language is a simple two letter word:
We wake UP.
A topic comes UP. We speak UP.
It’s UP to the secretary to write UP a
We call UP our friends.
We brighten UP a room, polish UP the
silver; warm UP the leftovers and clean
UP the kitchen.
We lock UP the house while some guy
fixes UP the car. People stir UP trouble,
line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite
and think UP excuses. The various
definitions of UP go on and on.
If you are UP for it look UP the definition
of UP in the dictionary. It will
take UP a lot of your time, but if you
don’t give UP and build UP a list of the
many ways UP is used you may wind
UP with a hundred or more definitions.
Of course, it’s UP to you.
I think I’ll wrap UP my column because
I’m certain it is way past the time
to shut UP!
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A member of
Nearly 60 years after discovering “The Dick Van Dyke Show,” I still
watch the classic sitcom, but some of the punchlines haven’t held up
particularly well.
Or maybe I’m the one who hasn’t held up so well.
You may recall that gag writer Buddy Sorrell (played by Morey Amsterdam)
always made longsuffering “Alan Brady Show” producer Mel
Cooley the foil of his rapid-fire baldness jokes.
The zingers were HI-larious – until my early thirties when I abruptly discovered that my
luxurious hair was starting to take a vow of poverty.
Thanks to the wonders of genetics, I suddenly became self-conscious and began worrying
about the unfair stereotype of bald people being dull, over-the-hill, post-virile fuddy-
duddies. Dagnabbit, how I wanted to fire off a stern letter- to-the-editor chastising those
haters! Or at least beg my wife to do it for me.
Of course, some offenses were even more “in your face” than Buddy Sorrell’s jabs. I mean,
there was a whole Broadway musical celebrating hair! At least playwrights stopped short
of producing equally tasteful, non-divisive musicals such as “Two Healthy, Tumor-Free
Breasts” or “My Four Successful Children, None of Whom Married a Low-life Loser” or
“How My Company Failed to Embezzle the Entire Pension Fund.”
The ironies of being hair-challenged are maddening. Old classmates struggle to recognize
you, but bill collectors, IRS auditors and charity solicitors can spot you at 1,000 paces in
a blizzard!
At one point I vowed to scrimp and save $5,000 so I could get hi-tech hair treatments; but
when I started visualizing that stack of “Benjamins,” the idea of buying a powdered wig
and $4,995 worth of junk food sounded better.
Well, a wig was one option, but there were others. You know how Archimedes bragged,
“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the
world”? I settled for “Give me a big enough baseball cap and I can convince the world I’m
a studmuffin.”
Sporting a glare-reflecting noggin has affected countless aspects of my life. I’ve held tight
to my current job for nearly 25 years partly because I’m terrified that if I started pounding
the pavement for a new job, all the windows would have signs that declared, “Chrome-
domed freaky people need not apply.”
Although snappy comebacks such as “Grass doesn’t grow on a busy street” and “God made
only so many perfect heads; the rest He covered with hair” are available to me, I generally
just grin and bear it when people bless me with (allegedly) good-natured ribbing.
I have refrained from going all Old Testament on anybody. But I’m certainly intrigued by
the incident involving Elisha the prophet. A gang of young punks taunted him with “Go
up, thou bald head,” so he summoned two bears that gave them a good mauling. (“And
those pick-a-nick baskets had better be kosher, too!”)
I’ve managed to meditate and maintain a downright Zen attitude. Forget one hand clapping.
What’s the sound of one hair waking up and shouting, “Hey, where did everybody
else go???”
I wish I could write more about this single capitulation to the aging process, but I must
tune in “The Dick Van Dyke Show” before I miss Rob Petrie’s HI-larious stumble over the
Ouch! Hey, Archimedes – can you fetch a lever, a fulcrum and an icepack? Stat!
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com